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Realistic or Modern Raven47's Frontlines


New Member
Character Sheet for Faction Leader:

Selected Faction:

Leader's Name:





Bio (optional):

Leader's Family:

Head General:


Famous Quotes (optional):

Character Sheet for Soldier, Mercenary, Freelancer, Civilian, etc:






Rank (No higher than Captain):

Appearance (pictures are fine):




Character Sheet for Battle Commander:






Rank (Must be higher than captain)

Appearance (pictures are fine):



Vehicle (Optional. You can have an armored vehicle or helicopter as your personal fighting vehicle. I apologize, but no fictional vehicles are allowed.):

Units (No more than six):



Units Available for Battle Commander Applications:

1 unit of Infantrymen (Select between tier 3, 2, or 1): 1 unit = 16 members

1 unit of MBTs: 1 unit = 4 tanks

1 unit of IFVs: 1 unit = 4 tanks

1 unit of artilleries: 1 unit = 4 artilleries

1 unit of gunships: 1 unit = 4 gunships

1 unit of AA vehicles: 1 unit = 4 AA vehicles

Battle Commander is a brand new application for the players to choose, which is a mix of individual and strategy applications.

(Claw2k11's character)

Name: Unknown, Project Xero

Gender: Male

Age: Unknwon

Faction/Affiliation/Occupation: Freelancer

Rank (No higher than Captain): None

Appearance (pictures are fine):

Without Cervical Armor

Xionic Madness -xero

With Cervical Armor:

180105 xero redesign.jpg

Bio: A project made by a certain company known as The Headquarters, he is a cyborg, often armored with a cervical armor and while most of his life has been "lost", what is known is that he is very fast even if he doesn't push the armor into overdrive. He has killed thousands of tragets and is deadly with any melee weapon placed in his hand, though for whatever reason he is unable to use guns.


The Cervical Armor is a inhumanly powerful armor, with equally powerful weapon schematics loaded into them. The armor itself is seen being equipped through a large syringe, that downloaded the data for the armor from a nearby satelite.

The Aeroblade is... not really a sword as much as it is more of a mechanism. It would be classified under kendo sword or something like that because this blade is not a cutting weapon when used as a traditional weapon. However, it can cut like any sword by using the built-in air processor that is inside of the sword. By using the processer, Xero can slice the air, and a wave of very sharp air comes out of the sword and in the direction it was sliced in for a good 50 meters. The Air Cutter Ability can be used once, and then a 2 post cooldown.

The APS is light, sharp and expendable. Its only purpose is to be available and ready for use when no better weapon is close. It can be discarded once higher-class weapons become available. It can be retracted inside the hilt for better versatility. APS also stands for All Purpose Sword.

A pair of Braas-Knuckles mixed with a short, sharp dagger. Light, durable and Hell-ish sharp. All these features make them perfect for close ecounters of any kind. Just like the Blue Shark, the BoomKnives have built-in pressurized ejector for the blades, only that once the ejected blades are stuck into something, they explode into a violent concussion shockwave. The blades can be instantly rebuilt for the weapon.

The Light Arrow is a versatile weapon that features two blades which provide a different fighting tactic. It's worth to be noted, though, both blades are facing forward, so a different kind of training is need for this weapon instead of your regular twin-bladed weapons. Besides the base weapon, the Light Arrow features a small but powerful electrical capacitor, which enable (If the user is wearing a compatible glove) to create arrow-like projecticles out of thin air. Needless to say, the user is strongly suggested to receive some kind of bow and arrow training beforehand

Diamond sharp wire synched with the user's blood would be the exact definition of this weapon. They are durable, yet expendable, it can constrict, strangle simply slash any targets with the advantage of being a ranged weapon or it can even use the victim as a weapon themselves. The weapon can be overcharged so it covers an area of over 50 meters total. Successfully constricting any target in the immediate location.


Xero is the fastest and most aggressive member of Bolverk squad and relies heavily on his speed and sharp blades to end the fight before his opponents have any chance to react. His reaction time is off the charts, as even with his basic cyborg armor in the first series he is able to block incoming fire (although sustained fire from a minigun will pass his defenses) and is capable of killing multiple enemies in a very short time frame. Despite his emphasis on speed, he also has incredible strength, capable of swinging melee weapons around that weigh well over 200 kilograms as if they were paper weights. Despite lacking significant armor, he is still quite durable and can take many hits before becoming incapacitated, although he is not as robust as Omega is. As the series progresses he becomes capable of flying and engaging aircraft, and being able to block the heavy barrage of miniguns. His bladed weapons are capable of slicing through the thickest of armor with ease, making him a serious threat to any unit on the battlefield.

Despite his emphasis on close quarters, he is almost never seen engaging in hand to hand combat except in a few rare circumstances. He also begins to gain access to weapons that have a limited degree of long range capabilities, the Aeroblade and Light Arrow being the two biggest contributors.

Due to Xero's use of various ninja weapons and vicious lust for battle, his style of fighting is a close remedy to Ninja Gaiden's Ryu Hayabusa and God of War's Kratos.

Xero is a little known competitive halo player, being in the top 50 on the leaderboards.

(Delta44's Character)


Gender: M

Age: --

Faction: Freelancer

Rank: Leader of Bolverk Squad; no official rank.

Nationality: American (allegedly)

Bio: Another project created by The Headquarters, project "Omega" is yet another cervical armour, bio-engineered cybernetic hybrid whose specialty is firearms, not blades. Unlike Xero, Omega doesn't have incredible speed, however his super strength and resilience is something to be reckoned with. The little files that do tell of him show he was once a squad leader for a special forces squad in the U.S., however he supposedly went K.I.A...


Equipment: Oh Jesus, I don't want to write this yet... To put it simply, Omega has cervical armour just like Xero, except his is focused more on durability and strength rather than speed. The weapons he can download include: dual laser-firing SMG's with dual-barrels - they can be transformed into miniature gloved versions which can increase physical attacks at the cost of energy loss and a smaller mag size; a high-caliber sniper rifle which fires a round that's seemingly charged with some kind of energy, allowing it to travel further, faster, and tear through armour like a notherfuckin' sorcerer; Javelin missile and missile launcher; double-barrelled, 12-round 44. Magnum which shoots two bullets at once; armadillo-like grenade launcher with a long, sharp blade at the tip; 6-round, 12-gauge, lever-action shotgun; cannon which can turn anything it shoots in a 2 meter point-of-contact into ice instantly - can also be overcharged and shot at the floor to freeze everything in 15 meters; a giant 32-barrelled laser minigun which fires... really fucking fast...

Other: TBA

Name: "Chicago" ://: Samantha Reed ://: Formerly Agent Reaper of G28/"Shinigami"

Gender: Female

Age: 29

Faction/Affiliation/Occupation: Former Australian Freelancer/Murderer; former operative of G28; presumed operative of Black Legions.

Rank (No higher than captain): ... Questionable

Appearance (pictures are fine): TBA

Bio: "I swear to you, man! I don't know anything!"

"You'll tell us everything you know, Mister Reed. We know who you are, and we won't hesitate to kill the rest of your family if you don't tell us about her. Now please, let's not make this problematic for either of us..."

"W-well, uh, Sam was always... strong. I've never seen her cry before... Not even whilst laughing... She was always a little on the weird side, but... I don't know. We suspected she had some kind of psychosis, but we were just... too short-sighted, I suppose... I don't know... When the murder spree happened, she left us a note saying she loved us, and was sorry, so it's not like she's not capable of no emotion or anything, she just..."

"Tell me more about this murder spree, if you would."

"W-well... One day... she got her hands on my pistol... went to school... and shot 30 kids and a teacher... There's not much else I can say, really. She wasn't depressed, we knew -- in fact we were certain she wasn't -- but... we just... I don't know..."

"I understand. Please, continue."

"R-right... Well, she left us from then onwards... We didn't see her or anything since... But she did manage to send us a long message to us once. It explained everything. She told us she was insecure, and had a... a... a bloodlust... And that she became a professional killer... How many people she killed... How much money she was making... And... h-how sorry she was for it..."

"That's it? That's all you know?"

"I already told you... After that woman gave us that drink, I can't remember a damn thing..."

"Shit... Alright, Mister Reed, thank you for your time. We'll continue searching for your daughter. We have a feeling we know who she is..."

"R-really?! Oh, thank go-"

"However... she won't be able to live... G28's hidden files showcase her record like an open book... Take a see for yourself. She's not the daughter you once knew..."

"Oh... Oh god... H-how many people is that...?"

"337. All in a single night. That base was ours, Mister Reed. A lot of innocent people died then, and many more died before... And many more will continue to die until we stop her..."

US CIA Top Secret files - Interview003 = Unsuccessful. Samantha Reed still on the loose.

Several years later...

"Dammit, Houston... She's still on the loose... No matter how hard we try, she somehow manages to get under our radar!"

"Just calm down, York, it's not like there's much we could do about it this time. But don't worry, D.C says she's on her tail... And catching up."

"Oh, well thank FUCK for that! Seriously, if D.C doesn't manage to catch her, I don't know who will!"

"You realise she's assigning us to help out, right?"

"... Aww fuck... Come on, dude! We can't be the only three that's going! Who else?!"

"LA and Phoenix are coming along too. And Antonio."

"Jesus, D.C doesn't like to mess around, does she...? Well, guess that's part of the reason why she's our number one Freelancer... It kinda makes me nervous about how cautious she's being..."

"She just wants us to all make it out alive. Don't worry, if anybody could pull this off, it's D.C."

"Alright, alright... By the way, once she's captured, who do you think they'll turn her to?"


"Ah, okay... Well, let's just hope this all goes down well and she's not as... Well, she's at least not like D.C and Phoenix..."

"Hahahahaha! Girls are the only thing on your mind, aren't they? Hehehe! Don't worry, York. I've read her psyche files. She's pretty interesting."

"That's not comforting... *Sigh* Well, where are we headed?"

"Let's just meet up with Command and the others for now... I think this 'Samantha' would make a fine addition, so we should really get our heads together quickly. Come on, let's go."

Unknown - Project "Freelancer" - Agents Houston and N.York discussing the retrieval of "Chicago"/Samantha Reed.

... Securing connection...


Link connected: FREELANCER.US squad "Alpha" 3,500 above Chernobyl...

"Everybody accounted for?"

"Yeah, we're here."

"Good. Then let's get this show on the road. Our target is approximately 3,500 feet below us; a Russian research facility with a high-value-target stored within it's deepest reaches. We have reason to believe this target pulls lots of military strings for the Russians, so killing him is top priority."

"Yes ma'am!"

"Chicago, N'York, Phoenix, you three will storm the place with me. Antonio, Houston, L.A, San-Fran, Bost: you guys will cover us and cause a distraction up top, and pave a way for extraction. This is gonna be a drop-and-go; no backup, no nothing. Just remember guys: we're the best of the best. Not even Ghosts get this kind of tech and abilities. We go in, do what we've gotta do, then pull back. Is that clear?"


"Alright then... Let's do this... Command, we're moving in."

End of transmission...

Equipment: M45 Tactical Shotgun; Dual M6G pistols; and Accuracy International AX-50 with an advanced optic for use in day or night.


"Update zero-zero-seven; psyche file seven; recording two. Begin! Samantha Reed is definitely insane. There's no other way to put it. She rarely shows it, but sometimes, if you look into her eyes, people say you can see a... 'flicker'. Then they see the darkness. Her psychotic behaviour can also be seen whenever she kills. She laughs or chuckles or giggles quietly, under her breath. Barely audible, but you can still hear it. She enjoys it. She likes killing. Yet she hates it when others reference death. In fact, she hates other people in general. We tried getting her to join a special forces team, and she shot her teammates! Thankfully, they were all OK. But it just goes to show how much she hates others.

Never uses any other brand of firearm but Remington. She has a strong interest in music. Specifically rock or metal artists. She'll even listen to music on a highly dangerous mission. Once, it almost compromised her op. I suggest we try to fix this in future. She failed to hand in her mission report again, and was found at the CQB arena instead, again. It seems her techniques handling shotguns, pistols and sniper rifles are all top-notch, and she's decent with anything automatic that doesn't surpass an E3000. Thus, she seems to be lacking with explosives and LMGs/HMGs. However, I advise against trying to train her to use them, as last time she almost blew off an instructor's foot off.

Report on Agent: Reaper = Improvements required."

... Loading new file...


"Update zero-zero-nine; psyche file nine; recording one. Begin! It's been awhile since we last made contact with Shinigami. Or should I say... Samantha Reed... Since her betrayal and workings with the Legion, it's becoming clear how she works - what kind of mind she has. Samantha never truly thinks a situation through. Her morals are more twisted than Donald Trump's knickers, and it's nearly impossible to tell what's going on in her head. Well, other than 'kill', that is...

She has an... odd fascination with colours. She has shown no true signs of sexual orientation, and has been seen doing some rather inappropriate things to field operatives even during a mission. Her strange obsession over music has continued over the years, and, despite everything that's happened, she has only changed two of her weapons. She's been mostly keeping hidden so far, however we fear with the war on the rise again, we might just see a little more of the infamous Grim Reaper...

Report on Former Agent: Reaper = Slightly more insane; currently in hiding."

... Updating file...

"Update zero-one-three; psyche file twelve; recording seven. Begin! Alright, let's see if we can get it right this time...

Our traces beyond the fight with Esdeath -- the Legion Battle Tank Commander -- have been completely lost. After successfully evading Esdeath and escaping -- barely -- Sam was snatched by a seemingly invisible force, and wasn't seen at the battle of Warsaw again. In fact, there have been absolutely zero murder sprees since. However, it's not impossible to eliminate the fact that she might not be dead.

We've been snooping around in our employer's records -- the U.S -- and we've discovered an odd set of files. Seems there are about fifty or so people whose identities have been erased from the military, for whatever reason... File lists them as "M.I.A", however there are absolutely zero records of their deaths, nor any kind of remains, not even dog tags. We believe Samantha, our former agent, could be amongst those who were deleted... And assuming she is... then we might have a lead on what the U.S has been keeping us in the dark about...

Report on Former Agent: Reaper = Lost; attempting to relocate..."

(Chris113022's Character)

Name: Maksim Alenin (He is often just called Mak)

Gender: Male

Age: 32

Faction/Affiliation/Occupation: Russian Federation

Nationality: Russian

Rank (No higher than captain): Lieutenant

Appearance (pictures are fine): Click.

Bio: Mak was born and raised in Russia, where he was a model student. Much of his life was normal, though there were a few instances in which he tried to run away despite a very good home life, which confused his parents. Unbeknownst to them, however, he was constantly beat up by his classmates and his older brother. When he was 17, Mak moved out of his parent's home and attempted to make it big as a comedian, though his career was short lived as no one went to his shows and soon after he went broke.

After living on the streets for a year, Mak got a job as a waiter and made enough to move into a small, cramped apartment. For several years he worked there, and managed to make a decent living. At 25, he met his future wife, Sophie. Several dates and long talks later, they got married when Mak was 26. He continued to work at the restaurant, and when he was 27 he quit his job and tried to become a comedian once again, and he failed once again.

Several months later, Sophie gave birth to their son Maksim Junior, and a month later they divorced. Once again, broke and homeless, Mak bought a gun with the little money he had and thought about either shooting himself, shooting his wife, or shooting his brother. Of course, he chose not to do any of these and instead got a refund on the gun. He continued to live on the streets for two months, before enlisting in the army.

Inventory/Equipment: Standard infantry equipment (The words 'Five To One' are written on his helmet, might I add), bottle of whiskey, match book (Though half the matches are gone), Playboy magazine, deck of cards, and a half empty pack of cigarettes.

Other: N/A

(NecroKnight's Character)

Name: Alena Bovar

Gender: Female

Age: 30

Faction/Affiliation/Occupation: Russian Federation / Wolves

Nationality: Russian-Belarussian heritage; Russian.

Rank: Senior Lieutenant

Appearance (pictures are fine):


Bio: Alena was born at the turn of the country. When the USSR collapsed, and was reformed into the Russian Federation - as such during that troubled time, her parents and family like many others were affected deeply by the change. Most of them lost their jobs and were forced to relocate to other, less-prestigious places. Alena herself grew-up, listening to war-stories from her grandfather, whom was a WW2 war-hero and who she respected greatly - convincing her that the West were responsible for the many afflictions that plagued her homeland. As such, when she became of age, she enlisted and joined RGF. Despite the received attitude, Alena pushed on - becoming Senior Lieutenant and earning her reputation, as ruthless to any hostiles of her country. Holding onto her principle, given by her grandfather - any enemy needing to be a dead one.

During the War in Poland, Alena' team was ambushed by G28; losing Fireteam Alpha (Sasha, Mihkail, Petrov) to enemy fire. She herself got injured by a rocket - sharpnel damaging her left-eye, torso, right leg and right arm; she herself managed to escape in the fighting that erupted on the onset of the full-scale assault.

[Accusations against the command-staff of the Polish Front by Senior Lieutenant Bovar, was reviewed - soldier claimed bad and possible compromised intel was fed to her unit, which led to the death of three Wolves-operatives, crippling injury and almost the loss of their commanding officer. Performance in the War for Poland seemed to show that, some accusations might bare truth - said command-staff has been 'noted'.]

[Senior Lieutenant Bovar has been authorized to have the new, prototype Siberian Implants installed into her body to restore motor and combat functions, resume command after approved medical-check and transfered to the Korean Front. Authorized by General Varbutin.]

Equipment: AK-74M with laser-scope, GSh-18, combat knife, combat suit, prototype implants.

Other: Has a smoking habit and is known to be very brutal against enemy combatants.

(Tim36D's Character)

Name: Jacob Keller

Gender: Male

Age: 31

Faction/Affiliation/Occupation: G28 Mercenary

Rank: Captain

Appearance: Urban gear, Hoodie, Jeans, Stealth shoes, Always wears a black hood and mask to cover his face. Actually I found it.

Bio:....Error: Pre-G28 Biography not found. Loading G28 Track Record...done.


Jacob Keller

Top-class marksman, advanced melee and CQC, proficient squad leader.

Keller rose quickly to Captain within 2018-2020.

As of [REDACTED], Keller was given advanced cybernetic implants that have increased his combat efficiency tenfold. Details in the medical history.

Recent studies show Keller as cool under combat situations, rarely speaks (post-operation), and socially distant(post-operation.

As of [REDACTED], Keller has adapted to use blades more efficiently. His loadout has changed with dual pistols as his sidearm and dual swords as his secondary melee weapon.


Equipment: G28 stealth tech, Dual custom Five-Sevens, Combat knife, Dual HF VibroBlade Katanas.

Other: Hi. I would like to request that the implants be able to speed his reaction time to 'slow-mo' levels.

(SpartacusTheGreat's Character)

Name: Matthew "Cap" Capland

Gender: Male

Age: 30

Faction/Affiliation/Occupation: USA- Marines

Nationality: USA

Rank (No higher than captain): Captain

Appearance (pictures are fine): Cap stands at six feet tall, and has a lean and wiry build. Before he joined the military, his messy jet-black hair came down over his forehead, but now it's cut close and short. He typically wears a New York Yankees cap under his helmet backwards, giving him his nickname. Like most soldiers, he wears a pair of dog tags around his neck- and carries a small pouch holding two more pairs, ones belonging to his parents. Cap's eyes are colored black, similar to his hair, and his nose and mouth are narrow and pale. There is the faintest trace of a mustache above his mouth, but as he shaves it regularly, it's impossible to notice unless you're making out with him.

Bio: Capland was born and raised in a family of soldiers residing in a small town in the rural areas of New York(yes, it exists.). He often jokes that he was taught to shoot a maschinenpistole before he could walk, which wasn't too far from the truth. He and his older brothers, William and Brian, were taken to a shooting range near their home almost daily by their parents. Cap's parents were both practicing Christians and served at a military base near their home, and were often transferred around the globe, so they were often taken by a neighbor or a relative.

As he grew up, Cap slowly developed and improved his shooting skills, and started learning other fields- like the brutal hammering of fistfighting. He and his brothers often sparred with each other- sometimes with the intent to train, and sometimes with the intent to beat each other bloody. Either way, Cap almost always lost, but he improved nevertheless. Due to his focus being primarily on the art of firearms and fighting, Cap was a terrible student throughout elementary, middle, and high school, shitting on his classes and his grades(not literally, for the most part). In college, however, he got to study whatever he pleased. Since his sole goal was to get into the military, he did just enough to pass, and spent the rest of his time reviewing war strategies, martial arts, and firearms. For four hard years, he worked to train himself physically and mentally, with the stress affecting him significantly. However, his graduation was just around the corner.

Just as he was about to graduate and enter the military, he received devastating news- his parents had been killed in a terrorist attack in Tel Aviv, in Israel. Their bodies were sent back to Cap and his brothers in caskets, along with their dog tags. Due to having already enlisted in the military, William and Brian left to bases in Japan and Italy, leaving Cap alone with his grief.

Falling into a deep depression, Cap started drinking heavily, nearly drowning himself in booze once or twice. He got into fights with thugs and other drunkards, and started to carry a bad reputation on his shoulders. For two years he lived a terrible life of gloom and violence. When he was short on money, he would mug a random passerby, and was thrown in jail for half a year when he got caught. When he finally got out, his brothers met him at the front door. William handed him a pouch, and the two walked away from him without a word. Inside the pouch were the dog tags of his parents.

Cap knew what he had done. For two years he had shat on the memories of his parents- of what he used to be. For the first time in a long while, Cap stopped drinking. After training his body and mind for another year, to replenish his strength and intelligence, he joined the military, namely the Marines.

Training had been tough in the military. He was assigned to Iraq, in a base near Baghdad. He was pushed by the drill sergeant to the breaking point, but he came out of it much stronger than before. After showing himself to be a valuable asset in training drills, Cap rose through the ranks to sergeant, and was elevated to captain after having a huge part in the destruction of a major Al-Qaeda hive.

He remains a tough soldier and an reformed individual to this day...but the coming war is almost certain to change that.

Inventory/Equipment: M4 Carbine with mountable M203 grenade launcher, Glock 19, Ka-Bar combat knife, a combination of M67 frag grenades and smoke grenades, a pair of goggles, rations, bulletproof vest, a pair of binoculars, night vision goggles, pouch with dog tags, helmet, multitool, standard Marines uniform.

Other: He's not the most boisterous soldier, but he's friendly enough for an office of his ranking. He knows when to be serious and when to be a goofball.

His brother William is serving in Okinawa, and Brian in Naples, Italy.
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