Random Ideas, Fandoms and More (Always looking)


Junior Member
Okay so I have a lot of great roleplays going right now :) But I could use a few more...

So fandom ideas, will do pairings with non canon characters too by the way:

Black Butler (ones with Grell, I'd prefer to play Grell, )

Grell x Undertaker

Grell x Sebastian

Ciel x Sebastian

Undertaker x Sebastian

Grell x William
(an odd one I know, but I just wanna try it :3)

Free! The Iwatobi Swim Club

Haru x Makoto

Nagisa x Rei

Nagisa x Makoto

Rei x Makoto

Ouran Highschool Hostclub

The twins

Honey x Mori

Kyoya x Tamaki

ANYTHING WITH NEKOZAWA OR KASANODA*coughCasanovacough* (cuz even though they are side characters, I love them <3)

Takumi-Kun Series

Takumi x Gii (obviously)

Aquarian Age: Juvenile Orion (Yep didn't get my username from nothing ;) ..Okay I know pretty much everyone has no clue about this card game/anime/manga. It's a little hard to explain but I'll do my best, characters are from the manga and I've only read book 1 but yeah...)

Tsukasa Amou x Tomonori Nakaura

Tsukasa is 16 and Tomonori is 24 btw but they are my favorite ship in the series. Tsukasa is part of the Eraser Faction and Tomonori is part of the Wiz-Dom faction. There's five factions in total but those are the only two that matter. Tsukasa has wings that sprout from the sides of his head sometimes since he has yet to learn how to control his powers. Tomonori uses an array of magic and is highly skilled in it. He's also a priest/teacher at Tsukasa's school and takes care of Tsukasa outside of school. Tsukasa has yet to tell him about the wings and his developing abilities but Tomonor has already figured it out since he saw one time.

I'm not expecting to follow the plot too strictly but that's kind of it. It's a fantasy type plot if you didn't get that from the description. Hope it sounds interesting to someone (^o^)

My original ideas~~~


Anything Angel, Demon, Fallen Angel, Vampire, Neko or Kitsune.

I know it's a bit... cliche but I want to maybe do a Werewolf x Human rp. Not like twilight/romancy fake nonsense though. There would be romance but I want to make it really dark a bit more..mature. Not so as to go against the rules but you know violence, darker themes, darker romance etc...

Band members

Ghost x Human
, I actually have a plot for this where the human helps the ghost become one of the living again...

Doll x Owner of the doll, I have a plot for this it's kind of dark


I did a Zodiac HS rp a while ago that died (sadly..) but I really wanna try it again as a 1x1 (Same concept with the whole zodiac stuff but just as a 1x1. Maybe add in some more fantasy zodiac stuff to it or not...)

So if any of those interest you please pm me o(^o^)0 I'd prefer MxM but don't mind MxF and occasionally FxF, though I'm not especially good at those..Post length doesn't matter but I can do about 1, maybe 2 paragraphs.

I'm going to be really busy this next week so replies will be a little slower but definitely at least 1-2 replies a day, hopefully more. (If I forget feel free to remind me^^) After next week I should be able to reply a lot more.
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Would you be able to do FxF with either

Angels,Demons,Vampires, etc.

Band .members

Or Doll x Owner
Well, I like the band members, or we could do Fallen Angel/Vampire/Demon x Whatever You'd Like to be.
Nerdygeekflower said:
Zodiac? Explain?
Eh well it was just something I was working on adding a bit more to but it's basically supposed to be this whole thing about destiny and the zodiac signs being apart of it, whether the two are destined to fall in love or not and their signs compatibility etc...
I really like the Werewolf x Human rp, would you mind of I rp it with you?

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