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Fantasy Rainy Days

"Its not a problem, its nice to have guests. Ever since my parents died everyone shut me out and stopped visiting" she shrugged and opened the door for him.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm sorry about that." He frowned. "Had I known no one ever visits I wouldve come here a lot often." He smiled.
"Its not a problem really, anyways Ima go take a nap, if you need anything I'll be in my room which is across from this one" she said and turned to leave.
"Okay, thank you." He smiled then watched as she walked away. Setting the clothes down on the bed, he decided he should change into them. He closed the bedroom door and got undressed, slipping into her fathers clothes.
"I hope the clothes arn't too big or formal for him" she mumbled and went into her room. She then layed under the sheets and dozed off.

Jackson saw himself in the mirror, he looked so...professional. It wasn't a bad thing, he wasn't used to seeing himself like this, he isn't a very confident person. The clothes fit him almost perfectly, and he sat on the bed again, staring down at the floor.
Ally woke up not long after she fell asleep and stood up she looked around her room and shrugged "what to do.." she mumbled "I mean there's my guitar... but I don't wanna disturb anyone" she sighed.
Jackson finally stood up and opened his door to peer outside in the hallway. "Hello?" He whispered. He didn't know if everyone was asleep already, so he slowly shut the door and it made a loud creek.
Ally heard the loud creek and got scared "oh please don't tell ne this place is haunted" she mumbled and slammed open her door, seemingly a sharp object in her hands as she peeked out

(Sorry for the delay I got obsessed with this amazing anime)
Jackson heard a door. He opened the guest bedroom door, peeking out through a small crack. He saw ally holding something that looked kinda like a knife. "Oh god!" He whispered loudly then opened the door. "What are you doing?" He asked.

(What anime?)
Jackson smiled. "No, that was just me. I opened my door because I didn't know if everyone was asleep or not. Sorry if I woke you." He said.

"Yas! I love that one so much, but I haven't finished it yet.)
"Well I'm awake now..." she said and threw the sharp object into her room "were you checking because you needed something or were you curiouse?" She asked a bit tiredly.

(I'm sad because I caught up and have to wait for new episodes now)
Jackson looked to the floor as she threw the object into her room. "Yeah...uh...sorry. I guess I was curious."

(I'm watching it on Netflix and I thought that it was over already, now I have something to look forward to!)

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