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Rain, Rain, Go Away (FreeMustang + Flack)

"He gave me some, and they'll believe you they aren't part of this town per se they are part of the F.B.I." He replied and smiled at her, "All I know is Dean and Don were both wrong about you and all the girls at the club. I also don't like slime being in a position of power making women feel that they don't have any." Aidan replied, "First we are going to her place cause I don't believe Don, and if she isn't there then we will go to the club and there is more than one way to skin a cat. We have a whole day to get Anna. Or well I do I'm not gonna make you do something you don't want to."
"Okay.... I suppose it's worth a shot.... I just hope it doesn't come back and bite you in the butt..." Jessica said slowly, taking his hand in hers and squeezing it "Under that sort of contract... He does have all the power... And even if you shut this place down likely that they'll just go to another. It's hard to stop doing the only thing you know..." she admitted "Let's get going then. I really doubt that Don is going to stay at the dinner the entire time"

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