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Rain, Rain, Go Away (FreeMustang + Flack)

Jessica bit her lip "I'd really feel better if I could start on the applications today..." she sighed "I don't know what I'm going to do about this baby... You know? Adoption or not.... But if I end up keeping him... Or her... It'll be better if I've already been working and saving and all that" she said, feeling really nervous "I really think I need my GED but... That's going to take time and... I really don't know if I'll be smart enough to pass. I mean its been 9 years since I was in middle school" she pointed out "And college... There's no way..." she shook her head.
Aidan smiled, "Jessica, it's okay, you don't have to make your mind up about adoption today, and sure if you really feel that strongly I'll take you in to get the applications today." He said softly and placed his arm around her shoulders. "They offer night classes at the high school and you could get your degree, I'm more than happy to help you and you really shouldn't doubt yourself you are very smart, I'm know you could run your own company if you wanted to. So tell me what's your dream job, and we'll make it happen." Aidan said sincerely.
"Thanks" Jessica said, feeling relieved that he had agreed after some persuasion "They do? That would work then...." she gulped "It's going to take a while but it'll be worth it in the end... And if you can help me, If, I don't know they give home work or something?" she guessed, hoping she wouldn't struggle too terribly much with it all. "My dream job? I really don't know... When I was a kid I really wanted to be a singer but I doubt that will happen, there's so many you know?"
"Sure,it's no problem." He replied and nodded. "They do and it will but it's worth it, and of course I'll help you with homework. " Aidan smiled, he really just wanted her to succeed and know that she was capable of doing things on her own or with a little bit of help. "A singer, well that great." He said, "I think you can do it and you never if you don't try. "
Jessica looked at Aidan seriously "Entertainment doesn't pay off unless you're doing what I did.... Or you get discovered by some miracle" she shrugged "I don't think it's going to happen, but.... Maybe as a hobby" she shrugged "There's karaoke bars around" she smirked "Or umm... Like don't they do singing or something at Church?" she continued to play with the fantasy of really singing "When are you planning to head to town?" she asked, wanting to get started applying for jobs.
"Miracles happen, and there are some if you want to go sometime it sounds like fun as long as you don't expect me to sing." Aidan smiled. "Yeah they do, and we can always use more people in the choir or singing solo." He replied, and stood up. "We can go now, if you want. We'll take my mom's Buick no broken glass." Aidan said and smiled at Jessica.
"Nah, I'll just sing... You can come and be the only one clapping in the crowd" Jessica giggled, punching his shoulder lightly I'd love to do that. Do you think they'd really let me sing a solo?" she asked, getting her hopes way up at the mention of it "Yeah, let's go. The sooner the better" she said taking a deep breath, everything was going to be alright, she had help and support and things were looking like they were going to work out.
"That sounds good but I'm sure other people will be clapping too." He replied reassuringly, and rubbed his shoulder where she'd hit it. "Great I'll introduce you to Cathy she's the choir director and I'm sure she'll work with you and get up front and singing all by yourself before you know it." Aidan smiled. "Okay let's go," he said and started for the garage, "So do you mind if we stop at the Gus's repair shop after we get your applications?" He asked.
"No I don't mind at all" Jessica said excitedly, bringing the news paper she had circled the jobs on "Or you could just drop me off at the BP gas station and I can just walk around to get all of my applications since they're all on the same street practically, that way you can go talk to him in the mean time" she offered as a solution "We could meet up out side of the dinner on that bench"
"Great and uh no offense but I don't feel comfortable leaving you alone. Call me paranoid but I want to make sure that you are safe." Aidan replied, "Besides that it won't take long with Gus and you can fill the applications out in the car while I talk with him. Call the police if you hear me screaming." He said and smiled softly at her.
Jessica was smiling at the sweet gesture of protection until Aidan brought up the police and her face fell into worry "Oh my gosh... He's not like Dean is he?" she asked nervously "That's not funny Aidan, not funny one bit!" she shook her head then asked him a serious question "Are you going to be ok when I do get a job? You can't be with me all the time..." she said softly, gently rubbing his shoulder where she had punched him a moment ago, she really hoped he wouldn't be the one worrying about her all the time. He deserved to have a good life, free from that stress.
He chuckled, "No, he's a tough guy but he's not like Dean. Sorry your right that was mean." Aidan replied and nodded, "Yeah I'll be fine when you get a job and I know I can't be with you all the time but that doesn't mean I'm not going to look after you. We are friends after all." He replied matter of factly, though he knee that he'd be worried about her and the baby for quite awhile, but that wasn't a bad thing after she got herself a job and the baby was born then he'd worry the normal amount you did for a friend. He put his hand on hers, "Let's go join the work force." Aidan smiled and opened his mother's car door for her.
"Right, friends" Jessica said slowly, she wanted to be more than just friends with him but with Anna in the picture that seemed highly unlikely and who wanted a girl that was going to have another man's baby? Maybe adoption was the best way to go. That way she could move on with her life and date someone and get married and really settle down. "Thanks" she said and got into the car with Aidan, driving to various spots and stopping by the dinner last where she went to grab an application.

Don was drinking coffee and doing paper work in the dinner when he saw Jessica and Aidan walk in. He made a point to give Aidan a smug smile as he passed. He would be keeping a close eye on Jessica too.
Aidan raised his eyebrow, "What's wrong don't you want to be my friend? I'll probably cry if you don't." He asked curiously and nodded, "You're welcome." He replied and closed the door though he wasn't entirely sure what would be wrong. Things were really looking up for her now. As soon as Aidan saw that look on Don's face he wrapped his arm around Jessica's shoulders and pulled her closer. "He comes near you, you tell me." He whispered, "I'm going to go chat with him quickly. You go ahead and get the application." He replied and slowly left Jessica's sidea and sat down next to Don.

"Would you be willing to discuss business quickly or should I wait till tonight?" Aidan asked casually.
Jessica laughed "Of course I want to be your friend! I REALLY like you Aidan" she emphasized to express just how much she did, hoping he would start to put two and two together! She glanced over at Don and immediately felt chills run down her spine "I hope he doesn't come in here often..." she swallowed hard and went to get the application.

"Actually I was hoping I'd see you sooner or later" Don said matter a factly and motioned to a stack of 9 small books "That's a log of every client Jessica" he motioned to the still relatively still attractive girl "Has taken on in her entire 9 years of service... It details everything if you need something to work you up" he laughed as he slid the books to Aidan "So, I've been running the numbers and I've figured how much I owe her then deducted rent, food, all the pasties and thongs..." he laughed "Anyway I want to settle up with her" he said, starting to look like there was a huge catch to all of this. He flipped to the last few pages of the 9th book and slid it over for Aidan to read the encounter that detailed that he could be the father of the child Jessica was carrying.
Of course he was, Aidan was going to pay him lots of money. "Oh well that's nice." He replied and glanced at the book, he'd probably just burn it later. "I'm happy that you are willing to settle up with her." He replied but if he tried to squeeze money out her Aidan would make sure he regretted it. Aidan glanced at page and his heart sank if the bastard tried to take the baby well he'd bee in for the fight of his life. "I see, well don't worry she doesn't need anything from you and neither does the baby. I've got them both covered." He said frimly, "About Anna, I can't find a replacement l, but I'm willing to pay you double what you asked, and hell I'll even throw in a monthly fee of $600 dollars so you'll keep your distance from Anna, Jessica, and the baby."
"Oh don't worry, I'm not saying I'm going to take the baby from her.... That is if she keeps it" Don clarified and took a sip of coffee, enjoying the look on Aidan's face as he got the news "However... If she puts it up for adoption then legally, whether I'm the father or the uncle, family has the right to claim the child" he grinned "And I'm more than willing to pass on this family business to the kid, or let her dance if it turns out to be a girl. Which ever and all in time" he smiled and pulled a contract out of his brief case "Now if she doesn't want compensation, you know, because of your pride, I need her to sign this saying she was doing it as.... Community service" he chuckled, she had done a lot of the community service after all and he had only included the years that she had been legal to do it so Aidan couldn't try to go to the police with it. "Now about Anna.... If you can't find a replacement by tomorrow then she'll be taken to her appointment at planned parenthood and well, she won't have to worry about parenthood after that" he said threateningly "Ever that is. I'm not going to keep paying out for abortions like my brother did. It's a 1 time down payment to end all fertility" he said smugly "And I really have to say, money isn't an issue for me... My stock are"
"I see and while that's true they like to try and keep things in family, you won't get the baby without a fight." Aidan smiled and took a breath, "That's uh, generous of you and all that really it is but it won't be necessary. The baby will be well taken care and God willing will never set foot in any establishment you run." He replied and looked over the little contact, "From what I've heard this isn't accurate. You are smarter than your brother but it looks like you are very similar. I'll see what Jessica wants to do, but I recomend you stay away from her." Aidan replied and looked back up at Don hearing this news, "And how may I ask does Anna feel about this? Does she know that you want to mutilate her?" He asked and shrugged, "Stock huh that's an interesting way of looking at it. I'll see you tonight I'll have another payment for you." He said, "So can I have Jessica's books and I'll take the form and I'll bring it with me tonight if she signed it."
"Look, kid, I really suggest you don't play who has bigger lawyers. I've clearly got the most money and the most personal pull with the court system than some little grease monkey" he laughed "But look, I said only if she's looking into adoption. If she wants to keep the kid then I won't bother. I simply don't want the kid raised by some stranger" he shrugged, playing completely innocent in the story "But a girl like her... No money... only ever going to get a minimum wage job.... Someone no one is going to want with a kid.... Haha, she can't handle a kid on her own" he said confidently as he watched Jessica filly out an application at the counter as she tried to avoid them. "Legally, it's all that's going to be true" he said simply and took the 1st 3 books from the stack since they detailed her sale as a minor "Those, you can have" he confirmed "I'm more than willing to use you as a mediator, no need to stress mommy to be out" he motioned to Jessica and leaned back "How does Anna feel?" he laughed "Oh she regrets signing away her rights to her reproductive decisions while under contract. My brother did have a right to force Jessica to have that abortion. The only reason I let her go is because you killed him" he reminded Aidan and handed him a copy of the contract with the reproduction clause highlighted "Anna isn't at her house, just so you know, you won't be getting her out of this one" he said, gathering up his thing and locking it all into his brief case "You'll bring the payment and a replacement tomorrow if you want Anna. You don't get to make the decisions in this, I do. And I'm not giving you room to negotiate" he said firmly.
Aidan just smiled true he had more more money but he had friends who went on to become lawyers. Not that he was going to share that information. "Actually Don I'd be happy to have her and the kid, and lots of other guys would too." He replied and took the books, and the contract. Aidan did his best to remain calm at mention of signing away rights. "I'll see you tonight and tomorrow Don." Aidan said and got up and walked over to Jessica. "How much do you trust me?" He asked curiously.
"Oh yeah? So you're planning on marrying that little whore huh?" Don laughed "I don't think you would follow through with that. I know a bluff when I hear one" he shrugged and waved Aidan off "Make sure what ever girl you get brings her state ID, birth certificate, and ssn card. I have to make sure she's of legal age and that way if you try to pull a fast one over on me I'll have yo arrested for falsifying government documents" he warned Aidan "Do you understand me, kid?" he asked in a very demeaning tone.

Jessica looked up at Aidan seriously "With my life" she said honestly.
Aidan didn't reply, and just nodded. He waved dismissively as he left Don, the man was going to fry one way or another. Hopefully God was with him on that but he'd find out one way or another.

He looked at her and smiled, "Great I'm going to keep you safe. You my dear if you're willing, will help shut down that gentlemen's club and get Don lock up for a very long time." Aidan said softly and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Also think you and I should commit a crime today, I'm already in trouble and a lot more well that's fine with me. I just need a little help from you."
Jessica raised her eyebrows "I wouldn't call him a gentleman" she said, rolling her eyes at the phrase "How in the world are you going to shut him down? And what do you need me to do?" she asked, growing increasingly more concerned when Aidan mentioned doing a crime "What the heck? How is it going to help anyone if you get yourself arrested? You're already in hot water as it is!" she said in a hushed tone, not wanting anyone to over hear them skeeming.
"Well, that's true, he isn't a gentleman. I'm going to get a hold of the center for exploited children, you are one, and if you tell them what happened they'll make a case against the club, I'm sure that there are other girls who were taken in under age, and hopefully they'll come forward too." Aidan explained and shrugged, "Well I'll only get arrested if I get caught." He smiled, "We have to find Anna I'm going to kidnap her for a few days and go over somethings with the two of you girls." He whispered casually and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, "Let's go talk somewhere more private."
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"Yeah... But don't you have yo have proof and all that? Physical evidence?" Jessica asked "Other wise it's my work against his and with how he has this town under his thumb.... I don't think they'd believe me over him" she said when they got out to Aidan's mother's car "So... We're going to break into the club and get Anna? What if she isn't there? And how are we going to get in? We couldn't get in to any of the locked doors last time" she reminded him seriously.

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