

Three Thousand Club
Face claim:


She glamoures herself. The picture with the black markings is what she really looks like

And heres the armor:

Name: Rai

Alias: just Rai

Age: Stolen body is 20

Years heroing: She doesn't consider what she does 'heroing' just kind of her job but she did have a moment of heroing... once.

Gender: Female

Personality: Rai is a pretty blank slate. Bits and pieces of her personality remain from life, but she is kind of blank. This will change through the roleplay as people her remember who she once was and build herself. Death takes pieces of it’s victims the longer they lie in their graves, so when being dragged from the lake of fire, pieces of them have often burned away. Little does she know she is not at all what she was in life. For a monsterous demon, she's about as sweet and kind as they come. and for someone they call 'death' she seems to value life rather than wishing to take it.

Origen story:

Rai was once a normal girl named Jenna Constantine. She lived a normal life (asside from having some kind of magical abilities) until she was  20 and she had a spark of heroism as the house next door seemed to be set abaze. She had gotten caught in a building collapse and didn’t make it out alive. Jhon Constatine was heartbroken and devised a ritual to bring her back… but it took months… months of Jenna having to suffer after death for her sins of using dark magic. He was eventually successful and brought back… something. What used to be just the normal sorceress was now something… new? In her journies through hell she’d learned more uses of magic, obtained a demon mount (a demon horse that is contained in a glass figurine. Break it to summon it and dismount to dispel it back to a figurine again.) learned more brutal hand to hand abilities and lost her human status. She is now a demon.

Origionally, constaine was upset. But after some thought, it sort of relieve him that his daughter couldn’t be killed by normal means ever again. It’d take a bit to get her acting like her old cheery self again, but at least he had his daughter back.What he doesn't know is he didn't actually bring Jenna back... instead, he brought back something much diffrent. A horseman. The horseman of death that holds the potential to bring the apocalypse. (Note: This would never happen in this rp. DISTANT future)

Powers/Skills/Gadgets: (Feel free to split this up.)

Demon physiology-  Rai's body is like most other demons. Tough and can withstand the vast majority of worldly damage. Sure beating her down enough will stop an attack and slow her down, but shooting her in the head with normal ammo won't do much other than make her angry. This also includes her ability to glamour herself to appear human.

Minimal spells and magic- She is no magician, but Rai can do the basics assuming she has a spellbook. What she cannot do is witchcraft (IE; exorcisms, curses, ect). Most of the spells she can cast are pretty useless, no fireballs or sparks or anything. More like illusions, trickery and general oddities although it is a nice ability to have if she ever needs to understand someone's magic. She CAN however sense when someone uses magic

Soul sight- Rai does not see physical body, rather she sees souls. The world to her is black and white with the splotches of white color with a humanoid halo being living things. This being said her sight does work to see inanimate objects, and is very good at it. Her sight is difficult to explain other than she can not see the physical appearance of someone, rather she sees their souls and she can tell a lot from just a soul. (Very little personality traits)

Horseman- Rai's status as one of the four horseman grants her the demonic mount, Grimora. He is large, intelligent and loyal to his rider. He also grants Rai the ability to travel through the rift where there is no overlap. The rift is like a crawlspace between earth and hell. It's how demons travel about but in some areas it ventures away from earth. There not demon can go in or out of earth or the rift. In overlaps entry and exit is free. However Grimora can jump with his rider from earth to rift with ease. However Rai must go alone and she has to allow Grimora to rest before she can jump back in the same spot she jumped in at, or she could travel to an overlap. He is also useful for travel (he can outrun cars) and battle (horse bites/kicks suck. Especially if the horse is huge and an utter asshole.)

Multi-langual- Only demon languages. impish, daeric, Jeris, and kri, as well as english 

Superstrength and speed- Strong enough to lift a semi but not more. fast in terms of reaction speed. She can't run super fast (thats grimora's job), rather her reaction speed is pretty fast.

Healing factor: With some execptions (see silver) She can heal her wounds at will. Only problem is she can either be moving or healing. She must stop all movement and heal.


Silver- Mere contact with silver scalds her skin with a burn that heals like a mortal. Stabbing or shooting her with silver is deadly and could turn her to dust with prolonged exposure.

Holymen- Preists, nuns, saints, she cannot harm the holymen of any religion and they may compel her to not harm people of their choosing.

Copper- Copper doesn't kill, rather immobilizes and leaves her helpless with so much as a touch until physical contact is broken. Speaking and even twitching a finger takes a painful amount of effort.

Damage of great proportions- Sure things like bullets and things won't do much unless you have silver or a holyman's blessing, but cause enough damage of any kind you'll slow her down enough to give you time to escape. (see healing)

Soulless enemies- When fighting enemies like soulles creatures (zombies, robots, androids, ect) she has low visibility. They appear as inanimate objects and she cannot see them as well as she would an enemy with a soul.

She has two scythes. Both can either do physical damage to mortals or damage to immortals as well. They don't do huge levels of damage during melee, rather she is a fast hitter.

Grimora does not travel as a horse, rather as a glass horse trinket that must be broken to release him. He disappears into his glass self again


fame/Infamy: 25 (she's been scaring the ever loving hell out of everyone but she's not bad.She wouldn't hurt anyone unless they gave her a reason or were a danger to someone else)

Extra: I reiterate: she is a good guy. She's not mean or evil, she's just scary.
Wow... O.o  that's amazing. Accepted :)  

Aww thankyou! *blushy blush* Um. I usually put her in Star city cause the whole constantine thing. I'll wait to see if we get an arsenal or a green arrow or not to make a star city nessicary. If not she may go to gotham. Scare the ever loving hell out of our heros there. Or I may start her in gotham and move her. Thats the good part about rift travel
I'm making a Star City thread soon, however, I don't know if Jefferson wpuld5be okay with me posting with Arsenal seeing as I'm unable to fully flesh out his backstory

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