[Race For The Queen's Juniper] Chapter 1, Aetherblades

"Well, someone has to guard the ship!"

And of course, the ever-brave Birch was the one to offer his guarding services this time around. The cabin boy had waved as people had left The Hangman's Remorse, calling after the crew he'd take good care of the ship. Now, of course this was true, but Birch being Birch, meant this time alone would be spent exploring every inch of the ship. Sometimes he found forgotten or lost treasure which he stored in his chest in the Captain's Quarters.

It was like a lost and found box, except if he found it, you weren't getting it back unless you traded or paid him for it. He wore the key around his neck most of the time, but there of course was a key-sized nook in the Cabin where he'd hide it if he wasn't wearing it. Beak was perched on the boy's shoulder and like his master, liked shiny things. Which was strange for a hawk. With a screech, the hawk took wing into the air and flew off towards the crowd, Birch didn't mind, he knew that his friend would come back and maybe even with some treasure for him! The dryad descended the stairs all the way to the lower decks, he'd start down and slowly work his way back up to the deck.

By the time he was done, he had a pocket of coins, gems and some jewelry to stash away. Once he'd squirreled them away, he hid his chest under his bunk and flopped onto his bed. Time to nap.
"Click, click, click..." The bullets chanted as Gurak placed them inside each mag. A monotonous job indeed, but he preferred to do it instead of going with the others to the local pub. The reason for this is that, according to Gurak's experience, pubs are usually crowded and noisy, to things he detested. Inside his hunter's cabin the only thing Gurak could hear was the soft wind blowing against the window, the faint sound of nearby noises outside the ship and, of course, the clicking sound.

After what seemed like an eternity ,but in reality was only a couple of minutes, Gurak was done filling the last mag. He was about to lay down on his bed when something caught his attention. His knife. It needed sharpening. Letting out a sigh Gurak sat on a wooden chair, took out his whetstone and began sharpening it. To Gurak's surprise he actually found this job much more amusing than the other. Very weak sparks came out of the only to land on the wooden table and die off. He stared down at the knife, then at his harpoon gun and lastly at his rifle. "When was the last time Gurak used you?..." With the animals and vegetation slowly beginning to die Gurak's hunting became more and more scare. Before he would go hunting everyday, but now he was lucky if he was able to hunt down a deer once a week.

Soon after he finished sharpening his knife Gurak approached and opened the porthole. The howling wind passed through as Gurak was able to spot a couple of sailors on he dock. One of them spotted Gurak and, after briefly talking to his friend, they both began to walk away. For a split second both of them turned around at the same time, stared at him briefly, and then disappeared on a sudden turn. After watching them leave Gurak dropped onto his bed, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes.
Whoever shanghaied Finn onto this vessel or why they did was completely lost to him as he slipped in and out of consciousness. All he knew was that he was on some sort of vessel, and the bed he was lying down on was beyond crappy. His head felt like it was in a vice and the constant nausea didn’t help matters. Finn half-way opened his eyes, trying to catch a glimpse of what was happening around him.

What Finn didn’t know was that he was aboard an airship, a rather mediocre one at that, and he’d been here for a couple of days already. Everything was making him miserable, since he hadn’t had his fix of illicit smoking materials once he got put on this flying hunk of wood and metal. He’d woken up for a few moments yesterday, but not long enough to remember anything. Well, that is besides the overwhelming feeling of vomiting. Luckily a metal trashcan was next to the bed he had been placed on, and some hardtack was placed next to it, of which he didn't touch.

Finn’s eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness of whatever cabin he was shoved into, and he took a look around. Every thought Finn had ran through his head at the speed of molasses in winter. ‘Wha-what the…’ was all he could come up with before his most precious friend roused from Finn’s jacket pocket. “Oh, hey buddy. Did you have a nice nap?” Finn managed to whisper as the automaton hand carefully worked its way up to its owner’s chest. Finn carefully pet the unusual device, like a normal person would stroke a cat.

That was all the energy Finn had though, as he let his hand fall to the side. But soon enough, the pangs of an empty stomach along with the dreaded nausea came back. He let out an audible groan and turned to the side, dangling his head over the waste bin beside his bed. The sound of retching could be heard as Finn emptied the sulfur-colored stomach bile from his body. It seemed like every part of his body ached, every muscle and fiber throbbed in pain as he lay there, a complete wreck of the man he once was.
Scum of the earth, the bane of existence... guttersniping trolls, the scourge of mankind. Pirates. The lot of them. Disgusting, vile, ill-mannered and ruthless, possessing not even the faintest trace of dignity or class, crude, crass, ignorant and revolting... not to mention the stench.

And these were the absurd, rotten- to-the-core men and women (a questionable term, on more than the occasion) that Josephine Riddle had aligned herself with. If her father could see her now, there would no doubt be a sea of endless lectures on propriety and respectability, but fate had a funny sense of humor and even sailing with the most savage, repulsive crew was better than never sailing, at all.

Arms full with large rolls of parchment, a satchel round her shoulders stocked deep with ink and quill, blotting cloth and powder, Josephine made her way across the crowded square, her soft leather boots shuffling across the hard-packed dirt, leaving a trail of dust in her wake. The town was busy, and crowded with all manner and ilk, but Jo paid little mind to any of them, even those she recognized, her eyes fixed straight ahead on the docks where the pride of sky sat idle, waiting for her crew to return.

She was a beauty, the Hangman's Remorse. An impressive Barque from bow to stern, Josephine often thought she resembled a knife blade, all sharp points and hard edges, but not without a line of elegance and sophistication. Ironic, considering the riffraff that made up the Hangman's crew.

Her sails caught in the sunlight, offering a buttery sheen to the thick white canvas, an occasional breeze stirring, causing the fabric to ripple, giving the ship the appearance of a many winged insect.

Making her way up the accommodation ladder on the deck, Josephine took in a deep breath, picking up the hint of foul weather in the air. Looking up in the cloudless sky, she shook her head. Winter was a trying time for anyone, but most especially those who dared to ride the back of the wind. Weather could sneak in, quick as a blink, wreaking havoc on even the best of sailors. It wasn't part of her job, per-say, but reading the weather was as crucial a skill for a Sailing Master as reading the stars or plotting a chart. It could mark the difference between a smooth journey and shipwreck on the shoals.

Tucking a strand of dark hair behind her ear, Jo navigated the main deck, heading for the bridge, dropping the new chart materials off in her bin before taking lean on the bulwark, her gaze on the skies, a frown on her lips.

If they were going to have any luck avoiding a storm, they would need to depart soon.
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Veryn stared at the flyer in her hands as she walked toward the docks, reading it for the fifth or sixth time. What she wouldn't give to be part of the crew that found it, and she had faith that Aetherblades could. Veryn began reading it once more, from the top, still paying no attention to the world around her. The slightest adjustment to her course was made as Sullivan's massive hand on her shoulder turned her to face a different direction.

"Are you ever goin' t' stop reading that thing?"

Exactly how she had fallen in with Sullivan was still a mystery to the both of them. Neither was what you would call the other's typical company. However strange their relationship, if that's what you would call it, was, it worked for them. Veryn was the brains, Sullivan the brawn. As long as they stuck together, if they ever needed to srike out on their own, they could make things work. That was the best sense Veryn could make of it, anyway.

"I will stop when it falls apart in my hands," said Veryn, her eyes never leaving the paper.

"Tha' won't be long, once we're aboard," said Sullivan. "I'm a bit surprised you're so intent on it, t' be honest."

"Why shouldn't I be? This is the ansers to the world's prayers, Sullivan. Not to mention our own." Very chewed her bottom lip. "If we find this tree, we'll have food again. We'll have royal pardons. I could reopen my workshop in Tenby..."

"Tha' sounds like a great plan, lass," said Sullivan. "Assuming the Juniper's real. Assuming the Cloud Peril don't beat us to it."

"Oh, they won't," said Veryn. "We shan't let them."
It's not OCD. I just like things to be organised perfectly.

Rhys had left the Captain to go forth in hunting the rest of the Crew down, he wanted to make sure he beat the deliverers back to the Remorse. The last time they'd stopped, the food had just been dumped haphazardly in the corner and he'd been angry for a few days. Thankfully it seemed this time he'd reached the ship before any of the delivery men, as he boarded the ship he heard a few familiar voices. It seemed a few others had already come back on board, Birch was probably sleeping. He often when they docked somewhere to get supplies, lazy kid.

Just as his right boot landed on the wooden deck, he heard voices behind him wondering if this was the right ship. Well, that was good timing indeed. He turned hastily and looked down at the confused looking men, waving them up the gangplank. These men would probably turn tail and flee if they knew this grand Aethership was a pirate ship... but they merely pretended to be privateers when they docked. It saved a whole lot of issues.

"Come aboard, just... don't drop anything."

He led the delivery men below deck to the correct storage place for the food was, he'd already organised it earlier to move the older ingredients to the front. He directed the men as they packed the crates, barrels and chests of various ingredients away before he tipped them for their fine work and sent them on their way. Now things were organised, he grabbed the large crate from the Galley and filled it with what he was going to need to get their dinner going before going to the Galley to start preparing.
"You seem hesitant, love." Vil said to her, a smirk plastered on his face. The fun was about to begin, and here she was, hesitating to attack him. 'Is she scared?' He thought to himself, his smirk growing wider. He decided to sheath his weapons, baring himself bare infront of her.

"Well, love. I am as bare as the ocean blue. Try and have at me." He said, his smirk turning into a grin. The kind you'd see on a chesire cat. He pulled a cigarette from out of his pocket, placing it between his lips. He didn't light it up, as the woman might not have the respiratory system to handle what he puffs out. 'I'll light you up when we get outside.' He thought to himself, looking at his cigar.

Then, an idea popped in his head. His usual smirk came back, replacing the chesire grin. "Why don't you sleep with me instead? It would be much more fun for the both of us." He said, giving her a little wink. "You would look much better in my arms than bleeding on the floor, no?" He added, placing his hands in his pocket.

'Now, to wait and see if she accepts.' He thought, casually leaning against the wall beside him.

(Cadell, sorry, I didn't delete that previous post in time. DireSloth has left us, and was feeling unwell so I didn't get around to deleting their last post. Save this post for once we get a new Captain and to this point again.)
Solitaire said:
(Cadell, sorry, I didn't delete that previous post in time. DireSloth has left us, and was feeling unwell so I didn't get around to deleting their last post. Save this post for once we get a new Captain and to this point again.)
(Aww, that sucks. Well, I've already copied and pasted it in a Word page so I will simply delete it. Sorry for that)
Her feet hit the gangplank, and she halted to a brief stop, catching her breath. Man, I'm out of shape. She looked up to Rhys, waving her over....

"Rhys, oh by the sweet seven seas, you have no idea what just happened!" She picked up her pace and jogged over to him, reaching him on the deck. "The Captain- the.. Soledad! She was taken away! By soldiers! They had her in heavy chains and everything... You know what they say about pirates that get caught..." Anni gave him an uneasy look, looking up at him. Rhys was always a big brother to her, and right now she feared for their crew. Most of them didn't have anywhere else to go.

"We can't go get her, they'll just imprison us as well!" She looked around for the rest of the crew. Had they all gone out, or were they all on the ship? She'd have to call for a meeting somehow. Where was that whistle thing, she invented last week? Her mind was racing, and she almost forgot the problem at hand. Abruptly, she turned to Rhys once again, looking at him. "Well?! What do we do?!"

Rhy's eyes widened as Breezy explained what he'd missed and his brow furrowed, it was hard to take this all in. Their Captain was probably going to be hanged unless they could do something, but a full on assault or break out attempt would be expected and end with them all taking a short drop and a sudden drop.

"I... We have to take off. Now! We need the rest of the crew on board before they come looking for us."

Sure, what crew member hadn't dreamed of being a Captain and right now it seemed he had to take control. For the sake of the crew. Soledad could wait, hopefully. He turned back to Breezy and put a hand on her shoulder.

"We need to figure out who is on board and then I want you to round up the stragglers. I'll explain what happened and get the Remorse ready for takeoff. Just... be careful, okay? They'll probably be on the look out."
Lazing around in the Crows Nest was what Brooksleuth basically did every time he was on The Hangman's Remorse. He glanced tiredly at his violin, having no urge to play it. Something was bothering him and his stomach. The Musician swore he had ate just a few minutes ago, but he didn't keep track.

Rubbing his belly, he groaned and sat up on the floor of the Nest. From below, he heard fast steps running on the gangplank and then abruptly stopping for a bit before resuming it's pace as a jog. There was chatter going down on the deck as well. Sounded like Rhys and Farty. He couldn't clearly hear what was going on down there so he stood up and stretched, walked over to the railing of the Nest and leant forward, looking down at them.

"What's the hububaloo?" Brooksleuth yelled, cupping his hands over his mouth. "Did Farty make a mess somewhere again? If so, I ain't doing anythin' to fix it."

Breezy looked upwards, craning her neck to the point of almost-pain. "Sloth, you stupid idiot, get down here, now is no time for jokes!" She shouted at him, ushering him down from the Crow's nest. She would need his help to round everyone up. Where was that damned whistle of hers?

"Right. So find everyone, get them together for a meeting?" She nodded back to Rhys, having heard his orders. He was a laidback guy, but always stepped up if needed. She raised a slight eyebrow after a little while though. "D...Do you even have a plan?" Obviously, he knew something, she didn't, right? Anni slapped her cheeks harshly, answering her own question. "No time for questions! I'll get everyone here. Sloth! Would you come down and help, for bloody's sake!" She didn't wait for him to get down, but hoped Rhys would explain what was up.

Breaking into yet another run, she ran around the ship, checking for her crew-mates. Most of them were sleeping in their bunks and she was grateful for their laziness. She knocked harshly on doors, creating a lot of noise. "Guys! Come on, urgent ship meeting, report to the deck!" Running over to Gurak's bed, she shook him wildly, waking him up. "Gurak, no time for sleeping now!"

Quickly, she managed to find everyone on the ship. When she came to the last room, she halted to a stop, dumbfounded. Vil and Maeve were in an awkward stare-down, and Breezy immediately glared at Vil. "Vil, I told you not to bother her!" Remembering her mission, she shook her head. "No time for this now, there's an urgent ship-meeting, report to the deck. Now!"

Panting slightly, she went to the deck. She needed to get an overview of who was on the ship, and who she needed to find. "Pirates are always so damned slow." She muttered under her breath, as she saw them slowly making their way to the deck.

@Cadell Morde (And anyone who is on the ship!)
((@Elle Joyner ))

Sullivan followed Veryn to the navigation deck, having finally convinced her to fold up the flyer and stash it in her pocket. He should probably get to the gun deck, be knew. But killing a a little time with his two, for lack of a better term, favorite women.

He had known that they would find her there, hard at work with her charts and such, doing everything in her power to look superior. Her neat clothes and organized workspace spoke volumes about her. Such an easy target...

It was easy to tell that Jo hatred her pirate companions; she never tried to hide the disgust from her face whenever she was forced to speak to one of them. And for some reason, it delighted Sullivan to no end to torture her with his very presence.

As Veryn parted from him to tinker with her machines, Sullivan approached Jo.

"Watcha up to, lass?" he asked as he came to a stop next to her, leaning on the table.
Jo had not looked up at the sound of footfall on the stairs to the navigation deck. She hardly needed to, to know who it was. The salty, briny scent of an unwashed pirate was detectable from an Island away, and Sullivan had a particular vile additive of gunpower and smoke about him that was impossible to miss.

Wrinkling her nose, her eyes still trained on the parchment unrolled in front of her, she traced a line down the page with her ink, shaking her head head, her answer deadpan as the expression on her face, "What does it look like I'm doing, Sullivan, sewing a dress?"

Looking up at last, she quirked a brow, speaking outloud, but not necessarily to the gunner, "Why haven't we cast off, yet? We're behind schedule as it is..."

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