
Veltsu VI


(ignore guns on hand, imagine it's hands )

Name:  R3cru17

Size: 9 

Type:  Light

Weaponry: Fists


-Physical Strength[1-5]: 0.5

-Speed[1-5]: 5

-Armor[1-5]: 2

-Weaponry Power[1-5]:0.5

-Sensitivity[1-5]: 5

Backstory(Optional):  used for training purposes by heavy iron, is not suitable for field use.

Extra(Optional): N/A
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well i like the concept, although we have some problems. making a mech that small, can't be medium. medium is like my mech (search in the character tab of the 501st for reference) which is not huge but not small, it has decent armor and a balanced almost everything. this mech, it looks like a light. i mean already looking at it, it looks like it won't stand against a category-2 beast for over 1 minute as the pilot is literally exposed, we are talking 10-35 meter beasts here. i think the speed and the sensitivity is spot on, but armor needs to be toned down. other than that, it's all good! :D
well i like the concept, although we have some problems. making a mech that small, can't be medium. medium is like my mech (search in the character tab of the 501st for reference) which is not huge but not small, it has decent armor and a balanced almost everything. this mech, it looks like a light. i mean already looking at it, it looks like it won't stand against a category-2 beast for over 1 minute as the pilot is literally exposed, we are talking 10-35 meter beasts here. i think the speed and the sensitivity is spot on, but armor needs to be toned down. other than that, it's all good! :D

recruit mech. You don't give 10 meter mech to rookie. Hanah might have been tuned sensitivity and put more metal to cover weak points. You might thank Hanah whit her R3cru17 if she fixes your mech in field.
Just now, Hanah Solo said:

recruit mech. You don't give 10 meter mech to rookie. Hanah might have been tuned sensitivity and put more metal to cover weak points. You might thank Hanah whit her R3cru17 if she fixes your mech in field.


well actually you do, well close. training mechs are 9 meters, referenced in a post where rex fought againts yvelle in training. haven't made the mech cs yet, probably will soon, you can do a customized mech, but recruits are not allowed to go outside to the field as training mechs have very low physical and weapon strength. recruits have to work their way up and once the captain sees fit, allows them to become a pilot and commision their own mech according to their fighting style. 

so to sum up what's above, training mech's wrong but that's my fault XD i'll make a cs for the training mech. recruits are not allowed to go on missions and into the field, until they achieve the rank of pilot.

give me a moment i'll make the training mech cs
well actually you do, well close. training mechs are 9 meters, referenced in a post where rex fought againts yvelle in training. haven't made the mech cs yet, probably will soon, you can do a customized mech, but recruits are not allowed to go outside to the field as training mechs have very low physical and weapon strength. recruits have to work their way up and once the captain sees fit, allows them to become a pilot and commision their own mech according to their fighting style. 

so to sum up what's above, training mech's wrong but that's my fault XD i'll make a cs for the training mech. recruits are not allowed to go on missions and into the field, until they achieve the rank of pilot.

give me a moment i'll make the training mech cs

Hanah will modified training mech and show that size doesn't always matter. Not sure if it's safe to do alone in dark.


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