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Realistic or Modern ℝ??? ?? ??? ???? - IC

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name damian locke
tags ppl at garamond
location garamond café
time 11:52
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Waking up for Damian this Saturday morning had been a bit of a disaster, whether it was that he overslept (and as such missed his favourite class, and skipped his run), or that his hair was not lying down smoothly but in a slightly frizzy manner, he did not know; but he was not enjoying it one bit.

Damian did not sleep more than four hours last night, whether it was obvious or not, his mouth kept moving in order to sneak in a yawn as he stared at the wall of text on his laptop screen, things he needed to know for his civil engineering exams. He couldn't help but scoff as who took another sip of his coffee, half eaten sandwich on his right. "You're uh- Damian, right? Or Jack-!" Damian's head snapped up as he looked at the guy whose face he at first did not recognize. Oh, it's that guy. "Been here a while?"

Damian slightly snorted and smiled slightly wickedly. "You don't know half of it, pretty boy."

While he didn't act like it, Damian did in fact remember that they were supposed to meet here, even though he did not quite understand why it must be taking place in the Garamond. Last time he checked, this place had niether instruments nor amps or anything of the like. But nonetheless, he was here since nine, when the little cute shop opened up, and basically stayed his entire time there (maybe going outside to answeral a call from his siblings, but he would never admit that to anyone).

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Location : Coffee Shop ||| Mood : Tired & Stressed Interactions : Logan Kingsleigh, Chun Ji-Hyun, Micheal Westwood, Damian Locke

Val was absolutely exhausted.

The morning ritual of dragging herself out of bed to study or do homework, feed her kitty, and try to paste on a smile for the day was only interrupted by the fact that she wouldn't have to drag herself out of bed because she didn't go to bed. Instead, for the first hour she spent in the confines of her sheets, she tossed and turned and groaned at herself until finally she threw off the coverings and went to go make herself a cup of coffee. The rest of the night was spent doing things that she really wasn't even invested in like reading through her notes for her next tests, flipping through infomercials while she wondered how much she needed something that was only 19.99$, and staring out the window of her ninth story apartment building to see cars and people moving through the brightly lit streets below. Her mind was elsewhere, not really thinking about anything except the constant nagging of one thought that kept coming back every so often to remind her that it was still there: What happened yesterday?

The plan was, as it always was, to try something new and see if she liked it. And if she didn't, she'd just find something new like she always did. Except she never auditioned and instead said some pretty outrageous things to an arrogant (and admittedly handsome, she thought and immediately mentally slapped herself for thinking so) boy whom she also offered her help to with a band that hadn't even played together yet. It just felt right to do that at the time and while she didn't exactly regret it, this was the part of her decision making where she sat herself in time-out for doing before thinking again even though she'd bet money the same thing would happen again and again anyway. And, Val also reminded herself that even if Logan had softened up at the end, it was still unlikely he wanted to bring her on board judging by his instinctual reaction. Even if he did, could she still go along with it knowing she had school and what if her mother start to get better-

Val bit her lip then and tried to divert her thoughts. These were just excuses. As much as she wanted her mother to get better, she didn't like to think about it because it probably wouldn't- It wasn't something that was probably-

Her fist slammed so hard down on the coffee table that the sleeping cat in her lap bolted. The hours cold coffee splashed on the glass and, Val, in spite of herself, laughed at her own reaction. For the safety of her own sanity, she tried to divert her thoughts back to the open textbook before her and when she looked back down at the table she saw that she'd gotten a message a while ago. She swiped open her phone and to her surprise saw a message from Logan. Oh, here it is. The "Yeah, that's not gonna happen" message she had been expecting but when her eyes skimmed over the message, she had to do it again and a smile spread over her face for the first time since she left the theatre the day before.
"No way..."

Val sprung up so hard from her spot on the floor that she tripped over the coffee table and sent most of the contents on the floor. When she checked the time, she realized it was a lot closer to noon than she had thought. More like it was almost noon and she decided all of the stuff she just knocked over could wait. Why was she so excited? Maybe it was because it was totally unexpected. Maybe it was because she'd only had coffee and no sleep the whole night and her brain was close to shutting down. Either way it was a good feeling and she got ready with the energy of a hummingbird on cocaine and Stitches watched her like the woman had lost her mind. She ran a brush through her hair, through on some clothes and tried to mask the dark purple rings under her eyes with foundation which was a lot harder to do when she just wanted to get out the door.

About twenty minutes later, Val was walking through the door to the crowded coffee shop with a box of a dozen donuts from a shop a couple blocks away. She made a beeline to the service counter, her eyes scanning over the crowd and landing on a small group a couple tables away. Logan and his friend she'd seen him with before who had a lovely singing voice, the peppy asian keyboardist whose fingers did things Val couldn't comprehend, and the guy who'd played the bass wonderfully and who's appearance made Val pin him somewhere between a badboy who should be wearing a leather jacket, emerging from an alleyway snapping his fingers and a total douchebag. But appearances meant nothing and Val was eager to meet them all the same.

Once she got her drink, a motherload of all things unhealthy, topped with chocolate, whip cream, caramel and blended with high blood sugar, she made her way through the crowd to the table of musicians and set the box of donuts down in the middle of table between all of them.
"I figured it'd make people like me more if I bought something sweet," Val said jokingly, "So have at it."
Without another word, she chose a seat and sat down, taking a drink and scanning her eyes over the people sitting before her before her gaze landed on Logan last, the only person aside from Jack, who wasn't here, that she had actually met, and she smiled at him politely.


outfit: x | where: garamond cafe |
mood: excited | tags: those who are there

The sound of cars loudly honked and cause wind to whoosh by Nadia surrounded her. Yet the symphony of New York traffic was being ignored as Nadia was happily listening to AC/DC ring in her ears. Her right hand drummed along to the song while her eyes that hid behind her sunglasses noticed the strange looks of those who walked by. Nadia couldn't care less as she gave everyone a toothy smile and continued to hum, out of tune, along to the song. The woman stopped in her tracks when she heard a loud beep interupt her song and made a sharp turn around a corner. Nadia only sighed as she shook her head, "And they say Australian can't bloody drive," She spoke to herself, not caring if others listened as Nadia spun on her heels and continued to follow the GPS on her phone.

Turn left.

"There is no left, ya dill!" (Idiot) Nadia cried in frustration, shoving her phone into her pocket. Her gaze flickered as she noticed a young boy, with a mop of red hair and no older than eight, stare at her with brown saucers for eyes. "What are you looking at?" She asked, her voice harsher than usual. The kid poked his tongue out before running away to his mother (who didn't appreciate Nadia's tone). Nadia graoned once more before picking up her pack and headed the other direction. She stopped every few moments to ask for directions by joggers and other people, using her nicest voice and smile to make her appear less threating. Another ten minutes went by and Nadia had found herself standing in front of Garamound Cafe.

Nadia pushed the door open and quickly rushed in. The smell of food and coffee stung her nose as a tired yet happy smile formed on her lips. She slipped her sunglasses off her face, stuffing the glasses into her pocket. Her eyes began to scan the area for the guy who held the audition, Logan was it? Nadia was terrible with names and it was often a curse for her. Her gaze noticed a group of people sitting a table who were happily laughing and chatting. Nadia made her way and order her usual, a three shot mocha with whipped cream, before making her way towards the group. The edges of her lips pulled a smile as her feet stopped in front of the table. "I'm here fo-" As she was about to introduce herself, Nadia noticed the box of donuts that sat on the table. "Is it alright I take one?" She asked, "I'm not a weirdo, I swear," Nadia quickly added in, realisng how creepy she sounded as an awkward chuckle left her mouth, "I'm here for PandaTown? I'm Nadia." She finished with an awkward smile and a long sip from her drink, so much for a great introduction.

pasta pasta

The sound of cars loudly honked and cause wind to whoosh by Nadia surrounded her. Yet the symphony of New York traffic was being ignored as Nadia was happily listening to AC/DC ring in her ears. Her right hand drummed along to the song while her eyes that hid behind her sunglasses noticed the strange looks of those who walked by. Nadia couldn't care less as she gave everyone a toothy smile and continued to hum, out of tune, along to the song. The woman stopped in her tracks when she heard a loud beep interupt her song and made a sharp turn around a corner. Nadia only sighed as she shook her head, "And they say Australian can't bloody drive," She spoke to herself, not caring if others listened as Nadia spun on her heels and continued to follow the GPS on her phone.

Turn left.

"There is no left, ya dill!" (Idiot) Nadia cried in frustration, shoving her phone into her pocket. Her gaze flickered as she noticed a young boy, with a mop of red hair and no older than eight, stare at her with brown saucers for eyes. "What are you looking at?" She asked, her voice harsher than usual. The kid poked his tongue out before running away to his mother (who didn't appreciate Nadia's tone). Nadia graoned once more before picking up her pack and headed the other direction. She stopped every few moments to ask for directions by joggers and other people, using her nicest voice and smile to make her appear less threating. Another ten minutes went by and Nadia had found herself standing in front of Garamound Cafe.

Nadia pushed the door open and quickly rushed in. The smell of food and coffee stung her nose as a tired yet happy smile formed on her lips. She slipped her sunglasses off her face, stuffing the glasses into her pocket. Her eyes began to scan the area for the guy who held the audition, Logan was it? Nadia was terrible with names and it was often a curse for her. Her gaze noticed a group of people sitting a table who were happily laughing and chatting. Nadia made her way and order her usual, a three shot mocha with whipped cream, before making her way towards the group. The edges of her lips pulled a smile as her feet stopped in front of the table. "I'm here fo-" As she was about to introduce herself, Nadia noticed the box of donuts that sat on the table. "Is it alright I take one?" She asked, "I'm not a weirdo, I swear," Nadia quickly added in, realisng how creepy she sounded as an awkward chuckle left her mouth, "I'm here for PandaTown? I'm Nadia." She finished with an awkward smile and a long sip from her drink, so much for a great introduction.
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Isidora Ferriera
Boas notícias(Good news!)

Isidora was usually always in a state of thinking and her thoughts were normally about if and what events occurred that day or what her plans were for the near or distant future. She was having another moment of contemplation when she received an email from a Logan Kingsleigh, the young man behind the band PandaTown. Isidora stretched for a moment before going to read the email from which she picked out:

v She was being called back

v The place the meet was taking place at the Garamond Café

v She was to be there at midday (the time was very loosely in her honest opinion)

“Simple enough instructions. I just need to go to the Garamond Café and hear what Senhor Kingsleigh has to say to us..” The Portuguese female was not afraid of the meet up, she was excited for whom else would be present and hoped they were all respectable individuals. She had never had the best track record when it came to communicate with others and kept in mind the possibility that she may come into conflict with one or more individuals present. She decided dwelling on her thoughts any longer could deter her from going, Isidora decided that going to sleep would be a much better use of her night...


Isidora went about her day as she would any other, get up, get dressed, breakfast, check bag and leave. She had very little in terms of urgent work that needed to be completed and had completed it all before leaving to head to the Garamond Café.

Since the weather didn’t seem too bad, Isidora opted to walk to the Café rather than taking her car and letting her thoughts wonder to the conversation she had with Logan Kingsleigh, he must have not accounted for the need of any other personnel besides band members. To his defence, the band would do quite well without a roadie or two in the beginning, but it would definitely cut down the workload if someone else were to do any menial tasks for the band.

Finally arriving at Garamond Café, Isidora strolled towards he counter and asked for a standard coffee (she didn’t fancy anything else)and her eye scoured the Café when they zoned in on a familiar blonde-haired male, Logan Kingsleigh himself. Walking over to the table he, and a few others sat at, Isidora looked directly at the blonde male before saying “Bom dia, I hope I’m not late at all.” Isidora glanced around the table when she looked at the young man sat near Logan, a brunette who seemed like the type of guy who would rather be in a library or his room than where he was at present.

“Is this seat taken at all?” The young woman asked, hoping her Portuguese accent wasn’t making her word difficult to understand, her accent was strong enough to cause confusion at times, so she waited in preparation to repeat her question in a clearer tone if necessary.


Place: Dorm (Boas notícias), GaramondCafé (Introdução)

Mood: Calm, hopeful

Interaction(s): Logan Kingsleigh, others (partial glances and general intro to the group)


v Bom dia – Good morning

v Senhor – Sir/mr

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logan kingsleigh.

mood: friendly ✦ location: garamond cafe ✦ time: 12:15
tags: everyone

Granted, wild expectations lead to unbelievable speculations, most that keeps him up at night. One of them would have been that these were all nothing but just a poor excuse of a prank. His relief when he found one of the members- his members, sitting by the cafe was more than pleasant.

Logan blinked a few times upon the other's reply. It was not as though he had never been flirted with before, regardless of male nor females though more frequent the latter, yet there was something in the unwavering confidence in Damian's voice that managed to throw him off a bit. The blonde couldn't help but smile, breathing out a small laugh as he did so, leaning forward slightly as he rested his head over his hand. Would it have been professional to flirt back with a fellow band member?

Not if they were good looking.

"Touché," he said. "Do enlighten me then, won't you darling?"

His vision was cut when a cup of drink was placed in front of him, steam dancing off its surface. Logan turned, not realizing that Mike had sat next to him already. The blonde laughed slightly, taking the warm drink in his hand. "Don't you think I'm sweet enough to make up for the bitterness?" he asked the tall male before taking a small sip from his cup, placing it back down. Logan glanced over to the girl behind him before he beamed in delight.

He wasn't mistaken- he did have a decent looking cast with him. By the morning light, when it was brighter, the Asian girl did seem prettier than he had remembered. A charming smile, enthusiasm radiating from her gaze, he knew exactly who she was. Though he wasn't sure he remembered her name nor knew how to pronounce it.

"Hey! Glad you could make it!" he said instead, taking her hand and hesitated if he should kiss it. Finally, professionalism suggests otherwise. Instead he shook it firmly. "Do you have an English nickname? Because if not I think you really should teach me how to pronounce your name," smiled Logan.

He did not even have time to say anything else when another girl made her way towards him, one he could notice anywhere. From afar, her blinding pink hair was visible, a drink in one hand and a box of. . .donuts! An instant guilt settled by the pit of his stomach- could he have said anything to her after this? He had to, however. Bringing in false hope would have been a mistake. After all, it was not as though he was rejecting her. Yet. Maybe.

The blonde decided to keep said information to himself for the time being- in any cases, he did not have the heart to mention it in front of everyone. Yet if she was really this thoughtful for the group. . .it would have been lying to say that she wouldn't be a more than fine addition. "Oh, wow," he said, glancing back and forth from the boxed food to the girl before smiling. "Well, that's very sweet. Of you, I meant- not the donuts. I'm gonna just take one, thanks. . . " he reaches for the box, pulling out a single sugar glossed doughnut and biting into it.

Logan turned when he heard another voice. This one would be the drummer girl then, evident by the way she brought herself. And perhaps she does strike him as someone who would ask about the donuts first before anything. Why is he not surprised. "It's for everyone," he told her, though instantly perking up when he heard her mention the name, beaming with obvious pride. Hearing the name of the band mentioned by someone else- it was as though it was real already. Correction: it is real. He chuckled, nodding towards her. "That's fine, love. Go take how ever much you want. Great to have you here."

Finally they've gotten their final addition of the group, excluding one that was perhaps a bit busy at the moment. Logan made a mental note to himself. Definitely not a good sign. He tried to wave it aside, however, when he saw the tall semi-red haired girl made her way in. She was certainly astounding; model worthy. A small disappointment cross his smile for a brief moment. Too bad she was only a roadie.

"Not so much, señorita," he said in greeting. Her accent was a bit thicker than he remembered, and he sometimes had to concentrate slightly to make of what she was saying. "Seat's for everyone, have a doughnut," he offered.

Logan glanced around, searching for a clock upon the wall before settling to just check the time on his phone. Perhaps he could give an extra briefing for Jack in the cases he decided to be really late. It was a pity, after all. Reading the lyrics from last night, his songs were actually pretty decent. He felt a slight pounding on his chest- damn it. Normally Logan would not have been one to hesitate or be nervous of social interactions- rather much on the contrary. However there was a slight lingering awkwardness sticking to him at the moment. Surely it would have slipped away the moment he began talking.

"Thanks for coming here, you all," he began, scratching the back of his head slightly. "So- uh, first of all, I just wanted to say that you are all really talented. Astounding. Some choices are kind of tough to make. . . "

Who is he kidding. They all stand out.

"- but I guess here we are now. Uh- to not make this awkward, let me just tell you that this group is aimed to be serious in one place but also most definitely chill, so there's nothing to worry about," he lied stated, leaning back against his chair to have a better look of the rest of the members. "This meeting is just an intro, I guess. As in hangin' out and stuff, getting to know each other, also," he sighed slightly before getting to his point. He tried to make it sound as relaxed as possibly, really. "To match up schedules," he said finally.

"I know this studio nearby our campus. The place is great, rental's pretty cheap- we can split it our try to negotiate regular booking sessions for lower prices. Well. . . I do expect. . . " He thought about it to avoid freaking his members out.. "Once in every two days practice session. . . okay?"

code: s e v e n s e v e n

Granted, wild expectations lead to unbelievable speculations, most that keeps him up at night. One of them would have been that these were all nothing but just a poor excuse of a prank. His relief when he found one of the members- his members, sitting by the cafe was more than pleasant.

Logan blinked a few times upon the other's reply. It was not as though he had never been flirted with before, regardless of male nor females though more frequent the latter, yet there was something in the unwavering confidence in Damian's voice that managed to throw him off a bit. The blonde couldn't help but smile, breathing out a small laugh as he did so, leaning forward slightly as he rested his head over his hand. Would it have been professional to flirt back with a fellow band member?

Not if they were good looking.

"Touché," he said. "Do enlighten me then, won't you darling?"

His vision was cut when a cup of drink was placed in front of him, steam dancing off its surface. Logan turned, not realizing that Mike had sat next to him already. The blonde laughed slightly, taking the warm drink in his hand. "Don't you think I'm sweet enough to make up for the bitterness?" he asked the tall male before taking a small sip from his cup, placing it back down. Logan glanced over to the girl behind him before he beamed in delight.

He wasn't mistaken- he did have a decent looking cast with him. By the morning light, when it was brighter, the Asian girl did seem prettier than he had remembered. A charming smile, enthusiasm radiating from her gaze, he knew exactly who she was. Though he wasn't sure he remembered her name nor knew how to pronounce it.

"Hey! Glad you could make it!" he said instead, taking her hand and hesitated if he should kiss it. Finally, professionalism suggests otherwise. Instead he shook it firmly. "Do you have an English nickname? Because if not I think you really should teach me how to pronounce your name," smiled Logan.

He did not even have time to say anything else when another girl made her way towards him, one he could notice anywhere. From afar, her blinding pink hair was visible, a drink in one hand and a box of. . .donuts! An instant guilt settled by the pit of his stomach- could he have said anything to her after this? He had to, however. Bringing in false hope would have been a mistake. After all, it was not as though he was rejecting her. Yet. Maybe.

The blonde decided to keep said information to himself for the time being- in any cases, he did not have the heart to mention it in front of everyone. Yet if she was really this thoughtful for the group. . .it would have been lying to say that she wouldn't be a more than fine addition. "Oh, wow," he said, glancing back and forth from the boxed food to the girl before smiling. "Well, that's very sweet. Of you, I meant- not the donuts. I'm gonna just take one, thanks. . . " he reaches for the box, pulling out a single sugar glossed doughnut and biting into it.

Logan turned when he heard another voice. This one would be the drummer girl then, evident by the way she brought herself. And perhaps she does strike him as someone who would ask about the donuts first before anything. Why is he not surprised. "It's for everyone," he told her, though instantly perking up when he heard her mention the name, beaming with obvious pride. Hearing the name of the band mentioned by someone else- it was as though it was real already. Correction: it is real. He chuckled, nodding towards her. "That's fine, love. Go take how ever much you want. Great to have you here."

Finally they've gotten their final addition of the group, excluding one that was perhaps a bit busy at the moment. Logan made a mental note to himself. Definitely not a good sign. He tried to wave it aside, however, when he saw the tall semi-red haired girl made her way in. She was certainly astounding; model worthy. A small disappointment cross his smile for a brief moment. Too bad she was only a roadie.

"Not so much, señorita," he said in greeting. Her accent was a bit thicker than he remembered, and he sometimes had to concentrate slightly to make of what she was saying. "Seat's for everyone, have a doughnut," he offered.

Logan glanced around, searching for a clock upon the wall before settling to just check the time on his phone. Perhaps he could give an extra briefing for Jack in the cases he decided to be really late. It was a pity, after all. Reading the lyrics from last night, his songs were actually pretty decent. He felt a slight pounding on his chest- damn it. Normally Logan would not have been one to hesitate or be nervous of social interactions- rather much on the contrary. However there was a slight lingering awkwardness sticking to him at the moment. Surely it would have slipped away the moment he began talking.

"Thanks for coming here, you all," he began, scratching the back of his head slightly. "So- uh, first of all, I just wanted to say that you are all really talented. Astounding. Some choices are kind of tough to make. . . "

Who is he kidding. They all stand out.

"- but I guess here we are now. Uh- to not make this awkward, let me just tell you that this group is aimed to be serious in one place but also most definitely chill, so there's nothing to worry about," he lied stated, leaning back against his chair to have a better look of the rest of the members. "This meeting is just an intro, I guess. As in hangin' out and stuff, getting to know each other, also," he sighed slightly before getting to his point. He tried to make it sound as relaxed as possibly, really. "To match up schedules," he said finally.

"I know this studio nearby our campus. The place is great, rental's pretty cheap- we can split it our try to negotiate regular booking sessions for lower prices. Well. . . I do expect. . . " He thought about it to avoid freaking his members out.. "Once in every two days practice session. . . okay?"

Micheal 'Mike' Westwood
At the comment, Mike just rolled his eyes and and took a sip from his Tea. This idiot. flirting with everyone and everything. It game small hope to him at least, even if he knew he shouldn't even bother trying. Pulling his thoughts from going down that road he forbid himself to go down, he watched as Others piled in. He waiting until someone, namely Logan, before snatching two for himself. So much sweet stuff. He was in Heaven. He took out his book before muttering a 'Thank you' to the lady who brought Donuts. He took out his book and started to read, and looked up in greeting new comers, but kept to himself anyway. When the thickly-accented woman came in, Mike wondered if anyone else was going to turn up. He looked around and noticed the cute one wasn't here. He mentally pouted, and hid whatever showed on his face behind his book. He was cute, and he seemed like a fun guy. He wondered if he was going to learn everyones names at all. Perhaps Logan would tell them all to introduce themselves?

When Logan started talking, he wondered if he was the only one who noticed that Logan wasn't used to speaking out or at least was a bit jittery. But he was doing well though. He looked up and wondered if he should ask if anyone had a pen and paper to write down the days they're free. Why didn't he think of that? He sighed mentally, wanting to hit himself. Well, Logan didn't really say much to him so it wasn't his fault. He sipped his tea as he thought on the Idea of 'ever few days'. It would have to be after Uni obviously. "What if someone works after Uni?" He asked aloud, and then noticed his mistake. "Uh, i-it was just me thinking out loud, sorry." He said bashfully, hiding behind his glasses."It's just that some of us may have part-time jobs that happen after Uni, and thus unable." He explained and Fiddled with his book slightly. He pushed his glasses up slightly, and tried to bury himself into his book again. He noticed that Logan didn't mention about introducing each other. He was hesitant, but decided to go for it.

"U-uhm, P-perhaps we should properly introduce ourselves? So we're not confused with who's who?" He suggested. "My name is Micheal, but it's easier to call me Mike. I'm the Singer, for anyone who didn't.. know..." He said resisting the urge to hide behind his book, but he looked down either way. He felt like curling up away from the rest of the world, this was so embarrassing. Well, who else was going to say anything? Everyone already knows Logan, that much is obvious, but he personally didn't know the names, that and he'd forgotten, and didn't want anyone else in the same predicament freaking out like himself. Granted, he could have asked Logan for help, but he was an independent young man.


PLACE: Garamond cafe
TIME: 12:20
MENTIONS: Everyone Everyone

This code belongs to Laughing Lunatic


Chun "Happy" Ji-Hyun

Happy gingerly cradled her cup, holding it by the cardboard wrapped around it to protect her fingers from the heat, which had been prepared at a surprisingly fast speed. Espresso was a highly potent swallow of coffee, brewed hot and fast under pressure, as most people knew it to be. What most people didn't know, however, was that it's actually luxuriously creamy, with a kiss of foamy crema and a lingering aftertaste. It was bitter, sweet and acidic, all at the same time; just the way she liked it. The first creamy sip washed over her taste buds and down her throat. Already was she bathing in the kick of caffeine, but then again, she was drinking a double espresso, after all.

"The pleasure's all mine." She said, giving his hand a firm shake. "And please, call me Happy." Flashing Logan a cheery smile of her own, she then took a seat at one of the empty chairs at the table.

Contentedly sipping at her espresso, there were only four of them at the moment: Logan, Michael, Damien--she hoped that she got their names right-- and herself. Soon enough, however, three more people joined them at the table. She could recognize one of them as Nadia, the extremely talented drummer girl, but for the other two, they were completely new faces to her. Downing another gulp of her espresso, she picked out a donut from the offered box; she wasn't really one for sweets, but a donut dipped in dark chocolate seemed very appetizing at the moment. Giving a smile of gratitude to the lady who brought the patries, she nibbled into the cake, bursts of the bittersweet chocolate coating her tongue caused her eyes to light up with delight at the taste. Taking a sip from her cup, she set her espresso down to listen to what Logan had to say, biting into her donut between the words.

That was when Michael decided to speak up. Happy downed the last of her pastry with a gulp of her espresso. He had a point, didn't he? The members did have a life outside of music; they wouldn't be able to dedicate all of their time to the band. It was rather disheartening to think about it. He quickly changed the topic, though, prompting the others for a round of introductions, starting with his own. Plastering a charming smile upon her lips, she decided to follow his example.

"Well, I'm Chun Ji-Hyun, but you guys can call me Happy." She chirped, offering them a friendly wave. "I'm the keyboardist. It's nice to meet all of you." Her smile seemed to widen even more, and the corners of her eyes crinkled in genuine happiness.

Mood: Caffeinated Location: Garamond Café Interaction: All of 'em (except Jack TT ^ TT )

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[div class="damianbox"][div class="damianwrapper"]
name damian locke
tags ppl at garamond
location garamond café
time 11:52
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"Touché, do enlighten me then, won't you darling?"
Damian's eyes widened as Logan responded, in all honesty he didn't expect much as a responce to his pretty boy comment, but darling? This was a whole new level. But he wasn't the type to back down either.

"Well, I've been up for quite a while, architecture is quite literal hell. How about you, pretty boy?" He could barely say before everything hit Damian like whiplash. Someone else had arrived onto the scene, first the cutie pink haired girl who brought donuts, then the asian one who completely killed it on the keyboard, and then more and more people who appeared in the Crystal Music Hall, just yesterday.

Damian did not grab himself a donut, but instead took his paper cup and sipped some more of the now slightly stale and lukeward coffee. It was a sad coffee at this point in all honesty, but the espresso did its job and it did it well. He listened to the conversation, not really adding much to anything, being the slightly broody, mysterious type that he was (and obviously, that was all in jest).

After the guy in glasses mentioned something about having to work after uni, Damian actually lifted his head slightly, "Actually I work here! Not everyday, but most of my weekday afternoons are filled, so yeah..."

When he realised introductions were currently being held, Damian waited for Micheal and Happy finish, who's names he actually now knew.

"I'm Damian Locke, short, sweet, the ladies love it."

It seemed like it was only yesterday when JD was in America when he first met two boys, one blonde and one brunette, and spent his free time listening to music instead of practicing for a soccer competition. Only a month ago, JD had sent a text message to his American friends standing on top of a skyscraper with a big grin on his lips and a baseball cap with the words "U.S.A is home" written in bold letters. Ever since then, JD had been sending constant messages with his friends; a photo of his new apartment, a picture of his first time going to a record store and a photo of his first time trying American cereal.

The morning sun flooded into the cramped studio apartment, waking JD up from a deep slumber. The male gingerly sat up and allowed a long, satisfying yawn escape his lips while his right hand ruffled through his dark blonde hair. It was common for the Greek male to suffer from a terrible case of bed hair, it came to a point where JD didn't even bother to style his hair anymore and left it to do it's own thing. He climbed out of his bed and dressed himself with the clothes he found on a nearby chair. He swiftly grabbed his phone and clicked on his friend's face before rapidly typing;

"Yo Logan, Do you know any good places for coffee? I can't cook yet."

JD quickly added a smiley face before sending it. He felt his phone buzz in his pocket only a few moments later, the phone illuminated a text that only brightened the male's day. JD rushed around his apartment, grabbing his belongings and raced down the never-ending stairs of his apartment before reaching his car. JD climbed in the driver seat and ignited the car, typing the cafe's address into his phone's GSP. JD paused for a beat, his focus taken away from driving to focus on the little black book that sat idly on the passenger seat next to him, loose napkins and paper poking out of the corners of the book. A nostalgic smile crawled up on his lips as silence filled the car, "About time, buddy." He murmured before pushing down on the pedals and began his drive to the coffee shop.

The drive was short and sweet as JD parked in front of the coffee shop and quickly headed inside, gracefully grabbing his black book with him as he headed inside. The smell of roasted beans stung his nose as his eyes tried to find a familiar face. May as well get something, JD thought to himself as he headed to the counter, ordering himself a chocolate shake in a take away cup. JD leaned against the counter, away from the serving area, as he continued to look around for Logan. Once he received his drink, plastering a friendly smile and a thank you to the waitress, JD pulled out his phone and sent another text, asking where he was.

A childish grin formed on his lips as he saw Logan with group of people all of different shapes and sizes. His pace quickened as JD headed towards the group, placing his arm around Logan's shoulder as a way to surprise him. "Logan! Long time see, no see my man." JD cheered, his gaze flickered to the group when he noticed another familiar face, "Mikey! You haven't changed since high school," JD grinned as he made his way and sat down next to Mike, giving his old friend a fist bump, "I'm Jacob Dafranceschi, JD if you prefer, sorry for interrupting, continue~" The male smiled, taking a sip from his chocolate shake.

location: garamound cafe / with: everyone / mentioned: s e v e n s e v e n + Cosmic_Chaos Cosmic_Chaos

Micheal 'Mike' Westwood
Mike listened to everyone as hey started to introduce themselves, trying to remember their names. Okay, so Happy is the Asian-looking girl, not to try and be racist, the girlish guy is Damian, he was getting there, when someone else came in and tried to spook Logan. He looked up to the man who looked really familiar, but when he turned to him, and referred to him as 'Mikey' he knew, almost instantly who he was. He smiled, as the male sat down next to him accepting the fist bump with his own fist. Wow, this felt like high school again, and that was a weird experience. Especially since he's in uni working towards a literature degree. "I didn't think I'd see you after High school, Jay. Do tell me that you've given up on that hopeless sport." He said, smiling slightly at the male, taking another sip of his Tea. Jay never said it, but it was obvious he didn't like soccer. He just played it for the hell of it. He truly hoped his friend stopped playing something that made him unhappy. It was refreshing though, and internally calming, sitting with two old friends. He didn't feel as... Anxious as he would normally. He tried to hide his contentedness, but still sighed as he sipped his drink. He was letting his guard down, but he couldn't help it.

He looked to the male and noticed his hair. "Your hair is a mess, did you even bother?" He asked, and felt the need to try and flatten it. "Honestly, if your going out sort your hair out. You look like a hot mess." He said, but realized what he said, and his face heated up. Well Shit. He could just hear the 'aw you think I'm hot' comments and the teasing coming his way. Well shit, there goes his anxiety again. Thank you brain for not having a filter. Though he wasn't lying when he said that Jay way a hot mess. The boy wasn't bad looking. But like, no one likes a mess. Hot or no. "You can at least be a considerably tidy hot mess." He said, trying to save himself somewhat before trying to ignore the world again through his book. He knew that any reaction would only be in the friendly teasing verity, but he couldn't stomp the Anxiety in his chest. He tried to sigh it out, and curl up around his tea, and hoped that Logan noticed how off he felt. Or maybe even Jay.


MOOD: Calm to Anxious
PLACE: Garamound Cafe
OUFIT: General clothes
MENTIONS: nymphadora. nymphadora.

This code belongs to Laughing Lunatic
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