

Master of Wanderlust
Given Name: Mara

Surname: Martin

Middle Name (Optional): Kelly

What is your official DWMA Student Nickname? Quiet

Yearbook Photo:

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Height: 4'5"

Hair Color: Platinum Blonde

Eye Color: Lavender


Are you an EAT or a NOT student? Quiet is an NOT student.

Are you a weapon or a meister? Quiet is a weapon.

If a weapon, what type of weapon are you? Quiet is a M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifle.

How long have you been in attendance at the DWMA? Quiet is a day five student.

How do you fight? While not a confrontational or violent person outright, Quiet understands that sometimes there is no other option. She usually relies on others to make the important calls though. She prefers things to be handled quickly and decisively.

Personal Profile

What would others say are your strengths? She can be diligent and supportive when she wants to be and has the right support, is always willing to put in hard work and is a very non-judgmental individual.

What would others say are your flaws? Quiet is skittish, her deafness can lead to incidents, she has an aversion to people in general and isn't the best at socialising.

Describe your personality in 2 paragraphs or more: Kelly is a nervous and reclusive girl due to both her deafness and her time spent living alone on the streets. She has a tendency to be extremely self conscious and often has doubts of herself and her capabilities. Despite this she does work extremely hard, and often aims to please, even if it's to her own detriment.

Kelly's got a soft personality and she often does her best to mold it to fit others, as she isn't quite certain of herself most of the time. She has an emotional reliance on Rikke and refuses to go anywhere without him, referring to him as brother. There tends to be a noticeable increase in both attitude and ability for Kelly with Rikke around, as opposed to when the pair is separated.

Ultimately Kelly has a lot of growing to do, but despite her set backs has a notable capability to handle most situations in one way or another. It's advisable to handle her carefully, offering constructive advice versus harsh criticisms.

What do you like? Rikke, peace and quiet, friendliness, warm beds.

What don't you like? Storms, lonliness, being away from Rikke and cruel or unfriendly people.

Give a 3 to 5 paragraph biography: Finding herself on the street too young to know who her parents were, Kelly was a deaf girl with a big, bad world out there. Doing her best to survive, any hope of a friendly happy childhood was replaced with a girl learned in aversion and running. These tactics worked fairly well for the most part until the young girl found herself cornered in an alley by a group of thugs. While hiding in the corner and covering her head, Kelly was finally roused to all the men knocked unconscious and a cat nudging her hand.

Since that day Kelly and the cat, Rikke, watched out for each other on the streets for the longest time. During these times it came to light that Kelly was a weapon, likely of parents. Still, it answered very little as far as questions of her past went, and the pair continued surviving on the streets. This pattern continued for a few years until Kelly came down with a harsh sickness.

While struggling to cope with the end of winter and her illness Rikke left for a few days, and upon his return he came with representatives of the DWMA to offer Kelly a place in the DWMA. Leaving for the DWMA, Kelly took the first 'semester' she was there for to recover from her illness. Now that she's fully recovered and with Rikke to keep her company and back her up.

How do you feel about the DWMA? Quiet does necessarily have any specific opinions of the DWMA. Being her first official home that she can remember, she takes special care in respecting the premises and cleaning up after herself.

Why have you joined the DWMA? Quiet swears she joined the academy at Rikke's advice. It doesn't help that previous to now she lived on the streets.

What motivates you? Quiet is still finding her way as a person. Despite this, she does at least feel she has a debt to owe for her care at the DWMA.

What are your goals while attending the DWMA? As it stands now, Quiet wishes to make sure she does right by the DWMA, both because she feels she owes them, and also because of a latent fear that she'll be turned out if she doesn't make her grades right.


Personal Items: N/A

Other Important Facts: Quiet always has a cat with her. He serves as a service animal of sorts, and when upset or uncomfortable she talks to him. His name is Rikke(Rih-ka) and she says that he always ensures she is taken care of. Unknown to most, Rikke's competence as a service animal actually stems from the fact that while the circumstances were of his choice, he too lived on the streets in the guise of a standard cat, as Rikke is a Monster Cat. He generally maintains a quiet air and his cat form, as both have become norms for him as he's looked out for Quiet.
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