Quackity quack quack, hi c':


Quack quack quack
Basically I've been here for a while-ish, just haven't had time to join or start Role-plays due to life.

But now there's a gap in my not-busy schedule that wishes to be filled with Role-plays 8D

So yeah..Hi..and..stuff..?

I prefer to role-play in paragraphs and all that, but I'm flexible-ish somewhat.

Yeah..yeah..No idea what else to write 8D

o v o)7 Nice meeting you Ducky out
Hi! :) We're actually the same, I just joined this site as well :>

So excited to meet fellow rp-ers just starting out on a site as well. Hope we'll both have a good time in this site :)
[QUOTE="Te al Latte]Hi! :) We're actually the same, I just joined this site as well :>
So excited to meet fellow rp-ers just starting out on a site as well. Hope we'll both have a good time in this site :)

Hopefully we can rp together some time c':

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