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Fantasy Puella Magi


Majestic Dinosaur

Rae Feng



Rae Feng




Soul Gem Color

"I don't want to die. Please, let me live."
At first glance, the young lady seems to be rather isolated and unapproachable. Her lidded eyes seems to always be looking down at her shoes, and she would rarely spare a glance at the people around her. But just as the old saying goes, never judge a book by its cover. Once someone takes a second to stop and talk to Rae, the girl would look up, cheeks reddening with surprise and slight embarrassment. Her drifting eyes and the occasional stutter are proof enough that she’s just a timid girl who’d much prefer to keep to herself.

Despite her meek nature, Rae doesn’t have any qualms with making friends. In fact, once she warms up to someone, she becomes much more open and cordial. Still, affable as Rae is to her friends, she never seems to go out of her way to maintain a healthy relationship with any of them. If she catches them talking behind her back, she turns a blind eye. If her friends quarrel amongst themselves, she turns away without any words of reconciliation. This indifference extends out to her daily life as well, with her tendency to never dwell on anything for too long. The small show of apathy stems from the knowledge of Witches’ origin and her reluctance to exposing herself to any possibilities of despair.

Enhanced endurance: Like all magical girls, Rae's soul was extracted from her body and placed in the soul gem, and as such, her body is nothing more than a hollow shell animated by her magic. Without a soul in the physical body, he can feel very little pain so long as she uses her magic to maintain her "pain barrier". As Kyubey have once said, a magical girl can bleed out completely, but their magic would allow them to continue living and fighting. Despite this, she can still be incapacitated.

Enhanced speed, agility, and strength: Being a magical girl grants Rae physical abilities that surpasses that of a regular human, such as being able to jump several meters high or being able to lift objects that most people cannot. This extends to her civilian form to a lesser extent in which she perform at physical activities better than an average person.

Sword and shield: In her magical girl form, a sword and a shield serves as Rae's primary weapon. Naturally, Rae is more accustomed to melee combat by delivering quick, stealthy blows with her sword. The shield serves as her primary means of defense, but she is also capable of knocking enemies back with it.

Healing: In accordance to Rae's wish of living on, she is able to heal minor injuries. This is often used by Rae to heal her wounds, and, to a much lesser extent, the wounds of victims and other magical girls.
School Uniform

Casual Wear


Magical Girl


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Name: Sayaka Yuri
Age: 15


Yuri is quiet and does not like to interact with many people. She is also a little bit of an airhead and quite clumsy. At least that's what people think she is. But in actuality, that is only partially true. The reason why Yuri stares into space so much is because she likes to fantasize a lot. What she fantasizes about ... no ones knows. In addition, it's not that she's quiet but that no one knows the right topic to talk to her about to get her to start talking.


Her parents died in a car accident when she was young so she lived with her relatives. Her aunt and uncle treated her like their own daughter, until they were killed in a bank robbery. She felt that it was due to her that the people closest to her got hurt so she stopped interacting with people. She didn't mind being alone because it allowed her to have time to fantasize. Plus, it's not like there's anything she can relate to with other people.

Wish: "I want to find a reason for my existence. If fighting witches can help me find it, then I will become a magical girl."

Enhanced sight and hearing -
Being alone may not be so bad after all. For years, Yuri has always been in her own world. There was no one to disturb her, no one to pull her out of her own pace. As such, she developed a keen sense of concentration, allowing her to focus her attention on the slightest details.

Weapon change -
By default, her "wand" is in the shape of a staff with an embedded moon at one end and a key-shaped tip on the other end. In battle mode, her staff can change into two types of weapons, a spear and a bow. In close range combat, the key-shaped end changes into a spear tip. In long range combat, the moon end enlarges and forms a bow. Yuri can form arrows at will but her limit is her magical power. When she runs out of magical power, the bow returns to its spear form.

Free access to places -
As you can tell, Yuri's staff in default mode is basically a large key. While Yuri is in her civilian form, she wears the key as a necklace around her neck. Having a key means having the ability to enter an otherwise prohibited area. In other words, Yuri is able to unlock any type of lock with her key. However, this ability is only available in her civilian form, as the key reverts to its staff form on transformation.


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Cheryl Blanc

17 years old
"I wish for a perfect and loving family."

A blunt and headstrong girl, Cheryl has the tendency to say rude remarks toward her peers. She doesn't think before she speaks so therefore people never liked to be friends with her. Prideful with a big ego, the young lady loves it when somebody compliments her. However, deep inside, Cheryl is quite a lonely character who always regrets what she says right after. She is clingy as well as needy which makes her a loyal friend in the very end.

It was a one night stand. In that one fateful night, two individuals met for the first time in a get-together party. Drunk in the exhilarating feeling of excitement and ecstasy, they were naive and young. That being said, the girl became pregnant right after. It was a shotgun wedding. Since the very beginning, Cheryl's parent never had a great relationship. Bounded by society's expectations, they were forced into the world of adults. Her father was a playboy, he regularly comes back home in the dead of the night while stinking of multiple scents of perfumes. Her mother knew all about his affairs but turns a blind eye to it. Stressed from the responsibilities, she likes to drink all day and beats Cheryl up for fun. Every night the couple argues with each other, not even caring if Cheryl could hear them. They didn't want a bastard child. Cheryl was often neglected and mistreated to the point that she almost died from starvation.

One rainy day, the young lady happened to stumble upon an injured animal as she was walking back home from school. The state of the creature reminded her of herself, lonely and unwanted. Taking pity on the poor soul, Cheryl took it home to clean its wound. That very creature was Kyubey, an alien who came to Earth on a mission. Noticing the unhappiness that Cheryl experienced daily, the alien offers the young lady a "wish" as a thank you. At that point, Cheryl was desperate for anybody to save her and Kyubey was the only one who did. She accepts his offer.

Dual Swords ★ Cheryl's primary weapon, these twin swords are sleek as well as lightweight. Although the attacks are not powerful, they carry multiple blows in seconds. With the right techniques and skills, the magical girl is formidable with her weapons.

Enhanced Agility and Sigh
t ★ Like the abilities say, Blanc can easily move quickly and pinpoint her enemies' weaknesses in her magical girl form.

Stunt Double
★ Summoning another clone of herself, Cheryl may deliver double the damage she can execute during a short period of time. Depending on how much magical power she has at that moment, Blanc can only summon a few numbers of these clones.

Illusion Blades
★ The young lady can summon different lengths of the same swords like her primary weapon and command them to move by will. However, these blades are an illusion. People who are fooled will experience pain while others who aren't fooled will deem these illusion blades useless.
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"I wish for his happiness..."

Basic Information
"Nice to meet ya! Wah~You're so cute!!"

Emiko Yoshikata



Known for her bright and outgoing personality, Emiko is popular among both genders due to her energetic characteristic and friendly attitude. She is hyper and carefree, seemingly not hiding any secrets about herself at all. In addition, her love for anything adorable contributes to her own pretty and cute appearance, with curly pink hair running down her back. On the surface, Emiko seems to simply be a likable, charming and happy girl, easy to befriend..

What is hard to realize about her is that it takes time before she becomes what she's like today. Beneath her warmness and popularity, there is not a single "friend" to whom she actually trusts and relies on. Emiko, despite using the phrase often herself, is someone who actually does not believe that "best-friends" exist. At least, the so-called "best-friends" who share no secrets and are forever there to support each other sound simply utterly unrealistic in her ears that it is beyond impossible for her to believe. As close as two people can get, there is no such thing as ultimate, perfect friendship. In such belief, Emiko herself is someone who never bothers to share any of her own problems. She has been regarded as a good listener because she often sounds relatable and understanding with people's hardships, but no one really knows why, and she doesn't really seem to care herself. In the end, Emiko may realize at times how fake she can be too, with the fact that she has shaped herself to be who she is today due to the constant acting that would get people's liking the most, whether that is to "be herself" or not.

Besides that, however, Emiko is really just a happy-go-lucky girl, determined and..."innocently" perverted, too. She is optimistic and direct with her actions, but quite lazy as well. She is the type who needs someone to drag her out of bed in the mornings sometimes.

People are judgmental---that's what Emiko had long learned about ever since she approached her first year of middle school, a fact that was engraved deep into her heart as the most obvious and unquestionable truth. In first grade, her father was arrested for the first time for robbery, and at that age Emiko only wondered why father wasn't home anymore. Through the repeated asking towards her mother, she got the only response that he is a "bad guy", so the justice force had come to take him away to lock him up for a certain amount of time to redeem himself. At that time, Emiko didn't ask anything more, for her mother had scared her with the typical "if you do bad things too, you'll get locked up as well!" that shushed her immediately, clouding into the childish fear of the consequences of bad behavior.

Shushing her up doesn't mean she would stay silent on the matter, though. Not knowing what extremity her mother meant by "bad guy," upon chatting with classmates in class, one day during an open discussion time between teacher and students on the topic of negative actions Emiko innocently declared that her father was locked up because he did something bad. Although there were several classmates who didn't know what that meant, like Emiko herself, the silence that befell upon the teacher and the rest of the class started to change her eventual lifestyle. Returning home that day, she received the first, harshest scolding from her mother upon the teacher's phone-call for revealing that her father's in jail, ruining the family reputation. Crying, following by the loss of friends and starting of bullying---"your father's a criminal" becomes a repeatedly heard thing throughout Emiko's childhood until she finally switched elementary school.

In her first year of middle school after graduation, she met a boy. If she's to remember correctly, she met him by the riverbanks on a peaceful afternoon, just before sunset. He was extremely average looking, neither handsome nor ugly, but the shirt he was wearing that time of Emiko's favorite anime immediately caught her attention. Naturally good at making friends, the girl warmed up to him easily, and he to her--overtime, they became what people would call as the "best buddies." He was also the first kid Emiko revealed her father's identity to ever since the incident in her old elementary school, and the first one that responded as if it doesn't matter who her father is, for she herself would still the sweet and lovely girl not influenced by her father's actions. Touched, Emiko was shy to admit that he's indeed her first crush. "If only he's just that teeny bit hotter I would literally be head over heels in love with him"--was what she said to her mother, who laughed. Emiko's childhood finally seemed to really head toward a bright light again, and she was relieved--seriously relieved, until the newspaper article hit her hard.

"The Murder Case of the Hayashi Family"--she still remembered the shock when she first read the article. Both husband and wife were killed, the child was still in the hospital under serious injury. Getting into more details, an escaped prisoner under the heavy influence of alcohol had entered an unlocked household at night as a sudden, random attack that resulted in two deaths and one injured, before he was arrested back again. Moreover, Yuuto Hayashi, is the name of the son--her crush...And Akira Yoshikata, the escaped prisoner, is her father.

"I wish for him to be happy again, even if he still hates me, even if it meant his memories will be erased. And I will...if I could...repent for his family in my father's place..."

Those memories were hard to force back into her mind, but she did remember how she becomes a magical girl, the white creature that somehow, mysteriously appeared beside her when she was on the hospital ground, alone, crying.

Yuuto did live--after a year of recovery, he was out of the hospital, taken in by his aunt and uncle, then gone, forever. But that night when he told her the words she hated to hear from him the most before he left, she broke down.

"If only I haven't known you then my family would've died. Disgusting--if only I haven't got in contact with the daughter of a murderer....It's all your fault."

The despair that overwhelmed her after that is probably the trigger for Kyubey's appearance, and her first turning into a magical girl. When she saw the light pink gem in her hand, Emiko was explained to the conditions of her wish and becoming of her new alter ego. Kyubey told her that her wish for his happiness has come true, though at the limit that he would never remember her again, since his memory is altered and erased to a state where he would not recall anything about the incident, including the cause of it where she is involved. The creature also warned her that her wish has a very high cost, and he "looked forward to how she'll make up for it." Despite a bit confused as to what Kyubey meant, Emiko was delighted for her crush and gladly accepted Kyubey's words.

Upon awakening, she found it ironic at first how her costume and abilities are so cute and shiny, contradicting to her mood completely, but as she saw the darkening of the gem whenever she continued thinking about her past, she realized that this is probably the best for her. She believes that her magical girl form probably represented her true, original self, not tainted by her past, and that she should continue to look forward and stay optimistic, at least for now, to be the cute and bright girl she should always be.

The rest of the school years then shaped her--in order to hide her family secret, and prevent herself from falling into that pit of friendless and loneliness again, Emiko forced herself to stay cheerful, believing in the principle of "fake it till you make it," until she becomes who she is today.

Emiko's "weapon" is at first quite confusing for her herself to use as well. It isn't shaped exactly like any sorts of weapon, neither is it exactly shaped like a "magical a golden ring seemingly hovering around it. In the very center is a glowing orb. Overtime, Emiko finally learned how to control it.

The "orb," to her liking, can be divided into multiple smaller-sized versions that emit a glow that is even brighter than the original. Despite the tiny sizes, they can surround the target and let out a bright ray of burning explosion that, collectively, creates enough harmful impact as to become one of her most frequently used attack.

Aside from that, however, Emiko's ability links closely to her mind's construction and imagination. She's able to create illusions based on what she's imagined and can twist it to either being the cutest or the darkest hallucination. However, the true potential of this skill kicks in when she balances it with the rest of her ability, where her magic lies within the ability for her to manipulate, in which she's able to physically allow her imagination to come true toward her weapon, whether it's a change of shape or enlargement of the moon curve into a glowing scythe, The limit stays within the border for it drains energy and has a time limit of 3 minutes. Also, she cannot transform her weapon into anything she likes, especially if she's not in a clear stage of mind to start with.

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Walking along the walls of the school building, Rae kept a sharp eye out for witches and humans alike. It's half past seven, and she technically shouldn't have any business here at this time- but neither should any other people. As of late, the magical girl has been noticing the presence of a witch around this area. Fortunately for her and others, the witch never acted during school hours, but that just meant that it must be lurking about after school to lure victims into its labyrinth. She wasn't about to let that happen on her watch.

Rae glanced down at the soul gem in her hand. Although she had been trying to locate the labyrinth for the past few days, the witch was much more... Active than most witches she had encountered. This one was on the move quite often, and Rae could never really pinpoint its location. Sure, she had broken the enchantment of several victims, but they were never close enough to the labyrinth for her to catch up to the witch. But now, the glow in her soul gem grew brighter and brighter with each step she took. Rae looked up, eyes filled with hard determination.

The witch was so, so close.

A shiver in the air stopped her mid-step, and she turned around to find a ripple forming on the wall. It trembled and twitched until a hole ripped opened, revealing an entrance to a witch's labyrinth.

Rae sucked in a breath and let it out slowly. This was it. She could feel the same magic emitting from the entrance as she felt from the witch's kisses on the victims. It was practically inviting her in with open arms.

Well, she wasn't about to turn down an opportunity to get a grief seed.

With an olivine light enveloping her and bursting away, Rae transformed into her magical girl form. Looking around one last time, she stepped into the labyrinth.
Yuri remembered walking down the school hallway on her way to deliver some handouts to the teachers' lounge. Strangely, there was no one else in the hallway except for a weird girl walking in the opposite direction as her. Yuri didn't pay any attention to her then but now that she thought about it, this whole situation started when she passed by the girl.

She looked around at the eerie world she had been walking around in for the past minute. Staircases weaved up and down and around in an unpredictable pattern, seemingly in an endless loop. The ruins of a few skyscrapers dangled upside down in the sky, as if they were hanging from invisible strings. Strangest of all, the sky itself was full of color. Splashes of red, blue, green, yellow, black, and all sorts of colors imaginable decorated the heavens. You would think that the resulting picture would be beautiful but in truth, the mixture of colors clashed against each other in a violent mess.

Yuri shuddered and wrapped her arms around herself.

I need to find the exit.
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Fear settled uncomfortably in Rae's guts as she walked silently around the labyrinth. The emotion was all that Rae could ever feel whenever she steps into a labyrinth. It didn't matter if she was met with an eerie silence or an onslaught of attacks- fear would always have her heart in its suffocating grip. Rae had tried to tell herself to not be afraid and to just focus on whatever's coming at her, but eventually, she stopped trying to do the impossible. There was no reason to not feel afraid when you could lose your life at any second. Besides, being able to feel these hurdles of emotions served as a reminder that she wasn't too different... That she was still more human than she thought she was.

So now, with every step, Rae would inhale and exhale almost rhythmically. Afraid as she may be, it doesn't mean she should lose control of herself. That's right- feel afraid, but keep your cool. Perhaps that was the formula for success in each of her battles.

Rae shifted her grip on her sword and shield, feeling increasingly on edge. This labyrinth was broader and less restricted than she was used to. The skies and ground stretched without boundaries. There were no rooms or twists to go through, nothing that made this place feel like a labyrinth in its meaning. If it weren't for the floating buildings, the stairs that defied physics, and the skies that were much too colorful, yet somehow discolored at the same time, she may have thought that she was simply walking through a barren street.

The magical girl paused and looked up cautiously into the floating skyscraper that she was standing below. The ceiling- or floor? The part that was closer to the ground- was barely intact. Through the glass, she could see battered furniture laying haphazardly everywhere. On the other end of the building, facing the sky, there was a faded out image of an older woman pasted across it. Her eyes were scribbled on by what looked to be black marker, and her smiling face felt as though it was becoming more and more twisted the longer she stared. With a shudder, Rae tore her eyes away and continued on her way.

The longer she was in the labyrinth, the more uneasy she felt. Part of it was simply just the ominous air about the atmosphere, but the larger part was because she knew the labyrinths all consisted of the girl's memories and what she treasured. Walking through a girl's mind and heart, and seeing their life before it was crushed by the harsh reality... It felt too much like desecration.

Rae stopped in her tracks again, her train of thoughts interrupted by abrupt screeching and thumping sounds. She held up her shield and looked around in alarm, searching for the source of the noise. For a moment, she felt disoriented until she realized that the noise was coming from all around her. Her head snapped upwards, and she saw what was making those sounds. In every single one of those floating skyscrapers, the furniture within them began moving. The legs of the chairs and tables were sliding across the floors as though they were trying to mimic a human's walking motions without actually lifting their legs. The motion could have been comparable to ice skating, except they were doing it too rigidly whilst creating that horrendous screeching noise. Couches and cabinets that lacked the mobility advantage of having legs were bouncing, but they did so at a surprisingly agile pace.

The magical girl swallowed thickly, keeping her knees relaxed in case she needed to dodge an incoming attack. She stood at the same spot, eyes darting from building to building. She didn't want to risk the possibility of the familiars attacking her while she's on the move.

The standstill continued for several minutes, until the attacks came.

Without a single warning, the legs of the chairs and tables extended and shot through the glass of the building above Rae. Her eyes widened a fraction, and she leaped backwards just as the legs crashed into the spot she had been standing at. The girl landed nimbly beneath another skyscraper, but an armchair crashed through the glass from above. Rae tightened her grip on her sword and swung upwards in a crescent, cutting the armchair in half.

More crashes sounded from above, and Rae gave a short gasp when she saw multiple furniture crashing down at once. She leaped backwards again, only to see a large bookshelf coming down towards where she was about to land. Gritting her teeth, she brought her shield up and braced for the impact. She grunted and fell onto her knee as the bookshelf bounced roughly off of her shield. Still intact, the bookshelf landed onto its side, but somehow righted itself immediately with a clatter. With her defense still up, Rae quickly got back onto her feet, eyes wide and searching. Somewhere at the back of the mind, she'd noticed something during the barrage of attacks.

Only one skyscraper had the image of the woman on the ceiling.
Exhaustion had almost driven her to the limit by the time the Witch let out one final cry. Holding in her hand, her weapon was still emitting a bright glow as the scythe remained expanded. She held it against the ground as support as she struggled to catch her breath, her free hand brushing the strands of her wavy long hair out of her face. It was only after she watched the Witch finally disappeared into its deathbed did her weapon returned to her original form, finally allowing herself to lower her guard as her surroundings contorted itself, the labyrinth began to fade away and upon closing her eyes and opening it again, she found herself standing alone inside of the eerie building again. It was a shopping mall just a few meters away from her school, a popular place for students to visit. Although upon nighttime, the building appeared gloomier than usual without the lights, such peacefulness within the darkness as compared to the labyrinth she just left from is more comforting than ever.

A huge yawn escaped from her as she opened her palm, previously holding tightly of the grief seed she managed to get. She stared at it for a couple of seconds, as if allowing her mind to absorb and process everything that had happened so far, before she let out a cheer, her single voice echoing against the walls of this empty shopping mall.

"Whoo~! You did it, Emiko!"

Beaming, as if delighted by the compliment she gave to herself, the pink-haired girl turned her outfit back to her regular clothing--which is actually still in her school uniform, considering she was practically hanging out the whole day after school today without thinking of returning home---and stretched her arms. In all honesty, the witch she dealt with today was more difficult than the ones she'd dealt with before. Yet, defeating it gave her a sense of accomplishment. Using the grief seed, she watched as her tainted soul gem slowly gained back some of its original purity. Emiko's eyes softened lightly at her gem--she was desperately in need of a seed anyways, too. Her gem has been turning dark at an alarming speed these days.

Welp, maybe it's really time to go home now.

Shaking her head, she brushed those thoughts away from her head as she focused more on what she's going to do tonight. There's probably still some studying to do before she could head to bed. She almost failed her last test, after all, not minding to study for two weeks in a row. If her mother find out, she would be killed.

"Ahhhhhh~~~This is so stressful," pouting to herself as she left the building, Emiko sighed loudly upon stepping out onto the street. A few people still roamed about, but it's almost empty by now at such late period of the day.

Silent echos of footsteps resonance through the concrete pavement. Darkness arrived to the sky, enveloping the once beautiful clear blue. The only comfort and protection were the dimly lit street lamps at each block, guiding Cheryl to her destination. The quietness of the night made the young lady quite uncomfortable walking by herself, she was the only living being in this dead of the night. The dead silent buzz of nothingness perpetuated the air.
Blanc hated this feeling the most. This isolation made sick to her stomach, like an imaginary virus that was eating away flesh. But that doesn't mean this will stop her. With each step, her determination remained resolute.
Click-clack, click-clack, click-clack.
The footsteps came to a sudden halt. A sense of discomfort hanged in the air, something was not right. Cheryl instinctively reach down inside her schoolbag for her soul gem. She knew what was coming. The continuous silent buzz ranged in her ears louder and louder...
Abruptly, the neighborhood streets begin to become distorted like a washed painting. The concrete floor was now a black and white circle optical illusion. Looking upwards, the young lady now see the sky covered with different sizes of eyeballs looking at irregular angles. A giant wooden doll with a wide smile stretched up to the jaws, a pitch dark gradient shadow falls on the top half of the face as well as thin trickles of red blood goes down the cheeks. Dancing robotically to a broken instrumental cover with its bright pink tutu dress and pointe shoes. Around Cheryl numbers of broken porcelain dolls dressed in dusty ballerina dresses started to circle around the young lady while mockingly giggling at her.
"Ha! You picked the wrong person to pick a fight with."
Extending her arm out in front of her to reveal her fist., she calmly uncurl her fingers to revealed her soul gem delicately resting on her palm. A strong gust of wind perpetuated through the gem, brushing her curly light locks from her cheeks. The rustic blue light from the soul gem grew blindingly bright, almost consuming Cheryl as a whole. Slowly pulling the gem close to her chest, the light warped around her body and quickly dispersed to reveal her magical girl form. Skillfully twirling her dual swords around for a test, the young lady smirked "Well let's get the show started!~"
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Can this place get any quieter than this?

Yuri felt like she had been walking for a very long time. The sole of her feet stung painfully as they touched the ground over and over again. The stairs seemed to go on forever and she couldn't see anything that resembled an exit. There were plenty of doors for each building and Yuri hoped that one would lead back to the school, but each one that she opened showed bizarre scenes. One led to a wide plain that stretched on and on, while another opened up at the edge of a volcano. But nothing compared to the silence looming over the strange world.

Silence was something Yuri was familiar with. Yet the silence in this place made her feel uncomfortable. It felt as if there was an invisible being staring at her, watching her every move. That too, Yuri was familiar with. It was similar to the stares that people gave her at her parents' and her relatives' funerals, gossiping behind her back. As if she wasn't standing right in front of them. As if the act of seeing her back, and not her face, was enough to justify that she was not present and could not hear their whispers.

A loud sound snapped Yuri out of her trance. Her head immediately turned toward the direction it had came from. Except... where was it coming from? For a few seconds, Yuri stood in a daze as she covered her ears and squeezed her eyes shut. The noise had started from one place but now it was coming from everywhere around her.

Too loud.

She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Her mind entered a state of calmness as she slowly opened her eyes and removed her hands from her ears. She could still hear the high pitched sounds but now they sounded far away.

When Yuri opened her eyes, she was met with by far, the most astonishing scene she had seen all day, and that was saying something. A lone girl was standing in the middle of a plaza, holding a sword and a shield. Surrounding her were an army of chairs, desks, cabinets-- you name it -- all just floating in the air. As Yuri watched, the legs of the various furniture suddenly extended toward the girl at an alarming rate. The girl effortlessly danced around, dodging and slashing at the legs. Yuri let out a soft gasp as the bookshelf bounced off the girl's shield, quickly covering her mouth afterwards. She dived behind a pile of debris and peeked out at the girl.

Why is she being attacked? Does she know where this is and where the exit is?

Asking for help from strangers was another thing Yuri didn't do often but she understood that different situations call for extreme measures. So she kept herself hidden and continued to watch the girl.

Dawnsx Dawnsx
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Rae dashed about under the buildings, head lifted to search for that building she had saw. She couldn't bother with dodging- every time the attacks drew her off course, she'd lose track of what buildings she'd already checked. Instead, she opted for swinging her sword against the incoming attacks, and guarding herself with her shield against whatever she missed. Eventually, she noticed one particular building. It hovered higher than the others, as if to moniter everything. It also wasn't attacking like the others were.

Rae narrowed her eyes, a dangerous gleam in her eyes.


She leaped forward, landing under that building in one go. Looking up, she saw it- the living mural of the woman on the top of the building. The woman's eyes were bloodshot and blown wide as she stared down at Rae. The magical girl met her gaze defiantly before raising her shield above her head, all the while using magic to propel herself for a jump. She bent her knees, and lept upwards. Crashing through the skyscraper's glass, Rae thought that she heard a woman's screech of anger as she bursted through from the top of the building, destroying the mural.

Rae let herself fall, breathing out a sigh of relief when she saw the labyrinth dissolve out of existence. She landed back on the ground smoothly, back in the school. Transforming out of her magical girl form, she picked up the fallen grief seed and pocketed it. Without sparing another glance around her, she left the school grounds.


Round, red eyes watched from inside a classroom as Rae walked out of the school. Once she was gone, the white creature lept down from the desk and walked up to the human girl that Rae had failed to notice.

Tail swishing languidly behind him, the creature sat down on the floor in front of the girl and looked up, expression unchanging. "So, did you see everything?"

ChibiSkye ChibiSkye
Yuri suddenly found herself crouching in the middle of her classroom. She sat there for a while, trying to figure out what had just happened. The strangely dressed girl had suddenly tensed and jumped through the ceiling of a building. Then she heard a hideous cry that caused her to cover her ears and squeeze her eyes shut for a second time. When she opened them, the weird world was gone and she was back at school.

Was it all a dream?

Yuri looked around and confirmed that she was indeed back at school. The light of the setting sun was starting to dim. Soon, it would be nighttime and the last thing she wanted to happen now was to be locked in the quiet school building. Her eyes shifted toward the clock on the wall.

Strange ... it's still around seven o'clock. That felt like a really long dream.

She searched around her for the paperwork she was carrying and found it stacked in a neat pile on the floor in front of her. Sighing in relief, she picked it up... and stared straight into the face of a white creature. Yuri blinked a few times before she yelped and scrambled backwards, throwing the handouts into the air. She stared at the white creature for a while before she registered that the little cat, fox-like animal was talking to her.


Yuri rubbed her eyes and looked again but the white creature was still sitting in front of her, patiently waving its tail back and forth. She opened her mouth to ask the creature what it was but closed it soon afterwards because she realized that it was a stupid question. She paused for a moment before she spoke in a soft voice.

"... What if I said yes?"

Whether or not it was a dream, this white creature seemed to have the answers to her questions. It wouldn't hurt to have a nice chat once in a while. Even if it was with a cat. Or a fox. Whatever it was.

Dawnsx Dawnsx
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"Well, that makes everything easier!" Kyubey closed his eyes to make what appears to be a joyful face. In an enthusiastic tone, he continued. "To make things simple, I want you to become a magical girl!"

The white creature swished his tail and looked in the direction in which Rae had left. "That girl that you just saw was a magical girl. She made a contract with me; she had a wish granted by me, and in exchange, she have to fight beings called Witches. The dimension that you and that girl was just in was a labyrinth. It's where Witches reside in. They lure victims into their labyrinth so they can consume their souls." Kyubey looked at Yuri in the eyes, expression void of detectable emotions. "By becoming a magical girl, you will fight Witches to protect those powerless to defend themselves. You will also get to make a wish. Any wish!" He paused and tilted his head. "Though, I cannot grant a wish to revive a person."

Kyubey stood up on all four legs and hopped onto a windowsill. "Well, how about it? Would you like to make a contract with me?"

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