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Fandom Puella Magi: Renegade (Always Accepting) - Settings/Locations


The Golden Maiden


This is where new locations are recorded for future usage within the roleplay. If you have any ideas for where the characters could go please post them in the Out of Character Chat page or send me a PM.

Nothing runs to or from this train station anymore. Ten years ago, a decay-worshiping cult released a biohazard inside the station, which eventually resulted in 18 deaths, as well as permanent organ damage to many more people. While it's now safe to venture inside without a hazardous material suit, the doors are cordoned off, and nobody enters. -Mollisol-

The Labyrinth is more organized. There are various rooms for many medical uses. Banners hang from the roof. With ones having cadeuses and others having the Assassin insignia from Assassin's Creed. There is one room with ten power generators that always need to be checked on or else they will overheat and fail. This represents that the witch came to be after power overuse.

The main chamber is a large organized office. Along with that, there is a desk and chair for anyone wanting to speak with her. At the desk are frames of photos that capture various memories that Anima used to have.

For humans, one room leads to a hallway that reveals... *gasp* A small hotel! This is for those who are homeless and need a place to stay. There is a dining room, a check in/out desk, elevators, room service, all the stuff a small 5-star hotel could offer! So not only is the labyrinth a place to heal, it is also a place to stay! Humans are allowed to leave the barrier and come back as many times as they wish. The only rule is to not speak of the barrier's existence. -EssentPon-

The labyrinth is messy, multichambered, and drips with paint in shades of amethyst, gold and silver. Broken brushes are all over the ground, and torn canvases hang on the walls, each depicting a large black obelisk in a different part of the city. This haunted the magical girl's dreams, and resembled the witch that defeated her in battle and caused her great despair before she would've died. The runes "through strong will" and "I am yours" are scribbled in archaic lettering, implying that the witch lost her sense of self to her duty as a magical girl.

The main chamber is full of black crystals that overgrow the paint-dripping white canvas walls, each carved into the same obelisk shape. The paint zigzags as it runs, forming an EKG-like pattern and seeming to squiggle before the visitor's very eyes. If a visitor makes it to the center, Florence will lie them down on a makeshift bed of horsehair and shake her wings onto them, and inject them with the needles in her antennae. -Mollisol-

The labyrinth is a chaotic place, much like her and it will change based on her mood, the layout that is, the hallway look like it's from an old dusty ruin, but there's are tons of traps there as well, so beware, the walls are an odd blue color, the floor an odd green and the ceiling is blood red, there is a hidden door going to a normal looking small apartment, this is where Melody lives, it's close to the witch lair, however sometimes the labyrinth will change so unsuspecting visitors will wander in and think it's a park(they tend to overlook the odd colors, to enter the lair and reach the door to Melody's house you need a total or 13 keys, for that you have to win a game of hide and seek, upon the start of the game the labyrinth will change once again, to a huge playground with tons of hiding place.

The inside of Nusha's labyrinth is basically an ever expanding maze in the form of an art museum. The floor, walls, and ceiling are covered in disorientating yet colorful patterns that change form to represent Nusha's current mood, as well as multiple abstracts that tend to switch places when one has their back turned to them.

If you're lucky to have gotten past the maze, you will find an exit leading to the 'Trophy Garden'. A lush plot of land decorated with ivory pillars, hedges, and a large pond that serves as the Doli's bird bath. Despite the seemingly harmless vibe that the garden provides, it is by far the most dangerous part of the labyrinth as many of the witch's familiars gather here when alerted of an intruder. If you're lucky enough to get past them and make it to the end of the garden, a single door will be presented to you, which will lead to Nusha's quarters.
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