• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Prom Season



The Demonic Wolf

Silvercrest High and Palgrave Academy have been bitter rivals ever since Silvercrest, the newer of the two schools, was opened 10 years ago, and has garnered a lot of positive attention. Though it's not the most high-tech school, nor does it get the amount of funding put into it like Palgrave Academy, it is known to be a high-ranking school anyway, with positive student feedback. It's also well-known that, in the early days, students transferred over to Silvercrest from other schools in the district. But most Palgrave students were incredibly loyal to their school - anyone of the few who transferred being immediately dubbed as a 'traitor'.

Now, it is close to the end of the school year. Spring break has just finished, and prom season is also just around the corner!
But there's some changes. Over spring break, Palgrave Academy was caught on fire, and most of the school severely damaged. This has forced all Palgrave students to transfer to other schools around the district, and that includes some of them being forced to attend Silvercrest for the rest of the school year, until Palgrave Academy is rebuilt. Needless to say, this has made things incredibly tense in the corridors.
Not to mention that the prom committee will also have to deal with rearrangements to accommodate the new students, and positions on school teams - including cheerleading, sports and music - have also become something of a point to start arguments.
Unexpected friendships might get made - perhaps to turn to something more - and enemies will be forced to work together, whether they like it, or not.​

• No Mary Sues/Gary Stus/God modding.
• Interact with other characters and don't leave anyone out! That said, don't just wait around for someone to interact with you, or keep constantly asking if anyone's characters are open - especially if you haven't posted yet!
• Roleplay post lengths must be 5-6 sentences, at the least. No one- or two-liners.
• Characters must be 16-19 - but only 19 if there's a valid reason for them to still be in high school.
• No romantic relationships between your own characters!
• Keep OOC chat and character forms to the discussion thread (still a wip)
• Write in third person for characters
• Make sure that there aren't too many of one sort of character (example: skinny white straight girls)
• Respect boundaries & triggers of others
• Any questions, then please do ask!​

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