Prologue: Cries of Darkness From The Infinite Abyss


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Roleplay Type(s)
Sydney, Australia

Day: Saturday, February 18

Weather: Clear

Local Time: 7 PM, Night

Active Black Servants: Assassin

It was merely one day before the Grail War... Masters will arrive in Sydney, and set up their preparations... The Chruch waited eagerly for the Grail War. This time, the Grail will be cleansed. They knew it.



But they were so wrong...

An only child of a family was walking home from tuition and was about to open the door to his home, when suddenly, a pale white, immensely slender yet tall figure appeared behind the child. The security camera in front of his house suddenly busted and died, as the child's screams of anguish rang throughout the entire neighbourhood. The figure suddenly disappeared into the darkness, along with the child. It pulled an ethereal object from the child's body, and smothered it onto his face. Then, the ethereal mist disappeared, along with the figure, leaving only the empty husk of what remained of the child... The Black Assassin has come...

Sydney, Australia

Day: Sunday, February 19

Weather: Clear

Local Time: 9 AM, Morning

Black Servants Active:
-Black Assassin

Morning came, yet the child's screams of agony still rang inside the heads of the many residents. The hottest news: Serial Killer on The Loose? Definitely not the best way to begin a Grail War, is it?
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Luna's wild silver hair whipped around her in the chilly night air. The bright lights of Sydney glowed beneath the high balcony of her hotel room and she stared out at them thoughtfully. "I should be attempting to sleep," she mumbled to herself, resting her face in her hands. Despite all of her training, Luna couldn't help but feel extremely unprepared for the days and weeks to come. From a young age, Luna's father had trained her for this very moment. While he had never been blatantly clear about what he needed the Grail for, she could only assume it was something health related. As long as she could remember, her father had always been sick one way or another. Hence, him training Luna up since a child. Magic had always been her strong suit, and as much as she'd tried to better herself physically, she never seemed up to par with what he had wanted from her. 

After raking a hand through her hair in an attempt to get it under control, she turned to face the dark, empty hotel room. The full moon above her shone brightly and the thin, white scars covering her arms shone brightly. Her magic required a blood sacrifice to use it and she had become quite used to the pain as a child. At least she had a high pain tolerance working in her favor. Despite her apprehension, Luna couldn't help but feel the excitement growing in her gut. 
The day command seals startet forming on the back of his hand was Henry Crawley's happiest day. Oh, he had waited for this. Oh, he deserved this. A member of the Crawley family should win the Grail War. And who else to succeed than the superior member of the Crawley family?

Henry was absolutely certain he would be the one to win this war. He was from superior breeding stock, from a long line of mages. He had the summoning catalyst for the strongest Servant in his briefcase. He was cunning and was incredibly charming.

Oh, Henry really believed he was one of the greatest people who had ever walked the earth. But Henry was a deeply flawed man.

On the way to his rental apartment, Henry wiped his forehead with a hankerchief multiple times. This Australian heat, he didn't care much for it. He'd much prefer a familiar European climate, but in the end it wouldn't matter where the battles were fought, it was who won them. Yes. Henry smiled and continued walking until he found the luxurious condominium. His apartment was the penthouse, of course. 
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>Lily von Brandt - Arrival<

Lily smiled as she exited the airport into the city. It was hot, and she was tired, and her suitcase was extremely heavy, but she couldn't help but feel excited. Soon, seven exceptionally powerful ancient spirits would be summoned, and she would be there to witness their conflict. The lost knowledge that could be learned, the information that few others would ever know - just thinking about it made her want to spin in joy.

Lily quickly flagged a taxi, leaving the driver to handle her luggage as she climbed into the vehicle. She unfurled the map she'd been carrying, tracing the odd lines drawn over an ordinary city map of Sidney. She'd been fortunate to find a map of the city's Ley lines, something that would be invaluable in finding a base.

As the driver re-entered the vehicle and asked for her destination, she simply pointed to the map, asking him to follow the nearest line.

"Uh, you just want me to follow that?" The driver asked, sounding confused.

"Indeed," Lily smiled, speaking in a slightly stilted, heavily accented voice. "I shall tell you when to stop."

Giving her a confused glance, the driver started the car, deciding a bit of strangeness wasn't worth complaining about. The roads didn't follow the Ley line exactly, but there were enough to stay close to it. After about half an hour of driving, Lily spotted a place that looked ideal. "Ah!" She said, pointing out a burned-out wreck of a suburban house. "Stop here, please."

She left the vehicle, examining the house in more detail. Even fire-damaged, it was mostly structurally sound, without any windows, but all four walls intact. It looked as though it would suit Lily's purposes. She looked back to the driver, to see him staring at her in confusion. For a second, she stared back, before realising she hadn't yet paid him. That realisation brought on a second - that she'd also forgotten to bring whatever currency they used in Australia. "Oh!" She said, clapping a hand to her mouth in surprise. "I am sorry." She could have simply hypnotised him, but she disliked the idea of robbing him of his wages. Instead, she took a ring from her finger and held it towards him. "Here," She said, pressing it into his hand, "This should be enough."

The man looked as though he was going to say something, but decided against it. After unloading her suitcase, he simply drove away, perhaps faster than necessary. Lily watched him depart with a cheery wave, then wheeled her baggage into the wrecked house, ready to begin preparations for the war.
A matte black limo could be seen creeping along the shadows of town blending in with the shadows as it drove with no headlights like a phantom is whipped through the streets without sound, even the engine itself was dead silent. Mistress Gagaga sat in the very back legs crossed, with one hand extended holding a glass half filled with red wine while the other flipped through the pages of a book where the words were written with strange characters not known to any language. Her eyes darted from the end of each page to another eventually turning to the next page, the truth was she could barely read the language, but she had just enough of a vague understanding to piece things together. Eventually, she grew bored of it and closed the book to take another delectable taste of her drink, uncrossing and re-crossing her, legs slowly getting more agitated at the fact she had been riding in this car for little over two hours now.

 “Not long now mistress, were just a few more minutes out,” The driver said seeming to have sensed his owners growing annoyance

“Finally, these seats weren’t exactly made for comfort” she complained squirming around on the pristine leather seats, try as she might to look dignified sitting on them after an hour or in this case two it got a little challenging.

The driver said a few minutes it was actually an easy thirty more, but at last it reached its destination, on the outskirts of town, down a stretch of dirt road that went through a thicket of forest leading to a massive clearing with an abandoned carnival complete with worn down rides, broken down tents and smashed up glass. The driver exited the car first, walked around then opened the door for his mistress. Out from the limo stepped out a very tall woman where most of her body was in her long legs highlighted even more by her black heels and maxi dress.

“Thank you, Phylis that will be all, I shall call you if I need transportation back, ” she said dismissing her vassal

“Yes m’lady” the creature said before disappearing along with the vehicle.
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It had been already weeks since the cruise had left France, it sounded like a great plan in theory for the mage: if he took a boat rather than a plane he would have lower chances of coming in contact with the other masters when he arrived to Australia, the "what if"s sprouted in his mind when thinking of reaching this city. If he only had known before hand that it would take him 8 days to get used to the constant rocking of the ship: he had been puking so bad the first days he probably spilled his guts down the drain if he could.

Liam was used to making choices which favoured him or simply shot back up his ass, yet one thing was true: he seemed to always make it all the way to the goal: He was looking for a boat he could aboard, maybe he could work some mind trickery in one of those fisher boats, convince one of the fishermen he was their nephew. Everything seemed in order...he had his fake passport and visa ... he knew what he was going to say...that was.... until he got into the wrong queue and ended up applying for a job as a waiter for a cruise ...the facepalms ...oh the facepalms that evening were endless.

And he passed the application process with an average mark, he wasn't neither too good nor too bad, just one more in this herd of youngsters that talked about the adventures that awaited in Sydney, the people they would meet and the memories they would make. He smiled troubled stead before excusing himself under the alibi of some bad seafood he had eaten that morning. Once he was in the bathroom of that shared room, yes...Liam couldn't get an individual room...he shared it with another waiter, he went to encounter his good old friend the toilet among the mess that were his belongings: he pulled out his laptop and went on continuing his search...any info...any data he could gather from the other mages ...any news of abnormal events happening in the surroundings the middle of that mess of clothes...anime DVDs and food plates awaited hidden one unique item ...a briefcase was sealed so carefully from the outer world would had made contrast with everything else if it wasn't hidden under those boxers of course.

And as the sea waves clashed against the metallic structure so did the spectres in his mind, what awaited in that city was not glory...was not endless was death ....he lowered his face down to his thighs as if he felt his entrails being skewered around...he was going to have to murder people...and if he didn't...he would be killed stead ...why was he here? ...his family reduced in numbers every generation...his father was long gone and ...Liam's eyes close as the phantoms of his past haunt him...he remembers now why he is here.

He continues searching in his laptop ...he reads and informs himself more about the city...his body was weaker than that of the average person...he wasn't that strong...nor resistant ...nor fast....but all that damn time he did not spend on those activities...he invested them on that computer and the short list of spells he had inherited. And as he pressed the keys on his keyboard and the cruise was announced closer to the city one simple phrase spurts out of his lips. 

"...Fuck magic..." 
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