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Fantasy Project Regalia (CLOSED)


ash and flame



Hello and welcome to Project Regalia!

Project Regalia is a roleplay set in a world of high fantasy, revolving around an item called a Regalia. In Project Regalia there are many things you can do, ranging from making a shop keeper to having a warrior that goes on adventures, capturing dungeons and claiming Regalia.

Project Regalia also offers a nice variety when creating a character, giving you options in terms of species, classes, and abilities.
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So with this slide comes an important question: What exactly are Regalia?

Little is known about the origin of Regalia, and only speculation is offered as to how they work. Most say that they are magic, and it's hard to disagree with this conclusion, however it is yet to be discovered just how they do what they do.

What is known about Regalia is that they mark heroes, legends, and sometimes great evil. With the power a Regalia offers its user, corruption is always sure to follow.

That still doesn't answer the question though. What are Regalia?

Well, Regalia are items, presumably magic, that give their wielders great powers, varying from Regalia to Regalia. These items can be anything, ranging from something as simple as a pendant, to something dangerous, like a sword.

Ulthar's Pendent for example, is one that is a simple silver necklace. Even still, it holds immense power.

So what do Regalia do?

As stated above, they give their owners powers. Now, these powers vary depending on which Regalia a person has. Using the example from above, Ulthar's Pendent grants its owner a great amount of speed.

How does one obtain a Regalia?

Granted the power these hold, it is no easy task to get one. Most Regalia are found at the end of long and dangerous dungeons. However, there is the occasion Regalia that might be found in some dark alley....

Well, where are these dungeons?

Dungeons are located all around the world, in each continent. When one crops up, it is usually marked by a beacon of light, making dungeons easiest to find at night, when the wilderness in which they are located is the most dangerous. For this reason, there have been people known to scout out dungeons and mark their locations as to come back at a safer time to try and conquer it.

Why are Regalia so important?

Nobody knows for certain, but there is an air about them that just screams importance. Some have used Regalia to claim power, others have used them to help people, but for the hundreds of years that they've been around, nobody has found out their true purpose.

Is it possible to hold multiple Regalia at once?

Yes, certainly, so long as you have the ability to obtain them, then they are yours. Some wielders choose to obtain multiple Regalia to pass on as gifts to their most trusted friends, or even their family.
  • As most roleplays do, Project Regalia features Humans as a playable species for you.

    Based on the continent of Atheer, Humans are known to be more of an all-around type of race, with sufficient intelligence, strength, and speed, but not quite excelling in any of them. Humans are usually known to lean more towards magic than a few of the other species, however they are not quite masters of this either.
  • The continent of Atheer is one littered with many cities and towns. The Humans call this place their home, moving through the bustling cities daily, performing business and finding entertainment.

    Atheer is the trade hub of Project Regalia's world, considered the richest and largest of the world.

    Capital: The City of Junn (JOON) - Junn is both the capital and largest city of Atheer. Featuring a castle for the Human's king, a coliseum for gladiatorial battles, theaters, and many many different shops.

    Key Cities: Unthle, Kask, Liiche, Teron

    Wilderness: Placeholder
  • Classes are the parameters in which you will create your character, given that you choose to have them play as an adventurer. You could have a character with a class but not use it, and instead opt to act as a blacksmith, or a trader.

    The Classes I have provided are not the classes you are limited to, but are rather just guidelines for you to create one of your own. You could combine elements of two classes to make a new one, you could simply choose one, or you could come up with one that is completely your own (so long as it isn't overpowered, and I approve of it)

    When creating a class, Strength, Speed, Intelligence, Endurance, and Luck are taken into consideration. Although not limited by points, a character would not be able to have every single element maxed out, under any circumstances. One should consider using percentages to balance their characters elements. For instance, having a character that is 10% Strength, 30% Speed, 15% Intelligence, 35% Endurance, 10% Luck. This, however, is not required either, just a suggestion.
  • Right, so Guilds, what are they exactly? Guilds in Project Regalia are groups of explorers or warriors that strive to work together to perform missions, take on quests, or even clear dungeons!

    Currently there are three available Guilds for characters to join, however roleplayers may also create Guilds of their own so long as their Guild meets requirements.

    Guild Creation Requirements

    -Your Guild must have at least three non-NPC characters
    -Your Guild must have a Guild Master that has at least one Regalia
    -Your Guild must have a city to base itself out of
    -Your Guild must have an emblem
    -Your Guild must have a name

    Guild Hierarchy

    Guild Master - A Guild Master is somebody that has at least one Regalia. The Guild Master is able to deploy Guild Members on missions, assign them quests, and lead raids on dungeons. The Guild Master is usually considered the strongest member of the Guild as well.

    Lieutenant - A Guild Master's second-in-command, they act as a stand-in for a Guild Master if they are unavailable. Lieutenants also provide counsel for Guild Masters and are generally slated to become the next Guild Master.

    Captains - Captains are considered elite members of the Guild, they are skilled in combat and have sway with both the Lieutenant and Guild Master.

    Members - These are just regular members of the Guild, they go on quests, complete missions, and assist in dungeon raids.

    How to Create a Guild

    To create a Guild, a roleplayer must fill out the below form and post it here. It will go on the awaiting approval list until I approve it and it meets necessary requirements.

    Guild Name:
    Guild Emblem:
    Guild Members (3 non-NPC):
    Guild Motto (opt.):
    Guild Master:
    Guild Base:


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your name, spoken in such high regard, and yet you care not


Name: Jaster Bal Somme

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Species: Ixaal

Appearance: Like all Ixaals, Jaster has both horns and pointed ears. His horns are a dark, almost metallic, grey, and curve towards his head. Also like most of his race, Jaster is quite tall, standing an impressive 6'10, and his build is a rather slim, though well-muscled one. Light blue hair sits atop his head, about medium length, and spiky in the back. His eyes are a sharp, almost glowing blue that seem like the very definition of ice.

Often times seen with a light frown upon his face, Jaster can appear quite intimidating, and for good reason. His clothing is rather simple, comprising of a hooded grey top with long sleeves, black bottoms, and leather boots. He wears this in order to keep light, though at times he might be seen with a leather bag upon his back.

Jaster can almost always been seen with Ulthar's Pendant around his neck. The pendant is threaded with a leather cord, the charm hanging at the end. Ulthar's charm is in the shape of a tree, with sharp edges. The charm is made from silver and trimmed with gold.

Personality: Jaster is often described as cold and intimidating, somebody that even at face value isn't somebody you want to mess with. Often times the Ixaal will not speak at all, or when he does he is blunt and bitter. He believes that the truth above all else is what somebody should value, and will therefore tell people what he thinks no matter how it might make them feel. He's the type of guy that if he doesn't like you, he will tell you straight to your face, and there isn't much you can do to change his opinion.

Distrusting is another word to describe the man. Not paranoid, no not at all, just distrusting. He will rarely accept help from anybody, and anything you might say to him that he deems even the slightest bit suspicious he will question. Apart from cold and distrusting, Jaster is a very objective guy, always seeking to perform his set tasks as quickly and efficiently as possible, and never dancing around details but instead getting straight to the point.

Jaster is also very intelligent and clever. He sees knowledge as being a very powerful tool, and therefore attempts to keep himself sharp and in tune when it comes to both book smarts and his common sense. He knows when to use caution, when to attack, when to play to his advantage and when to pull away from something. He is a very self-aware person, constantly picking up on his own weaknesses and downfalls, and always trying to learn from them.

Orientation: Heterosexual Heteromantic

Guild: Azure Drakes

Class: Archer

Abilities: Zoom - The use of mana to enhance the user's vision.

Spell Fire - An Archer-specific ability, this is an ability that allows the user to use mana in order to imbue their arrows with a certain element for a certain amount of shots.

Feather Feet - A passive ability, this allows the user to spring faster without using much energy.

Regalia: Ulthar's Pendant

Weapon: Spitfire Bow, Iron Dagger

Armor: Light leather armor

Fighting Style: Quick and poised, attacks from a distance

History: Jaster was born to a common family within the walls of the Ixaal's capital city: Nuria. His father was of the army, and his mother a jewelry shop keeper. Things were nice for him for awhile growing up, he was an only child, which was fine with him because he made friends within the city, and often times he would go out playing with them. However, things started to change when he reached the age of five, when his horns were just starting to become large. His father was deployed to the faraway village of Jimura, to defend against the invading Kirum legions.

With his father being deployed, Jaster and his mother would be left at home, with his mother barely making enough money to sustain herself, much less a child. Jaster's father, seeing the danger in leaving Jaster with his mother, found a way to sneak him to Jimura with him. From there, Jaster became a rather grumpy child, always complaining about not being with his friends, and complaining about having to hide from the Ixaalian military. He was uncomfortable where he was, and he was constantly without interaction with other people. The time he had to himself though, he spent by reading books and educating himself. He would also sneak away from his father's tent to watch the Archers train, as he had always had an interest in archery.

One day as he was watching the Archers train, one noticed him, the captain of the squadron no less. Once he had figured out that he had been noticed, Jaster panicked, but he didn't run, and it's a good thing he didn't, because all that the captain did was dismiss the squadron. Then, a surprising thing happened, the captain approached Jaster, and asked him what he was doing. Jaster, feeling ashamed, and more nervous than ever, explained to him that he liked to watch the Archers training. The way the captain responded to this was even more surprising than him approaching Jaster in the first place; he offered to train him.

For months after that, after the squadron would finish, the captain would stay behind and train Jaster, making sure nobody found about the boy and ensuring his safety during their training sessions. Jaster picked up the skill rather quickly, and by the time a year passed, he had become phenomenally better than any of the squadron members. Something happened though, something that changed Jaster's life at the drop of a dime. Upon going to watch the training once more, Jaster heard a shrill sound, an alarm he supposed, but he paid no mind to it and went to his hiding spot to watch. When he got there though, the squadron was gone, and the captain as well. Confused, Jaster risked looking around the military encampment, finding nobody around, not even his father.

Panicking, Jaster went on a desperate search for anybody he could find. He could hear shouting in the distance, and decided to follow that. It took him some time to get there, but he finally found where the shouting was coming from, and the scene he had stumbled upon frightened him. It was fighting, all around, Ixaalians squaring off against the Kirum legions. In all of his time at the encampment, the soldiers had never had to go out and fight, but now they were on the field of battle, and it looked like they were getting massacred. They had not been prepared for an assault of this level, for every Ixaal on the battlefield there were three Kirums. The battle ended almost as soon as Jaster had arrived, with the remaining Ixaalians surrendering, submitting to the Kirums, who captured them. This was what changed his life, because he had not gone unnoticed by the Kirums, and he was captured alongside the soldiers.

From there, Jaster was thrown into slavery for the Kirums, underneath of some Kirum noble by the name of Hakon in a small Kirum city. Hakon was a cruel master that punished for even the slightest mistake. Jaster learned quickly what not to do in the presence of Hakon, and how to do things correctly for the man. He was not a lone slave, however, and he grew to know every slave under Hakon's rule. He spent ten years as a slave for Hakon, now a man by the customs of his people. Had he lived a normal life in Nuria, he likely would have gone into the military at this point. His master found a different use for him though - entertainment. He had reached an age where he had become physically well-off, especially with his years of slave-work. So what did Hakon do? He shipped his little Ixaal slave off to the Kirum capital, Hisin, to be a gladiator, where he could perhaps make more money for his master.

Now a gladiator, Jaster learned rather quickly how to fend for himself. With his prior training with the Archer captain he already knew discipline, all he was lacking was skill with a blade. Most days he was lucky to come out with a small cut at the very least. Many of his fights ended in his surrender, with his life hanging by a thread, though he got better after a year of fighting like this. Seventeen now, he was a warrior, a gladiator. He started winning fights, and gaining the eye of his master Hakon, who sometimes came to watch the gladiator fights. Two more years as a gladiator, and Jaster had earned a shot at his freedom - a match to the death, against one of the top-ranked gladiators of the arena. If he won this match, he would be free, there were no other options. It was a hard battle, but he won, and Hakon was true to his word, setting Jaster free.

Jaster wasn't quite sure what to do from there, so he started to explore, moving from city to city until he stumbled upon the dungeon known as Ulthar's Grave. Ulthar's Grave was a famous dungeon because it held a Regalia; Ulthar's Pendant, one that when activated gave its user immense speed. Jaster didn't know much about dungeons, or Regalia, being in slavery for most of his life. He wasn't stupid however, and upon finding out a bit more information about the dungeon, recruited people to help him clear it. His deal? They could all take a cut of his profits from the dungeon, because aside from carrying a Regalia, dungeons also held massive riches.

Together, Jaster and his comrades took on the dungeon, clearing it after a total of two days. Jaster walked away with the regalia and a portion of the riches, and afterwards, he stuck with his comrades. Together they formed the Azure Drakes, a Guild, and he moved the Guild to the Ixaal homeland of Grav, basing it out of his home city, Nuria.

Likes/Dislikes: +Games







-Abusive people

Quote/lyrics here


Name: Rain

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Species: Opim (wolf)

Appearance:black fur pointy ears long furry fluffy black tail and sharp fingernails with a built body
also a long scar going straight down from the top left of his face with white eyes

Personality:dark full of hatred is always sad and mad but very loyal to those who he feels that they deserve


Guild: Azure Drakes


Abilities:silence,night vision,


Weapon:twin daggers,small one handed crossbow


Fighting Style:



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