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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Project Myth CS

Characters Sheets

Please include the following in your character sheets (for now, the Four Horsemen will be played by me). You may have as many characters as you want, as long as you can manage them.

Human Name:
Mythology (Norse, Roman, Greek, Mayan, etc.):
Human Age:
Appearance: (Realistic picture is preferred):
Face claim:
Voice claim:

God Bio:
Human Bio:

Theme Song:


code/design by Fable Fable
Human Name: Tidus Thorson
God/Goddess: Ullr
Mythology: Norse
Human Age: 35
Gender: male we
Face claim: Jason Mamoa
Voice claim: Jason Mamoa
Height:6' 3"

Powers: control over cold, never loses games or competitions, perfect marksman
Weapons/Armor: able to expertly us almost any weapon thick armour hidden by furs
Strengths: marksmanship, any form of combat, luck, maintained youth
Weaknesses: apples of idunn, being fully dismembered.
God Bio: Ullr is the God of hunting, competitions, skiing, winter, boats, and solo combat
Human Bio: Tidus traveled many places helping all he could in what few ways he could. He did his best to not be in the spotlight.

Personality: sheltered and gruff, yet cheery
Likes: winter, hunting, cold, competitions, games
Dislikes: hot weather, losing, smug people, assholes
Theme Song: Hold The Heathen Hammer High



  • Ullr.jpg
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Human Name: Xiao Yue Yin or 'Yue'

Chang'e (Goddess of the Moon)

Mythology: Chinese

Human Age: 23



Face claim:
Yun Seon Young

Voice claim:



Moonlight's blessing:
Yue is able to heal others with her magic.

Moon's Torment:
Yue slashs in a direction sending out a scalding slice of moonlight.

Moon's Protection:
Yue is able to create a shield of moonlight

Moon's Guide:
By Yue's side is her trusted ally Jade, a bunny who is able to speak for her and is immortal like herself. Also her closest friend only friend.

Name: Jade


Species: Jade Rabbit

Eyes of the Moon:
Yue sends out a bright light that blinds enemies.

Yue uses magic as her weapon and dawns no armor.


+Supporting others while they fight


-Not meant for fighting

God Bio:
Long ago Chang'e and her husband lived together in harmony, Chang'e being known in the heavens for her elegant dancing, and Hou Yi for his archery. But that peace was short lived when the Jade Emperor made ten suns, his children. The suns born to scorch the Earth and boil the seas. Hou Yi descended from the heavens and using his archery vanquished 9 of the suns, only sparing one.

The Jade Emperor was furious that his children were killed and as punishment, turned Chang'e and Hou Yi mortal. They soon grew old as do humans, and Hou Yi could longer hunt, like Change' could no longer dance. So Hou Yi set out and found the potion of immortality. However, before they could drink it thieves had attacked.

Hou Yi was out hunting, so it was up to Chang'e to protect it. She did her best to try and hide it, but soon she was forced to drink it. The potion's power was to much for her alone and she was swept into the heavens to live on the moon for eternity, never to see her husband again. Chang'e lived on the moon for hundreds of years, her only companion her Jade Rabbit.

However many years later she was granted access to walk among mortals again.

Human Bio:
Since Yue was granted access to the mortal realm again, she has spent any time she can searching for her husband. She believes him to be dead of course, but she wishes for some closure on what he did after she disappeared. If he vanquished anymore monsters in hopes to free her, if he lived in happiness.

Other than that she has been helping around the world in small ways like most gods.

Personality: Yue is a gentle being who prefers peace. She is very giving and selfless and always puts others before herself. She is friendly and enjoys others company. She is a bit shy due to her being apart from humans for so long but get's over it quickly due to her experience in the dancing in front of others. She is innocent and loves to make others smile, may it be by dancing or other things.




-The Moon
-Rock music/Rap
-Loud Noises
-Hot days

Theme Song:

Extras: N/A​
Awilix, Mayan Gooddess of the Moon/Night
Human Name: Atiena Silva
God/Goddess: Awilix, Goddess of the Moon
Mythology: Mayan
Human Age: 30
Gender: female
Appearance: (Realistic picture is preferred):

Face claim: Camila Alves
Voice claim:
Height: 5’8”

Gravity manipulation: can be used to soften her steps, making her completely silent, as well as enhancing leaps and flips. She can also cause things to float around her in a wide circle.

Summon the Night Sky (Seti): Seti can surround Awilix, allowing her to blend into shadows or simply consume the surrounding area in darkness.

Moonray: calls down a harsh blast of moonlight to smite an enemy.

Cleansing light: As guardian of the night, Awilix is charged with protecting the sacred balance of death. She can emit a cleansing light that blinds and burns the unholy undead and can reverse unnatural sickness.

Lunar surge: Awilix’s powers are stronger during the night, and at their best during a fullmoon. Bloodmoons are a whole different story and she can sometimes have trouble containing her power.


Awilix fights with spears made of moonlight. Her method of attack is to dance around an enemy and strike at where they are most vulnerable.

Seti: the manifestation of the night. He takes the form of a black panther, with stars splattered across his pelt like spots. However, to blend in he takes on the form of a black cat.



-disadvantaged towards long-ranged fighters
-works better when alone
-not good at prolonged fights
-Heavily armored opponents can pose a threat

God Bio: As one of the three major gods of the K’iche’ Maya, Awilix rules over the night as the goddess of the moon. Yet just as the moon has its dark shadow, Awilix is also associated with death, the underworld, and sickness. Although she is not the ruler of these powers, she is charged with the duty of dealing with the gods of death and assuring the safe passage of her worshippers’ souls.

Legend also says that she coaxed down the night sky to wrap around the earth, giving us the night and the stars. She gave the night a name, Seti, and invited him to visit the earth with her every half-day during her nocturnal reign. Ever since then, the night sky has followed after the moon as her steadfast companion

Human Bio: Atiena is a quiet lady who is hardly ever seen outside of her house during the day. When she does venture out it is often at dusk and her interactions are short, yet pleasant, with any whom strike up a conversation. She keeps to herself, which incidentally placed her as the talk of the town. Some think she is a widow, others a witch, due to the black cat that follows her around. Atiena doesn’t mind this, in fact she finds it amusing and will sometimes humor others by going along with their gossip.

Personality: She is reserved, though in a way that could not possibly be considered shy. Like a cat, she talks to you when she feels like it and leaves the conversation when she pleases. Awilix relishes her time alone and isn’t too keen on prolonged social interactions or crowds. Yet despite her aloofness, Awilix has a kind heart at her center.

+the night
+peaceful music
+soccer (she is exceptional at it!)
+Vast expanses of wilderness

-Harsh sunlight
-Those who abuse their power... expecially gods.

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Kira Shikkan
The Horseman of Conquest/Pestilence


Human Name: Kira Shikkan

God/Goddess: The Horseman of Conquest/Pestilence

Mythology: Christianity

Human Age: 25

Face Claim: Kurara Chibana

Voice Claim: Hayley Kiyoko

Height: 5'7
Powers: Fairly good hand-to-hand combat
Expert marksmanship
Powerful persuasion (due to Conquest)

Weapons/Armor: Bow and Arrows
White, silk robe
Silvery-white crown

Strengths: Agility

Weaknesses: Closed-off/Tight areas
Up-close combat
3rd most durable of the Horsemen

God Bio: "I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, 'Come and see!' I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest." ( Revelation 6:1-2)

Human Bio: The Horseman of Conquest/Pestilence took on the persona of Kira Shikkan. As Kira, the Horseman became an epidemiologist to further their understanding of human medicine and disease. Once notified that Hades summoned the Horsemen, Kira went quick to work to curate the perfect disease to wipe out not only the gods, but the entire human population.
Personality: Kira is a very social person, due to her desire to adventure and conquest. Due to her strong social skills, she is also very persuasive and sly in order to get as many people on her side and go for world domination (which she would eventually turn on with disease). Once you get past her almost welcoming exterior, her true colors really start to show. She introduces ideas that seem fine at first, but they are actually devilish. She can become harsh and brute once things are come down to it.

Likes: World domination

Dislikes: All the other gods
People who can defeat her in battle

Theme Song:

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Meritt Holt
The Horseman of War
Name: Meritt Holt

God/Goddess: The Horseman of War

Human Age: 29

Gender: Male

Face Claim: Matthew Noszka

Voice Claim: Bobby Roode

Height: 6'4
Powers: Anger/Violence Inducement
Expert hand-to-hand combat
Expert Marksman
Super Strength
Fire Manipulation
Blood Manipulation (Only Occurs when like REALLY flooded with rage)

Weapons/Armor: Large, long sword
Silver body armor
Sometimes battles without armor, with only a light cloth around his waist

Strengths: Strength
2nd most durable Horseman

Weakness: Can be blinded by rage/emotions
Lack of strategy
Fairly slow without horse

God Bio: "When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, 'Come and see!' Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other. To him was given a large sword." ( Revelation 6:3-4)

Human Bio: The Horseman of War took on the persona of Meritt Holt. As Meritt, the Horseman went into the the U.S. army where he became a sergeant to further their understanding of the strategy and violence of human war. Once notified by Hades that the Horseman was summoned, Meritt set fire to his army base and left them all for dead.
Personality: Compared to the other Horsemen, Meritt is the most ruthless, brutal, and unforgiving of all of them. All he wants is to destroy everything in sight and induce war against all the world's nations. He simply wants to see everything burned to the ground. However, Meritt isn't very tactical or strategic. He just wants to go in and kill.

Likes: Destruction

Dislikes: Peace
The Living

Theme Song:
Also Known as Morrigan and the Queen of Phantoms
Goddess of war, life, death, cunning, and sheer physical force; protectoress in both battle and peace.


  • Celtic Goddess
    Human Name: Marvina Reid
    Human Age: 24
    Gender: Female
    Voice claim:Lynn Hilary
    Height: 5'11

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Elias "Eli" Carter
aka Morpheus the God of Dreams


mythology Greek
human age 30
gender Male
face claim Sam Claflin
height 6'00"

master of dreams In the dreaming realm, Eli is nigh-omnipotent, creating and altering at a whim, and manipulating the senses of others to his fancy.

projections Eli can project illusions and visions—other forms of "dreams"—into the minds of others, whether they are awake or not. These feel so real that they seem indistinguishable from reality, contrary to their true nature.

sleep induction He can put mortals to sleep with a mere thought. Deities are more of a challenge however and usually require prolonged physical contact to induce sleep. Likewise, Eli is capable of inducing insomnia through the same means and limitations.

teleportation Eli can teleport anywhere in the mortal realm through the dreams of others.

weapons/armor Not traditionally a fighter but, as with most gods and goddesses, his physical attributes are greater than any mortal. He does carry a gun for self-defense and wears no notable armor.


-Mental State
-Physical Combat

god bio One of the thousand children of Hypnos, known collectively as the Oneiroi, Morpheus became the eventual leader of his siblings and the god of dreams and, later, sleep in general. During his golden age, Morpheus delivered the visions and prophecies of the gods to worthy mortals through his dreams. Morpheus was chosen for this duty because of his unrivaled ability to mimic the features of humanity: their appearance, voice, mood, gait, even choice of words. He was tasked with appearing before Alcyone in her dream as her late husband, Ceyx. But when she woke to discover the deceased body of her husband having washed ashore, Alcyone committed suicide by throwing herself to the sea. The gods, however, took pity on them and transformed the lovers into Halcyon birds.

human bio The perceived death of most, if not all, of his brothers and sisters threw Morpheus into a deep depression and landed him into the mortal realm some time ago. He now walks the earth as Elias Carter—Eli to his associates. Eli suffers from the whispers of his dead siblings and mortal dreamers which he hears as numerous indiscernible voices. Mortal doctors label him as suffering from mental illness and administered him into a hospital. He's out now but is forced to rely on medicine to control the whispers although he finds himself reluctant to take any as they dull his mind and senses. As of late, he is often visited by a specter or vision of his late sibling Phobetor taking the form of his late mortal lover, Carly, goading and reminding Eli of his failings.

Eli is a soft-spoken individual with questionable mental health. He suffers from hearing voices of his dead siblings and mortals due to his inherent connection to the dreaming realm which he dubs the "whispers". He also suffers from visions of his sibling, Phobetor, who takes the form of his dead mortal lover, Carly. This happens quite frequently, which causes him to "talk" to himself in public. He has become apathetic to the business of the gods and sees himself more as a mortal than an immortal, caring little for the gods and their politics and problems and taking care to hide his general presence from them, although he does still keep in contact with a few associates from the heavenly realms. When under the influence of his meds, Eli becomes like another person entirely, more akin to his godly roots. He is wise and sagacious as well as having an air of alluring mystery. He becomes concern with the world of the gods and its general well-being although still having his best interest at heart first and foremost. He tends to appear to others in all white garb while on his meds, giving off a divine or godly vibe as he puts it.

+White Clothing (on meds)
+Classical Music (on meds)

-His Medicine
-Being looked at funny

theme song Apple Blossom by The White Stripes

Human Name:
Nysa Night

Nyx, Goddess of Darkness and Night

Mythology (Norse, Roman, Greek, Mayan, etc.):

Human Age:



Voice claim:
Scarlett Johansson


Darkness Manipulation - Nysa is able to bend darkness to her will. She can will darkness to take on a physical aspect and is able to manipulate it. She can form weapons using it or to attack her opponents.
Servant of Darkness - Nysa can summon a double of herself entirely made from darkness. The servant is not that physically strong and is better suited as a scout, spy, or as a distraction.
Shadow Travel - Nysa is able to use her power to travel using shadows. This power gets harder to control the farther the distance it and if Nysa doesn’t know the location. She can travel blond, but she may get transported to a random location in between the starting and ending point of the travel.
Night Empowerment - As the goddess of Night, Nysa is naturally stronger at night. All her physical atteibute as well as her powers are empowered at night, and is weakened in the morning.
Cage of Shadows - Nysa is able to trap her enemies in darkness, rendering their senses useless. It only lasts for a short while but is effective at hindering her enemies.
Shroud of Darkness - Darkness envelops Nysa, shrouding her from the eyes of others. She can extend this shroud to others and hide them as well, though the more people she shrouds the easier it is to be seen.
Day to Night - Nysa is able to temporarily block the sun’s light and turn day into night. Her powers are empowered like they would be at night, however, once the effect ends she suffers double the weakness she would feel at daylight.


Robes of Night - Nysa wears a robe woven from pure darkness. The robe is especially effective against projectile weaponry. The robe can turn into a black leather jacket if she wills it.



God Bio:

Human Bio:




Theme Song:

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hecate, goddess of magic
she's got the magic touch, and you're walking around in a dream


HUMAN NAME_celeste henry
GODDESS_hecate, goddess of magic, crossroads, ghosts, and necromancy (but mainly magic)
HUMAN AGE_twenty years old
FACE CLAIM_katie douglas
VOICE CLAIM_katherine langford

persona and relations


history and trivia

POWERS_mystiokinesis, a divine authority and absolute control over magic, strongest at night
necromancy, a divine authority and absolute control over the dead (such as summoning the dead for battle or being able to touch ghosts)
mist control, the ability to create illusions & false memories, hide locations, disguise people, and influence mortal minds
prophecy, an ability to see multiple possible futures

coding by: diaphanous
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Goddess of Retribution
Basic Info
Human Name: Mía Reyes Velásquez

God/Goddess: Nemesis // Goddess of Retribution, Revenge, Vengeance, Balance and Justice

Mythology: Roman

Human Age: Twenty-five

Gender: Female

Face Claim: Eiza Gonzalez

Voice Claim: Penélope Cruz

Height: 5'8" (1.73m)
• Judgement - Suffer the consequences. Nemesis is capable of judging one's sins and serve punishment equal to the weight of those wrongdoings, ranging from the smallest of cuts to entire limbs and organs being sliced off or carved out, even death should their crimes be irredeemable.
• Ruin - True success requires sacrifice. When someone has had too much fortune, Nemesis will bring about their downfall. The strong become weak, the wealthy become poor, and the powerful become menial. This ability takes a bit of time to take effect, but it will slowly siphon away their good luck until nothing is left.
• Prosperity - Likewise, when someone has had too much misfortune, Nemesis is capable of granting them opulence. The weak become strong, the poor become wealthy, and the menial become powerful. This ability takes it's time in coming into effect, but it will slowly drain one's bad luck until there is none.
• Tenfold - The bigger they are, the harder they fall. When in combat, the stronger her opponent, her attacks double, and even triple in power. However, if her opponent is just as strong or weaker than herself, Nemesis does not recieve the boost.

• Soar - Justice rains from above. Nemesis possesses a pair of large, angelic wings capable of not only flight, but also deflecting projectiles and firing her own feathers for an aerial attack. While her wings are incredibly durable, they are not indestructible, and her feathers take a long while for them to grow back.

Weapons/Armor: Nemesis has two main weapons, a whip and a sword, and is capable of using both efficiently and effectively. Her armor is reminiscent of the spartans of old, with a slight, feminine touch, and is able to withstand all sorts of attacks.

Diverse attacks

Aerial maneuverability
Incredibly durable
Beneficial buffs

Restrictions on abilities
Will not harm more than needed
Holds grudges
Intolerable of the guilty
Personal Info
God Bio: Recall the tale of Narcissus, so taken by his own beauty. Proudly, his visage was flaunted, to the detriment of all. Until, at last, he was led to a pond of crystal hue where his own reflection enraptured him. So long did he remain to gaze upon this self-image that hunger claimed his life. It is consequence equal to the crime. Nemesis is the goddess of retribution, revenge, vengeance, justice and balance. And there is none that can escape her punishments.

Human Bio: Mía is an intense, yet fair lawyer known for having a 100% success rate as both a prosecutor and an attorney. However, she is extremely selective when it comes to picking out clients, and oftentimes turns potential patrons away at the door of her law firm, stating that she has no intention of protecting a criminal or condemning an innocent soul. Those that do manage to sway her to their side, would find that they had an impenetrable wall that defended them, or a piercing spear that attacked the suspect without mercy. Her service, however, is not at all light on the pocket, as those who employ her usually have their bank accounts drained.

Personality: A calm and collected individual, Nemesis handles most situations that would induce terror and fear in even an immortal with a controlled ease. In most cases, even genuine surprise and happiness, her reactions to stimuli are subdued. Her conduct is very business-like, however she isn't incapable of a bit a humor, goodnatured and not. Despite appearing detached and cold, she cares deeply for the others, especially those she would consider her allies, vowing revenge for them after they had been wronged.

She is fearless, even in the face of one more powerful than herself, for none can escape divine retribution. It should be noted, however, that Nemesis is easily flustered, especially in the face of genuine flattery. She is responsible, usually reasonable, however her calm demeanor can give way to bouts of rage at times. Nemesis, though serious and stoic, isn't hard-hearted or unfeeling. When Juno had tossed Vulcan off of Mount Olympus, she had asked with no little amount of horror what the goddess had done, before angrily proclaiming that retribution will be enacted for her cruel deed. By the very child she had so eagerly abandoned.



Salty foods

Theme Song: Sigrid - Everybody Knows

Extras: She and her Greek counterpart share the same name, for their existence is one and the same, though she has been known to be called Invidia by the Romans.

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Master of Skills


Lugh’s father was Cian of the Tuatha Dé Danann and his mother was Ethniu, daughter of Balor the Fomorian King. It was said that Lugh’s grandfather, Balor of the Evil Eye, learned that he would one day be murdered by a grandson. He tried to confine his daughter Ethniu, but Cian managed to release her and she bore him three sons. Balor arranged for the children to be killed, although Lugh was saved and raised by a smith.

As a young man, Lugh traveled to the Hall of Tara to join the court of Nuada, King of the Tuatha Dé Danann. However, the guard at the door would not grant him access unless he had a skill that was of help to the King. Lugh said he was a wright, smith, craftsman, swordsman, harpist, poet, historian, sorcerer, physician, and champion, to which the guard explained they already had experts with those skills. Yet in asking the guard whether if any one man had all of those skills together, Lugh was granted access to the Hall and eventually became a member of the Tuatha.

It is during the Second Battle of Mag Tuireadh against the oppressive Fomorians that the Tuatha King Nuada is killed in battle by Balor. Lugh was then tasked with defeating Balor, who opened his poisonous eye that kills all it looks upon. Shooting a spear that drove Balor's eye out the back of his head, Lugh killed his grandfather as prophesized.

Cermait, the son of Dagda, later seduced one of Lugh’s wives. Lugh kills him in revenge, yet Cermait's sons avenged their father’s death by drowning Lugh at Uisnech in Loch Lugborta and thus relegating him to the realm of mortals.

Solar Empowerment: Often worshipped as a deity of the sun, Lugh is physically stronger when in its presence.

Light Manipulation: Lugh has control over visible light, having the ability to create and bend it.

Storm Generation: Also referred to as a god of storms, Lugh can create minor storms of wind, rain, and lightning for limited periods of time.

Talent Distribution: Able to educate others in a number of professions and arts, therefore having the ability to manufacture fine craftsmen out of ordinary mortals.

Companions: Able to call upon Enbarr or Failinis (his horse and hound, respectively) at a moment's notice.

Weapons & Possessions
Areadbhair: A spear said to never miss its target. Known for its bloodthirstiness, often trying to fight without anyone wielding it, its tip had to be kept immersed in a pot of water to keep it from igniting.

Fragarach: A sword forged by the gods given to Lugh by his foster father. It was said that no one could tell a lie with the blade at his or her throat, thus giving the weapon its moniker of The Answerer.

Enbarr: A horse legends dictate that could fare over both land and sea.

Failinis: A hound that was proficient in battle, caught every wild beast it encountered, and could change any running water it bathed in into wine. It takes on the form of a blue greyhound in the mortal world.

• Physical strength
• Versatile and adaptable in battle
• Well-versed in military strategy

• Powers are restricted in the darkness or when submerged
• Lack of complete trust in others
• Mobile enemies

Donal Finnegan
Face & Voice Claim - Colin O'Donoghue




After being drowned by the sons of Cermait, Lugh took on the persona of Donal Finnegan. Despite the unfortunate nature of his life as a human, Lugh nevertheless intended on continuing to exercise his powers over the mortal world. While even to this day he seeks vengeance on those responsible for his so-called death, he has since then managed to establish a somewhat comfortable life among the mortals. Initially residing in a medium-sized apartment in Dublin with no permanent company other than his greyhound Failinis, his life began in a rather quiet and humble manner. After mulling over how to best exert his influence given his current situation, Donal ultimately took on work as a teacher at local institutions as a means to offer up his wisdom and famed skill set. Whether his teachings were in the field of engineering, music, or medicine, he nevertheless was able to instill the desired knowledge and talents within his pupils without fail. Soon enough, however, his efforts would be recognized and praised by other educators on an international level. Given his newfound reputation, it was of no surprise to Donal when Project MYTH eventually ascertained his alternate identity as Lugh.

Somber with a hint of pessimism. While not exactly qualities that would be associated with a god of light, it's obvious that Donal derives a considerable amount of his bitterness from his attempted murder. Although the man may come off as curmudgeon-like at times, he still manages to find joy and pleasure in simple things. Most surprisingly, his passion for teaching the youth of the world has given him a new understanding and appreciation for humans altogether. Eloquent and patient with an extensive bank of practical knowledge as a complement, the man makes for an effective educator and conversational partner. While Donal also has a great sense of pride and accomplishment due to his godly nature, he also discovered his preference for a modest way of life, wanting to move away from the glorified and regal lifestyle that has been the cause of many of his burdens during his time as Lugh. Regardless, he still feels bound by responsibility to continue aiding the mortals, and has managed to adapt to human culture quite well over the years.

• Handiwork
• Sport
• Nature
• Board Games
• Learning

• Water
• Dairy
• Darkness
• Cats
• Storms
Human Name: Edgar Dominicis
God: Mars
Mythology: Roman
Human Age: 26
Gender: Male
Face claim:
Ben Barnes
Voice claim: Matthew Mercer
Height: 6’1

Non-Reload: This ability gives him unlimited ammunition to shred his opponents.
Empower: Edgar can buff both himself and targeted allies, slightly increasing strength, speed, and stamina. As the amount of targets grows, the effect of the buff grows as well.
Battle Rage: When this skill is active, Edgar is able to transcend the natural limitations placed upon his body, resulting in titanic, near-superhuman strength. However, over time it causes extreme fatigue, draining his life force and pushing him to a near-fatal state.
Pax Romana: Edgar can swear an oath to defend his land, allowing him to blast powerful explosive rays at the enemy.
Detonate: Edgar can make anything he touches explode within up to ten seconds of touching it.

Weapons/Armor: Edgar wields dual machine guns, which he wields as if they are extensions of his own body. He is also equipped with a combat knife for close-up conflicts. In battle he wears standard combat uniform, sometimes with his helmet.

Strengths: Strategy | Loyalty | Adaptability | Fitness
Weaknesses: Empathy | Socializing | Unrealistic Ideals

God Bio: The son of Jupiter and Juno, Mars was often respected for his dignity and character. He directed his energies into warding off hostile forces around his people, and thus became the force that drives wars which deliver peace. However, there was a rapid growth of Christianity within his lands, and soon enough Mars became a forgotten God with no people to defend and no land to fight for. The aimless God grew more empty as more wars were waged for self-interest rather than peace. Eventually, when he could no longer stand to watch unjustified deaths, Mars decided to dwell amongst mankind and spread the values that he once displayed through his worshippers.

Human Bio: Edgar joined the Roman Army as soon as he arrived in the mortal realm. He was recognized for his extraordinary talents and quickly rose through the ranks. When Project Myth discovered him, Edgar was sent into a special task force that battles the deadliest of evils all around the world. He also leads armies into the depths of war, where only the most brilliant of strategists can achieve victory.

Personality: Edgar is a great strategist and planner. He thinks of the best solution first before he acts towards the enemies or any challenges. He believes that war is the ultimate form of human existence since soldiers sacrifice their individuality for their nation and create something much more important than themselves. As a result, Edgar would never let any one of his men die under his command.

Likes: Honor | Glory | Integrity | Puzzles
Dislikes: Fear | Weakness | Cheaters | Cats
Theme Song:
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Saturday Anders


Human Age:
Face and Voice claim:
Darce Montgomery

Saturday- the perfect armor and weapon for a coward.

God Bio:

Of all the so called gods, Loki was one of the few tricksters who could say he actually enjoyed the order to lay out of sight--he was good enough at it already. It was enough that the whole ordeal with Baldor was more of a misunderstanding when it came down to it. After all, mortals do have a tendency not to truly understand the sides of a story that they don't want to see. Ragnarok was...more of a failsafe and more than a failsafe. That's all neither here or now. Loki was alive and the fact that someone or something wanted to end his existence didn't even register to him. He didn't even care.

Until he was almost assassinated and earned an angry scar on his back to tell the story.

Human Bio:

Saturday has always known about his godly counterpart. Loki never kept secrets, he just misdirected them. There was no difference for his vessel, his "son". Made of the parts that Loki considered unnecessary for himself, he made sure the man knew his one and only purpose as clear as vodka: Keep him alive. Being part of a God, Saturday should have wanted for nothing. He was expected to. Of course, that was never going to be the case. Saturday wanted to be free from this seemingly immortal cause. And he highly resents his making and his maker. He might seem like a reckless bodyguard, but there is more to him than being a killing machine.

Being cold comes rather naturally to this man. He's also prone to being the first person to defend anyone he feels like caring for. While it is true that he has less interesting in more worldly issues, he is curious about the world around him and how people operate. His humor is often self-deprecating...he was his only friend for a long time. The most he feels he can ever be is a lonely man on a doomed mission.

Mixed Martial Arts
First Aid Procedures
Bonnie from The Vampire Diaries
Unsharpened Weapons

Songs :
Imperfection - Synthesis, Evanescence

Control - BADLANDS, Halsey
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Seree Zwilini
The Horseman of Famine

Human Name:
Seree Asaf Zwilini

God/Goddess: The Horseman of Famine

Mythology: Christianity

Human Age: 35

Gender: Female

Face Claim: Solange Knowles

Voice Claim: Danai Gurira

Height: 5'1
Hunger Inducement

Dehydration Inducement
Power Mimicry
Energy Steal/Absorption
Animal Communication

Weapons/Armor: Judgement Scales

Strengths: Focused
Skillful in all types of magic

Weaknesses: Fragile
Most Fragile of all the Horsemen
Takes a lot of energy to conjure strong spells

God Bio: "When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, 'Come and see!' I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, 'A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, and three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!”'(Revelation 6:5-6)

Human Bio: The Horseman of Famine took on the persona of Seree Asaf Zwilini. As Seree, the Horseman became the queen of an isolated African kingdom to further gain the understanding of human unity and survivalist tactics. Once notified that Hades summoned the Horseman, Seree began her destruction by killing off all the cattle and salting the crops to kill the entire kingdom.
Because of her previous experience to grow an army, Seree is not only a great leader, but she is very resourceful. She knows how to take one thing, and turn it into 10 different things. She knows how to manage resources like materials, water, and especially food. While she is also good at managing resources, she knows exactly how to take them away with a devastating impact, without even knowing what they hit them.

Likes: People suffering
People feeling hopeless

Dislikes: People thriving
Hot weather
BBQ Chips

Theme Song:

Seree Zwilini
The Horseman of Famine

Human Name:
Seree Asaf Zwilini

God/Goddess: The Horseman of Famine

Mythology: Christianity

Human Age: 35

Gender: Female

Face Claim: Solange Knowles

Voice Claim: Danai Gurira

Height: 5'1
Hunger Inducement

Dehydration Inducement
Power Mimicry
Energy Steal/Absorption
Animal Communication

Weapons/Armor: Judgement Scales

Strengths: Focused
Skillful in all types of magic

Weaknesses: Fragile
Most Fragile of all the Horsemen
Takes a lot of energy to conjure strong spells

God Bio: "When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, 'Come and see!' I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, 'A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, and three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!”'(Revelation 6:5-6)

Human Bio: The Horseman of Famine took on the persona of Seree Asaf Zwilini. As Seree, the Horseman became the queen of an isolated African kingdom to further gain the understanding of human unity and survivalist tactics. Once notified that Hades summoned the Horseman, Seree began her destruction by killing off all the cattle and salting the crops to kill the entire kingdom.
Because of her previous experience to grow an army, Seree is not only a great leader, but she is very resourceful. She knows how to take one thing, and turn it into 10 different things. She knows how to manage resources like materials, water, and especially food. While she is also good at managing resources, she knows exactly how to take them away with a devastating impact, without even knowing what they hit them.

Likes: People suffering
People feeling hopeless

Dislikes: People thriving
Hot weather
BBQ Chips

Theme Song:

i for the life of me couldn't figure out why the picture wouldn't center to disregard the weird placement LOL
Apollo | Greek | Thirty-One

FC: Nicolas Baisin
VC: Andrew Hozier-Byrne
Song: Someone New - Hozier

A god is a god -- meant to be worshipped, revered, not a face shackled to the invisibility of a crowd. Apollo never understood the need to hide, the need to be ashamed of who or what he was. But he also knew full well that he couldn’t conquer the world alone if he tried, and it was obvious that a lot of his family had long since lost interest in managing temples and receiving sacrificial lambs. So there it was: Nowadays, his family’s legacy had been reduced to collegiate fraternities and sororities, and the occasional honourary name to buildings and rocket ships.

Apollo 11, of course, was his favourite, being that he was normally associated with the sun, not the moon. Artemis will never hear the end of it.

Apollo had lived most of his human life behind-the-scenes, arranging concerts for and managing the careers of figures such as Mozart and Beethoven. He always disappeared right around the time people questioned why he didn’t age. Just as well -- it always coincided with the time those bastards started to become convinced their genius was their own, and only their own.

1851 was the year he’d ever dared confess to any human who he really was. History had yet to repeat such a moment or, indeed, such a human. She was a poet of the highest calibre, the type foolish (or, perhaps, smart) enough to hide herself and her genius away in a dark corner of her bedroom. Unlike the others, she drew no inspiration from him -- didn’t ever need to -- and only once did she write a poem in his honour. Or at least that’s how he’d liked to see it. It is no tribute, but a rebuke, sir, she’d told him. This was days after his confession, after telling her that he had lived long, too long, that he was bound to live forever, so there was no longer much he looked forward to. She handed him her poem.

Forever is composed of nows, the first line read.

To this day, Apollo still keeps the tiny piece of paper tucked in his wallet. In the late 1800’s, he started a self-imposed exile, living the life of a hermit just to see how it felt. It wasn’t until the 2000’s that he decided to come back to society, half-impressed and half-horrified at the way music and literature had evolved without his manipulation.

He began to join in on the fun, starting out as a street musician in London in 2009. At some point, someone took a video of him. It went viral. He went viral. The rest, as they say, was history.
Nowadays, most everyone has heard of the name Apollo Cirillo. His records sell like candy. His 16th world tour is coming up. AC thinks he’s bigger than The Beatles, the media say as they document a life lived in excess. Oh, these funny little humans. If only they knew.

Oh, but the US government did. Somehow. It still confounds him how they managed to find out, but there it is: Suddenly, he has knobhead agents controlling his social media, brainwashing all 50 million of his followers on Twitter and Instagram. His concerts have started to coincide with major missions, so he could keep the general public none-too-aware of what’s actually happening in the background. It's a mutual beneficial arrangement, they tell him. It's nothing more than blackmail, he's convinced. Apollo’s relationship with Project MYTH is lukewarm at best, but, hey, it isn’t like he’s really got a choice, is it?


The son of Zeus and Leto, Apollo is the Greek god of music, poetry, prophecies, plague, healing and the sun, among other things. He has a twin sister, Artemis, a goddess of the hunt.

Being Zeus’ son pretty much means you could populate an entire village with just your brothers and sisters, but the truth is Apollo views his legion of half-siblings more as colleagues than family. The one exception is Hermes, the little shit, who had been playing pranks on him ever since the day Hermes was born. They’d long moved past their differences, of course. As a matter of fact, Apollo’s most treasured object (once a lyre; has since been transformed into a guitar) was a gift from Hermes himself.

It goes without saying that whoever did this to Hermes has nothing but an eternity of pain coming for them.

Cocky / Charismatic / Cynical

Attention / Music / Literature / People-watching / Coffee / Atheists

Most humans / Anyone he deems average / Needless violence / Technology

Eye Colour: Hazel
Hair Colour: Brown
Height: 6'2"


Illusion Manipulation:
Apollo can induce sensory illusions by producing music (Via instruments or his own voice). Can target multiple people at once, but the illusion becomes less believable as the number of targets increases.

Empathic Inundation: Single target only. Technically an extension of the above ability. Instead of specifically controlling the elements of the illusion, Apollo can instead use music to induce terror, euphoria or despair in a target. The target will hallucinate for a minute, but Apollo is not able to see the details of the dream.

Musical Trance: Single target only. Apollo can compel the target to do or say anything he wants for as long as he plays his music. Works more easily in humans than deities, and is more likely to work during the day.

Healing Touch: Sustained/Single target. Apollo channels the sun’s energy to invigorate wounded allies. Needs constant, tactile contact with both target, and the sun.

Plague Touch: Sustained. Requires direct contact with the sunlight to transmit the disease, but the condition stays in human after. Vaccinated individuals may take longer to affect.

Plague Immunity: Immune to all forms of sickness.


His guitar (the strings of which were a gift from Hermes) can amplify his powers, however. Other musical instruments can achieve the same effect, but to a lesser extent.

Apollo is fairly handy with a bow and arrow, but barely uses them anymore because, well, guns exist.


People, especially the weak-willed, and anyone who supports his music.

All of his powers are amplified when he is in direct contact of the sun.


Anything that blocks sound, obviously. Combat also is not his cup of tea.
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Eion Adame
The Horseman of Death


Human Name: Eion Adame

God/Goddess: The Horseman of Death

Mythology: Christianity

Human Age: 31

Gender: Male

Face Claim: Udi Karni

Voice Claim: Jonathon Ng

Height: 6'7
Powers: Necromancy
Age Manipulation
Darkness Manipulation
Temporary Invinsibility
Angel Form

Weapons/Armor: Scythe

Strengths: Cunning
Most Durable of the Horsemen

Light Energy
Relentless attacks of any kind
Power Stability

God Bio: "When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, 'Come and see!' I looked and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine, and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth." (Revelation 6:7-8)

Human Bio: The Horseman of Death took on the persona of Eion Adame. As Eion, the Horseman became a famed surgeon in the Middle East, to further understand the durability of humans and the extent eople would go to save their lives. Once notified that Hades summoned the Horseman, Eion continued to work as a surgeon, but after putting patients under, he did not use anesthesia on the patients, causing them undeniable pain throughout the procedure, but they survived. He did this with all his patients since Hades' summoning.
Personality: Eion a very smart, smart man. He know the ins and outs of almost anything from medicine, to history, to the gods themselves. In addition, he comes across blunt and brash. If he wants you to do something, he will tell you and not provide any alternative whatsoever (besides death). Eion will get what he wants, no matter the cost.

Likes: Death
Black Mirror

Dislikes: Life

Theme Song:

Human Name: Henry Johnson
God/Goddess: Hercules god of strength, Heroes, and trials.
Mythology: Greek
Human Age: 42yrs
Gender: Male
Face claim:
Michael Clarke Duncan
Voice claim: Michael Clark Duncan
Height: 6ft 11in

Immense Superhuman Strength- hercules is easily one of the most physically powerful being on earth. He has beared the weight of the world for three days, slain the nemean lion, the hydra, and many other legendary beasts. Few gods can claim similar strength.

Superhuman stamina- Hercules is capable of using his full strength for insane amounts of time. He completed the twelve labors to become a god without resting between challenges.

Superhuman durability- Hercules has taken blows from titans, gods, and powerful monsters. In each and every case he seemed to take minimal damage. Even when he was damaged he managed to fight through the pain and come out on top. In the modern era bullets and small explosives are but minor inconveniences.

Nemean lions pelt- typically worn as a cloak this pelt is utterly indestructible and protects him from almost all forms of damage however bludgeoning force can cause the armor to fail

Champions Cudgel- a ornate indestructible cudgel which when paired with Hercules's strength yields unilateral devastating effect.
His physical strength.
Creative combatant.
Well rounded warrior.
Doesn't pick his battles well.
Mental attacks, illusions, etc.
Has a soft spot for humans.

God Bio:
Hercules wasn't born a god it was a Title he earned. Born nearly 5000 years ago to zeus and his human mother. Even at a young age He showed strength and prowess that was unnerving. From the time he strangled two snakes hera sent to his crib, the the time he battled the hydra, and many wars and trials in between. After earning the title of god his Power only seemed to grow and he has played an important role as a guide to heroic men and a constant "frenemy" to his brother Ares/Mars

Human Bio:
The man named Henry moved to Manhattan about 15 years ago. He earns his living as a dock worker being careful not to display his might. In reality he has been working for the governments project Myth for nearly a decade and relishes in the opportunity to fight on behalf of good, however he found himself confused with the death of his uncle. With gods Turning on one another who was to say a civil war wasn't on the horizon and if there was what side would he fall on. These questions have made him become more detached from the other gods in the most recent year.

Personality: the hercules of old was known for his fury and bouts of rage. However he has changed considerably since his days as a man. Meeting other gods and no longer being the mightiest in the room is a pretty humbling thing. He has become calm and rational but still being a hero at heart he tends to speak his mind and not shy away from making a point especially when lives are on the line.
Likes: peace and quiet. Humans, most gods who aren't arrogant and pious, heroes, large meals.
Dislikes: Arrogance, Monsters, Most evil beings, threats to humanity, Non- alcoholic beer, decaf coffee.

Theme Song: WIP.

Extras: WIP.
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