• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Project Jain 2 Characters and Sub-characters

Upcoming character actions and storyline
  • = Livingyiiou fights Jain.
    = Jain tells everyone she works for a company that delivers packages of money.
    = Butterloadermiious helps Jain on hitting the payroll van.
    = Yesterday takes Jain out to eat on a date.
    = Mister Brownstone gives Jain a quest to steal a car.
    = Control takes Jain to a night club.
    = Dell joins the basketball team at school.
    = Jain and Dell go to the mall.
    = Control finds a stay cat.
    = Jain and Butterloadermiious attack gangsters together on the subway.
    = Zelda asks for Jain's hand.
    = there is a small war in Peachtrees apartments and Yesterday moves into Jains house.