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Fantasy Project ARK - Lore

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Index progress

Life in the ARK has been safe, stable, and most importantly peaceful. After a long time of knowing nothing but struggle and strife, the once-divided people of Verattia had learned the value of co-existence again - or so it seems. Hidden from the public eye, tensions grow between the inhabitants of ARK. Social unrest has begun to stir among the different communities, vying for their own visions of a new ARK.

An inevitable change is coming. The question is, what exactly will it bring?
  • Unable to reach the standards of mortal-kind long before Project ARK, the inhabitants of ARK have been given the moniker Remnants - a reminder not to repeat the mistakes of the past, and to symbolize the ideal of uniting the different races of Verattia under one name and one banner.

    However, the wounds left behind by The Great Cleansing remain. A great rift remains between the races, with a vast majority seeing their race as the one that is "right" - which is greatly emphasized in Type A and Type C communities. In addition to this, racial purity encourages a tradition to consider half-breeds as something horrid, like an unwanted stain on one's precious cloth.


    Considered to be the base of all other Remnants, Type As generally don't possess any exemplary feature when compared to other Remnant types. In the olden days, they were once called humans.

    Average Lifespan: 50-70 years
    ARK Population: 44.7%

    General Body Type: Variable
    Distinguishing Features: ---
    Caused by a specific genetic mutation, Type B Remnants develop animalistic features and traits which vary from subtle to extreme, and are often linked to a Type B's blood purity - something that is traditionally revered by their communities.

    Average Lifespan: 60-90 years
    ARK Population: 25.5%

    General Body Type: Variable
    Distinguishing Features: Animalistic features
    Most Type C Remnants gifted with the gift of beauty and grace, often considered to be the pinnacle of evolution with regards to physical appearance. Type Cs have subcategories based on appearances and personalities, like those with darker skin and those attuned to nature.

    Average Lifespan: 70-100 years
    ARK Population: 14.12%

    General Body Type: Variable (Slim Inclined)
    Distinguishing Features: Elongated ears, varying skin colors
    Type D Remnants are vertically challenged, and rarely reach the average height of Type As. However, Type Ds often make up for this shortcoming through various means, usually by having high spirits, developed minds, and sometimes, an unbelievable resilience to alcoholic influence.

    Average Lifespan: 60-90 years
    ARK Population: 13.1%

    General Body Type: Variable (Short)
    Distinguishing Features: Unnatural beard growth, elongated ears


    Type E Remnants often have wings, allowing them to fly, albeit only at very low to middle altitude. There is a variation between Type Es, with some wings appearing less feathery than usual, some not even having one. Additionally, some develop the growth of tails, as well as horns and halos alike.

    Average Lifespan: 50-70 years
    ARK Population: 1.27%

    General Body Type: Variable
    Distinguishing Features: Wings, horns / halos, tails
    Type F Remnants are generally gifted with strong physiques, occasionally at the cost of bearing less desirable appearances. Type Fs are usually larger than most Remnants, with the exception of certain Type B mutations.

    Average Lifespan: 60-90 years
    ARK Population: 1.31%

    General Body Type: Variable
    Distinguishing Features: Protuding fangs, varying skin color, elongated ears, horns
  • ARK is divided into a number of districts, with each one housing varying portions of ARK's populace. Veracite-powered barriers prevent the overlapping of district territories and unwanted border crossings between them. It is not uncommon for a district to have a different set of laws compared to others, with each district taking on its own preferred system of ruling. Additionally, some districts may opt to utilize the advancements in the field of Manatech and manipulate the district's environment to cater to the needs of its populace.

    Otherwise known as "The Heart of ARK", District Aria is located in the middle of it all. A metropolitan district that is connected to all other districts by design, it is considered to be the epicenter of progress, trade, and inter-district relations.

    Taking residence in District Aria often comes with high standard requisites, and in turn, most of its populace belong to the upper ends of the various social hierarchies.

    Remnant Demographic: Balanced
    Government System: Oligarchy

    South of District Aria, lies one of the largest sections of ARK - District Gael. A bustling domain that carries a huge chunk of the Type A population. It is considered to be the "little brother" of District Aria, trying to catch up to its "sister" with its territories being filled with skyscrapers, factories, and business sites.

    In District Gael, one can sure that there's always business to go around.

    Remnant Demographic: 71.6% Type A, 29.4% Varied
    Government System: Democracy

    To the east lies District Ixia, named promptly after the endangered tree species grown and kept secure in the district grounds. A melting pot of inhabitants from the old nations of eastern Verattia, District Ixia is the richest in historical cultures - which to this very day is being practiced as respected traditions.

    Twice a year, the Ixia trees shed away to be reborn anew, leaving behind a majestic scenery of flowing colors.

    Remnant Demographic: 29% Type A, 31% Type B, 22% Type C, 18% Varied
    Government System: Aristocratic Oligarchy

    The "home" of Type Cs, District Sildrynn is located to the west of District Gael. A community built by Type Cs specifically for Type Cs, entering this district is extremely difficult - often requiring the possession of several documents and authorizations from various Sildrynn embassies all over ARK, as well as the necessary identification documents needed for inter-district entry.

    Records of visiting District Sildrynn have been kept in private archives, with most information coming from Sildrynn emigrants.

    Remnant Demographic: 98% Type C, 2% Varied
    Government System: Theocratic Monarchy

    District Glaikir covers most of ARK's northern sections and has its climate mimic the harsh northlands from the olden days. From snow-covered terrain variants to icy winds and blizzards, this district is one of the toughest environments to live in. Most of its denizens have been known to prefer a lifestyle in colder and harsher climates, with a fair amount using it as a means to "live in the olden days".

    Strangely enough, District Glaikir boasts the highest civil satisfaction rate.

    Remnant Demographic: 25% Type D, 5% Type E, 5% Type F, 65% Varied
    Government System: Monarchy

    In contrast to the previous domain, District Yarjha takes on a desert climate in the western areas of ARK. This district is riddled with numerous subcommunities, all bowing down to a council bearing the highest seats of power, each member being religiously assigned.

    There is constant competition between the subcommunities of this district, which have led to numerous conflicts - most of which were halted and resolved through inter-district alliances and treaties.

    Remnant Demographic: 20% Type E, 20% Type F, 60% Varied
    Government System: Theocratic Oligarchy

    Between the thin gap of the ARK's walls and the numerous districts, is District Zero - the first district to ever be founded since the completion of Project ARK's first phase. It is mostly an area for maintenance work on the walls, with a few residences scrambled upon the area.

    Considered to be a danger zone due to the constant threat of breaches, the populace of this district is gradually thinned as time passes.

    Remnant Demographic: Balanced
    Government System: Democracy

    "Beyond these walls lie the true world."

    Layers upon layers of protective measures reinforced and powered by Manatech make up the walls of ARK. Though it is not without flaw and is prone to occasional breaches, it has kept the surviving inhabitants of Verattia safe and sound.

    This area said to be overseen by a triumvirate embedded deep within the secrets of ARK, but has been repeatedly denied by various authorities assigned to work on the walls of ARK.
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    Mana is the mysterious, unseen, and intangible energy that flows throughout the world. It is otherwise known as the breath of the world, the essence of the gods. This energy is generated by the world, which is then released into the wild through the unseen and intangible pathways called leylines - they are comparably the veins of the world, managing the flow of its lifeblood that is Mana.

    Magic is the act of manipulating the flow and form of mana to suit one's needs and desires, often in the form of a spell. Once the spell is finished, the Mana is then set free, which will be absorbed by leylines and undergo a purifying cycle before being released once more as fresh, new Mana.

    It has been embedded into the lives of all mortals - from very simple acts such as lighting a fire, to complex tasks like sculpting a statue. It is present everywhere and has been there for as long as mankind can remember.

    However, with the severance of mankind's connection to the world and the divine, as well as the loss of their gifts, mankind could no longer directly access mana and utilize magic. Fortunately, with the aid of the minds of geniuses and pioneers, a new way to utilize magic has been found.

    Concocted by the imaginative minds of Socleid, Romani Arenhim, Henza Ragnavin, and other pioneers, Manatech is the combination of the intricate crafts of man and the mysticalities of the Verattia.

    Through the integration of a unique resource, known as Veracite, the works of man are made to be more effective than it ever was - some even dare say, that they become on par with the capabilities of magic. Activities where spells were once needed, could now be done by simply flipping a switch, or pressing a button.

    Manatech, under the creative hands of mortal-kind, has evolved tremendously throughout the years, and has in many ways, taken over the role of magic as it did in the olden times.

    Veracite is an extremely valuable material, formed through the coagulation of mana under the influence of a world tree. Initially taking on the form of a transparent crystalline, it is found in areas with high mana concentrations, changing its color and altering its appearance based on the environment it has grown in.

    Veracita has a wide variety of applications - it can be used as an energy source to power devices, transformed into fuel for various machinery, and even reshaped into materials for medical purposes. It is a material that is universally used, especially when involving something that once required magic to function.

    Originally a term coined as a label for specialized weaponry in the old times, Regalia has become a blanket term for special tools that utilize the highest form of Manatech - devices with high amounts of Veracite integration, which allow their users to utilize magic, albeit only at a fraction of what was once possible.

    Named after the partnership between Socleid I and Romani Arenhim, this version of Regalia is in the lead in terms of production - it gives more priority to equipment stability and mass production, requiring the least amount of maintenance and repair at the cost of giving access to generalized magic.​

    Named after the nation that coined the term Regalia and pioneered its refinement, this version aims to balance stability with specialization, allowing room for customization and the freedom to access more forms of magic. It lies in the middle ground regarding creative utilization and maintenance costs.​

    Named after a bloodline of pioneers infamous for their peculiarity, this version gives more emphasis towards exploring the capabilities of Veracite integration - granting its user access to a wide variety of options in the field of magic. However, it comes with a hefty maintenance cost, requiring a constant change of parts - occasionally even posing as a danger to the user.​
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    Valkyrion Firm

    Established in the year 33 AE (ARK Era), the Valkyrion Firm was initially an ambitious man's risky venture towards financial success. The company started out as a law firm, taking on common corporate cases, and in time, racked up enough of a fortune to expand into different fields Which eventually led to where it is now, a renowned business firm offering a variety of services - from trade brokering to escort missions, even any job under the sun.

    With the increasing number of protests and the growing social unrest evident all over the districts of ARK, and the ever-present threat of breaches, the Valkryion Firm has received triple the usual number of contracts. Intrigued by the recent developments in ARK, the Valkyrion Firm has made it a priority to unravel the mysteries behind them.


    Lotus Syndicate

    Formed under the idealistic campaign of a mysterious figure, the Lotus Syndicate has been rapidly growing in its numbers and influence in the past five years. The group has spread its roots in all of ARK's districts, with many of those who support its cause for "change" providing aid via donations, volunteer work, and more. Now, the Lotus Syndicate could be considered as one of the biggest non-profit organizations in the entirety of ARK's history - having over a thousand cells scattered all around, hidden in plain sight.

    With the promise of a new and better ARK, the members of the Lotus Syndicate have begun to mobilize and enact their plans for revolution - their actions given better effect as the underlying dissatisfaction and desires of ARK's denizens slowly rise from the shadows.

    The ARK calendar is inspired by numerous calendars from pre-ARK eras, borrowing and altering elements from them in order to create a streamlined system to keep track of the date.

    Within a year, there are twelve (12) months, which consists of thirty (30) days each. A week is comprised of six (6) days.

    • Praezim, the 1st month.
    • Scwinda, the 2nd month.
    • Tirdem, the 3rd month.
    • Quirtia, the 4th month.
    • Quintem, the 5th month.
    • Shestar, the 6th month.
    • Saeztem, the 7th month.
    • Noctia, the 8th month.
    • Nintem, the 9th month.
    • Daezich, the 10th month.
    • Daeztre, the 11th month.
    • Erezim, the 12th month.
    Prazem 1-3 - In the first three days, celebrations are held to welcome a new year. Festivities, light shows, and numerous activities relating to the celebration of a new year run rampant in all of ARK's districts during such times.

    Praezem 30 - On this day, a fair many celebrate the reminiscent glory of the Socleidan Empire, and its founder, Socleid I.

    Scwinda 15 - A day dedicated to celebrate "love" among people. It is also celebrated by a fair many to commemorate the tragic fate of Etrea Lanser, a prominent figure in the history of the Socleidan Empire.

    Tirdem 21 - The day of the Ishval Feast, where people pay their respects to Ishvaldi Rivigan, a renowned hero from Verattian history. A myriad of tourneys and competitions are often held in advance and made to end specifically on this day.

    Shestar 15 - Celebrated as the "birthday" of ARK, and is universally considered as a day of festivities, as well as sales and discounts. The disastrous aftermaths caused by shopping frenzies often add to the memorability of this day.

    Saeztar 7 - A special day for the followers of the Iscarian Pantheon, where the faithful and the religious conduct solemn rituals and sacred traditions in line with their beliefs.

    Erezim 30 - A humbling celebration to commemorate the end of the year is held on this day, with the tradition of people paying respects to those who have reached their inevitable end.

    The Genesis War - A war surges between The Old Ones, the first beings to ever walk upon Verattia - their battles bring havoc and ruin upon the world. In the midst of the war, a select few form an alliance and eventually achieve victory, sealing away those who opposed their beliefs.

    Birth of Mortals - From the flesh of an Old One, the first mortals are born. Those victorious in the previous govern and guide these mortals, reshaping the world for the mortals in the process.​

    The Rise of Iscaria - The first civilization, Iscaria, is established and has taken dominion over the supercontinent it is located on. A group of The Old Ones retreat to a different realm and take on the mantle of divinity, becoming the gods and goddesses of the Iscarian Pantheon. The Old Ones which remain in the mortal realm go in hiding.

    The Mid-Sea War Begins - An ambitious Desterran king figures out a means to achieve godhood, and removes an ancient seal in the progress, unleashing the horrors of old and the wrath of many Old Ones. A great war occurs, threatening the end of mortal-kind - which Iscaria attempts to answer through the assembly of ancient legendary heroes.

    Fall of Iscaria - Iscaria is brought to ruin by a powerful Old One, creating a gigantic sea at the center of the land where it once stood and splitting the supercontinent into pieces that spread throughout the world - creating the Primelands and the Outlands.

    The Mid-Sea War Ends - Through much sacrifice, and with the aid of the divinities, the freed Old Ones are defeated and returned to their imprisonment. The ambitious mortal is vanquished before his ascension to godhood, at the cost of lives. The surviving mortal-kind begins to rebuild, forming the new nations.

    Mortal-kind Divided - Separated like never before, mortal-kind is left more vulnerable. As the new nations grow, so did the dangers of the world. Inspired by events of the past, a number of The Old Ones who went into hiding act out their own agendas, causing chaos all over the world.
    KEY EVENTS (cont.)
    The Great Cleansing - A Desterran king, motivated by a cruel cause, leads a campaign to "purify" the world, eradicating a huge chunk of the world's non-human populace and causing long-lasting wounds in mortal society. The king is eventually defeated, unable to achieve his wretched ideals.

    Rise of Socleid I - Ecleid Lanser takes on the name of Socleid and establishes the Socleidan Empire, which steadily rises in power and influence in the continent of Ayoth, an Outland. Within decades, the Socleidan Empire has achieved complete dominion over Ayoth, and has begun the pursuit of expansions beyond the continent's borders.

    Divine Separation - An ambitious mortal acquires immortality and goes against the natural order, challenging the gods and unleashing old evils once again. The situation is resolved before it could escalate into a cataclysmic event, but the immortal, at the cost of his immortality, had achieved their goals - causing the mortal-kind's connection to the world and the divine to be severed, and lose their gifts in the process.

    Imperial Dominion - The Socleidan Empire has effectively achieved world dominion, which was accelerated by the loss of mortal-kind's gifts. Most of the nations have been seized by the Socleidan Empire, with a few securing pseudo-autonomy through treaties and alliance pacts. In the early years of imperial dominion, Veracite is discovered by the nation's renowned pioneers.

    Fall of The Socleidan Empire - The Socleidan Empire reaches its tragic end brought forth by its own doing. Mortal-kind is separated once more and is on the run from the threats of the dying world. Project ARK is proposed shortly after and is finally enacted after numerous debates.​

    AE 1 - Project ARK's first phase is finished. The surviving fragments of mortal-kind take residence in its districts and gradually rebuild society. Phase 2 of Project ARK, maintaining ARK and rebuilding mortal society, is initiated.

    AE 4 - Project ARK's districts become whole and complete in their functions and diversity.

    AE 47 - Current Year. Tensions between ARK's inhabitants and the districts begin to rise.​
    Said to have been historically the origin of all religions, The Iscarian Pantheon has deep roots throughout Verattian history. Originally founded in a long-lost civilization, it is but a pale shadow of its former glory - its historical records are still being tested for accuracy and truth in the current times, and new discoveries constantly sprout, creating an endless debate between those who study and follow this religion.

    The Iscarian Pantheon is said to have accounted for all gods and religions found throughout the history of Verattia, connecting them to seven "main" divinities. Worship towards these important seven is generally held in higher regard, compared to the "lesser" gods which they supposedly rule over.

    Historically known as the head of the Iscarian Pantheon, the God of Order is responsible for keeping all the divinities in line. It is said that the God of Order created a set of rules to govern the divinities, to prevent excessive divine intervention and unnecessary interactions with the mortals and the world. Going against these rules would merit divine punishment, and examples of such have been demonstrated in the religion's history.

    Those devoted to this divinity often consider the various laws of ARK's district as sacred and absolute, as a consequence of the scriptures regards the God of Order, most of which express the importance of law and order.
    Crea, The Gentle. Aestara, The Sleeping Lady. Known by many names, the Goddess of Dreams is considered to be the divinity who has interacted with mortals the most. Be it simply giving them soothing dreams, directly communing with them, or even personally bestowing divine gifts and blessings, the Goddess of Dreams was frequently in touch with the mortals and their world.

    Unfortunately, due to her chronic intervention, the God of Order has given the punishment of an eternal sleep - preventing her to contact the mortals and their world. Despite having lost connection with the people, her faithful has remained to be the most devout and widespread.

    The God of Death is historically associated with power - ancient figures calling upon his name to horrifically vanquish their foes, burn down kingdoms, and obliterate things into absolute nothingness. According to the religious scriptures, however, the God of Death was a dutiful, yet rash divinity - bringing a swift end to those that must be ended. Once, he bestowed mankind a gift that could fell gods, which was used to defeat a corrupt divinity. However, such a gift has been lost in time, disappearing alongside its truths.

    Taking on the punishment of the God of Order, the God of Death is left in a shackled form, unable to enact divine intervention in any form or shape - losing a huge mass of his faithful as time passed.
    Oryx, The Fierce. Ylfdir, The Valiant. The Warfather. This divinity carries many names, changing for each era and each nation - as the God of War, that much is expected. He is known to oversee conflicts, offering advice and subtle guidance towards all sides, and leaving them to resolve their battles. According to the religious scriptures and historic records, there were times when the God of War descended on his own accord to partake in the glories of mortal strife, often taking on an unrecognizable guise and placing handicaps on himself.

    Nowadays, with the lack of any true war, people pray to the God of War for guidance to overcome hurdles and obstacles in their lives. The faithful who partake in tourneys and competitions also turn to him during such times.

    The Goddess of Fate is said to be the Goddess of Dreams's sister. In historical records, belief in her was once prominent before the rise of those faithful to the Goddess of Dreams, and is often speculated to be the reason why the relationship between the two has soured. A few religious scriptures that have survived the test of time tell of a different story - with the Goddess of Fate being a part of the Goddess of Dreams that had left her when she was punished by the God of Order, due to her overwhelming desire to keep interacting with the mortals and their world.

    The worship she receives is almost of the same degree as her sister's, and often times, those who are faithful to her are also faithful to the Goddess of Dreams.
    While there has been some information uncovered about this divinity, it has been proven to be insufficient. Further study is needed.

    While there has been some information uncovered about this divinity, it has been proven to be insufficient. Further study is needed.
    Arenhail - A Primeland which boasted early technological advancements, which allowed it to gain leverage over its neigboring nations.

    ARK - The final bastion of mortal-kind. A gigantic pseudo-nation separated into a number of districts.

    Arlandia - A nation from an Outland, with the lowest mana density in Verattian history, causing an unnatural lack of magic in its communities. It played a big part in revolutionizing Regalia, and indirectly, Manatech as well.

    Ayoth - An Outland, which was once divided into four nations, until the Socleidan Empire's rise to power. The birthplace of Socleid I, and his late sister, Etrea Lanser.

    Credits - The currency of ARK. While most of the finances in ARK are digitally monitored, there remain to be Credits in the form of paper bills and metal coins - the bills value at 1000 and 10000 Credits, while the coins cover the values of 100, 10, and 1.

    Desterra - A noble house from Ristafel, the largest Primeland. Its honor and dignity were tainted by the actions of its infamous members and took centuries to redeem itself.

    Desterran - A person from House Desterra.

    Divinities - A blanket term for gods and goddesses.

    Ecleid Lanser - Socleid I's birth name. Younger brother of Etrea Lanser.

    Etrea Lanser - Socleid I's sister. A maiden beloved by the people of Ayoth, who met her tragic end at a young age battling a mysterious, incurable illness. Her death caused the rise of Ayoth's four nations.

    Henza Ragnavin - A pioneer in the field of Manatech, and an eccentric individual that began the trend of peculiarity in the Ragnavin clan. Historic records speak of a friendly rivalry between him and Socleid I.

    Iscaria - The first civilization of Verattia. Historic records speak of it in high regard, as if it was the pinnacle of civilizations for its era, and the eras after its fall. Tiny isles filled with ruins are its only proof of existence nowadays.

    Ishvaldi Rivigan - Modernized as Eshwald Rivigan. An Iscarian general who fought valiantly in the Mid-Sea War and assembled the largest military force in Verattian history.
    Mid-Sea - A raging sea birthed by an Old One during the Mid-Sea War. It is connected to all the Primelands and connects to the other bodies of water in Verattia.

    Old Ones - The first beings to ever walk the lands of Verattia. Historic records speak of their immeasurable powers and immortality. All of the divinities are Old Ones, but not all Old Ones are considered divinities.

    Outland - A piece of land, or continent that lies beyond the reach of the Mid-Sea.

    Primeland - A piece of land, or continent that is directly connected to the Mid-Sea.

    Ristafel - The largest Primeland. It was the homeland of an extinct race of mortals who could turn into dragons.

    Romani Arenhim - A pioneer in the field of Manatech, and with ties to a noble bloodline from Arenhail, a Primeland known for its early technological advancements. He forged a partnership with Socleid I, which ensured the autonomy of his homeland.

    Socleid I - The founder of the Socleidan Empire. A renowned genius who played a huge part in pioneering world changes, including the creation of Manatech and the discovery of Veracite.

    Socleidan Empire - An empire that achieved world dominance. It was considered to be the second coming of Iscaria, but unfortunately caused its own demise.

    World Tree - A "matured" leyline that has taken physical form, often in the shape of a tree. District Sildrynn is known to house a world tree.
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      Codename: Birdcaller

      Name: Agnes Stone
      Nickname: ---
      Age: Undisclosed. Presumed to be in her mid-30s.
      Date of Birth: Quintem 8
      Gender: Female
      Race: Type A

      Faction: Valkyrion Firm
      Occupation: Private Consultant

      Home District: District Gael

      Height: 5'6" / 161cm

      When called upon by the Valkyrion Firm, Birdcaller works as an off-field operative and is often involved in the company's logistics efforts - relaying orders from the company administrators and sending them to the operatives. From time to time, she takes on the role of a receptionist for a few select Valkyrion Firm branches in District Gael.

      In contrast to her supposed natural appeal, she has found herself consistently unsuccessful in her romantic pursuits - a peculiar facet of hers that has taken the ridicule of her associates and relatives.
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    To invoke a sense of balance, character actions on key situations/scenarios will be subject to dice rolls - which will determine the outcome of the characters. Remember that these results will not directly control the character's actions, but instead act as guidelines on how the scenario would play out.

    For a scenario that does not involve player opposition or non-PVP situations, a six-sided die (d6) will be rolled by the player controlling the character. Below are the guidelines for each result.

    6 - The action is successful and is without any undesired complications.
    5 - The action is successful, albeit with a few complications.
    4 - The action is successful, but not without struggle due to complications.
    3 - The action is unsuccessful.
    2 - The action is unsuccessful, and causes a few, light consequences.
    1 - The action is unsuccessful, and comes with grave consequences.​

    For scenarios that involve player opposition or PVP situations, a twenty-sided die (d20) will be rolled by the players of the characters involved. Whoever gets the higher result would emerge successful in the clash.

    Each character has five (5) "lives" that are individually consumed for each loss in the dice roll comparison. When they lose all of their "lives", it may result in character death or other similar outcomes. These "lives" cannot be regenerated and are automatically replenished outside of PVP situations.

    Whenever a character is brought down to one (1) "life" left, a warning will be given to them. The player may choose to have their character continue and risk death, or to retreat/surrender and merit the opposing side a victory.​

    Dice rolls will be held and monitored at the discord server.
    Regalia are powerful tools. To prevent abuse of the capabilities brought forth by these tools and maintain a semblance of balance, the usage of Regalia-based magic will be monitored via a mechanic called "Veracite Integrity".

    Veracite Integrity (VI) refers to the finite lifespan of Veracite, and in consequence, any Veracite-integrated object. Every time a Regalia is used and the magic it brings forth is utilized, the tool's VI will take a hit, reducing it by (1) point.

    When a Regalia's VI reaches zero (0), it can only be used for its basic function and its user loses any capability to utilize magic - until the Regalia's Veracite-integrated parts are either replaced or repaired.

    To keep things uniform, VI does not change per Regalia, rather it varies based on the Regalia version. Below are the values for each version:

    Ver. Socleid-Arenhim - 10 VI
    Ver. Arlandia - 7 VI
    Ver. Ragnavin - 4 VI + 3 VI (Special)*​

    *Ver. Ragnavin Regalias, use separate VI pools for their "standard" magic, and their unique/specialized magic. But if necessary, the VI for unique/specialized magic can be used for "standard" magic.

    Additionally, when a Ver. Ragnavin Regalia reached zero (o) VI, it faces the risk of the Regalia being completely destroyed, or even bringing major to lethal consequences to its user. Whether one of these risks will occur or not is up to the player.*

    *Tentative. May be changed in the future.
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