Professor's X's School for gifted Youngsters

Willow Blackthorn

C.o.D Girl
Student/Teacher Information



Occupation: Student/teacher


How did you come to be here:


Description:(pics are ok, descriptions are better:)
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Name: Kassiana Eiralys Cromwell

Age: 15

Occupation: Student

Power/Mutation: Darkness Manipulation

How did you come to be here: Parents sent her here after an accident with her younger brother. Was scared of her.

Bio: There was an incident of her little brother, in which she accidentally killed him. It wasn't intentional, but her a parents blamed her for it and sent her away to keep themselves safe. That is how she ended up there.

She had a younger brother and her parents. Lived with them until she about eleven until she was sent away to the school.

Description: She had dark blue almost black hair with amber coloured eyes. Her hair is pretty long, coming up just above her bum in which she keeps braided up. She normally wears darker clothes and has a small teddy bear which she carries with her wherever she goes to remind her of her brother. Always has a black cloak with gold and silver embroidery with a hood which she liked to keep up.

Jonas Byrd

Age: 12

Occupation: Student

Power/Mutation: Cat-like mutation: cat ears, tail, retractile claws, sharp teeth; heightened sense; speed; balance; etc. Like a feline, Jonas does not have fingernails or toe nails.

How did you come to be here: Jonas was given to a circus when he was a toddler, but he was abused there, both physically and emotionally. He ran away one night, finding the school out of pure luck.

Bio: Jonas was never wanted by humans, but now he is finally feeling appreciated. He will probably never trust humans again, though the teachers are working with him to resolve his inner conflicts. He is a very angry boy, and he is more affectionate to mutants that do not have human appearances.

Description: Jonas is a small boy for his age with light brown, wide eyes and sandy blonde hair. He has an innocence about his appearance, but his face expression usually age him. When he smiles, his entire face lights up. His tail and ears match his hair color. Outside of the building, Jonas always wears hats with ear cut outs, and he loves the outdoors. He is sometimes embarrassed by his appearance, even inside, because he believes it makes him look weak. His outfits are typically tight-fitted and include the color green. His skin is pale from his years of circus tents and dark rooms.


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