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One x One Processed Stardust's Character Sheets



Recycled Character Sheet for the A N N O . P R O F A N A . 2042 ✟ CS rp by Lekiel.

mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
;; katrina
Katrina Aliandra
Aliases: Kat, Kathy, Kitty
Age: 24
Date of Birth: 04/17/1996
Place of Birth: London, England
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Race/Ethnicity: Human, Caucasian
Status: Single

Weight: 125lb
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Dark brown
Identifiable traits: The Agent bears platinum medium-length, wavy hair, seems to like the soft grunge/gothic style, right-handed, sometimes can be seen with reading glasses.

Current Position:
Analysis and Intelligence Agent
Employed since: February/2020

• Intellectual: The agent is a behavioral scientist, possesses a deep knowledge of psychology, some knowledge of general folklore and mythology, some knowledge of Latin.​
• Hand-Hand Combat: Is not proficient in any form of combat, however has moderate knowledge of krav maga.​
• Firearm Proficiency: Has proficiency with guns, having been trained by the agency, by Ian, and by Caron. She has never fired one against a person or creature, but she knows how to use it and is a good shot.​

Equipment: Camping backpack, thermos, a small first aid kit and some medications, notebook, small pencil case with pens and pencils, a semi-automatic pistol, some ammo.

The Agent is an organized, independent and proactive person. She's passionate about her Applied Behavioral Science research and shows great interest in the supernatural, is dedicated to her work at Division 13. The Agent is a team player and gets along well with her co-workers. She's always trying to improve herself, by attending seminars and reading on several subjects that can be helpful to her work at the Agency. Takes constructive criticism well.
Weaknesses: The Agent seems to believe she makes good coffee, which is not correct. Her co-workers have filed numerous complaints about her coffee, asking Agent Aliandra to be forbidden from using the coffee machine; that is, however, not possible.
The same determination that makes her motivated to do her job sometimes turns into self-neglect. In addition, the Agent shows an inability or unwillingness to speak about her feelings.
Hobbies: The Agent self-reports reading, practicing yoga and visiting parks, gardens and flower conservatories as her hobbies.

The psychological evaluation of Agent Aliandra was composed of tests to assess the Agent’s reasoning and cognition and a formal interview. On the day of the interview, she arrived fifteen minutes early, dressed in casual office attire. Her nails and hair were clean and well-groomed and she was wearing slacks, a light blue dress shirt, and a grey sweater. The interview was an easy process and Agent Aliandra was cooperative and at ease, in spite of being dealing with Agent Jennings’ recent death at the time, only occasionally deviating from the subject. The Agent was assessed twice, once right after her fiancé's death and another during the employment process.
Katrina Aliandra is a 24-year-old, single female, with in-depth knowledge in Behavioral Science. She obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Behavioral Science in 2018 and is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in History and Folklore. From a young age she has demonstrated interest in the supernatural, resulting from an “odd experience [she] cannot fully recount.” When asked about her relationship with her parents she stated being “lucky for having such loving parents” and “how grateful [she was] for everything they taught [her].”
The Agent appears to be a calm and patient person both inside and outside the office. She’s a quiet person and avoids arguments whenever possible. Previously to Agent Jennings' death, Agent Aliandra already started working on her Applied Behavioral Science research, where she analyzed the behavior and reasoning of supernatural creatures. After Agent Jennings' death, however, she decided to dedicate all of her work to that and asked to work directly for Division 13. She seldom speaks of the incident, but has stated voluntarily that she “[doesn’t] wish for anyone else to die if it can be avoided, and [her] research is precisely for that; by understanding [the supernatural creatures’] behaviors, instead of merely knowing how to harm or kill them, we can work in a more efficient manner.”
Overall, Agent Aliandra is a person who desires to help people in any way she can. She quickly establishes a harmonious relationship with most people and her co-workers seem to like her. Even before working at Division 13, she had a close relationship with Agent Caron John Whirt, who she identifies as “one of [her] best friends.”
It’s important to note her inability to speak about her feelings in general, but especially regarding Agent Jennings' death. The psychologist who performed the interview believes the Agent thinks she can deal with it herself, perhaps due to her own knowledge in psychology.
The Agent's tests to assess cognition and reasoning were all above average.

Biographical information was obtained from a self-report made by Agent Aliandra and during a formal interview with the board of recruitment.
Agent Katrina Aliandra was born on April 17th of 1996 in London. Daughter of high school teacher Linda Aliandra and accomplished writer Emil Aliandra, author of several academic books and researches and best-selling dystopian book Lizards Are Food (2010). The Aliandra family lived in London until 1998 when they moved to a country house primarily so Emil Aliandra could work on his writing. The Agent attended a school in the closest village during her infancy. The Agent is not aware, but it is possible Linda Aliandra had been sick at the time and moving to the countryside was one of the treatment options the couple made. She expressed several times during formal and informal conversations how much she loves the country house, even providing a detailed description of the house's yard and how she "used to read under a tree or by the pond, by far [her] favorite place in the world."
The Aliandra family lived at the country house until 2010. Emil finished his book and the family returned to London, where Agent Aliandra then attended a prestigious school (the same her mother used to teach at). It was there she met deceased Agent Ian Jennings. Although the Agents studied at the same school, their age and interests prevented them from studying the same classes and socializing.
In 2011, at an English Folklore Exhibition, they first engaged in a conversation. Agent Aliandra reported spending the day with Agent Jennings at the Exhibition after discovering they, in fact, shared a lot in common, one of those things a deep interest in the supernatural. Agents Jennings and Aliandra became quick friends and were soon in a romantic relationship.
In 2013, as she finished her last year in High School, Agent Jennings went to college to pursue a History Major with an emphasis in Folklore. In 2014 they moved in together and Agent Aliandra started pursuing a degree in Behavioral Science. In 2017 Agent Jennings was contacted by Division 13 after some Agency scouts discovered his research and showed interest in recruiting him. Both had a tour in July of 2017, where they showed great suspicion and skepticism; however, by the end of that day, Agent Jennings agreed to work for the Agency as a Field Agent and manifested enthusiasm.
Although Agent Aliandra was not recruited at the time, by September of 2017 she requested to use the Agency's assets to study the supernatural. Her interest was in studying their behavior, applying her Behavioral Science studies to supernatural creatures. The couple got officially engaged on October 12th of 2020. During the years Agent Jennings worked at the Agency he became close to one of the members of his team, Agent Caron John Whirt, who became a great friend of the couple and was asked to be Agent Jennings’ best man.
On December 9th of 2019, Agent Jennings went on a mission with Agent Whirt that ultimately caused Jennings’ death. The creature did not escape at the time and was executed by Agent Whirt.
On February 3rd of 2020 Agent Aliandra was employed by Division 13 at her own request. The Agency analyzed the case and decided that her request should be met. In 2016 the Agent obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Behavioral Science and in 2020 started pursuing a Master’s Degree in History and Folklore.

Since the employment of Agent Aliandra as an Analysis and Intelligence Agent, her research has helped understand the modus operandi of several creatures and in multiple cases, aided by formal and informal researches she consults, her work has helped to prevent or minimize the extension of damages inflicted.
It is of the utmost importance to stress that Agent Aliandra requires psychological evaluations on a bimonthly basis. Although her mental state appears to not have been detrimented by Agent Jennings' death, she seldom speaks of the experience, which could lead to a severe emotional breakdown in the future.

coded by reveriee.


Character Sheet for the Night of the Meteor RP by Processed Stardust.

mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
;; katrina
player information

Username: Processed Stardust
Nickname: Star is fine

[X] I am aware that this RP will contain mature and sensitive content such as gore and violence.


(assigned at birth or identified as)
Sexual Orientation:
Occupation at the Beginning:

getting to know

Physical Description:


Background: (please bear in mind that the apocalypse hasn’t started yet)
Traits: (can be a bullet point list of attributes, at least 3 positive and 3 negative)


    • one
    • two
    • three


    • one
    • two
    • three


Extras: (anything extra you’d like to add, delete this part if not needed)

coded by reveriee.


Character Sheet for the Left Behind RP by oliver.

;; hēra


Name: Hēra Silin̩a

Nickname(s): N/A

D.O.B.: March 27th, 1999

Age: 22 years old

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual


Height: 5’4 ft

Weight: 110 lbs

Hair: Black

Eyes: Light Blue

Skin: Pale White

Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian (Russian)

Wardrobe: Hera’s defining characteristics are her fashion style. Certainly, they are what draw people’s attention as it is what would be considered alternative. Adept of the gothic style with a dash of femininity, she dresses primarily in black or in muted dark colors such as purples and reds. She will always be seen wearing outfits that flatter her slim figure, often with the help of belts and corsets to create a more defined silhouette.

Accessories are in no short order in her wardrobe, and she’ll make use of jackets, belts, collars, chokers, gloves, and bracelets. She can often be seen wearing fishnet long sleeves under her shirts and likes to wear knee-high boots, with straps and details.

Her black hair is worn loose most of the time, but sometimes she’ll use accessories to keep it up or just to decorate it. Small diagonal triangles are shaved above each ear, and oftentimes one or two strands will be dyed colors such as purple, red or green. She likes to wear heavy black eyeliner and eyeshadow but doesn’t usually wear any shade of lipstick, bearing her lips nude.

With all this, her appearance can be more than a bit intimidating, but the girl compensates with her personality.

Face Claim: Ksenia Solo


Personality: Hera had tough and violent life and as a result, she has a sharp and witty personality. Perhaps she could’ve turned cold and bitter, a pessimist and a misanthrope, but in spite of the hardships she went through, because of them, she started using humor and people as an escape, as a means of keeping herself sane.

She is the kind of person who won’t flinch under sensitive topics and will absolutely make the most of inappropriate comments one can make. Having little sense of boundaries, she’s not affected by others’ sexual lives and can easily make jokes about them, enjoying herself with the embarrassment caused to others. However, when it comes to her own life, she is less open and more strict on what she shares. Sarcasm is also a weapon of her choice, and she doesn’t feel bad when she makes such comments.

Because of her childhood and life on the streets, she started using her appearance as a way to try to defend herself. After all, she is a slim and petite individual and can’t defend herself in a fight. Even emotionally, this fashion shield has worked to keep people at bay. However, she’s not one to back away from people or to be unfriendly; she can be seen smiling all the time and likes to talk to all sorts of people, either for chitchat, or just to lift their wallet. She wears her emotions on her sleeve and carries herself with confidence, and although she tends to conceal her more serious side, she definitely has one.

Once she befriends someone she’s as loyal as someone can be and will never hurt a friend on purpose. She abhors violence and would never lay a hand on anyone.

Even though she spent a lot of years on the street, nowadays Hera doesn’t let go of her phone and is always on some form of social media, be it on imgur looking at memes or YouTube watching videos. Her way of speaking is a typical way an internet-addicted millennial would speak, using lots of slang words, cussing a lot along with it. On the topic of communication, she’s also fluent in Russian and sometimes can be heard saying a word or two in her native language, usually with an expression that implies she’s swearing.

Likes: singing, playing the guitar, drinking vodka, watching the stars at night

Dislikes: liars, abusive people, general assholes, people who don’t have a sense of humor, cops

Fears: being forgotten or left behind, of being unloved, hurt and of being worthless

Ailments: functioning alcoholic

Skills: singing, playing the guitar, street-smarts, fluent in Russian

Pants pocket: guitar pick, mobile phone, earphones
Jacket pocket: house keys, wallet


Background: Hera was born in Russia, but her family emigrated to the United States before she even turned one. Her father couldn’t get a job because he didn’t speak English, and he refused to accept “lower jobs”, as he would say, such as a dishwasher or janitor. He started drinking and it was up to her mother to sustain the family. Her mother put her in school, where she started learning English, and at home she was taught Russian.

It started when she was five. At least that’s what she remembers, and a child’s memory is nothing but reliable. But she remembers. Her mom in the corner, shaking, tears running down her purple eyes. She remembers how her mom would have split lips and bruises all over her body, and how she’d have to skip days of work so no one would see them. After a few years, her father started hitting Hera as well, as the kid got older and would try to defend her mother. She had her arm broken a couple of times from being hit or thrown against furniture, and her jaw got fractured in several pieces when her father slammed her across the face. It hurts to this day, especially in the winter, and it’s the reason why she talks without moving her teeth too much. And he knew it hurt. She knew he knew because he would always slam her face on the same spot, over and over.

One time when she was nine years old he was hitting her mom so much that she hid and called the police. The cops came and she thought that that was it, that they would finally be rid of him. But he somehow tricked them into going away, and that was the first time Hera started to dislike cops. As a result to that, he hit her mom even harder and more aggressively, until she was unconscious. After a couple of days, she went to the hospital, claiming to have been hit by a car. She had a broken clavicle and arm, and it would take up to a year to heal.

Hera thought she knew what hell was, but she was wrong. The year her mom was in bed was the worst of her life. Her father took out all his grievances on the poor child. She was taken out of school because she was so constantly bruised and cut that she couldn’t attend anymore. At the age of ten, not being able to take it any longer, she packed a bag and ran away from home after her dad had black-out from his drinking. She stole some money from his wallet, and with that she got on a bus, going to a different city.

There, she lived on the streets for years, relying heavily on the goodness of others. Shelters and food banks became her new best friends, but she would also steal to prevent herself from starving. When she was 14 she met a girl who told her she could be making money, she only needed to want it. And so, she started prostituting herself. That lasted a few years. Many times she would be stopped by a cop, who would threaten to take her in, unless… And that settled her disgust for cops.

It didn’t take too much for the girl to drown herself in alcohol. She needed to forget the faces and moans of the men she slept with, but, most of all, she needed to numb her thoughts. She was never able to forgive herself for leaving her mother behind with her father, especially when she was so hurt, and she would still wake up in the middle of the night sweating. Her worst fear was that she got her mother killed. And she couldn’t forgive herself for that.

It was during these years of prostitution that she met Dory, a former coworker if you could say that. Hera was still living on the streets, and when the two became closer, Dory took her in. Eventually, Hera had enough money to help pay for some expenses. The two became best friends, and as they spent a lot of time together, Dory taught Hera how to play the guitar. Dory herself didn’t really have a good voice for singing, she knew that herself and the two joked about it, but she motivated Hera, saying she had a soft and beautiful voice. When she was more confidently playing the guitar, Hera started performing songs on the street. She did that for a few months until a guy approached her, asking if she had a band. When she denied it, he said they were looking for a singer and she was perfect for the role.

Afraid of what they would think of her, she kept her sexual activities hidden from the group. But soon she was practicing with her new band, Sweet Absolution, and after a few months, they were playing in small bars and pubs, as the band already had some reputation and was only lacking a singer. With this new job, Hera was able to leave prostitution behind, taking a second job as a bartender in one of the bars they often perform.

Relationships: - Dorothy “Dory” Terrell, 25 years old: her best friend, the girl who took her in from the streets and offered her a place to stay without expecting anything in return. This is the person Hera is most loyal to and she would do anything for the girl. Hera is currently doing her best to help Dory leave the world of prostitution, and she might be able to get her a job at the same bar as her.

- Josh Waslman, 26 years old: lead guitarist of the band Sweet Absolution, he’s the one that discovered Hera. The girl is very grateful to him for having faith in her and believing she had the potential to be a part of this. The guy absolutely loves that her name is Hera, he thinks that’s one of the coolest things and that it makes the band much cooler. They became close friends, with him taking the second place of best friend.

- Sweet Absolution, band (Josh Walsman, Mark Weaving, Zachary Mason): or as she calls them: the boys. She became very close to all of them and she spends most of her time hanging out with them, either during practice or just grabbing a drink.

coded by reveriee.
Brielle Theodora
  • attack
    Courage is being yourself everyday in a world that wants you to be somebody else.
    Brielle Theodora Menzie
    Bree, Theo, Dora
    Cis-female (she/her)
    Unsure; 33 or 34
    Face claim
    Vanja Jagnić
    Former Occupation
    Fashion/Instagram model

    ㅤㅤㅤBrielle has a slim figure, taller than most girls, something that helped land her job as a model from an early age. Her natural light champagne blonde hair was usually hidden under some fresh coat of fantasy-colored dye, leaning towards purples, blues, and pinks, but now over a year after the beginning of the apocalypse, her hair down to her chin shows her natural color, while the rest is coated in a very faded pink. Her eyes are curved upwards on the outer corners and show off a pale greyish-blue color, with darker circles around the irises. She has a thin and delicate nose and defined cheekbones and jaw, and since some people are unable to accept natural beauty exists, they speculate her facial features to be the work of plastic surgeons, but to everyone’s surprise, it is simply her natural facial structure. Her chin is more on the square side with a small dimple in the middle, which can only be spotted from certain facial angles or when the light hits just right. Although lots of employers tried to hide the dimple, a good amount of photographers did their best to bring the detail out in an attempt to give the picture a more natural feeling. Her skin has always been very fair, something her profession encouraged, but now her face and neck, ears, and backs of her hands have a light golden color from exposure to the sun, while the rest remained covered enough to keep somewhat a more similar color.
    With an hourglass figure, she stands at 5’9 inches and weighed around 125lbs when working as a model, but since being on the run and having to fight so much for her and her family’s lives she has built up some muscle, enough to give her a good definition but not enough to make her bulky; her current weight should be around 130lbs or 135lbs.

    ㅤㅤㅤWith an hourglass figure, she stands at 5’9 inches and weighed around 125lbs when working as a model, but since being on the run and having to fight so much for her and her family’s lives she has built up some muscle, enough to give her a good definition but not enough to make her bulky; her current weight should be around 130lbs or 135lbs.

    ㅤㅤㅤUsually, she would be wearing contact lenses, but it’s impossible to get new prescriptions or simply have enough hygiene to maintain that luxury. She wears a pair of glasses that, although are a low prescription, she can’t see properly without, and keeps an extra pair in the bottom of her bag, protecting it with all her might.

    ㅤㅤㅤWith a strong and confident personality, Brielle can come across as conceited, but in a world where pretending to be modest is the rule, she only seemed to think of herself as higher than most because they put themselves down. In reality, Brielle simply knew how to appreciate her value; nothing more, nothing less. Having started working as a fashion model from a young age she could’ve easily gone down the worst path, God knows she had the exposure and contacts to make her feel worshipped, but she stayed true to her family and to herself.

    ㅤㅤㅤThe girl knows how to appreciate all things beauty, from works of art to architecture to literature. While most would assume a young model to be airheaded and think about nothing other than heels and jewelry, Brielle continued exposing herself to culture in every way possible. If being able to think better and more critically wasn’t enough of a reason, having that sort of exposure only gave her even more material to work with in her profession. Architecture could inspire so many poses and stances in photographs, literature could bring out so many emotions she never would’ve experienced otherwise, and paintings could inspire scenery and composition.

    ㅤㅤㅤShe is the kind of person who believes every profession has a purpose, even if it’s just entertainment, because what would life be without entertainment? Therefore she never let anyone talk down on her simply for being a model, and either would retort with a witty comment or ignore the person altogether. She had confidence that what she was doing was important, and that it would never impact her intellect or morals.

    ㅤㅤㅤDuring the rise of the dead, Brielle’s sense of purpose and her determination went into overdrive, and despite not being the strongest, her survival skills and sense of direction were a big part of what kept them going. As her group got smaller, feelings of desperation started to creep in more than before, and she would catch herself thinking there was no point in keeping trying anymore.

    ㅤㅤㅤIt was thanks to the survival reality show, Adrenaline, in which she participated some years earlier that she acquired the skills that would change the game in their journey; since she kept her skills sharp by going camping every now and then with a group of casual survivalists. It was the thing that made her have a sense of direction, like she had to help take charge of the group, but it also placed a lot of responsibility on her shoulders.
code by Nano


Name: Richard Edward Menzie
Age: Unsure, 36 or 37
Former occupation: Dentist
Positive traits: focused, mature, strong, decisive
Negative traits: inflexible, shy, stubborn, materialistic
Face claim: Dan Stevens


Name: Jennifer Watson
Age: Unsure, 51 or 52
Former occupation: Trauma surgeon
Positive traits: lighthearted, spiritual, relaxed, humble
Negative traits: perfectionist, gossipy, workaholic, cynical
Face claim: Patricia Clarkson​
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