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Private 1x1 Unwind Caroline1539 and David

David : It's been a long trek 5 harvest camps and 2 billion dollars i'm ready to go home I'm walking around the main court yard trying to look in a hole in security a lazy guard unlocked back door something tithes have a lot of freedoms here although I'm going to get a lot of worried looks when I get back to the tithing house tithes aren't supposed to be alone I look around nothing to see just a lot of unwinds being put though exercises I look over and see one trainer being a real jerk he's in charge of the unit who Henry belongs to Henry I shake remembering the encounter back in Arizona

Trainer: And up two three four up two three four my charges are the worst of the worst robbery assault you name it they done it I see that one kid with red eyes is not moving fast enough "Move it Chara we don't have all day " the kid dose it slower is he trying to mock me I get up and go over to him he's in the push up position and I yank him up by the collar of his shirt "Whats the big idea tough guy you better start doing this faster or i'll tell the kitchen you've been getting tubby

OCC: Henry had some trouble with David and Thomas in the past he's 18 years old and is a very bad kid he's killed two juvies
Chara grimaced but lowered his head so the trainer wouldn't see his reaction, his red eyes covered by his bangs. "Alright, that's fine by me. If you would let me go, maybe I could get back to doing what you to me to, sir." He replied, his tone carefully neutral as he spoke to him, not bothering to fight his grip as he knew that if he tried to his trainer would just rough him up more. "You might want to be a bit more careful with me next time, sir. The surgeons wouldn't want me to be damaged. After all, I'm a valuable piece of property, aren't I?" He asked, finally lifting up his gaze to meet the trainer's as he gave him a slightly pointed look, his repulsion to the very idea just barely visible even of he had tried to hide it.
David: When I hear the part about cutting off rations I have had enough I'm a tithe and can get away with everything I decide to use my pretend privilege for good ( hopefully it will be the last time I use it ) I go up to the Trainer just as the kid gets back down into a push up position and say "Hey!, you stupid over stuffed pompous, brainless , heartless , piece of monkey shit pick on someone your own size " I see the trainer turn around with a startled look he's shocked didn't expect that sort of langues from a tithe he about to speak but I cut him off " Treat the kids with a bit more respect or i'll report you " a bit weak I think normally I would threaten to best him to a pulp I may be young but over the last year I've gotten pretty good at fighting people bigger than me but since I'm supposed to be a tithe so I stay in character to my surprise the Trainer talks back " You bleached little bastard what did you say to me " the trainer comes over to me he's a fit guy 23 maybe 24 new probably if he wasn't he wouldn't have responded the way he did I look him strait in the eye and say " I said you deaf egoistic over paid gym teacher that you should be nicer to your kids karma's a real bitch like your mother " I didn't know what made me say that last part but it set him off he swings at me duck and kick him in the jimmy's he goes down and by now 15 guards and the pretty lady in charge of Tithing Ms. Rosewood have surrounded us I ignore the crowed and tip the trainers chin towards mine "apologize whelp now " the trainer doesn't respond so I punch him across the face no response I punch him again no response and I kick him in the stomach finally his pride is broken he slowly limps to the kid who are about on the same level his noses is bleeding and his right eye is starting to swell the trainer croaks "sorry " and I turn to Ms Rosewood and say " Lets go i'm ready to revise punishment " I turn and begin to walk with her towards the Tithing house

OCC: Sorry about all of this it's werid i'm trying to get back into this this post is a little weak I'll try harder next post sorry thanks for putting up with my crap on and sorry for the swearing ( :) )( :) )( :) )( :) )
((It's okay. Thanks for the reply. ^^))

Chara watched with a surprised yet guarded look as another person stepped up and began to rail on his trainer. Getting up from his position, he instead chose to take a slightly defensive position where he was, observing the exchange silently, his eyes widening as the other tithe beat his trainer until he went over to him and apologized. Chara turned slightly and grimaced a bit despite his attempt to keep a neutral face, his eyes flickering over his different injuries as he did so. "It's okay." He responded shortly, averting his eyes from Ms. Rosewood and then watching as the tithe was lead away before he and the other tithes resumed their exersises.

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