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Fandom Pretty Little Liars


Junior Member
In Rosewood it seems as if just about anything can happen. Aria, Spencer, Emily, and Hannah have been dealing with someone for harassing them via text message for two years. A completely anonymous person blackmails the girls constantly. This person goes by -A... When Alison came back, the harassment got much worse. The girls are still continuously trying to figure out who the monster is behind the phone...

With Alison back, they hoped that they could figure out who their tormentor was. Instead things got worse... They got locked up in a dollhouse where they were tortured by -A. The girls came back more frightened than ever. With the help of Alison, Caleb, Ezra, and Toby, perhaps Aria, Spencer, Emily, and Hannah can get through it all. They came back with post traumatic stress disorder, and are trying their best to cope with it so they can get through their senior years. Unfortunately, It hasn't been easy, things have only gotten harder for them...

This Roleplay is canon up through 5x25. Which means the girls have just gotten to the dollhouse. -A can be anyone we want them to be, and we can RP the girls in the dollhouse if we'd like.

I will be playing Emily....

We need:








The preferred ships are endgames of: Haleb, Emison, Ezria, and Spoby.

If anyone wants to play Mona they are more than welcome to! Reply to this if you are interested!

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