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President's Boy


They say that a hero can save us

~ A RP between

@CJ Mason and @Captain ~

"Three bodyguards.
Three. None of them could handle my son. What would make me convinced that you are different?"

Kane leaned back in the ridiculously soft and luxurious chair and let his head thump back. He looked thoughtfully across the bureau to the man sitting behind it. Here he was, in the Oval Office. Who would've ever thought he would make it this far in life, he thought with a silent snort. This caused the President to throw him a disapproving look, but Kane ignored him for a while longer. This was actually pretty fun. Sure, in a few seconds he would blow the poor man away with an offer he couldn't refuse. Mafia style. Well, maybe not as drastic, but still. The President would hire him. Of that he had no doubt. Kane already knew he had won the man over; he just had to make the kill. And then he had won.

Kane leaned forward again and smiled as non-threathingly as he could.

"Well. I have... a certain set of skills. Please ignore the 'Taken' pun. These skills will definitely help me with keeping your boy in sight and safe. I won't bother him-," much, he thought, "- as long as he does not bother me. I'm sure we would go along just fine."

Sitting back again he slumped in the chair as if he were at home. This got another weary look from the President, but there wasn't as much disapproval in his eyes anymore. Maybe there was even... distant respect in them?

"Oh; and I accept half of the payment that was offered."

Punch. Hit. Down. Knockout. He just earned a new job as the babysitter of the President's brat. Now he was shaking the man's hand and following him down the halls to the rooms of the kid.

Please, Kane thought coolly, don't be too much of a pain in my ass.
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Brenden heard the movement of feet beneath his doorway into his bedroom. Was this going to be yet another failed attempt at finding the perfect bodyguard for Brenden? Brenden had learned that taking no for an answer is like cowering to the fortunate little people, that worship his father, and he was the son of the most powerful man on the planet. Brenden set a gaze towards the door, who would be coming through it in a moment?

Brenden had run the other three guards to hell, and as to think he wouldn't do to the new one. "Do you honestly believe you're scaring me without coming into my room, I have been more scared looking at my mother before she put on her makeup." Brenden snickered as the door swung open. Brenden was pleased to see what type of guard his father had chosen for him. "I'll have him running out of here in a week," he laughed as he sat back down in front of the computer screen.

Brenden looked over his shoulder and saw them still standing there as if their presence was petrifying. The only thing is, Brenden knew nothing about his new bodyguard because his father refused to share the details with him this morning, before the blasted interview. Brenden would find something out, but would it be a lovely story. "My name is Brenden, by the way," he greeted without looking at them.

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After a maze of hallways they finally arrived at the door that would lead to the bra- the kid, and Kane had to admit he felt curious what awaited him on the other side. With a nod from the President, he opened the door and the went inside.

Hearing the sneering remarks, Kane simply stared at him for a while. The boy was actually quite a pretty thing, and it was a shame that it all got ruined by the hideously brattiness. You would think teenagers outgrew that stage, but apparently the rich kids applied to other rules then the others. Shame.

"Thank you, Mr. President. I'll take over from here," he said politely but firmly and all but pushed the man out of the door. Closing it after him, Kane turned around again and looked over the room once. Then, he went to work.

Kane paced over to the windows and checked everyone of them to see potential escape routes and weak spots. At the same time, he of course also looked for easy ways in. Satisfied, he closed the last window with a bang and strided through the room, picking up a few things as he went. This tactic was fairly simple; invade the target's personal space and 'claim' his stuff. It was a quiet signal to show who was in charge right now.

He checked the book shelves, looked through the clothes in the wardrobe and stood unceremoniously on the kid's - Brenden's - bed to feel at a vent above it. It was stuck to the wall pretty firmly, and it definitely wasn't big enough for even a small child to climb through.

Jumping of the bed again, he at last strolled over to where Brenden sat.

"I'm Kane, by the way. I'm your new baby sitter. If you behave, I'll throw you some candy. You don't...? Well, let's not discuss that right now. We're having such a pleasant conversation right now."

Flashing his teeth briefly in a apparent smile, he reached out to look through the drawers of the desk the teenager was sitting at.
Brenden looked over his shoulder and saw Kane looking all around the room, picking things up, jumping on the bed. What was this guy trying to prove? Brenden look dormant at the computer screen, he was on the school's social site, he was attempting tp dig some dirt up on his classmates.

Brenden was always one to play dirty, let it be an exam, or even making a sports team, he always got what he wanted because he knew how to play dirty. The one that taught him that was his father, with his dirty as fuck politics. Brenden began to look at Kane again, as all the movement in the room was beginning to get annoying, that was when Kane went to open one of his desk drawers. "Don't you fucking think about," he shot in the direction of his newly said babysitter. "You can look anywhere in the room you like, but my desk is off limits," he shouted as he went back to his computer screen.

What if Kane was to find out what was in the desk, his father would most likely kill him, and send to some boarding school in the outbacks of fucking Wyoming, and this was the last damn thing Brenden needed. "I know the next damn thing you're going to want to go through, it's my computer and phone isn't it?"
As kind of expected, the kid drew the line here. In people's desk were always the most interesting kind of stuff, but also the most private kind of things. Kane would respect this boundary. For now.

"How about we make a deal? You don't give me a reason to do so, and I won't open those drawers. Simple as that. And unless you have something you think I should really know about on your digital stuff," he said with a quick glance at the computer, "...then no. I'm a bodyguard, not your secretary. Sorry, kid."

Smirking slightly as he turned around, he walked to the windows again and looked outside at the broad garden. In the distance was the gate, where a few tourists were clustered around trying to catch a glimpse of the President.

Strictly speaking, he was supposed to just stand guard outside of the door like Brenden was a prisoner or something. Which he technically speaking was, but still. For some reason, staring day after day at a blank white wall was not exactly how Kane wanted to spend his time. So, as he had told the President, he would use his own methods.

"So," he said finally after falling down onto a comfortable chair and crossing his feet like he was at home with a glass of whisky or brandy in his hand. (Not happening in here, to his regret.) "You're the President's boy. Must be fun to be so rich and powerful, hmm? To be at the top of the world and look down at us little ants going up and down the roads?"

There wasn't any bitterness or even contempt in his voice - just plain curiosity. As a teacher's son, Kane could not even begin to imagine how such a life as Brenden's would be like. It was necessary to know more about this arrogant kid; that way it would be easier to sniff out his weaknesses.

Christ, I'm starting to think of him as a assassination task. Old habits die hard, I guess.
To Brenden enjoyment, at least Kane respected boundaries, that is why he ran the other guards to hell. "It's nothing special, I only get to live in this damn house for eight years, if my father is lucky enough to get another term."

There was a sound of sarcasm in his tone when he said, but it was true, he didn't think his father would be lucky enough to get another term. Even though it seemed as if the American people loved him. Brenden hated the fact that his father was the president of the United States, to Brenden it was just a title that came down to "bitch boy." They say that he powerful person on the planet, but who makes all the damn laws? Congress was the rulers of this nation, and that was simple fact period.

"I think you may be on to keep, but don't quote me on that. If you fuck up, it'll be as easy as calling my father, and getting you thrown out of the grounds," he stated. Yes, Brenden has admitted to abusing his abilities to get his father to do what he wants, but who wouldn't?

Brenden turned his attention back to the computer, and began to type furiously. Trying to dig up dirt on the other students, were proving slightly more difficult than his first intentions. Turns out that Brenden may have to hack a school network, damn was it worth it?

Brenden took a look towards Kane. "Are you any good at hacking?" he asked sarcastically.
Cracking his knuckles absentmindedly, Kane looked at Brenden thoughtfully. It was clear that he wasn't really happy with being a President's son. Kane could get into that - you constantly had to be protected and you could not grow up in a normal way. Still, not a good reason to turn into a brat. There were never excuses for that in Kane's book. Yet it wouldn't be very wise to provoke the kid too much, this being only the first day and all.

"I am glad to hear that," Kane said in a bit too pleasant voice and rose again from his seat. "And no, I'm not a hacker. I watch Mr. Robot, but it does not tell me how to actually hack. You do know that's illegal right?"

He was actually kind of amused. Being a bit of a rebel was one thing, but to actually do illegal stuff? Wow. If the media would find out it would be all over the news. It would be kind of funny to see that happen, but Kane meant to keep this job.

"For what do you even need hacking? Are you trying to get into the FBI systems or something?" he asked snorting and walked over to Brenden's desk again.
Brenden overheard the part of what he was doing was illegal. "I know what I'm doing is wrong, but I need some dirt on my classmates," he began. Brenden wasn't trying to hack F.B.I, he was just trying to hack the school system.

"I want to see my classmates disciplinary records, and use it as leverage when it comes to tests and shit," he stated before typing a whole bunch of code. The system was being extremely difficult, and the code to get into the damn thing was extensive. But with some dirty logarithms, he final hacked into the files. "See it was easy," he smiled.

Brenden was iffy about doing this in front of the newly secured bodyguard. "You're not going to tell me father are you?" he asked hesitantly. The last thing Brenden wanted was to be in trouble with his father. This was when he opened the school file for grades, and he looked at his grades, man it would be so easy to change these, but not with Mr. Muslce looking over his shoulder.

Brenden would fix his grades later when he wasn't be breathed down his neck.
The... activities of the President's son were interesting to say the least. Hacking into the school bases to be able to blackmail people if necessary? Man, Kane was glad that there weren't any records about himself on the internet. Not even top classified ones, even though he had some pretty big clients in the past when he still worked as an assassin. He suddenly wondered how the kid would react if he found out that he was being protected by a former professional murderer. Would he be horrified, or would he find it just as cool as hacking the school system?

There was hesitation on Brenden's face, and Kane immediately knew that he had some blackmail material on the kid now too. Of course he would never really tell the President about his son's secret activities, because he really did not like the old man at all, but it was still nice to have some bevarage. It was actually kind of funny. But if the kid proved too troublesome and annoying for him...

"Pff, of course not. I'm no snitch. If it were the FBI files then yes, but this? Nah."

Kane shrugged dismissively and smiled innocently at the teenager. Leaning his hip at the desk, he crossed his arms and stared at the boy thoughtfully for a good few seconds.

"You know what? I'm going to leave you to your important work now. I'll be right outside when you need me. Not for getting you drinks or food though, you're perfectly capable of doing so yourself, don't you think? Oh, and your dad told me to make sure you made your homework. So. Make it. Just for once, for fun. Oh, I'm going with you to school tomorrow by the way. I heard that you also tend to escape from there. We'll just see about that, won't we?"

Kane smiled sharply and patted the boy hard on the shoulder a few times before stalking over to the door.
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Brenden was glad that Kane wasn't no snitch, but coming to his school was another thing. "Why do you have to come to my school, are you planning to embarrass me in front of my so called friends?" he shouted in rage, he was truly annoyed.

Brenden thought it was one thing to snoop through all of his shit, but going to his school . . . he stood up from his chair and walked over to Kane. "How about this, you get the hell out of my room!" Brenden snarled. Brenden through the door open. "You're lucky you have a higher security then the press secretary," he snorted. "Or I would have you thrown on the law right now."

Brenden did find some dirt on his classmate, but now he was more interested in finding out more about Kane, does he have a tragic past, or does he no past, this is something that Brenden would have to find out, even if Kane would kill him trying.
"If they aren't your friends, then why would you care? You're on top of the food chain boy!"

Kane honestly did not see the problem of the situation. Sure, he wouldn't like being tagged everywhere by some strange dude, but it was for Brenden's safety. And to make sure he actually went to class instead of just pretending to. It would be bad business for the President if his son had to redo a school year.

"Don't worry, I was already going. I would kill for a good cup of coffee. See you tomorrow princess."

Lifting his hands in the air in surrender, Kane walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. Instead of walking of though, he signalled to another person in the hallway to get him some coffee instead. No way he was going to let that kid alone in there. This would be the perfect time to try something stupid. But Kane would be there.

((OOC: If you want to do a time skip to the next day at the beginning of school, then that's fine!))
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[[Alright I will do a time skip but there are going to be two parts to this reply.]]

Brenden was happy to see Kane exit his room, and he hope it would be for a little while, seeing that he wanted to sneak and go and party with some of his so called friends. Brenden knew that he would have limited amount of time for him to open up the window and to jump out. Brenden noted earlier that Kane was messing with the windows, did he put something on them, so that if they open, he gets an alert sent to his phone. Brenden would need to test this out.

Brenden slowly went over to the window, and opened it up; nothing was happening outside the room, for what he could hear, and there was also nothing special about the window. Brenden didn't see any sensor on the window, so he took this as the chance to climb out the window and sneak out. Brenden saw secret service to the right, and to the left of him, but yet none of them were paying any sort of attention to him, they were more focused on the movement inside the White House.

He slowly climbed down the trellis, and hit the actual ground, Brenden couldn't believe he escaped his new bodyguard, his father really needed to find new people, that did their damn job. He began to run toward the fence, where he cut a hole in it the week before when he escaped that bodyguard, and none of the workers seemed to find this breach in security.

12 Hours Later

It was nearly 6 AM in the morning, and he knew that Kane probably figured out he was gone. Brenden snuck back through the hole in the fence, and ran back over to the trellis, and began to climb up it. Brenden was gone for twelve hours partying and drinking with his friends, but he didn't see any harm in what he did, even though he was having a hard time remember what happened the night before.

He got up to the window, and peered in; he didn't see anyone, but he wasn't sure if Kane was hiding in the shadows of the room. Brenden's alarm clock would be going off in approximately in thirty minutes to get up for school. Brenden got into the room, and turned on the light, and sat down at the desk, and turned on the laptop. There was the talk of how much the president's son in a party hardy teenage boy, who needs to watch his consumption of alcohol. Brenden's father is going to kill him.
The kid was gone. Only a few minutes had passed after he left the room, and Brenden had already decided to be an annoying brat by going out by the window. Typical. He had to give it to him though; Kane really had to strain his ears to hear him leaving. Of course, he would've figured it out anyway eventually by the lack of sound in the room, but still.

What next? Run down the hallways like a maniac and taking short cuts so he could meet up with Brenden before he could even leave the grounds? Nah. He didn't feel like running. This was only the first day, there was plenty of time for that later. But what would he do then? Maybe it would actually be funny to do nothing at all and get fired. He had to be honest; he was already bored to tears by just standing here for a few minutes. Why did he think this was a good idea again?

It was clear that Brenden wouldn't get back in a good long while. Probably some party with lots of illegal stuff going on. The more illegal the activities, the more eager the kid seemed to participate in it. Kane wouldn't be surprised of he one day would kill someone just to get a kick. Him finding out his bodyguard was a former assassin shouldn't even faze him.

After thinking the matter over for a while he decided on a tactic and walked away from the door. This was going to be funny after all. This could go two ways: the kid would cry or throw a rampage. No real in betweens. Brenden was too far away already to actually listen to him.

~ The next morning ~

Kane soon figured out when Brenden came home. He had only slept a few hours to be awake when he got back. Now, it was time to teach the kid a lesson and then send him to school.

After waiting a few minutes to make sure Brenden thought he was safe and sound, Kane threw open the door with a loud bang and strided inside with long paces.

"Stand up princess! We're going for a little run. A very long run at that. Don't bother to change. After that run we'll be doing some more excercises. When we're done we will go to school. If you behave well you can shower and change your clothes before we get that. If you don't, you can embarrass yourself at school with not only a babysitter tailing you but also reeking like hell. And I will be taking embarrassing photos of you. Which I may or may not send to everyone at school."

Kane grabbed the upper arm of Brenden and dragged him not so gently out of his chair. Turning his cool eyes on the teenager he let the deadly assassin deep inside of him come through a little.

"Look, I don't give a shit that you do everything what God has forbidden at stupid parties. You're steadily working yourself to the point where they'll find you in the gutters one day. Who cares. And that's the sad part; the only one who will mourn you will be your dad. Or will he? If you ask me, he'll be more relieved than anything. It's time your dad hired someone who could tell you the truth. You want that to change? Then do what I say. You can't expect to receive respect when you refuse to show respect yourself. Now move."
Brenden felt his arm get yanked. "What the hell do you think you're doing Kane?!?!" he shouted in displeasure. Brenden knew sooner or later Kane would bust into his room, and yell at him, but he was not expecting this whatsoever. Brenden looked dead at him and stop struggling. "How about this, you let go of me, and I don't tell my father that you let me out last night," Brenden was great a playing the dirt card, and Kane could've stopped him from leaving if he truly wanted too.

Brenden was not going to let Kane get away with this punishment. "Anyways you're my bodyguard, not my personal trainer, I could get one if I need one." Brenden had a solid point.Kane was suppose to protect him from harm, and not treat him like shit when it came down to it. Brenden was contemplating getting Kane fired for this little incident, but he would let it slide this one time. "So how about you let me fucking go," he said calmly, trying to yank his arm from Kane's grip.
"Your dad already knows. In fact, he agreed to accept all my methods as long as I didn't hurt you. Too much. Sorry man, your situation has really escalated that far."

This reaction wasn't as bad as Kane had initially anticipated. He had expected an attempt to punch him in the face or something, which Brenden of course would never succeed in.

"I thought we both agreed that I'm your babysitter as well. That means I can punish you if you misbehave. You're lucky I don't hate you, otherwise ai would've come up with something much worse than running around a little."

Kane was being friendly enough, but did not release his tight grip on Brenden's arm.

"How about you do as I say, or you'll be in even more trouble. Your dad will not save you anymore. He loves you with all his heart, and that is why he hired me. Not just to be your guard dog but also to get you back on the right path again. If you love him even a little as well, at least accept your punishment with some dignity. Deal?"
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Brenden heard Kane's plea. "I'm a teenage boy, I'm supposed to do stupid things, it's a part of growing up. But punishing me for every little thing is ridiculous," Brenden began to beg to be released. Brenden was very arrogant was trying to play the "I'm a teenage boy" card, but he knew it would fool Kane. "I won't do it again," he gave up.

Brenden was extremely hard headed, but he didn't want to accept this punishment, because it was beneath him, the worst thing Kane could do him would take away his electronics, because then he would have no communications to the outside world, and he loathed the day he couldn't talk to a true friend.

"So please, let this slide one time, I'll make sure every time I go out you're notified, or with me." Brenden would actually give into Kane, and his father's plan. "Did my father mention the big trip we will be taking here in the following weeks?" Brenden knew of this trip, and this was the main reason he needed a bodyguard.

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