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Fantasy Prepare to Die

[QUOTE="One Mean Ghost]Oh yeah... it pretty much enables him to run upside down in the air, gain altitude, etc. Prepare yourself for some Attack on Titan references...

I pretty much saw it as "the ability to use air as a solid surface", you can do a lot with that xD
Stickdom said:
I pretty much saw it as "the ability to use air as a solid surface", you can do a lot with that xD

Also makes scouting so much easier. And rough terrain? forgetaboutit xD

Pretty much, those spell circles around his feet function much the same as Hermes' Sandals. ^^
So, I was trying to look up a combat power for Istella that wouldn't be totally lame, but would also not become her total bread and butter... This isn't it: Oil Vision

But in case you were ever wondering, yes, the power to shoot oil out of your eye sockets does in fact, exist. xD
I... What?....

As for ideas.. If you don't want it to become her total bread and butter... you could steal Reequip from Fairy Tail. Basically switch weapons/armor in the blink of an eye for various situations in a way similar to Erza Scarlet. If you don't want it to be her bread and butter, just omit the potential to summon a thousand raining blades of death xD
"Weapon Manipulation"[/URL] power, since she has a lot of blades. I picture her most using the aspect of calling her weapons to her after they've been used, like having her sword hovering around her while she uses other weapons until she wants to use it, stuff like that. Instead of a power, I was considering giving her a weapon with the power to change into another weapon, but then that would negate her using more than one at once or comboing her attacks like she likes to do. Maybe I'll give her the power to alter how her weapons act, like making them bigger or longer as needed, that might not be such a bad one.

All of that would be balanced, of course, I like to have set limits so no one can accuse me of power-playing :3 We'll see, maybe I'll implement one of those or combine a few into a cohesive, relevant power.
Stickdom said:
That's a decent idea, though since she already has her weapons pretty easily accessible and she doesn't really wear armour, i don't know how much good it would do her xD I'm actually considering adapting the "Weapon Manipulation" power, since she has a lot of blades. I picture her most using the aspect of calling her weapons to her after they've been used, like having her sword hovering around her while she uses other weapons until she wants to use it, stuff like that. Instead of a power, I was considering giving her a weapon with the power to change into another weapon, but then that would negate her using more than one at once or comboing her attacks like she likes to do. Maybe I'll give her the power to alter how her weapons act, like making them bigger or longer as needed, that might not be such a bad one.
All of that would be balanced, of course, I like to have set limits so no one can accuse me of power-playing :3 We'll see, maybe I'll implement one of those or combine a few into a cohesive, relevant power.
You have no idea how much restraint was needed to keep from making a dirty joke here...
[QUOTE="One Mean Ghost]You have no idea how much restraint was needed to keep from making a dirty joke here...

No, Dante's manhood is not considered a "weapon", mass destruction or otherwise xD

Yes, I went there. YOLO (B')
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What did I miss?... also what are you folks on?... so report you for drugs and become amazing citizen for the day...you get a free pie...
  1. Stickdom said:
    OI! Where is everyone?! What is this silence? :o




  2. 1.

    complete absence of sound.

    "sirens pierce the silence of the night"

    synonyms:quietness, quiet, quietude, still, stillness, hush, tranquility,noiselessness, soundlessness, peacefulness, peace (and quiet)

    "the silence of the night"


  1. 1.

    cause to become silent; prohibit or prevent from speaking.

    "the team's performance silenced their critics"

    synonyms:quiet, hush, shush;

Where, oh where has our dear Ellie gone off to this time? We miss her so, and the story awaits her lead.
Hnnng, I don't want to sound like the whiny kid looking for attention, but this place is really too quiet >_> Let's start up some chatter, yeah? What's everyone been up to? keeping busy?
Stickdom said:
Hnnng, I don't want to sound like the whiny kid looking for attention, but this place is really too quiet >_> Let's start up some chatter, yeah? What's everyone been up to? keeping busy?
Stupid family drama....
Well I am sorry for being gone for a while. I have had a lot of rl issues and stress. But I am back now... I read through all the Out of Chat posts and it seems like the rp lived on without me =P! So that is good haha! Is it too late to come back into this or are we will in catching up range :3?
OverlordSenpai said:
Well I am sorry for being gone for a while. I have had a lot of rl issues and stress. But I am back now... I read through all the Out of Chat posts and it seems like the rp lived on without me =P! So that is good haha! Is it too late to come back into this or are we will in catching up range :3?
Well we were.... then Ellie left again. We're just waiting for her to return like last time but you can still make a RP post while we wait :3
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OverlordSenpai said:
Well I am sorry for being gone for a while. I have had a lot of rl issues and stress. But I am back now... I read through all the Out of Chat posts and it seems like the rp lived on without me =P! So that is good haha! Is it too late to come back into this or are we will in catching up range :3?
Well, it's certainly not too late to jump back in, it's been at a dead stop for a while now, we've been taking turns doing CPR on it every now and then to keep it alive, but until Ellie gets back again and breathes new life into it again, we're still stuck at the starting gate. Perhaps we few remaining could chat in- and out-of-game until her return, I know Istella and Tristan are up for chatting as they saddle up.

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