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Fantasy Prepare to Die

...I suppose I did. But it was @SoraHikari who brought the whole oath thing up! SO really it's his fault!

Apologies for the tiny bit of character control!

As for my reason of doing it, in my head, the scene looked hilarious! Consider it the start of the start of the Bad Bromance.
Nah, I don't care about the character control, it's fine!

And indeed, it was hilarious. I'm waiting for @Ellie the Knight to post before I respond.

Probably with something along the lines of "When the f*ck did I ever claim to be a gentleman?!"

Edit: I'm starting to think I started a thing when I first did #BadBromance xD
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Ahh I want to reply to that already but I shall wait until you actually post!

Besides, Arashi wanted to get in an elbow jab from earlier (please don't let it escalate to a small brawl)

Would be funny to see Tristan break us up though. Or Amanda. Or anyone really. Or everyone. Most likely everyone.
Nah, Dante is really pretty chill with stuff like that. It wasn't a challenge, it was just a little jab, so no big deal as far as Dante is concerned.

When did he ever claim to be a gentleman though? He's claimed to be a Monster, and a mercenary, but I don't see 'gentleman' anywhere in there xD
Bloody L! Jeez folks if you're going to go insane in the OOC chat then please inform me!... Yes, I'm away I said L instead of Hell...don't judge me...by the by, I like how this RP is going! No joke, I've been searching for a RP like this for the longest time, so I must thank you! I do have a question though. I'm aware that this is VERY early for me to ask this but will this grand adventure have a climatic ending!? Do we get to face I Robotic T-Rex/Triceratops? I MUST KNOW! (last part is joke)
Sparkstorm1000 said:
Bloody L! Jeez folks if you're going to go insane in the OOC chat then please inform me!... Yes, I'm away I said L instead of Hell...don't judge me...by the by, I like how this RP is going! No joke, I've been searching for a RP like this for the longest time, so I must thank you! I do have a question though. I'm aware that this is VERY early for me to ask this but will this grand adventure have a climatic ending!? Do we get to face I Robotic T-Rex/Triceratops? I MUST KNOW! (last part is joke)
You know, I proof read this twice and still didn't notice the bloody errors... Christ...

@One Mean Ghost

Man that's a good song. One of the few lyrical songs I actually enjoy.

I figured I couldn't miss with a classic!

And yes, I notice I make a lot of music references.... I am also that person that is known to spontaneously burst into song if someone sets it up. xD

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