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Realistic or Modern Pregnancy

That caused Lilou to laugh a little but her smile didn't stay on her face. "Maybe in a couple of years again, I still don't know if I can keep the baby or not. I'm more broke then the old man who lives in a box under the bridge." She sighed. "Ive already been looking for couples, but I haven't talk to anyone yet." Lilou said and sighed again, but forced a smile on her face. "I'm sure there is someone who'll be able to take care of my little one better then me."
Lilou shakes her head. "Every time I feel it move or kick me, I feel like I want to keep it, but then I see the bill at the end of the month and I start doubting again because I can't even take care of myself. I don't want to be like my own mother, who only works and barely sees her own kid. If someone can offer my baby a better life then I can, why should I take that away? That would just be selfish, right?"
I nod. "Every mother wants what is best for her child. The fact that you feel that way is a sign you are not like your mother." I furrow my brow and fiddle my fingers. "But,i-if you can't come up with the money,you are welcome in my home."
Amara was silent whilst listening to the conversation. She refused the diet coke because she only wanted healthy nutrients to go to her babies.

She looked up towards Lilou with an idea in mind but she wasn't sure if she would go along with it. "Have you tried the Maternity Grant? I hear they not only give you general money every month but an extra five hundred for the baby. With that extra money you could maybe get yourself a doula for the baby" she suggested. She knew that the idea of a doula was off putting for some mothers but she was trying her best.
"Thanks, but no thanks." Lilou said with a sad smile. "You and you husband are going to be busy enough with your own baby, you wouldn't want me in the house. You should use the money you spend on me on your baby. I'll be fine eventually. I'll figure it out… I hope… And if I don't then I'll just give the baby up, no matter how much it would hurt in the end." She sniffed and held her tears in.
I prepare some ingredients in the kitchen,listening to the conversations. "Salad ok?" I ask,opening the fridge and grabbing a salad dressing.
"Sure, do you want me to help? I know a great recipe Nurse Helen taught me" Amara suggested to Anna talking about her MidWife. She was great when it came to tips about food during pregnancy and just general life advice. She turned to Lilou before frowning. "Just Leo being Leo" she complained whilst rolling her eyes.

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