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Fantasy Précieux Academy: The Gemholders

Cyrus Cooper

Arriving at the door of Spiritualism, Cyrus made sure to peak his head in just enough to see if the teacher was already in the classroom. Noticing the ever-meditating Kendall just where he had expected, the blond backed away from the door and started walking towards one of the exits of the school. Now that he knew there wasn't any chance of accidentally bumping into the teacher on his way out, there was nothing stopping him from skipping and taking some time to relax on his own. It's not that he didn't like Kendal or the class. In fact, Spiritualism was probably one of the best chances he had at unlocking the secrets to his power that he just couldn't figure out himself. However, the first day wouldn't help with that at all, and if he knew Kendall well enough, they'd just be doing some deep breathing exercises or something like that.

Finding a tree outside that was far away from any windows of the Academy as to avoid any tattle tales ratting him out was the very first thing Cyrus did when he managed to make his way outside without being noticed by any staff. Getting in trouble was no problem for Cyrus, as he fully expected to for skipping class in the first place, that is, unless luck was on his side and his hippie of a teacher just assumed he had arrived and marked him present. In fact, a part of him liked the scolding he'd get from the headmistress the most. No, the reason Cyrus tried to minimize his chances of getting caught was because it was more fun that way. He took a long stretch as he sat down at the trunk of the tall and sturdy plant and glanced at his watch. "Well, time to get to meditating." He said to himself sarcastically, placing his hands behind his head and closing his eyes as he began to drift off into sleep.

The loud ringing of the school bells signifying the start of the next class awoke Cyrus from his slumber, eliciting a slow and almost uncaring response as he rose and dusted himself of the dirt that clung to his clothes. He hadn't expected to actually fall asleep and thus be late for his next class, but just like before, he didn't exactly worry too much. However, as he remembered what class he was late for a small chuckle escaped his lips. Oh boy, this should be fun. At least I hope it is. Shaking his head and grinning as he made his way to self protection, one could almost see the wheels turning as Cyrus began to think about how he should excuse his tardiness? Should he tell the truth, or come up with some excuse? Eh, 'll just wing it, see how things go from there.

After a while of walking, he finally arrived at the door of the classroom, now late by quite a bit of time. Tapping the tip of his index finger against his forehead as he pondered his words, Cyrus casually flung open the door and walked into the classroom as if he was exactly on time. "Hey Alis," he began casually, running a hand through his blond hair. "No need to worry, your favourite student has arrived. Ended up getting too caught up in meditating and spent longer than I expected in a zen state, but hey, I like to call it being fashionably late. Besides, I made sure to rush over here as soon as I could. Wouldn't want to miss this class and your extremely captivating beauty." He was feeling that this year had been going way too smoothly for a Cyrus year. He'd usually have gotten at least two detentions by now, so this was a chance to rectify his poor play as of late. Grabbing the nearest open seat to the door, Cyrus slung both his arms over the back of the seat. "So, what'd I miss?"

@Queen Rai

(Aint the best, but at least I finally got something up after so long)

Hector Song

Self Protection 101

Hector was content with the professor's answer. She seemed less intimidating when she explained her class to him and the rest of the class. He made a note of the differences between this class and the basic combat class he would be taking earlier in the day. He heard another question from a someone nearby him.

"Professor, will you be teaching us in order of theory and practice, or both simultaneously?"

Sounded rather straightforward in terms of questions. The girl introduced herself to Hector as Lilin. She even complimented him on his question. He nodded back to Lilin. "Pleasure to meet you Lilin. My name is Hector." When the professor told Lilin that she taught in facts not theories, he caused him to chuckle quietly. It would seem that his assumption was correct about the professor. A no nonsense kind of woman. Something he'd have to get used to he was most assured. He jokingly wrote that down in his notes as well in bold block letters about two to three lines tall. "Facts, not theories. It rolls off the tongue a little don't you think? Well at least it's better to get as much knowledge on the enemy as possible. A sharp mind yields a sharper blade." It was a saying that his grandfather had told him throughout his childhood. It was supposed to mean that the mind when honed can bring forth a sharper blade than your opponent's. Hector thought it was easier to say brains over brawn, but he enjoyed his grandfather's cryptic sayings. It gave him something fun to say in most given situations. He felt like he was wiser than he actually was using his grandfather's teachings like that.


Sipho Sinclair

"A-Ah, I see, well...the truth is that while I am Italian and I was born in Italy..." Sipho sat quietly and listened to Nero's story while leaning back in his seat. He couldn't quite relate to it, Sipho was used to French, although since English was the primarily used language at the school he always used that now. "Heh, don't worry about it. I'm not more than bilingual anyw-..." His voice was cut of by Professor Caradoc's sudden entrance, and he signaled to Nero that they'd continue this after the lesson.

Alis' message was pretty clear. She'd scribbled it all over the blackboard, after all. He was pretty used to seeing it as well, he'd been in this class for a couple of years. The words seemed pretty harmless, even obvious, but after two years here and a lot of adventures with the honor students, Sipho had finally come to realize how serious that warning is. He stared down into his desk for a moment, then looked up to Nero again after her introduction was done. "Myself I don't even know my own father, so what's to be ashamed about? Anyway, were you in self protection last year as well?" He asked.


Amy told the boy: "It's nice to meet you too."

After that, though, she paid attention to the teacher. She had never been to boot camp, but she had watched a few movies dealing with the subject. It wasn't a smart idea to goof off. That was the sort of thing that got you doing push-ups, and Amy hated push-ups. She would have to meet up with the boy Hector Song later, once she was done with that day's stuff. He seemed a pleasant enough guy. She listened as he asked how the class differed from basic combat, and got the answer that this class was mostly about hiding and not being found (making Amy wonder why it was being run like a military academy [although she could not be sure that she wasn't being unfair to military academies, as she had never been to one and so couldn't tell if it was as strict as Professor Caradoc's class.]).

~Elan Evers~

When Alis Caradoc came in, Elan quickly tried to make himself scarce. Those first minutes were enough to get a feel for what the class would be like, and Elan wasn't sure he could survive boot camp, which meant that there was little chance of him making it through this class, especially if he was noticed. Elan wasn't a fighter, nor was he a runner. He wasn't a soldier either, and perhaps not even a hider. Elan was a thinker, a leader, a visionary. Someone who got other people to do the hard stuff for him.

He really wished that he could have taken the History class again, even though it made him feel like he was at an Illuminati meeting sometimes. He was good at remembering things, although he sucked hard at actually doing things.
Lilin Cadmia - The Accelady

"Thank you professor, that will be all." She said before taking her seat and turning towards the boy now named Hector. "Nice to meet you Hector, and I agree. The things she will be teaching may have been useful during my years on the run if I had known them." She said as she recalled her times running and accelerating small things like bullets. "Good times...good times..." She mumbled dreamily before blinking. "Sorry, I get distracted and daydream very easily without something keeping me busy." She said. "Say...do you want to hang out later after class? I'm sure we can find something interesting to do." She said as she looked at him excitedly.

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Metaphysics said:
Lilin Cadmia - The Accelady

"Thank you professor, that will be all." She said before taking her seat and turning towards the boy now named Hector. "Nice to meet you Hector, and I agree. The things she will be teaching may have been useful during my years on the run if I had known them." She said as she recalled her times running and accelerating small things like bullets. "Good times...good times..." She mumbled dreamily before blinking. "Sorry, I get distracted and daydream very easily without something keeping me busy." She said. "Say...do you want to hang out later after class? I'm sure we can find something interesting to do." She said as she looked at him excitedly.
Amy noticed that Hector had started talking to a girl nearby with long white hair and an eye patch. Amy decided that she might as well be social (there's a first time for everything). She said to the girl:

"Um... hello. My name's Amy. What's yours?"

The greeeting was clunky and awkwardly delivered. Amy really needed to work on her people skills. Her twelve-year-old sister could do better.
ActionPony said:
Amy noticed that Hector had started talking to a girl nearby with long white hair and an eye patch. Amy decided that she might as well be social (there's a first time for everything). She said to the girl:
"Um... hello. My name's Amy. What's yours?"

The greeeting was clunky and awkwardly delivered. Amy really needed to work on her people skills. Her twelve-year-old sister could do better.
Lilin Cadmia - The Accelady

Lilin reached and pat Amy's back. "I'm going to call you Ames. My name's Lilin, you can call me whatever." She retracted her hand before giving a gentle smile. "It's very nice to meet you." She leaned back at her chair. "And don't worry, you'll get the hang of talking to other people the more you do it. " She said, reading off of Amy's hesitation and interpreting it correctly for once.
Sunni was off in her own world. She gazed out the window and right into a stream of light. She wanted class to be over so badly. It was getting to the point where it felt like the walls of the school were closing in on her. It was also to the point where she could almost feel the bow string between her fingers.

Over the year things would only get worse. Classes were longer starting tomorrow and when winter arrived some things would be more difficult to do. She thought about the vast differences between her self defence and combat defence teachers. In combat defence class, defensive fighting was a little romanticized. In self defence, defensive fighting was a necessity to staying safe. Sunni blinked to bring herself back to the tiny classroom, where she continued to sit and wait for the end.


☽Professor Alis Caradoc☾


Alis narrowed her eyebrows ever so slightly as the students continued on with their casual conversing, and she stuck out her bottom lip, sending a puff of hot breath up toward the stray stands of hair in her eyes. The woman didn't saying anything, but she did turn around and face the blackboard. After taking a moment to examine her fingernails, long and coated with simple, clear polish, she raised her arm, and then dragged her manicure down the board. The screeching was in tolerable, and students quickly piped down (more than a few letting out cries of pain before they did.). The woman stopped once the class had settled, and she turned back around to face the room. She nonchalantly blew on her nails, and then continued,
"Now, if there aren't anymore questions, let's proceed to your homework for the night."

The woman clunked back over to her desk and began to sift through the mess of papers. After a few second of searching, she found a folder full of copies of the same page. The woman began to pass out the papers, explaining,
"Your assignment for the night is quite easy. Well compared to what you'll receive in the future. All you need to do is write down two different ways you can avoid coming into contact with Igneous Incorporated. I expect it on my desk at the beginning of class tomorrow. We will be discussing the best answers once I finish grading them."

Alis made her way back over to her desk as she finished, and then looked up at the clock on the way. She was about to open her mouth to dismiss the students for the day, but she was cut off by the loud click of the intercom system turning on.

"Attention students! Congratulations for making it through your first day. Please enjoy your free time, you've earned it."

Alis blinked, raising an eyebrow. She sighed, and then grumbled,
"Alright, class dismissed."


⌘Professor Liam Di'Franco⌘


Liam's bottom lip stuck out slightly as everybody seemed to sort of look away when he asked if they had questions. Of course, Kithara in the front row was practically about to burst, but Liam wasn't ready for another explosion of word vomit from her. Not again. NEVER again. Instead, Liam walked over the the whiteboard. He picked up the large eraser, and then wiped off what he had written. The man walked over to his desk, and then said,
"You're assignment at first glance may seem very simple...but I want you all to think long and hard about it."

Lowering himself into his seat, Liam let out a long sigh. He looked over his class, and then continued,
"I want you all to find a quote by Shakespeare, and then see if you can find a deeper meaning to it. Of course, it doesn't need to be absolutely one hundred percent accurate...of course not. Just see if you can find a quote that means something to you, as a Gemholder. Does everyone understand--"

The man was cut of by the Headmistress's announcement, and Liam impatiently tapped his fingers on his desk as he waited for her to finish. Who did she think she was, dismissing his class for him? It was uncalled for! It was unreasonable! It was unprofessional! It was--

About half of the students had already filed out of the room. Liam shot up, and then cried,

Claire Ryelle

"H-Hai Clarie.."

Claire looked up from her desk, startled to see De-Ven from earlier. The boy was definitely strange, but even so, Claire found herself pleasantly surprised that he had approached her. She caught his gaze and smiled slightly. "Oh, hello there, De-Ven. Looks like we've got class together? Sorry, I didn't see you there, or I would have said hello." The last part might have been a lie. Claire wasn't entirely sure if she would have actually said hello at all. While she liked to think she would have, given the awkward ending to her conversation with the boy only earlier that morning, she now realized that in all reality, she probably wouldn't have said anything, at all, but understood that this was something she didn't need to verbalize.

Claire's train of thought was interrupted by a loud honking sort of noise. Upon looking up, she realized it belonged to her Professor, Liam Di'Franco, who began introducing the beginning of class: "Welcome to Gems Throughout History."

Claire listened as he rambled on about history in general, until he announced that they had an assignment. She sighed softly, and listened more carefully, wondering what sort of Professor would be giving out assignments the first day of class. "Now, who here knows that Shakespeare was a Gemholder?" At this question, Claire raised her eyebrows, actually interested in the subject of History for the first time in as long as she could remember.

Listening as he explained the assignment for the day, she thought through a few of the quotes she knew from the man off-hand, but none of them seemed to fit the assignment quite right.

"Attention students! Congratulations for making it through your first day. Please enjoy your free time, you've earned it."

The Headmistress' voice startled Claire out of thought, and she jumped abruptly to her feet. Professor Di'Franco frantically attempted to remind the students of their assignments as they all tried shoving past each other out of the door, to make the most of their free time. Claire slowly stood, and gathered her things before leaving the classroom with a short wave goodbye to the Professor. Admittedly, she was a bit apprehensive about the Honors' class she was heading to. She wasn't sure what to expect, aside from practically everyone in the class already knowing each other. Other than that, she had no idea what the class was even designed to teach.

Claire headed toward the class, the anticipation of what the class would bring building slowly inside of her, as she tried to determine what purpose the class held here at the Academy.

Though she knew it was located in the main hall, Claire wasn't entirely sure exactly what she was looking for. Upon arriving in the main hall, she saw three rooms. One on the left belonged to the Headmistress. Or, it had last year. She didn't imagine the Headmistress' office would have changed, but was fairly certain she didn't want to try randomly barging in to confirm her suspicions. The middle and the right rooms, she wasn't exactly sure of either. She seemed to remember the center room as belonging to Xelia, the Headmistress' secretary, or whatever she was. If she was right, then the room to the far right of the three would be the classroom she was looking for.

Glancing down at her watch, Claire saw she still had a few minutes before class started, and decided it would be better to wait and see if anyone else showed up, before risking entering the incorrect room and disturbing anyone. She turned, and approached the bench at the opposite end of the main hall, took a seat on one of the benches available, and waited to see who else showed up.

(@anyone heading to Honors')

(@Folkus (sorry about the lameish interaction. Wanted to get everything caught up to speed while I had a chance.))​
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Deven Harlan

Gems Throughout History Class

"Oh, hello there, De-Ven. Looks like we've got class together? Sorry, I didn't see you there, or I would have said hello."

"Y-Yeah.. Mhm.." Of course, Deven did not think so. If anything, Claire was anything -but- social, though he could practically say the same thing to himself also. At the very least, though, she did not complained towards how Deven had mispronounced her name. In fact, now Deven had noticed how she pronounced his name. It sounded correct, yet, something sounded quite -off- to him, he just did not know why.

(@AshenLily mentioned. bye now.)

Another strange fact: Why did he gave the girl a greeting just now, anyway? Last time he checked, he was very much unfamiliar and quite terrified of people, counterpart to all the extroverts on this very Earth. But, guess it only took about half a day in this academy to slightly 'modify' his personality and characteristics, yes? Ah, the beauty of minor character development.. sort of.

"Welcome to Gems Throughout History."

Deven's minor drowsiness had dramatically increased when the processor began to speak. He was seated, and 'history' had began. The history of Shakespeare, quotes, things relating towards Shakespeare and Gemholding, blah. History, still not his favourite subject. Nothing could interest him, if it was all about, history, but at the very least, the gem part of the class had him take interest, and not fall asleep completely. He was all ears for the assignment, though.

He most definitely did not hear a single word about having an assignment in his last class, but really, it was because that he accidentally fell asleep, more specifically on the ground. On top of that, Deven had a different type of accident-- oh! Deven remembered this, and he immediately got, very worried. There seemed to be, cold sweats, that came on all too suddenly. Well, jeez, yes he was that afraid, of people questioning him that is.


And before he knew it, class was over. Neat. His once urine-soaked pants had started to dry, and even -stick- on him. Well, gross. It was definitely worse than being covered in sweat, even though both were -definitely- the same thing. But as class was over, he was not in the Honor Class, free time was now available. And Deven, well, he was now running to his dorm room, and bumping into other students along the way. These students gave him the chills, like, it was as if they were not real people, as if they were simply mindless, as if, they were all the same.

Not too strange when one finds a look-alike with another, but, yeah. Odd students, it was almost as if only a few dozen students were -'REAL'-. Probably all in Deven's mind, though, because, yeah. All these mundanes.

Southern Dormitory, Room D

Ah, looks like nothing had changed. The key he left on the keyhole was still there, and for sure, everybody was too busy for class to have ever went inside and took any of his items. Deven was glad. Now, the key was in his hand. He wanted to put it into his pocket, but, yeah, his pants needed washing quite badly. Speaking of pockets, he took out, all the -PROBABLY NOT SOAKED- notes that he took in 1st and 2nd period. Well then, he knew all these assignment so far: 1st & 2nd period homework, and, uhm, Shakespeare quote. Yeah that.

Putting that aside, deliberately -forgetting- to close and lock the dorm room door, bringing all the things like shampoo, and other shower-related items from his bag, -and- a form of laundry detergent, Deven made his way into the bathroom. At, least, he, remembered, to, close, this, door. He noticed, how now, he needed to wash his own clothing. Great. Unless there were washing machines downstairs, and/or school workers who wash clothing, well, guess he had to wash these by and for himself.

And so, he began.

Aside from washing, brushing, and rinsing his academy uniform, and -especially- his pants, Deven was also, washing himself. That would be called, showering, right? He was not using the bathtub, not that he noticed there was one anyway. But, now, at the very least, when his roommate gets in here, he would most definitely know who is in the shower. Hopefully!

Micheal Walsh... that was his assigned roommate, or at least, how it was assigned -MONTHS- ago. Maybe that has changed, maybe it has not. Either way, for sure, his roommate would be male. No exceptions.

Unless, of course, he suddenly were to go roommate-less. That could also be a possibility. Welp.

(I'll be waiting for your character @Mono , unless you're disappearing on me too...)

Hector Song

Self Protection 101 - Free Time

Hector let his mind wander for a bit more before hearing the painful wailing of the professor's nails on the blackboard. He cringed in his seat and cupped his ears to help nullify the sound. It didn't help much, but it was better than nothing. Once the ear splitting sound disappeared, he removed his hands and only had a light ringing sound remain for a few seconds. Hector hook his head. He felt like he was hit by a baseball or something. After he was able to hear again he received his assignment for the class. Come up with two different ways to avoid coming into contact with Igneous Inc. by tomorrow. Simple enough, but Hector thought it would be wiser to think this one through. He was almost caught once before coming to this academy. He certainly didn't want to be caught anytime in the future. He would have to spend at least some time coming up with good ideas.

With the announcement of classes ending and free time available to all but the honor students he looked out the window and saw that it was still nice out. Maybe some fresh air would do him some good. He looked over at the girls, Amy and Lilin, and nodded at the idea to hang out after class. He packed up his things and got up from his seat. He let the other students pass him before making his way over to Sunni.
"Hey Sunni, a couple of other students and I are gonna hang out for free time. Care to join us?" Hector wanted to spend time with the few people he managed to meet today. First step to a normal life, make friends. In the world that he was a part of, it wasn't a bad idea to have some to help him get through life now.

@Metaphysics @CasualDragon
Nails... Not the nails. Sunni let out a tiny groan as the teacher dragged her nails along the chalkboard. After that disaster she managed to focus just fine on the rest of the class. After class she wrote herself a little note about the night's homework and stuffed it into her bag.

"Hey Sunni, a couple of other students and I are gonna hang out for free time. Care to join us?" Sunni thought for a moment about her bow but shrugged it off. She would have plenty of time later, she didn't want to brush off friendships on the first day. She stood up and shrugged. "Sure, why not! Where are we going?"





Victoria rose from her desk as class ended, her ears still ringing from the awful screeching of the blackboard. She hated the way that sound buzzed in her ears...it tickled in a very unpleasant way. The girl quickly dropped her notebook and pencil back into her bag before slinging it over her shoulder and glancing over at Sipho. The girl let her cheeks fill up with breath, which she blew out a moment later. She took a few steps toward the boy, and then said,
"Firetruck dude. Honors Class. Let's go."

Alright, not bad. Not good, but not terribly offensive. Victoria adjusted the strap on her shoulder, and then raked a hand through her hair (which was anything but neat). The day hadn't exactly gone very well, and she was eager to just get it over with. There was nothing she would like more than to just flop down onto her bed and take a nap...but alas, she had one more class. A class most students didn't need to go to. Curses!

The girl tapped her foot impatiently as she glanced down at the boy who had been sitting next to Sipho. She looked away for a moment, and then took a double take. Squinting her eyes ever so slightly, she slowly raised an eyebrow. Yeah, he definitely looked familiar...but why? How did she know him? It was a possibility the two had seen eachother in passing the year before...right? Victoria blinked for a moment, and then asked,
"Who are you?"

@Mono @Prizzy Kriyze
The History assignment was actually one of the first assignments that had been different to usual; Professor Di'Franco rarely liked recycling the same old tasks. Keeps things fresh for me, at least, Zeek mused, one of the last to leave the classroom. Suppose that means I'll be spending tonight googling up something interesting. Most people would probably just type 'Shakespeare quotes durr-hurr' into a search engine and plop down whatever the first option was, then try to blab something believable enough not to land them in trouble. Zeek figured that'd be some kind of sacrilage towards his most respected teacher, so he intended to work hard on finding the perfect quote.

He debated whether or not to chat to the professor, but elected against it, as he didn't want to be late for the honors class. Waving cheerily to the teacher, he merrilly sauntered his way down towards the room. He knew it was petty, but he always felt rather pleased about being part of such a well favoured group. Some people liked to put him down and say it was his dad's position in Precieux that got him there, but Zeek knew it was down to his hard work and dedication.

Early as usual, he mused, noticing only a quiet girl by the name of Claire had arrived before him. The pair had only spoken perhaps a handful of times, owing maybe to her quietness, and also his normal focus on work. He leaned against the wall beside the door, and waited for the class to begin.


Nero Giovanni

Nero was...baffled, to say the least. He had heard rumors about the mighty Self-protection 101 class, sure, but this was quite the unexpected performance. "Very straight to the point. I think." Nero muttered to Sipho, not wanting to disturb the flow of class. "Professor Caradoc seems strict, that's good." He commented in the most honest of intentions. It was best to have a teacher who actually cared than one that did not care in the least. Even if the teacher in question seemed intimidating, to say the least. As Sipho began to talk to him once again, he hesitated slightly. Wouldn't she get mad at them? Then again, everyone was doing the same. And Sipho had actually listened to what he had said. That was a big thing for him. The least he could do was continuing the exchange.

Plus, he was having fun.

"Ah, no, I was transferred here recently...I was signed up to a last minute room and everything. I just hope I can keep up with everyone." But their conversation was abruptly interrupted by the sound of a nail screeching the blackboard, sending Nero into despair. It was bad enough that his hearing was enhanced duo to his Gem and be able to hear someone whispering, violating their privacy when he wished not to. Now, his ears were ringing at the horrific sound, while Nero tried to cover them with no results of blocking it, grunting.

Definitely, not the best start.

But soon it was over. He felt a piercing headache as he stood up, trying to memorize the exact homework for the day. Well, Nero was good at hiding but...should he just speak in a general sense? Not everyone could become one with the atmosphere like a chameleon. How troublesome.

Well, either way he had to give his best. He could not fall behind.

When he was about to bid goodbye to Sipho, he felt a pair of eyes gazing intensely at him. Well, perhaps not intensely. It was just the idea he got every time someone looked at him. One would call it "survival instincts." Nero turned his attention to a female student who had just approached Sipho. A friend? He was a bit surprise by her choice of words. Firetruck? He was expecting something more classy perhaps from such an elegant and beautiful (well, he was just being honest) girl. Never judge a book by its cover. And then she spoke. Towards him. He gulped slightly.

"Nero Giovanni." He almost added a 'I think'. Why was she asking him that? It wasn't like he was that interesting enough for a girl to approach him, hell anyone. Most people would just look away and almost run away as they saw him.

Her features seemed familiar though he could not pinpoint the reason. Perhaps he had seen her before? He hadn't exactly the best memory when it came to humans' faces, let alone names.

@Prizzy Kriyze @Queen Rai

((Still here

@Folkus ^^ I'll get Nero there when he leaves the classroom))




"Nero Giovanni..." Victoria muttered under her breath, crossing her arms. She girl leaned forward so her face was parallel with the boy's, and then she lowered her eyebrows, tilting her head at him ever so slightly. Again, she squinted her eyes...almost as if she were trying to remember something. He still looked so familiar to her...but that name. She couldn't have possibly heard it before. She tapped her fingers along her bicep, and then shook her head. Defeated, she let out a sharp exhale, standing up straight and letting her arms drop to her sides. She shook her head, and then said, "Nope. Doesn't ring any bells."

The girl placed her hands on her hips, and then let her bag slide off of her shoulder and to the bend of her elbow.

"I guess I don't know you then." she shrugged, her lips tightening into a thin line. She stood there for a moment as she silently judged him, her eyebrow twitching ever so slightly. What now? Did she introduce herself as well? Eh...there wasn't much else to do. Besides, this guy didn't seem too dreadfully annoying. Eventually, the girl said, "My name is Victoria. Not Vicky. Not Tori. Just Victoria. Fourth year student. Eighteen years old. It's a pleasure, Nero."

She stuck out her hand in a rather robotic fashion, raising her eyebrows expectantly as she waited for the boy to shake it.

@Mono @Prizzy Kriyze (in close proximity)

Nero Giovanni

Nero was very, very tempted to raise his brow at the girl. So, that was the result of such build up? He almost felt disappointed. Oh well, it couldn't be helped, his face wasn't all that visually interesting. Plus, he wasn't all that sociable. At least he hadn't forgotten about a former acquaintance, or even worse, friend. That would be troublesome.

Plus, this girl seemed...easily prone to annoyance. Perhaps even rage.

She should smile more. With such a cute face like that, she should not waste it on making such scary expressions.

Not that he would say that out loud. He was blunt but not a moron.

His thoughts were interrupted as he saw her hand on front of him, waiting for his to shake. With a simple


He took her smaller hand and shook it lightly, nodding his head awkwardly.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Victoria. I'm a first year and seventeen years old. And I guess that's it, I recall no one giving me a nickname..."

@Queen Rai

Sipho Sinclair

"Firetruck dude. Honors Class. Let's go." Sipho twisted his to an awkward angle - or well, an awkward angle for most people - and gave Victoria the most surprised look he'd given anyone in years. First of all, Victoria was talking to someone though it wasn't absolutely necessary, and second of all, Firetruck dude? And he thought he'd heard them all. Without really responding, he pushed himself out of his seat and brushed his pants off, but a conversation had already blossomed between her and Nero.

That a conversation had blossomed between Victoria and anyone seemed strange, but she seemed... stuck on Nero. As if he seemed familiar to her, yet she couldn't put her finger on it. Sipho looked between the two for a moment before he shook his head. It didn't really matter.

"Alright then, Victoria. Let's go." Sipho then turned to Nero and said "I suppose we'll continue our conversation some other time, I have to get to the honor's class." He paused for a second, then added "And I did give you a nickname, but it wasn't very good." He looked back to Victoria again. "Well then, shall we?"

@Queen Rai @Mono




"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Victoria. I'm a first year and seventeen years old. And I guess that's it, I recall no one giving me a


"Alright then, Victoria. Let's go."

Victoria pulled her hand away from the boy, and then turned her attention back to Sipho. She raised her arm, and then let the strap of her bag slide back to her shoulder. The girl brushed her bangs out of her face, and then meandered over to a vacant desk as Sipho exchanged a few more words with Nero. The girl leaned back onto the desk, fishing her book back out her bag as she did. She flipped through the pages for a moment as she waited, and then glanced back up as she heard Sipho say,
"Well then, shall we?"

The girl gave a short nod, and then stood up straight. She glanced back over at Nero, and then said,
"It was nice meeting you." before slipping out of the door. The girl dropped her book back into her bag, and then started to head toward the Main Hall. The walk was fairly uneventful, and Victoria was thankful that Sipho didn't try to strike up a casual conversation. Honestly, there was nothing more boring than small talk.

Victoria slipped into the small classroom, not surprised to see two of the other students had already made their way in, both of whom she recognized. One was none other than her own roommate, Claire Ryelle. The two got along well enough, and Victoria could honestly say that if she
had to have a roommate, Claire was probably the best pick. The other was also someone she was pretty familiar with. Ezekiel David Amm...he was also in the select group of people she didn't hate. In fact, she'd go as far as calling him her friend (crazy, right?). In fact, pretty much everyone in the Honors Class was on her "people I don't hate" list, thus deeming it her favorite class of the day.

@AshenLily @SkyGinge @Prizzy Kriyze @Mono (sort of)

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Psylion said:

Hector Song

Self Protection 101 - Free Time

Hector let his mind wander for a bit more before hearing the painful wailing of the professor's nails on the blackboard. He cringed in his seat and cupped his ears to help nullify the sound. It didn't help much, but it was better than nothing. Once the ear splitting sound disappeared, he removed his hands and only had a light ringing sound remain for a few seconds. Hector hook his head. He felt like he was hit by a baseball or something. After he was able to hear again he received his assignment for the class. Come up with two different ways to avoid coming into contact with Igneous Inc. by tomorrow. Simple enough, but Hector thought it would be wiser to think this one through. He was almost caught once before coming to this academy. He certainly didn't want to be caught anytime in the future. He would have to spend at least some time coming up with good ideas.

With the announcement of classes ending and free time available to all but the honor students he looked out the window and saw that it was still nice out. Maybe some fresh air would do him some good. He looked over at the girls, Amy and Lilin, and nodded at the idea to hang out after class. He packed up his things and got up from his seat. He let the other students pass him before making his way over to Sunni.
"Hey Sunni, a couple of other students and I are gonna hang out for free time. Care to join us?" Hector wanted to spend time with the few people he managed to meet today. First step to a normal life, make friends. In the world that he was a part of, it wasn't a bad idea to have some to help him get through life now.

@Metaphysics @CasualDragon

Amy jumped at the sound of the teacher's nails scratching the blackboard, and a small web of hairline cracks appeared on it. It was really barely noticeable, but Amy knew that she had done it, and she was quite annoyed at herself. Her powers activating like that was one glitch that she had tried hard to erase. She, however, tried to hide it, and mostly succeeded. She got up, scribbled down a message to herself to pick up her Structure of Gems homework, and got up. She walked over to Hector and asked:

"Uh... so... where are we going to go?"

Sipho Sinclair

Sipho followed Victoria like a shadow as they headed towards the classroom that the honor's class utilized. Unlike every other class where Sipho almost without fail always arrived first, he often found himself entering the honor's class in a completely random order. Perhaps he lingered to go there subconsciously, or perhaps he was finally with people who were on par with his quick decision making and physical speed. It probably didn't have anything to do with either, but it was a funny thought.

He stopped dead in the doorway though and stared at the girl he'd met earlier. An eyebrow was raised, then he approached Claire. "So wait, you're in the honor's class but you don't recognize me? Did you start this year?" He sat down atop a desk and leaned forward onto his knees. He was really started to doubt his memory at this point.


@honor's class

Nero Giovanni

Nero blinked one, twice, as he realized what he had just implied. "Ah, I didn't...!" He was about to tell Sipho that he had not realized that Black was an actual nickname. It was even a clever nickname, now that he thought about it. But he was already leaving the classroom. "Goodbye! It was nice meeting you as well, Victoria." He managed to tell them just before they left, waving in a rather stiff motion.

Well, that had been an interesting encounter.

Sighing of the trouble he had accidentally brought to himself, Nero picked up his belongings, humming softly, not loud enough to let people notice. Bothering people with his terrible singing was definitely off limits.

It was time to go.

"Let's see if this time I can actually sleep...."


Knocking softly on the door, Nero placed his ear at the wooden surface. Sure, his roommate was a male student as well. But that certainly didn't mean he could just burst in. They had to sort out their boundaries first. And actually acquaintance themselves first.

"Deven? Can I enter?"

He felt a bit idiotic, standing there, waiting for permission to come in. But hell, he wouldn't like to walk in when someone was naked and make a bad first impression. He had to be patient.

@Queen Rai @Prizzy Kriyze @Folkus

I apologize for the late reply...

Gabriel Ordion, Jr.

Gabriel looked down at the watch on his wrist, and a frown made it's way to settle on his lips. It was Orientation Day, and he was late. He was already making a terrible first impression as a student. He had taken his time to pack everything he wanted to bring with him; enough clothes so that he wouldn't have to wear the same thing too often, some of his books from his tiny library so he wouldn't be bored when he had nothing to do and in case the school didn't have a large selection of novels, his sketch book for when he felt some inspiration, his wallet, which had nothing but a few coins and a picture of him and his family on a trip to the Outback, and Jeo, a puppet he had built with his friends before leaving.

He quickly reached a hand around to his backpack that was slung to his back, feeling for the tough, wooden mannequin that was folded up in his backpack. Jeo wasn't large enough to be a burden, since it was only a little less than 4 feet tall, but it still had enough weight to it for you to notice that it existed and you burdened yourself to carry it. He liked the puppet, though, since it was wonderfully colored. He hoped he wouldn't have to give it up in order to stay at the school, since it was one of the only things he had to remind him of his pals at home.

He walked up to the entrance to the Main Hall, and took a deep breath before pushing the door open and tentatively stepping inside. This was his new school, so he couldn't just stand outside forever.

When he walked in, he took in his surroundings. Students seemed to litter the Hall, obvious that they were out from class and enjoying time with each other. But Gabriel's breath still felt like it was stuck in his throat. He stood as still as a tree, shy of all the people that walked past him. He felt like an innocent mouse surrounded by a snake pit. Shyness did that to a person.

He took a moment to collect himself, and stared at the scrap of paper in his hand. He was supposed to find someone named Xelia, the Headmistress's secretary, who would help him settle into the school and give him info. He hoped. Third floor of the Main Hall, the paper said. He looked up and began walking towards the stairs, weaving his way around people who crossed in front of him or stood in his path. He didn't want to disrupt them, or annoy them in any way. He whispered "
Sorry..." and "Excuse me...", making his way towards the stairs he saw.

When he got there, he hefted his backpack up onto his shoulder more, and adjusted his scarf to cover up his face a little more. He never felt comfortable without something hiding his neck, since his parents drilled that into him when he was younger. He began to trot up the stairs, going past the second floor and making his way to the third. When he arrived to his designated floor, he quickly scanned for the desk of the secretary, which he soon saw a little bit away. He quickly walked over, avoiding direct eye contact with anyone, even Xelia when he got to the woman's desk. He spoke in a quiet tone. "
I'm...Gabriel Ordion...I was told to come see you to help me. I'm sorry for being late for the first day..." He tried to cover his face a little more with his scarf out of embarrassment at his tardiness.


♒Xelia Tarron♒



✾✽Headmistress Amalthia Delle Forst✽✾


Xelia lightly bit down on her lip as she sifted through a few stray student portfolios. The woman shook her head as she stared down at the folders, leaning back in her chair ever so slightly as she let out a long sigh. They belonged to the students who hadn't yet checked into the school, and it was Xelia's job to get in contact with their transportation to see what happened. Xelia really hated the job...and that was because there was always the chance that Igneous could've intercepted the student while they were travelling.

The woman reached forward, flipping open the first folder on her desk. The woman reached for the phone, about to dial the number listed...

"I'm...Gabriel Ordion...I was told to come see you to help me. I'm sorry for being late for the first day..."

Xelia looked up, a blank expression on her face. She blinked at the boy, and then glanced back down at the folder. Gabriel Ordion...the picture in the portfolio matched the face of the boy in front of her. Xelia looked up again, and then gave the boy a big smile. She closed the folder, and then said,
"Ah, Gabriel! Don't worry about it, you're not the only late arrival. And yes, I'd be glad to help you out."

The woman slowly stood up, placing a hand on her lower back as she steadily rose to her feet. She nearly made another joke about pregnancy, but quickly stopped herself. The woman picked up the boy's portfolio, and then made her way around her desk and handed it to him. She smiled, and then said,
"In there is your dorm key, a list of your classes and your professors, and a campus map. Classes just ended, so you don't need to worry about that until tomorrow...though if you would like to go pick up your homework, you can do that."

"What's going on out here?"

Xelia quickly turned around as Amalthia made her presence known. The woman stepped out of her office, closing the door behind her, and then walked over to the secretary. Xelia blinked at the woman, and then said,
"Oh, I'm just helping out Mr. Ordion here."

Amalthia glanced at Gabriel, raising an eyebrow ever so slightly as she examined him.

"Gabriel, this is Headmistress Amalthia Delle Forst." Xelia said, gesturing to the woman. Amalthia gave a small nod to the boy, but didn't pay attention to him for long. She sighed, and then said to Xelia, "I'm heading to the Honors Class now. Make sure that mute student and that other girl are in my office before I get back to serve their detention. Alright? Alright."

The woman again looked at Gabriel, and then said,
"It was good meeting you." before slipping by him and opening the door to the small classroom. Xelia shook her head, letting out a soft sigh. She glanced back at Gabriel, and then said, "Forgive her. She's had...err...a long day. But anyway, is there anything I can help you with?"

@Metaphysics (mentioned)

((Honors Students: I'll post starting class in a moment.))

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