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Fantasy Précieux Academy: The Gemholders

Haven Quinn

"I...uh...I just wanted to see how you're doing in here. You...you must be pretty bored, huh? All alone in your office like this...like...by yourself. I mean, I thought...maybe...since you're probably so bored...well, I thought I'd just come and keep you company."

Haven looked up from the book and nodded to Melvin. "How kind of you, sir." He said, then put the book he was reading upside down on the table in front of him. He leaned forward in his seat and leaned his head on the palms of his hands. "I'm done with the necessary paperwork, so yes, I am indeed rather bored." He sighed. "If I may inquire, what do you usually do when you're done with your work? I figure I should still be around in case students come by."

@Queen Rai


☆★Professor Melvin De'Luca★☆


"If I may inquire, what do you usually do when you're done with your work? I figure I should still be around in case students come by."

Melvin blinked his assistant for a moment, opening his mouth to speak...but...geez, what did Melvin usually do when he was done with his work? He usually just sat around staring at the wall or getting drunk by himself...but he couldn't let Haven know that. No way! The man was already seen as a giant loser to the majority of the school. Haven was probably one of the only people that seemed to genuinely respect him...why? Hell if he knew, but the man liked being worshiped, and he was going to keep up his "I'm such a cool guy" farce for as long as he could.

Melvin cleared his throat, and then shrugged, saying,
"Eh, not much. A little bit of this...a little bit of that...ya know, important professor business and whatnot..."

Ah, just vague enough to work.

"But I finished up a little early...and if you're not doing anything..." Melvin said, drawing out each one of his words. He raised his eyebrows, flaring his nostrils slightly as he shrugged, "I thought maybe we could do something. Ya know, spend some quality time together. I mean, we're gonna be working with eachother for a while...so we might as well get to know eachother a bit, eh? Whaddaya say? There's some beer in the staff break room..."

@Prizzy Kriyze


Nero Giovanni

Loud steps could be heard from outside, the corridor no less. This was bad, he was going to arrive late. Again. As much as he hated to say it, this was becoming a solid element of his routine. But he couldn't help it. Sleeping at the dorm was impossible for him, especially at the first days of a new school year. Not that he mind having a roommate, Nero was not particularly unsatisfied having Deven as his roommate, the guy never did anything that ticked him off. But truth is, he could not enjoy the feeling of not being all alone in an empty, lonely room because well, he couldn't sleep, perhaps the only thing he was supposed to accomplish in such location. He missed...well, he missed the grass under him, the sound of animal life surrounded him, the smell of nature filling his nostrils. He wasn't used to beds anymore, one would say. And so he had accidentally fell asleep during break, leaning against a tree trunk while a fat cat napped on his stomach.

And thus, he was in such a situation right now, running as fast as he could, panting as he made his way to his class.

The classroom's door of Self Protection 101 opened abruptly, making a loud sound, announcing the missing student's arrival. Nero stared at the students and the teacher inside.

And then he opened his mouth to let out his deep, calm voice, caught between quick breaths.


"Sorry, I'm late...I...I fell asleep..."

He couldn't bring himself to tell the whole story. I mean, what was the point either way? He was already disrupting the class, no need to dig himself deeper. He bowed his head awkwardly at the teacher, Alis, hoping she would be in a good mood and let him in this time.
Amy got up, careful of her vial of blood. She didn't want to be careless and end up crushing it. Not only would that be very embarrassing, but blood left quite a stain. Okay, Healing was turning out to be one of the weirder classes there, by her estimation, although that really depended mostly on a first impression. Hopefully, she would be more prepared for Self-Protection 101. She wondered if it would be anything like Basic Combat: Offense. She really hoped it wasn't, though. She didn't think she could handle that twice over.

She walked over to the Self-Protection 101 classroom and sat down, attempting to be as unobtrusive as possible. She didn't really know how to behave at a classroom, having been homeschooled all her life.
This was it. Last class of the day before sweet freedom. She practically threw herself into the Self Defense 101 class and into the first seat in sight. She eagerly bounced her leg as she waited for the class. Once this was done she had freedom sweet freedom. She already had the afternoon planed out. She would first go back to her dorm and drop off her blood vial, then she would grab her bow and some arrows and go practice her archery, finally she would go to her favourite spot on the lawn and most likely fall asleep until dinner.

That was her plan. She knew that she would most likely not follow it, because she wasn't alone at this school. And if you're not alone then people might want to socialize. She was fine with that, as long as it was after archery. She shook herself back to the present and waited eagerly for the class to start.

Haven Quinn

"There's some beer in the staff break room..." Haven's eyes jumped from the dart target to his pile of juggling balls, and then finally back to Melvin's face, almost absentmindedly. He just looked at him for a few seconds, as if he was computing what he had said. "... Sorry, what?" He kept staring at Melvin, then suddenly the blood rushed back to his head and he realized what was going on. "... There's a staff break room?" Haven liked to consider himself observant, and he hadn't even realized this. He just kind of expected all of the teachers to stick around in their own offices, and then maybe have a conference room that they occasionally met up in. Instead of staying confused he simply shook his head and stood up from the table.

"Very well. I suppose we should bond." He said as he picked the pile of papers up and stacked them by knocking the edge against the table. He pulled the bottom drawer of a filing cabinet open with his foot and dumped the papers in it before kicking it closed again and walking up to Melvin. "Lead the way."

@Queen Rai

Sipho Sinclair

"By all means, man. You need not ask me these things, brother." Sipho showed a satisfied smile as his request wasn't denied and he walked back to sit down in class. He put his feet up on the desk and took a look out of the window. "Ay, how cute Sparky is." His eyes wandered over to where the voice had come from and he eyed Guglielmo, a kid from his year, walk back to his seat and take a look out of the window as well. According to the clock there was still a little while left before class was over, but technically Kendall had already dismissed everyone, and now he was sleeping on the podium. Sipho eyed him for about 20 seconds, then stood up from his seat and started walking out. He aimed a kick at Guglielmo's chair and said "Isn't he? Let's get out of here so we don't wake him up." He kept walking and escaped the room quietly.

Self Protection 101 was the last class before The Honor's class, which Sipho truly looked forward to. Everyone in the honor's class knew each other, and they were almost like a little family. Besides, he distinctly remembered Cyrus being in that class, and since they only had free time after it, perhaps he could help Sipho practice new techniques after that. Sipho truly burned for the physical side of the education on Précieux though. He didn't exactly lack in the mental part of it, but it was obvious he let his academic studies suffer in comparison with how much energy he spent on the physical ones.

When he appeared at the door of the Self Protection classroom he almost walked into the back of another student he recognized. Nero G.... G... Gulliver? No, no... Giovanni, right. The Italian boy who was a year under him. "Sorry, I'm late...I...I fell asleep..." A hand flew up from Sipho's side and landed on Nero's shoulder. "Don't worry about it, Black. Class hasn't even started yet, and you're actually one of the first people to arrive. Come on, let's sit down." He indicated two empty seats at the front of the classroom, one of which he sat down in himself.



@cojemo (mentioned)

Claire Ryelle

Claire made her way to Spiritualism, barely even hearing the Professor's words to the class. Her head was buzzing with the chatter of the shadows contained within her gem. Seemingly thousands of different voices all spoke words that couldn't quite be made out, and the girl wanted nothing more than to just scream; to tell them to stop. No matter how she tried to focus, she couldn't over the din of the voices within her gem. The only thing Claire was actually able to process through the entire class, was the professor turning into a cat, and the girl she'd met earlier placing a survey of some sort on her desk. Claire resolved to work on it later, when she would hopefully be able to focus better.

Eventually the calamity within the gem embedded into the back of her neck calmed, and she found herself outside of the door of her next class: Gems Throughout History.

Claire raised her right hand, and gently massaged her temple, but the action did little to ease the dull throbbing of the headache that had been brought on by the gem that shared her soul. She walked in and took her seat near the front of the class, before glancing down at her watch. "Class should be starting soon..." she mumbled to herself, with a soft sigh. She was already far beyond ready for the day to be over, and the realization that Gems Throughout History wasn't even her last class of the day did nothing to help the matter. After this class ended, there was the Honors class. A class she hadn't been a part of in her first year, but had for some reason been selected to be a part of this year, though it seemed that the majority of students that were a part of it were there from their first year, until they left. Whatever the reason, for better or worse, Claire had been selected to join that class in her second year. At the moment, she sorely wished that hadn't been the case.

Claire sat patiently, awaiting the start of class. She knew she was still quite a bit early, and only a few other students had settled into their seats. There didn't yet appear to be any sign of a professor, but Claire didn't mind. She just wanted class to hurry up and start, so it could end.

(@Gems Throughout History - Did everyone die?)

(Yes, all that shadow-gypsy stuff was a way for me to get out of posting replies to everything that happened in Spiritualism. Hush.)​

Deven Harlan

"O-oh.." Turning to his left, Deven could notice, a familiar face walking into class. Finally. He felt slightly relieved, to see Claire joining the same class as him, at the very least, in the 4th period. Even though they had only met for about, a few hours ago, but! It was as though they were 'close' already. Truth be told, she was the closest person to Deven, at least in this academy she was. But, rather than asking directions, this time, his mind was set. He should socialise. She was only behind him, to his left too. This should not be hard.

... oh wait, what was her name again?

"H-Hai Clarie.." He now stood in front of Claire's seat, and of course, kept a lot of what he had to say, short. And, uhm, hopefully the girl did not mind the stench of urine-soaked pants, because Deven suddenly, noticed. Well then.

Guglielmo Cupello

Sitting in Class

Hearing his name being called, Guglielmo snapped out of his happy daydream to search for the voice of whoever called out to him. Seeing Kana standing in front of him, a wolffish grin appeared on his face, obviously happy to see her once again. "Kana, bella! How have you been these past few hours or so?" he asked, turning his whole body to face her. He then propped his arms up, resting one on the desk as the other was draped over the chair, trying to find a comfortable position. Guglielmo then began to look her up and down, examining the clothes she had on. They were different than what he had seen her in previously. She looked good in them, in his opinion.

Guglielmo then felt a kick from his chair, followed by a voice he knew to well. "Isn't he? Let's get out of here so we don't wake him up." Sipho called out, walking away and out of the classroom, leaving behind a rather confused Italian casanova behind.

'Who's sleeping?' he thought to himself as he stood up, searching for the sleepy culprit brave enough to rest his weary eyes in front of Sparky. Finding no one, his eyes landed on Sparky himself, unconscious at the front of the class, his leg twitching occasionally. "OOOHH—" was all that could be uttered before Guglielmo slapped both his hands on his mouth. 'Disgraziato!' he thought, mentally slapping himself twice.

"Kana, let us get out of here, eh?" he told her hurriedly, picking up his bag along with hers then began pulling her out of the room, bowing to Sparky a couple of times on the way out.


@Prizzy Kriyze (mentioned)

@Queen Rai (Kendall mentioned)

Hector Song

Self Protection 101

Hector arrived at his final class, Self Protection 101. He looked over and aw that some of the students from his last class also had this class. That was a relief of sorts. At least then he wouldn't be all by himself with no one but his thoughts. He waved to Sunni and took a seat nearby. He turned and saw another girl he recalled from his last class. He thought about it but never did catch her name. He looked around the classroom a bit trying to get orientated to the new room. He began to fidget with his hearing aid to pass the time before class started. Trying to find an optimal volume so that it wasn't too loud or too quiet for him to listen to people. It took him a few minutes before he could find a pitch that felt comfortable for him again. He turned to face the girl once more an introduce himself again. "Hi there, I'm Hector. What's your name?"

Hector twitched realizing that his hearing aid as a bit off. He could have sworn that it was perfect that time. With a sigh escaping his lips he went back to tweaking with his hearing aid once more. He even went as far as talking to himself to check the quality of sound.
"Hello... Hello... Check check. Come on you temperamental thing. Do I have to perform maintenance again already?" It was like trying to find a radio station in the boonies. It'll work but it was gonna take some time.

@CasualDragon (Mentioned) @ActionPony
~Elan Evers~

Elan got up and walked over for self-protection 101. It had not been his first choice, but History of Gems had been full this year. He didn't know exactly what happened in the classroom. He wasn't looking forward to it that much, though. Self-protection tended to imply physical activity and no matter how much he wished it wasn't so, he wasn't the sort to deny that he was a total wimp. Running away would just mean that he died tired (when did his thoughts get so morbid?). However, there was no knowing until he actually tried, so he sat down and tried to not look too worried.

*Amy Septan*


Amy was startled by a boy introducing himself as Hector and asking for her name. She said: "Hi Hector. I'm Amy."

She wasn't too sure that he had heard her, though, given that he began fiddling with what appeared to be a hearing aid. Amy wasn't quite sure what to do, so she decided to wait until he'd gotten the thingy back on track. This, to Amy, looked suspiciously like having a social life, but, she thought, she could not be sure, as she had never really had a social life before. Her closest friend had been her little sister Ariana, and her next closest friends were acquaintances.

Nero Giovanni

Nero twisted his neck slightly to find himself staring at another male student, listening in to his words. Oh, he wasn't late. That was good then. He was safe. "Oh, thanks..." He nodded his head awkwardly. He wasn't used to be treated in such a laid back fashion, let alone approached by a senior. He couldn't pinpoint the reason but it was perhaps because of the rumors about him that would circulate his surroundings from time to time. And sometimes just weird looks from both girls and boys. But Nero chose to simply ignore them. Those rumors were lies but people were free to believe what they wanted to, it wasn't his place to judge nor go against them. They would probably just ignore him, either way. Or misunderstand. Humans were so complicated...

But Sipho Sinclair, if his memory did not fail to tell him what his name was, seemed to be an okay guy, at least. How lucky. But wait, Black what could he mean by that? His Gem wasn't even dark colored. He blinked in confusion at the senior classmate but soon joined him at the front, sitting on the seat next to him in silence.

@Prizzy Kriyze
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Sipho Sinclair

"Oh, thanks..." With a nod Sipho put his feet up against the desk and awaited the start of the lesson. After a few moments of silence he leaned his head to one side and glanced at Nero. "Hrrm, I'm probably not gonna end up calling you Black though. Nero has a better ring to it. Italian is an interesting language." He looked back forward and leaned back in the chair, putting his hands behind his head and generally sitting very comfortably. He always sat comfortably. His clothes were incredibly soft, airy, and he was almost always completely at peace with the temperature. He considered himself lucky for that, being able to enjoy everything, but it didn't make the boredom slip his mind.

Stains of light covered the floor, the sun sending it's spots in to paint the floor in bright yellow. Glares of light found their way to Sipho's eyes, and he gently shifted his leg to block the light from blinding his vision. With a sigh he muttered "Freaking light..." then turned his head back to Nero again. "So, where'd you end up for the summer? Cyprus? Hawaii? Ontario? China? I've always wanted to visit Zhangjiajie or climb the mountains in Guilin-Lijiang." He shook his head. "I ended up in Jamaica. It wasn't too exciting."

Lilin Cadmia -The Accelady


Lilin grumbled silently as she wandered around looking for whatever class was next. She wracked her brain for it's name...Sel...something? Sell out? No...that doesn't even remotely sound like something to be taught...Selfie? Impossible, what self respecting institution would teach a class on selfies...well there was that mobile thingie on selfies...nope, getting off track here.

She leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. The answer was on the tip of her tongue, she just couldn't figure it out..."Self-protection, of course!" She said, finally remembering her class and heading off to the class's direction. She entered the room and sat down on a seat.

Nero Giovanni

Nero patted his legs rhythmically as he observed the classroom. For no reason, really. He just wanted to make time. Plus, it was a bit awkward for him to just start chattering with the senior, especially given how friendly he appeared. It just threw him off a bit, he wasn't used to being approached. But it felt...rather nice. Being ignored was something that Nero always hated ever since he was a child. It was if he did not exist in everyone's eyes.

And that frightened him.

Sipho's voice brought him back to his senses, driving him out of his tumultuous thoughts. Should he thank him? He hadn't choose to be Italian so perhaps that would come off as arrogant. Then again, he couldn't just ignore him, that would be rude. He opened his mouth hesitantly, giving him a small chuckle with a smile.


"Thank you. Though most people think it's too...fantasy-like. I guess I agree but my mother chose it for me so..." And then it clicked him, perhaps it was a good opportunity to ask. "But...why Black though?" He asked him curiously in a low voice.

When Siphon began to talk about vacations, Nero had trouble following him. Zhang what? He assumed they would be Chinese locations, given the nature of the names. Perhaps he could look up for them in a book, it seemed interesting. "Oh, I went to Uttarakhand, in India. It was rather pleasant." He added with a dreamy sigh, looking up with his eyes closed with a melancholic smile. "Elephants are great creatures, indeed." He could still remember the fun he had while playing with and washing them.

@Prizzy Kriyze

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Sipho Sinclair

Nero responded and Sipho listened quietly, glancing between his conversation partner and the birds fluttering about outside the window. "Elephants, huh? I've never been to India. The cows freak me out." The last part wasn't quite true, but Sipho figured he could make a joke on his own pride every once in a while. "And to answer your question, Nero means Black in Italian. I figured you knew, but perhaps you don't know Italian? Hrrm. I can't say I know much about your past, actually. It's not like we've talked in detail before." Sipho was prone to going out on his own rants during conversation, at least when his thought process had already been spurred. Besides, Nero's calm nature didn't stop his train of thought, even when he talked. He talked calmly, not screaming nor spoke frantically like some other students would.

"So what is it? Did you just get temporarily confused by how I called you it, or don't you know Italian? Either way it's something to talk about." Sipho was just killing time before class started, after all. He usually didn't jump into conversation just like this, but he was in a strange mood this time.

Kana Altair

"O-Ok" Kana said blushing and taking his hand following him out. She was starting to like the boy and figured she'd probably love him if he kept being so nice. She smiled at the thought and all her fears of him abusing her emotions disappeared. She smiled at him and hugged him. "Thanks for the help earlier I've been doing readout good."


Nero Giovanni

Nero couldn't help himself, as he left a small chuckle escape his lips at Sipho's joke. He could tell by his attitude that he was merely teasing himself, perhaps to lightened up the mood? He hoped he wasn't making the senior uncomfortable with his sturdy, awkward mannerisms. It was nice to have someone to talk with, even if he was just listening. If it was true though, he would probably stare in shock at him. How could cows freak someone out? They were such marvelous creatures! Then again, all animal creatures were marvelous for Nero.

When Sipho finally explained such a specific nickname, Nero grew a bit embarrassed, scratching his ebony hair as he looked away from the classmate.
"A-Ah, I see, well...the truth is that while I am Italian and I was born in Italy..."


"I don't really speak Italian. Nor I know much about Italy's history or anything." The shame filled him, as faint red hue colored his cheekbones. It was rather embarrassing to tell someone that he couldn't even say colors on his mother language. Sure, he could say "good morning" and whatnot, but he still had much to learn, according to the book in his desk. "I didn't grow up there, since I went to live with my mother in Portugal when I was like, 5 years old, I think." He turned to Sipho, shrugging his shoulders. "Pretty laughable, don't you think? I can speak English and Portuguese but not my mother language." He chuckled quietly as said so.

@Prizzy Kriyze
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Escaping wasn't as difficult as you might have thought...no, it was actually quite simple. The years I spent feigning ignorance wasn't for naught...I was beginning to think my time would never come, but all good things come to those who wait, I suppose. My plan was, I'll admit, a little far fetched. Going off of an assumption is never a good strategy, but what other choice did I have? All I could do was hope and pray that they would one day lose diligence in their work. That they would get sloppy...and that's exactly what happened. The guard forgot to lock me in one night, and I was as good as gone. I was shocked at just how easy it was...but it was my patience that truly freed me...but I do not only want to be free. I want to be heard. I want people to know that I was there...and most of all, I want--

"Victoria, class is over." Emilia said, tapping on the girl's shoulder. Victoria jumped slightly at the sudden interruption, her reddish eyes wide as she stared up at the professor. The girl blinked a few times as she snapped her book shut, and then exhaled slowly. Looking around, she saw that she was, indeed, the only student left in the room. Victoria quickly stood up, gathering the things on her desk and practically dumping them into her bag before muttering, "...sorry."

She quickly zipped her bag shut and slung it over her shoulder. She started toward the door, glancing back at Emilia for a moment before slipping out the door and starting the semi-long walk over to the Self Protection 101 classroom. The girl sucked in her cheeks for a moment, and then fished her book back out of her bag. After thumbing through the pages for a moment, she resumed reading.

...and most of all, I want revenge.

Victoria raised her eyebrows, and then mumbled to herself, "Hell yeah, you do."

Before she knew it, Victoria had finished up the chapter as well as the walk to class. The girl slipped into the room, giving the professor, Alis Caradoc, a small,
"Afternoon, professor." (and receiving only a short, manly grunt in response) before shuffling over to a vacant desk in the front row. She hadn't noticed that she was sitting only two desks away from Firetruck Dude until she'd already gotten comfortable. Why did that matter? Eh, it didn't. Firetruck Dude was in the very select group of people that Victoria didn't hate, so, she didn't care...it was the boy who was in the seat directly beside her that she was worried about. He looked vaguely familiar...but that was about it. Like an image in her peripheral vision, she sort of knew who he was...but not really.

Eh. It didn't matter.


☽Professor Alis Caradoc☾


"Alright, ya maggots, listen up." Alis sneered as she rose from her desk and walked up to the front of the classroom. The woman was dressed rather...oddly. From behind her desk, she looked like any normal teacher (with a more librarian-esque touch...) Plain black cardigan with a deep purple button up blouse beneath it...reasonable haircut...perhaps a touch of makeup? But as soon as she stood up and started walking, you could tell something was wrong. Her jeans were oddly beat up and dirty, with a few rips around the knees...and...

A pair of big, dirty, clunky combat boots. Each step she took practically shook the room.

"I'm Alis Caradoc. You may not call me Alis. You may not call me Cary. You may call me Professor Caradoc or just Professor. Not Professor Alis. Not Professor Cary. Do I make myself clear?"



There was a verbal response from the class. Alis raised an eyebrow, and then turned her back to the classroom, plucking up a piece of run down, white chalk. She was probably the only teacher who used a blackboard instead of a whiteboard...why? You can't make those God-awful screeching noises on whiteboards.

"There's one basic rule of Self Protection. If everyone followed this rule, this class wouldn't exist. There would be no need for it. But, a lot of people are slow, both physically and mentally...and sometimes they can't help but break this rule."

The woman stepped away from the blackboard, and then violently swung out her arm, extending a finger to point at her work.


"Do NOT get captured by Igneous Inc.!" the woman barked. "You WILL be extracted. And you WILL die."

There was a long pause.

"Any questions?"


♧♣Kithara Elizabeth Nicholson♣♧


Kithara bounded out of class (but not after petting the Kendall kitten for a good five minutes) and set off for the Gems Throughout History room. Liam had always been one of Kithara's favorite teachers, but she didn't seem to be one of his favorite students. Things like history didn't really click well with Kithara, thus resulting in a lot of hand raising and confusion from her end. I mean, usually Liam enjoyed it when students took initiative...but it got so bad that the man and the girl had to make a deal. Kithara had to write down all of her questions to give to him at the end of class instead of raising her hand every two seconds.

The girl strolled into the room, twiddling her fingers at the professor as she sang,
"Helloooooo, Professor Di'Francoooo!" and pretty much skipped over to a vacant desk. The girl fished out a notebook, along with a pencil, and turned her attention to the front of the room as Liam stood up.


⌘Professor Liam Di'Franco⌘


Liam glanced up from his papers as Kithara skipped into the room, giving the girl a fake smile as he waved his hand at her. The man definitely didn't want to discourage the girl, I mean, at least she showed some interest in the class...but goddamn, was she slow...and Liam liked to consider himself a fairly patient person. But you could tell that girl ten times that 1+1=2 and she would still answer 3. Of course, that was an exaggeration...but you get the point.

Liam cleared his throat, plucking up a Kleenex from the tissue box to his left. He loudly blew his nose before rolling up the Kleenex in his hand and tossing it into the garbage. He quickly pumped a few squirts of hand sanitizer into his palm before standing up, rubbing his hands together as he did. The man looked over the class, quickly counting heads before saying,
"Welcome to Gems Throughout History."

He strolled over to the whiteboard and quickly uncapped his black dry-erase marker. The man quickly wrote down his name on the board, and then gestured to it, saying,
"My name is Professor Di'Franco. Now, before we get started, I just want to clear something up. You may have heard at some point in your life that history is unimportant. It already happened, so why bother learning about it? Well, I'm sure you've also heard that those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

The man paused, and then said,
"So, with that being said, let's continue. I know most of the professors like giving their students a slow first day...but not me. There's so much to learn, and we've only got one hundred and eighty days to learn it! But, I will start with something easy. Who here knows of Shakespeare?"

A majority of the hands in the classroom went up.

"Alright, put your hands down." Liam said, crossing his arms. He raised an eyebrow, and then asked, "Now, who here knows that Shakespeare was a Gemholder?"


"Well, he was." Liam continued, turning back to the board. After a moment of scrawling, he stepped away from the whiteboard for the class to examine his work.

Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.

"Does anybody know this quote is from?" Liam asked. He waited a moment, and then continued, "It's from Shakespeare's comedy, Twelfth Night, or What You Will. Most think that this is simply just another example of his genius...but there's a hidden meaning behind it. Igneous Inc. has been around for centuries...though the Order is far more recent, the Incorporation has been torturing and killing Gemholders since the 1500's."

Liam paused for a moment, and then continued.

"Some are born great...Shakespeare is referring to natural born Gemholders, like all of you..."great" and "greatness" are sort of codewords, referring to gems or Gemholders. Some achieve greatness...he is referring to Igneous Inc., capturing Gemholders and extracting their gems. Remember the codewords? And some have greatness thrust upon them...this is referring to the members of the Incorporation who are forced to harbor the stolen gems, whether they are implanted in their bodies and being used in a weapon."

Liam stopped for a moment, and then unfolded his arms. He looked around the room, and then said, "You might be wondering how I know this. Well, it's apart of my own gem. Not only do I remember absolutely everything I hear and read, but I can easily tell whether or not something is true. This started as just a theory...one of my colleagues came up with it when I was travelling abroad...well, anyway...does this make sense to everyone?"

((If anybody comments on my flippin' Shakespeare stuff, someone's gonna die
xD ))

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She waved back to Hector and turned forward to the teacher. Sunni stared wide eyed at the Professor of the class. She looked like a normal person but as soon as she opened her mouth she was pure drill sergeant. She had a slight urge to salute but she didn't. Based from last year if you tried something like that she would drill you right into the ground. Over the course of summer break she had forgotten about the loud spoken teacher and felt a little pleased that she was still the same.

When she asked if there were any questions Sunni stayed quiet. Her questions would be answered throughout the year as time went by, that and there was nothing to really have questions about. Under her desk she crossed her fingers in hope that someone would ask something stupid. While she herself would not ask a stupid question, she wouldn't pass up the opportunity to watch someone else ask.

@Psylion (mentioned)
Eveline Pender

Eve was sitting in yet another desk, in yet another classroom, in the same building as before. Luckily, they only had 4 - or 5, depending - classes a day, rather than the 7, 8, or 9 classes that other schools had. It took a lot of stress off of Eve, and probably others. The class was fairly talkative, but settled down before class began. As the teacher introduced himself and began the lecture, Eve found herself listening intently, finding it fairly interesting for a history class.

There were questions and answers, all done by the professor throughout the class, with most of the students nodding along, or staring in utter confusion. As he finished up, we had learned something new and of decent interest, for the first time that day. As he mentioned the stuff about his gem, Eve's interest grew. What an interesting ability, she thought, suddenly wanting to know a little more about how it worked, and what he could do with it. Maybe they would learn more in the duration of the year.

(Short and bad post is what it is)

@Gems Throughout History Class

Hector Song

Self Protection 101

Hector smacked hiss hearing aid a few times. Finicky as the headphones that were hearing aids were, he finally got them to a proper volume that didn't outright hurt. Thank goodness for that as he just caught the sound of a drill sergeant yelling at him to not get captured by Igneous Inc. Whipping his head to the front of the class he relied it as his professor. He sank a little into his seat before replying to the Amy. He whispered to Amy without trying to provoke the potential wrath of the professor "It's a pleasure to meet you Amy." Hector looked to the professor again. She seemed like a no nonsense kind of professor. Something deep down in Hector's gut told him that this class was going to be more like a boot camp and less like a classroom experience like he's used to. He readjusted himself so that he was upright in his seat once more. He didn't want to look like he was slouching in front of the professor, least she make him do some sort of physical exercise like jumping jack or push-ups.

When asked if there were any questions Hector had to think for a moment. He had a lot of questions and he wasn't sure if he could get them all answered in just thirty minutes. So he had to pick and choose his questions carefully. With a deep breath he rose his hand and asked the one question that was nagging at him the most.
"Professor Caradoc, What exactly will you be teaching us in this class? What's different here than from our Basics of Combat Defense class?" Hector looked at her directly in the eyes. He had to make his intention clear. For him, taking both Combat Defense classes and Self Protection classes seemed almost redundant. There had to be some sort of distinction between them or they might as well have been one in the same class.

@Queen Rai @ActionPony @Any body else who is in Self Protection 101.

Lilin Cadmia - The Accelady


"..." Lilin opened her mouth and closed it quickly. She had absolutely nothing to ask, it seemed pretty straightforward. Well so does 'Do no pass go', 'Do not collect 200 dollars'...What was she thinking about again? Oh yeah! The class...why was she prone to tangential thought processes? She took a deep breath and decided to ask one question. "Professor, will you be teaching us in order of theory and practice, or both simultaneously?" She asked, finally asking her first proper question of the year, hopefully that question wouldn't give her detention...hopefully... She then turned towards the guy who also asked a question. "Good question, I'm Lilin."

Ah, history. As artistic as Zeek aspired to be, he was a man who primarily dealt with facts. He imagined he got it from his father, who of course was notorious for being blunt and factual. So history was one of Zeek's favourite classes (although really, he wasn't particularly disinterested in any of the classes), and he entered the classroom with a breezy smile upon his face. Most of all, he was one of the only people who seemed to really appreciate Professor Di'Franco and his passion for his teaching; the professor was one of the only 'traditional' teachers in the school, and the pair got on well.

Another plus about history was that it was his one class with Eve, who hadn't had the chance to speak to since their unfortunate run in with Flirtman. Things had been pretty tense even after he'd left. Three sets of lessons would surely have softened the blows he left, though Zeek wasn't really the sort to mess around and socialise during class. Being early to arrive as always, he waved when he spotted her walking in, but she didn't quite catch his eye. Before he had the chance to catch her attention, the class was alive with lively chatter, so he had to be content with sitting alone.

Once again, it was a talk that Zeek was more than familiar with. However, being on good terms with the professor, Zeek thought it only fair to reward the teacher's efforts with his attention. Some of the others might have been bored to death, but Zeek smiled in nostalgic remaniscence to the Shakespeare reference he had heard so many times. That was a thought that had always facinated him; that their entire history was littered with unknown mysteries such as notable gemholder being amongst their midst. Wonder what ability the Bard's gem brought him, Zeek mused jollily, The ability to meld words? Not too helpful in combat, but hella useful in making a name for y'self.

As the professor tied up the class, Zeek looked across to try and catch Eve's eye. And all the while, his mind was still caught in an elasticated loop of thoughts; the honours class was next!


☽Professor Alis Caradoc☾


"Professor Caradoc, what exactly will you be teaching us in this class? What's different here than from our Basics of Combat Defense class?"

Alis looked over at the boy, and then raised an eyebrow. She lightly bit the inside of her cheek as if she was pondering how to phrase her answer, and then eventually said,
"The Combat classes teach you combat. How to fight. You know, physical boom pow stuff. Self Protection is how to well...protect yourself. Keep yourself hidden from Igneous. In this class, you'll learn all about what goes on in the corporation...what they do to Gemholders who weren't quick enough. The extraction process, the weapons they fashion...all sorts of things like that. The more you know about the enemy, the better off you'll be."

"Professor, will you be teaching us in order of theory and practice, or both simultaneously?"

"I'm sure I don't know what you mean." Alis said, raising her eyebrows. "I do not teach theory. I teach fact."



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