Post(s) of the Week 10.17.2016-10.30.2016


Status Troll
Hi, all.

So... as you can see I've been a little late getting to these posts, and so today I will be recognizing two posts that I found to be exceptional. Congratulations to our very own @Trombone Geek and @Inheritance for their posts!

At twenty minutes to the hour, Syniad reached the outskirts of Amberjack, as far away from any farms or homes as he could be with a summoning circle drawn in the dirt. He finished making preparations at about ten minutes til. On the other side, the whole of the Order that was accompanying the Resistance--a large amount compared to its size a few months ago--finally gathered inside the room. When the hour struck, the mages in the ballroom and Syniad began chanting, and a faint purple line appeared in the ground, stretching across the diameter of the circle. As the spell went on, the line spread into a hole, although nobody would fall in. Looking down would reveal nothingness, and it unnerved Shaz. As time went on, the circle slowly filled until it was all blotted out.That was when people fell into the hole. A few of the Order members unaccustomed to teleportation shouted in surprise, a few curled in on themselves as if afraid of heights, but it didn't last long. The speed at which they fell gradually slowed until the world materialized around them and the ground seemed to always have been there. Anyone who hadn't stayed on their feet were on the ground.Shaking the disorienting remnants of the spell off, the Order reorganized itself and began to make its way towards the barracks, where they would find quarters to rest. Anyone considered 'important'-- Syniad, his bodyguard (Shaz), Vistrel, and a few other higher-ups--would make their way to the castle instead and wait until the next day, where they would start to move towards their positions.

Posted October 19th, 2016

Trombone did an excellent job describing teleportation, which I find tricky to convey. 

"Oh yes, this will be a brilliant future for both our nations. I mean hey, you have all these Kings around here but sometimes you gotta cut lose. And when I say cut loose-" He took a longer time to drain this second pint. "I mean" He paused again to pour another pint down. It took a while, but he got it down. The burning sensation wasn't much, but this time he grimaced at the taste and the sudden smack of the drink. He pounded his fist on the table, making fiery sparks fly from his lack of control. He could feel the effects creeping onto him. "COME ON NOW! THIS IS NOTHIN! HAHAHAHA!" He roared, and whipped his arm forward to shatter the glasses on the table. "LET'S GO! THIS IS A MAN'S SPORT HERE!" He was beginning to like this knight.  He kept an eye on the crowd to see people coming and leaving but other then that he cared little.

Posted October 29th, 2016

Inheritnce did a good job depicting an intoxicated person. I liked the way he kinda loses his train of thought, hah. Made me have to question how inheritance spends time with friends (for shame, minor). 
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On Saturday I went to a party where everyone was drunk, high,  or both. I was invited to 6 games of beer pong, and got challenged to 3 fist fights by drunks. 

Go ahead someone,  guess what I did. 

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