Literature Post book depression anyone?

There's this book series called Octavian Nothing that I read and oh my god. Those books literally rip your heart out of your chest and eat it. Other than the Book Thief, Octavian Nothing is probably the best historical fiction that I've ever read.
Oh I know this feeling perfectly well.

The first time it ever happened to me was when I finished reading the Maze Runner series. I remember spending a whole day browsing through the internet, searching for any clue that pointed towards a new book. Nothing. Although I do remember feeling a bit happier when I heard the books were going to be turned into a movie series.

Same thing happened when I finished reading Game of Thrones: A Dance with Dragons. I knew that it wasn't the final book in the series, but I also knew that it would be around four to six years before I could read The Winds of Winter.
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I felt horrible, got hot chocolate...drank it....started to write a story...never finished it....played with my cat....continued to mope....and reread my favorite parts. Than I searched high and low for another great series...but the feeling never goes away especially if you can not find another series that touches on the same subjects with the same lasting effect and emotion.
I finished the Skulduggery Pleasant series less than a month ago and still suffering repercussions from feels.
I feel this way after every single series of books I read. I won't finish a series (or even a whole book) if it doesn't catch me in the first few chapters. To get over it, I start a new series, lol. I'm forever reading.
Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Sword of Truth all have broken my heart when I got to the end of the series and there was nothing left to read. I have enjoyed all the Kane, Percy Jackson, and such series.

Right now I am suffering from: I have to wait how long for the next book? The series I am working on has two books out, but I have heard rumors there will be more than 10 books in the Stormlight Archives. I have loved them more than any other books. I am on withdrawal.
I've got it after reading Drood by Dan Simmons. It made me question my entire life, yet I loved this book so, so much!
Not really post book depression, more of a halfway through thing.

Reading Alaska by John Green (I think.. I'm bad with names/titles). I read halfway through, there was a plot twist I didn't like what so ever so I put the book down and never went back to it. It got me so annoyed and upset for a good few weeks.

And being someone who has to finish things, I have never been someone to put a book down and not finish it. But this one. Omg. It's been a good year since I started it and I still have no desire to finish it

EDIT: ITS NOT A BAD BOOK. Just had a plot twist to do with the characters and considering I get really attached to characters. Well it's why I don't watch Game of Thrones.
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The Paying Guests by Sarah Waters.

It was full of great moments and constant action, but at the end when everything settles down and the conflict resolved and the characters obtain their peace, I'm left with a 'is that really it?' feeling. Almost like there should've been more.

It's the same feeling I got when I finished the Harry Potter series. JKR ended it with a simple, 'All was well', but how can all be well? You're telling me that all these characters, for eighteen years or more, fought, suffered, and lost more than anyone, and suddenly
all is well? If I were Harry Potter or any of the other characters, I would have so much PTSD. Enough that I might as well just be shipped off to St. Mungos forever.
Always happens to me :( Even when I know the book has ended the way it should, I still feel sad. Probably because I read it too fast.
I get that with really good books, definitely. And I feel like I'm not ready yet to move on to another book, to other characters. I call this "book hangover."
I haven't read anything in a while. Ah school... but when I do read, I try to find something new to occupy me lol, and go back to bits of the book I really enjoyed. Sometimes you can write your frustration away a bit aha
I only really felt this way after finishing Harry Potter, The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings trilogy. J. K. Rowling and J. R. R. Tolkien really struck a cord with those two different series of books for me.
I get this, and usually end up laying on my bed with my hands crossed over my stomach

contemplating the story and everything I enjoyed in it

and dwelling

until I either fall asleep or go play a video game =')

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