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Fandom Pokémon: The Lost World!!! (Trainers Needed!!)

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Nikki looked at the pokeball as she smiled" yeah i caught a blazekin awesomeness" she say as she let blaze come out" hey there blaze i heard some pokemon want to check it out" she asked blaze
Nikki look toward the forest seeing a baby pichu and a lugia as she looked at them" i can help you guys don't worry i'm a good human" she say to them" this is blaze my pokemon and this is fennekin i can help" she say

Pichu looked a little scared but the human seemed good
Gray blinked when he saw the human. He set pichu down and hissed at Nikki. Despite the trainer's friendly appearance, gray still has a hatred for humans due to what the scientists had done to him.
Nikki looked at him" do not worry i'm good i'm a pokemon healer let me help" she say staying where she was at" my name is Nikki i'm a pokemon healer i'm a trainer too" she say" we here to help let me help" she told him" the pichu looks like she's in pain" she say
Gray stepped away from pichu, allowing them to help, bt he would be watching carfully
Nikki looked at him as she grabbed her bag as she grab for a potion as she sprayed the arm" easy there i'm not done yet" she to the baby as she wrapped a bandage on her little arm as she smiled

Pichu yelped in pain but felt like it was working as she smiled
Lily watched with fear and apprehension. She wasn't sure how she felt about humans. She simply sat there, hoping Pichu would be okay. "Don't hurt her..." She murmured, then instantly hoped no one heard her.
Blaze became alert as he heard a voice say something. "Come out where ever you are!" Blaze yelled hoping his hunch was right.

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