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Fandom Pokémon: The Lost World!!! (Trainers Needed!!)

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Pichu felt tears down her face" tainer hurt old tainer left pichu" she try to say
Gray landed on the ground. He paused when he heard 'trainer'. "A trainer did this?" He asked in a growl
Pichu try to sit up as she yelped in pain as she lay back down as she was hurting real bad" yeah need help" she say crying
(Oh my gosh, wow, I don't know how to get back into this.)

Lily had tried to help, but she had just been blown back and fell against a tree, getting knocked out cold. She was finally awakening and she saw Pichu hurt. She felt herself crying, not for herself, but for Pichu. She got up, and winced before making her way, as quick as she could, over to Pichu. "I'm sorry..." She whispered, wiping tears away.
Pichu just nudged her friend as she smiled" no worrie pichu be ok" she say to the girl as she smiled as her body hurts but it be fine hopefully she would have to go to a pokemon center to get healed or something she just cry
"We need to get ourselves healed up." She says, smiling sadly at Pichu. "Then we'll be okay." She wipes tears from her face, hugging Pichu.
Pichu just looked at her as she smiled as she winced at the pain when she got hugged"....How...." she asked as she try to sit up wanting to be with rogue as she yelped in pain" roge help me hurt" she say to her tears still flowing through her eyes she wanted to get up but there were so much pain she was dozing off a little @JessBeth @HetaliaFangirl @DarkElite020
Lily bit her lip, upset again. "Sorry." She said, taking Pichu's hand. She looks around for Rouge. She squeezes Pichu's hand reassuringly.
Pichu looks at lily as she smiled" lila" she say as she looked" friend roge" she try to say as her body was hurting as she held lily hand she just yawned a little" where friend" she asked scared and hurt
Nikki was at the lake as she smiled she wasn't that far from where the poffesor was at she just had to gather some stuff from the lake as she looked up watching fennekin playing as she smiled fennekin was her first pokemon she only had her for a hour or so she was cute @Red Reaper
As Blaze walked around he noticed a girl with a fenniken at a lake. 'That girl is probably a trainer,' he thought. 'I hope she will take me in,' Blaze then walked up to the girl and her fenniken. "Hello miss." Blaze said to the girl.
Nikki just smiled at the pokemon as she just looked at it" hiya" she say happily as she stood up from the ground as her fennekin climb up on her shoulder as she felt good about her pokemon" are you a blazekin" she asked
Nikki just smiled" i'm Nichole but people call me Nikki for short and this is Fennekin" she say as she smiled" wanna come with me with my adventure" she asked" i just turned 15" she explained
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Nikki just looked at blaze as she smiles" of course i treat my pokemon with respect and kindness i treat them equal" she say to blaze as she smiled" so do you want to be my pokemon" she asked
(Uh how do I get back in this '-' )

Gray blinked, the spines on his back wavered, and his head perked up. "I sense a trainer nearby."
(take pichu to the pokemon trainer)

Pichu was scared as she went to gray" pichu hurt need help with trainer" she say as she cried

Nikki just watched him as she smiled" i be the very best pokemon trainer i'll help you" she told him
Nikki just giggled as she smiled as she heard some pokemon" come on oh right should i catch you i don't know how this works" she say
PIchu looked at gray" pokemon center" she asked as she looked at gray

Nikki looked at him as she smiled as she got out her pokeball" go bokeball" she say as she smiled
Blaze was beamed into the pokeball. The pokeball fell to the floor and snapped shut immediately indicating blaze was caught.

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