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Fandom Pokémon: The Lost World!!! (Trainers Needed!!)

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Pichu was playing as she saw someone crying as she ran up to her nozzeling her telling her whats wrong
Lily rubbed at her eyes and smiled at the Pichu. "H-hi..." She said, afraid to say anything else, not trusting her voice.
Picu just looked at her as she couldn't speak she was still a baby as she nuzzuled her as she just smiled to her
Pichu ran to gray as she start to like him as she nuzzuled him with her nose" f....r....i....e....n....d" she asked trying to learn how to speak
Rouge went back to hallow tree where she left her friend, Lily and now she not there. "Lily?" She start to look around for her.
Pichu was playing with the girl lily as she got scared she thought she saw her trainer as she shocked the tree using thundershock
Lily whipped around. "Are you okay?" She asked Pichu, trying to keep her voice low, rather unsuccessfully. "Wait, where's Rouge?"
Pichu just looked at the new person as she was twitching her ear she heard her friend rouge but she didn't know her name" f.....o....l....l....o....w m....e" she try to say as she was still struggling she follow the sound other electric pokemon seen her she was near to a hallow tree @HetaliaFangirl
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Pichu just smiled as she sensed the girl from earlier as she found her as she had the other girl with her in case she got hurt she just found the girl as she nuzzuled her with her nose" nom" she say
Pichu see the girl from before as she ran up to her running up to her shoulder" pichu" she say as shse laughed pokemon talking a bit
Pichu just looked at her as she smiled as she was wandering off playing around as she was giggling running around " lila" she try to say lily

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