[Pokemon Prismatic]Character Sheet Template


Handler of Souls, Destroyer of Hearts


Character Creations

Before you get started To me, personally, I love creating my character. I pour my hear and soul into it and refine every detail. I would enjoy if you all do the same, though I am not strict. I do not expect world nominated characters. I just want you to pour your heart into this. You are welcome to use coding of any sort and write it in anyway just have the fields I have provided.


Welcome to the World of Pokemon....Are you a boy or a girl?

Full Name: (First, middle and Last though some of you might have darker history in which case this may vary)

Nickname: (I would rather go by or names that your character gets called)

Trainer type: (swimmer, beauty...extra)

Age: (between 10-18)

Gender: (Now are you a boy or a girl?)

Sexual Orientation: (Never know)

Region: (Are you from here or are you from a far off land)


Height: (Shorty or long legged god or goddess)

Appearance: (A picture is so very lovely and is greatly appreciated. This can be placed anywhere(the picture that is) Please also provide a description)

Clothing style: (If you place pictures please use spoilers)


Best traits: (In bullets with descriptions for the traits)

Worst Flaws: (In bullets with description)

Overall: (A real quick write up of what it means to be your character)

Skills: (Like fighting, knowing pokemon, empathetic with pokemon...Wide range)

History: (How did you get here, where did you come from, and why are you who you are)

Family: (If you have any)


Favorite Pokemon: (Just for fun)

Color: (You can use this color to coordinate what they say)

Niches: (Things they do that get on your nerves or that is cute)

Likes: (Never know this might be useful)

Dislikes: (Cause someone might want to just irritate you)

Dreams: (What is your main dream in this world)

Goals: (Breeder, Contest Winner or just the best you can be)


Extra things you want to add, go ahead. These are things not actually required, but are fun.

Theme: (Like a certain background or banner or something like I would use Cats as my theme! You can use this to make a neat layout)

Song: (Something that just says look at me)

Hobbies: (If you want to add. This is fun too)

Here is a link done by Carter that can help you add something unique to your character. @Carter Jake Mason can help as well as I, @DemonKitten, but he is much more skilled.

Post your character by creating your own threat from the Character section. Place Pending until your character is accepted.

UPDATE: Each character starts with six pokeballs and three potions in their backpack as well as a map of the region.

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The Perfect CS Example


Name Goes Here

General Information

Fullname: (First, Middle, and Last though some of you might have darker history)

Nickname: (I would rather go by or names that your characters get called)

Trainer Type: (Swimmer, beauty, etc.)

Age: (Between 10-18)

Gender: (Boy or Girl)

Sexual Orientation: (Never know)

Region: (Are you from here, or are you from a far off land?)


Height: (Shorty, or long legged god/goddess)

Description: (Please describe your appearance)

Clothing Style: (If you place Images, please use spoilers)

Mental Characteristic

Best Traits: (In Bullets with description)

Worst Flaws: (In Bullets with description)

Overall: (A real quick write up of what it means to be your character)

Skills: (Like fighting, knowing pokemon, empathetic with pokemon ... Wide range)


History: (How did you get here, where did you come from, and why are you who you are)

Family: (If you have any)


Favorite Pokemon: (Just for Fun!)

Color: (You can use this to coordinate what they say)

Niches: (Things they do that get on your nerves or that is cute)

Dislikes: (Cause someone might want to irritate you)

Dreams: (What is you main dream in this world)

Goals: (Breeder, Contest Winner, or just be the best you can be)

Theme: (Like a certain background or banner or something like I would use Cats for my theme! You can use this to make a cool Layout!)

Song: (Something that just says look at me!)

Hobbies: (If you want to add. This is fun too!)

Pokemon Team

  • Pokemon Name

    (Image of Pokemon 250x250)





    Where You Met:





    Held Item:

Here is the Code:

[border=4px Double Black][bg=FireBrick]



[border=4px Double Black][bg=Aquamarine][h]Name Goes Here[/h][/bg][/border]

[border=1px Solid Black][bg=FireBrick][h]General Information[/h][/bg][/border]
[border=1px Solid Black][bg=White]
Fullname: (First, Middle, and Last though some of you might have darker history)
Nickname: (I would rather go by or names that your characters get called)
Trainer Type: (Swimmer, beauty, etc.)
Age: (Between 10-18)
Gender: (Boy or Girl)
Sexual Orientation: (Never know)
Region: (Are you from here, or are you from a far off land?)

[border=1px Solid Black][bg=FireBrick][h]Appearance[/h][/bg][/border]
[border=1px Solid Black][bg=White]
Height: (Shorty, or long legged god/goddess)
Description: (Please describe your appearance)
Clothing Style: (If you place Images, please use spoilers)

[border=1px Solid Black][bg=FireBrick][h]Mental Characteristic[/h][/bg][/border]
[border=1px Solid Black][bg=White]
Best Traits: (In Bullets with description)
Worst Flaws: (In Bullets with description)
Overall: (A real quick write up of what it means to be your character)
Skills: (Like fighting, knowing pokemon, empathetic with pokemon ... Wide range)
[border=1px Solid Black][bg=FireBrick][h]History[/h][/bg][/border]
[border=1px Solid Black][bg=White]
History: (How did you get here, where did you come from, and why are you who you are)
Family: (If you have any)

[border=1px Solid Black][bg=FireBrick][h]Extras[/h][/bg][/border]
[border=1px Solid Black][bg=White]
Favorite Pokemon: (Just for Fun!)
Color: (You can use this to coordinate what they say)
Niches: (Things they do that get on your nerves or that is cute)
Dislikes: (Cause someone might want to irritate you)
Dreams: (What is you main dream in this world)
Goals: (Breeder, Contest Winner, or just be the best you can be)
Theme: (Like a certain background or banner or something like I would use Cats for my theme! You can use this to make a cool Layout!)
Song: (Something that just says look at me!)
Hobbies: (If you want to add. This is fun too!)

[border=4px Double Black][bg=Aquamarine][h]Pokemon Team[/h][/bg][/border]
[border=1px Solid Black][bg=White]
[tab=Pokemon 1]
[border=2px Solid Black][bg=Aquamarine][h]Pokemon Name[/h][/bg][/border]

[center](Image of Pokemon 250x250)[/center]

[border=1px Solid Black][bg=LightGoldenRodYellow]


Where You Met:
Held Item:
[tab=Pokemon 2]
[border=2px Solid Black][bg=Aquamarine][h]Pokemon Name[/h][/bg][/border]

[center](Image of Pokemon 250x250)[/center]

[border=1px Solid Black][bg=LightGoldenRodYellow]


Where You Met:
Held Item:
[tab=Pokemon 3]
[border=2px Solid Black][bg=Aquamarine][h]Pokemon Name[/h][/bg][/border]

[center](Image of Pokemon 250x250)[/center]

[border=1px Solid Black][bg=LightGoldenRodYellow]


Where You Met:
Held Item:
[tab=Pokemon 4]
[border=2px Solid Black][bg=Aquamarine][h]Pokemon Name[/h][/bg][/border]

[center](Image of Pokemon 250x250)[/center]

[border=1px Solid Black][bg=LightGoldenRodYellow]


Where You Met:
Held Item:
[tab=Pokemon 5]
[border=2px Solid Black][bg=Aquamarine][h]Pokemon Name[/h][/bg][/border]

[center](Image of Pokemon 250x250)[/center]

[border=1px Solid Black][bg=LightGoldenRodYellow]


Where You Met:
Held Item:
[tab=Pokemon 6]
[border=2px Solid Black][bg=Aquamarine][h]Pokemon Name[/h][/bg][/border]

[center](Image of Pokemon 250x250)[/center]

[border=1px Solid Black][bg=LightGoldenRodYellow]


Where You Met:
Held Item:
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Pokemon Bag Code

[border=4px Double white][bg=#888888][h]Someone's Bag[/h][/bg][/border]

[center][border=1px Solid white][bg=White][spoiler= Peek inside]
[img=http://cdn1.ebags.com/is/image/im4/144924_2_1?resmode=4&op_usm=1,1,1,&qlt=95,1&hei=500&wid=500] [/spoiler]

[spoiler= Money]1000[/spoiler][/center]
[border=1px Solid white][bg=White]
[*]6 Pokeballs{/slide}
[*]3 Potions{/slide}
{slide=Key Items}
[*]Region Map{/slide}
DemonKitten said:


Character Creations

Before you get started To me, personally, I love creating my character. I pour my hear and soul into it and refine every detail. I would enjoy if you all do the same, though I am not strict. I do not expect world nominated characters. I just want you to pour your heart into this. You are welcome to use coding of any sort and write it in anyway just have the fields I have provided.


Welcome to the World of Pokemon....Are you a boy or a girl?

Full Name: (First, middle and Last though some of you might have darker history in which case this may vary)

Nickname: (I would rather go by or names that your character gets called)

Trainer type: (swimmer, beauty...extra)

Age: (between 10-18)

Gender: (Now are you a boy or a girl?)

Sexual Orientation: (Never know)

Region: (Are you from here or are you from a far off land)


Height: (Shorty or long legged god or goddess)

Appearance: (A picture is so very lovely and is greatly appreciated. This can be placed anywhere(the picture that is) Please also provide a description)

Clothing style: (If you place pictures please use spoilers)


Best traits: (In bullets with descriptions for the traits)

Worst Flaws: (In bullets with description)

Overall: (A real quick write up of what it means to be your character)

Skills: (Like fighting, knowing pokemon, empathetic with pokemon...Wide range)

History: (How did you get here, where did you come from, and why are you who you are)

Family: (If you have any)


Favorite Pokemon: (Just for fun)

Color: (You can use this color to coordinate what they say)

Niches: (Things they do that get on your nerves or that is cute)

Likes: (Never know this might be useful)

Dislikes: (Cause someone might want to just irritate you)

Dreams: (What is your main dream in this world)

Goals: (Breeder, Contest Winner or just the best you can be)


Extra things you want to add, go ahead. These are things not actually required, but are fun.

Theme: (Like a certain background or banner or something like I would use Cats as my theme! You can use this to make a neat layout)

Song: (Something that just says look at me)

Hobbies: (If you want to add. This is fun too)

Here is a link done by Carter that can help you add something unique to your character. @Carter Jake Mason can help as well as I, @DemonKitten, but he is much more skilled.

Post your character by creating your own threat from the Character section. Place Pending until your character is accepted.

UPDATE: Each character starts with six pokeballs and three potions in their backpack as well as a map of the region.

Sounds nice, but I'd like to play as a pokemon instead.
[QUOTE="Ace Felix]Sounds nice, but I'd like to play as a pokemon instead.

You should start a mystery dungeon one for that. Of course you can have your Pokemon roleplay with you but you can't just be a pokemon
Questionsrevealed said:
Full Name: Ann Grace Rosewood
Anna banana, The tree of wisdom

Trainer type: Normal

Age: 12

Gender: Girl


Height: Shorty

Apperance:View attachment 214161

She has slight dimples, short brown hair. light blue eyes, and unnoticeable freckles on her nose. Her face is usually relaxed unless she expresses a great emotion. She has a scar on her right wrist, it is a slight bump with a patch of slightly darker skin on it.

Clothing style:
Casual, she wears makeup in public often.

Best traits:

-Determination: She would destroy the world if she had her heart set on it.

-Caring: She is the one who cries with her friends.

-Creative: She likes to draw ALOT. Along with singing alone.

Worst Flaws:

-Quickly angered: She quickly gets angry on certain occasions.

-Hides her true feelings: She likes to hide them instead of telling.

-Shy: She is often shy in the worst moments.

Ann is a very determined person and would give the world to her friends, but she gets angry quickly and that gives her the name "Pest."


-Treats pokemon as equals

-Would never hurt a pokemon on purpose

-Knows how to train from a bit of experience

History: Ann came here from Kanto to come to a school and have a wide space. Her family also came here for the scenery.

Family: She has a father, mother, and brother.

Favorite Pokemon: Leafeon


Niches: Her eyes often twitch which makes her angry.

Likes: Art, Music, Gaming, Being weird, Netflix

Gross things, Irritating people who think they are the world.

Dreams: To be able to finish the last gym.

Goals: The best she can be.

Extra things you want to add, go ahead. These are things not actually required, but are fun.

Theme: Nintendo.

Girl on fire/Light em up - Nightcore

Hobbies: Drawing, singing, gaming.
Move this to its own thread like all the others

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