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Fandom Pokemon: Legends Foretold (Kanto)



Your resident irradiated Kaiju King
Roleplay Type(s)

Time: 7:03am

The morning sun creeping over the horizon. A cool, gentle breeze flowing through her hair. The sound of the city sleepily rising with the dawn. The road to Celadon City lay just beyond the horizon, partially hidden by the sparse woodland cherry blossoms, now in full bloom, covering the skyline and the ground in beautiful pink petals. And all the promise of a beautiful day filled with fun and adventure! What more could a girl want, right?!

Lorraine Hart, dressed in a simple beige/brown sweater with white jeans, sat on a bench near the city's West end with her Charmander, Blaze, curled up on the ground beside her feet resting his eyes.

(Artist: Skchkko)

She hadn't been a Pokémon Trainer for long. About a month, give or take a few days. So, Blaze was still her only Pokémon. But she'd long since prepared herself for the rigors of such a lifestyle. Beside her on the bench was her backpack filled with the basic essentials. Her PokéDex, the five Poké Balls gifted by the League upon her completion of the Pokémon Trainer's License process, along with two Potions, one Antidote, one Paralyze Heal, one Awakening, a 25' long piece of rope, a small solar-powered lantern, a small portable cooking pot and fire starter, a folded up tent, and a folded up sleeping bag.

The backpack was about as large as her entire upper torso with everything in it. But despite its size and number of items it wasn't all that heavy. She definitely felt it. But she'd also been traveling with it since getting her Trainer's License and had built up some good back strength to deal with the strain.

She'd also used this last month to bond with Blaze, letting him roam outside his Poké Ball while making sure he was close to her whenever she stopped to rest or eat, and recalling him to the ball when it was time to sleep at night. During the days they were out walking together she would play hide and seek with him, play chase and keep away, and practice commands for both general use and battling alike. And during this time she'd discovered that Blaze was pretty smart. Typically reptilian Pokémon were considered harder to train because their reptile brains made it more difficult for them to understand human commands and emotions. But Blaze seemed to be a bit of an exception. That, or maybe the research articles she'd read were out of date. Perhaps the reptilian species out there were just smarter than humans gave them credit for? She wouldn't be surprised.

Blaze had also proven to be very, very playful. He loved to chase the most. Probably that reptilian predatory instinct. He was a carnivore, after all. She knew he had to eat. But she didn't like watching. So, whenever they found a suitable meal for him she would tell him to go enjoy his meal and sit with her back turned until he came back to her side. However... He was a messy eater. Often he'd come back with blood on his mouth, chin, and chest. Sometimes his claws, too. And Lorraine would have an absolutely glorious time helping clean him up. She would give thanks to the Pokémon who helped sustain Blaze and satiate his hunger, as she would for all of her own meals. Thankfully, being a reptilian species, Blaze only needed to eat once or twice a week thanks to being cold-blooded and ectothermic. So, she didn't have to subject herself to the horror show on a daily basis, which she was grateful for.

It took nearly the entire month since Lorraine received Blaze for them to reach Saffron. And, thankfully, it was just in time for this event!

Darting too and fro, and weaving hither and thither were representatives of what was being dubbed The Saffron Pokémon Exhibition and Extravaganza. Quite the mouthful. But she could hardly complain.

Today, the TSPEE, as she was calling it for short, was hosting numerous events for Pokémon Trainers of all ages and backgrounds. In total there were four major events to look forward to, along with the promise of numerous exhibition locations for art, music, dining, and more.

Lorraine's event pamphlet was well-worn and wrinkled to Hell and back, but she brought it out and read through the information one last time...

- - - - - - - - - - - -

The Pokémon Capture Challenge. Registration Time: 8:30am. Event Time: 9am-10am.

This event functions much like Kanto's world famous Safari Zone. Trainers are given a total of 25 special Poké Balls called Sport Balls, and are under a strict time limit of 1 hour to capture as many wild Pokemon in the Western and Southwestern woodlands around Saffron as possible. Your progress will be tracked via your PokéDex. If you have not registered as a Licensed Pokemon Trainer with the Pokémon League, a loaner PokéDex will be provided for you for the duration of the event. Every trainer will be pinged via their PokéDex when 5 minutes remain in the event to return to the starting location. The Trainer who captures the most Pokémon will be allowed to choose one of their captures to keep while the rest are released back into the wild by our team of Capture and Release experts.

The Pokémon Battle Challenge. Registration Time: 10:30am. Event Time: 11am-12pm.

Trainers will gather at Location B, just outside the Pokémon Center in Saffron City's South end. 100 random Trainers will be selected to compete in a Battle Royale. There are no brackets. You must challenge and defeat all other trainers around you. The last Trainer standing will be crowned the winner and granted a medal and certificate to comemmorate their accomplishment. Should this Trainer also be registered with the Pokémon League at the time of their completion of this event, they will also receive a preliminary Pass to next year's Pokémon Olympics qualification round. Non-registered Trainers will not receive this reward.

The Pokémon Talent Show. Registration Time: 12:30pm. Event Time: 1pm-2pm.

Trainers who register for this event are entering a single Pokémon of their choice into a Talent Show overseen by a jury of Pokémon Experts. The more technical, fluid, difficult, and efficient the performance, the higher your score. The top three participants are each guaranteed one invitation opportunity to meet with a Brand company executive of their choosing from among the provided listings. This is the opportunity of a lifetime to take the first major step towards a future of fame and fortune. So, don't miss out! For those who are not in the top three there is always the chance that one of our Jurors will find you and your Pokémon's style of particular interest and extend an invitation to you as well. So, don't be shy! Put it all on the line and leave no regrets behind!

The Pokémon Information Age. Registration Time: 2:30pm. Event Time: 3pm-4pm.

For the more academically inclined, this is a one-hour long exam challenging your knowledge not only of Pokémon as creatures of this world, but also of the history of the Pokémon League, the history of Pokémon Training, the history of the development of Pokémon Technology, and much, much more. Who among you believes they hold the greatest depth of knowledge regarding both our way of life, and these amazing creatures? The winning participant will be gifted a certificate to commemorate their achievement, and will also be granted an audience with several high profile Pokémon Researchers and Academic Scholars. What opportunities await beyond this audience? Only time will tell.

For those uninterested in the events we have numerous locations throughout the city's West side for board and card games, fine dining, zones for showcasing your art, musical talents, and more. Regardless of one's competitive nature there is something for everyone to enjoy!

So, choose your Pokémon. Choose your event(s). And let the fun begin!

Registration begins promptly at 8:30am for the Capture Challenge to start the festivities.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Lorraine closed and put away her pamphlet and leaned down and gave Blaze a few gentle strokes on the head.

"Rest up, little buddy. We've got a big day ahead of us."

Sitting up and stretching with a yawn she leaned back and rested her arms along the top of the bench. Watching the preparations like this may not have been the most exciting thing in the world. But there was a small element of fascination with the coordination and the way they communicated with their walkie talkies which sparked her interest. Most of it was making sure they all knew where each other were, confirming something got done or saying it hasn't been done and asking someone else to do it. But Lorraine made a bit of a game out of it by tracking individual faces to conversations they were having and seeing how many of the conversations she could keep track of at once.

Meanwhile, watching the preparations from a high rise building nearby, a man dressed in only the finest of business attire holding a wine glass in his left hand heard a knock at the door to his office.


The door was opened and shut quietly, and a soft set of footsteps approached.

"Sir, we're proceeding on schedule."

"Good. And the Jurors?"

"Placed and ready."


"Sir, if I may? Are there any specific orders you have for them?"

"They should already know, but 'quality' and 'potential' are the priorities."

"Yes, sir."

As his colleague left the room the man took a sip of his wine and smiled.

"We're going to have a good haul today. I can feel it."

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After a long journey Dusk had arrived at Saffron City just the day before. The ride on the S. S. Anne from Sinnoh had practically been a relaxing cruise compared to the trek on land here, though he’d been sure to pack his time with plenty of studying. With most of his funds funneled towards the cruise here he was left making his way from Vermillion City’s port to Saffron on foot. While he’d spent much more days traveling on the ship none of it approached the difficulties he had on land. In Sinnoh he’d never done much traveling and the jaunt through nature was a bit more than he bargained for. He had studied type matchups and his Pokémon’s moves and everything he could but just that wasn’t enough to make up for his clear lack of battle experience when he and Beryl started having to deal with wild Pokémon. Most Pokémon avoided the area of the dig site back home due to how humans frequented it and so Beryl hadn’t had to deal with much competition there either. With both of their lack of experience and strategy one day in the great outdoors had left them rather ragged from the wild Pokémon they had to fend off. The good news was that his Pokémon Trainer’s license was getting good use and he’d gone from no experience to little experience in the brief time it took to reach Saffron City.

Immediately upon returning to civilization Dusk made his way to a Pokémon center and spent the night there to rest and clean up. Frankly he was surprised to get a room considering how packed the place was. He could barely hold a conversation with the Nurse over all of the noise thus when morning came he decided it would probably be better to make his way out into the city streets to scout out the events. He wouldn’t need his camping supplies so they could stay in his room but he made sure to take care to bring his journal and camera with him. The Pokémon Information Age Challenge wouldn’t be for a couple hours so he could wait to check out the venue for that but the sign ups for the Capture Challenge were just around the corner so it might not hurt to find out where the registration center was.

After a quick walk around the city with his partner on his shoulder they’d managed to find where they’d be registering, though it wasn’t open yet. With that out of the way they had plenty of time to kill until sign ups and decided to just walk around and take in the sights of the city. They were in a brand new region after all and there was plenty to see and document. He was the perfect image of a tourist taking pictures of the Sylph Co. Building and other sights, Beryl making various poses for each.
Saffron City

~Before the present day~
Having left his home due to the growing animosity against his particular views towards their devotion to Arceus and the negative affect it was bringing upon his family; a boy and his pokemon companion would find themselves arriving upon the shores of Kanto's route 19. Raised in the Kingdom of Fontaine; the Water specialists of Ransei. Rio had been fortunate to have a fellow Fontainian citizen ferry him across the ocean; a merchant by trade that often visited nearby islands for business. A journeyed seafarer, the Wailord under his command was more than adequate enough to carry two additional passengers; the large sea mammal simply happy enough to be on a journey with someone other than the old fool he called his trainer.

That being said, despite agreeing to ferry Rio to the region of Kanto, they were still bound to the merchants route that the old merchant frequented; thus the journey itself was prolonged by the necessity of having to stop at various islands along the way. Though to be quite frank, Rio wasn't too bothered. Having never left the region of Ransei before, he was simply ecstatic to be seeing new sights and cultures; vastly different to that in which he had been raised in. It also provided Rio and Yoru the opportunity to bond with one another. Much like Rio was considered to be the 'black sheep' of his family, Yoru too was ostracized. Larger than the other pokemon of his species and of a differing color, he often found that the other pokemon tended to avoid him; whether it be due to his size or simply because he looked different to the rest of them.

Truthfully, the pairing of Rio and Yoru had only come to fruition due to the impulsive idea of Rio's mother. Having overseen the hatching of this years batch of water starters, she had been witness to the treatment that Yoru had undergone and would selfishly decide that the best course of action would be to have Yoru partner up with Rio; a companion for her son who would soon be departing the region of Ransei.

Their initial meeting went as was to be expected; two loners thrust together. Of course there was going to be little more than awkward silence between them; both trainer and pokemon merely defaulting to doing their own thing; after all that was where they felt most comfortable. Alone. It was common for days to pass where Yoru would continue to disobey Rio; the frog like pokemon often venturing out on its own and showing no care towards the commands that Rio gave it. Initially, Rio had assumed that Yoru was merely returning to the wild where it felt the most at ease; after all there was a large lake nearby that was often frequented by many of the water pokemon that resided in the lands governed by Fontaine.

Alas, having gone to see for himself one day, what Yoru was up to, he would instead stumble across the froakie battered and bruised; the amphibian discarded along the beaten path that led to the lake. From what Rio could surmise; it seemed apparent that the beaten Yoru had been making his way back to the village; only to collapse en route. This would be the kindle that would finally ignite their acceptance of one another. While Yoru was treated, Rio would finally pressure his mother for the truth; asking her why she had been so adamant that the two of them were right for one another and why she had insisted on their pairing; despite both his elder brothers being given the right to choose their water starters.

Aware of Yoru's past, Rio would finally make a proper heartfelt effort to bond with the pokemon; revealing his own aspirations towards leaving the Region of Ransei as well as confiding in their shared experience of being treated differently by their peers. This would be the first step towards the pair of them becoming inseparable.

Roughly 3 weeks would pass since arriving at Route 19 and making his way to Fuchsia city. For the most part he had found himself under the care of one of Fuchsia City's gym stewards; a higher ranked Ninja that worked directly under the gym leader and an old acquaintance of Rio's father that had been more than happy to house the boy until he was up on his feet and registered with the pokemon league.

During these 3 weeks, the pair of Rio and Yoru would further strengthen their bond with one another. It would soon become quite apparent that the two of them held several similarities; such as their early start to the day. Avid practitioners of a morning workout, the two of them could quite often be seen out in the garden going through the various forms and poses of Tai-chi, an ancient form of martial art that revolves around slow gentle movements as well as a meditative state of mind alongside controlled and precise breathing. Later in the day, they would even participate in mock battles with the various stewards of the Fuchsia city gym; though they were quite often easily beaten by the vastly more experienced trainers.

~Present Day~
Fast forward to the present, Rio now finds himself at Saffron city; being one of several dozen to have been driven to the city via coach. He had initially wanted to come here several days before; however given the amount of participants and spectators here for the various events, he had found himself unable to acquire accommodation at the cheaper Inns as well as priced out of the more expensive inns. The Pokecenter was also a bust, being packed to the brim with eager participants. Alas, he had to settle for a Bus from Celadon city; one that left in the early hours in the morning in order to get them to Saffron with enough time to register.

Glancing to the little timer on the top right of his Pokedex, Rio began to make his way towards the registration table for the catching event; shifting the large rucksack he carried so that it slung on one shoulder whilst holding a protein shake in his free hand. Yoru on the other hand had opted to remain within his pokeball for the time being. He had initially been out and about during the bus ride; though that didn't last long when it soon became apparent that he wasn't too fond of the bumpy ride.

Arriving at the booth, Rio would line up behind several other participants; blue eyes glancing around himself as he watched the other trainers go about their business; some with their pokemon out and about and some without. Admittedly, his eyes would fall upon a trainer accompanied by what appeared to be a ball of sentient cotton candy; the white bundle of fur bopping along behind its trainer with two pink feet.

"Good morning Sir... Sir... umm... excuse me sir..." spoke the attendant, as Rio lost in thought now found himself at the head of the queue. "... are you here to register for the Pokémon Capture challenge?" he continued to ask, taking note that Rio's attention was now focused upon him and not the Swirlix that was trailing behind its trainer.

"Oh... Uh.. So..sorry.." replied Rio, placing his rucksack upon the ground next to his right leg. "Yes I am" he continued, now reaching for the Pokedex and trainer license he held in his pocket; handing it over once the attendent gestured for it.

"Rio Tomohiro... from Ransei...hmm.. can't say I've met anyone from there before..." mumbled the attendant as he continued go through the registration form. "... is this your first time in Saffron city?" he inquired; though the question was asked half heartedly rather than out of general interest.

"Yes.. first time In kanto really.." he added, watching as the attendant continued to go through all the formalities. He would take a quick sip of his beverage as he waited, not really sure how to deal with the awkward silence that now permeated between the two.

"I see..." he paused, clicking his pen before reading the form once over. "Well then... everything seems to check out.. Here is your Pokedex and licence, aswell as your contestant verification card. You will need to present that to the host prior to the start of the event; that will also be when you are given your set of pokeballs." the attendant paused again, glancing up towards Rio from his seated position."Do you have any questions?"

"Nah, I'm all good..." Rio replied, gathering his belongings and slinging his rucksack over his shoulder once more.

"Very well. Good luck and I hope you enjoy the event" added the Attendant, before gesturing for the person behind to step forward. A simple thank you would escape Rio's lips before he stepped aside and began making his way away from the registration booth. There was still a bit of time left before the event started and rather than standing around aimlessly, Rio had began searching for a shaded area to reside in, though the sight of a nearby fountain would prove to be the better option.

Walking towards the water feature, Rio wouldn't even need to reach for Yoru's ball before the pokemon itself suddenly sprung forward, a flash of red appearing before Rio; soon followed by a splash of water as the amphibian pokemon made itself at home within the fountain. Having felt queasy on the bus, there was no better feeling for the water frog than to have running water soak into its skin,

"Feeling better?" inquired Rio, now sitting against the fountain rim; his back pressed against the edge as he watched the crowd of people pass by.

"Froaakie..Fro" replied the Amphibian, now doing the backstroke around the fountain; much to the annoyance of a fellow trainers Cloyster.

Code by Serobliss
A light breeze flowed through the air, as the sweet smells of flower pollen and fresh morning dew tickled the noses of those who went about their early day business and preparations. For one particular woman, she would have yet to realize how much it would have changed her, even if some may not have expected it from her of all people. Such a woman was Madeleine, an average woman who was once an upstanding office clerk back in Celadon City, now on the run.

It had been a few weeks since Madeleine had her fateful encounter with Team Rocket back in Celadon City, where she had mistakenly discovered two grunts busily carrying a captured Pokémon back to base. She need not wish to think about it any more, but was thankful that out of all the situations she ran into armed criminals, it was during a time where they were already preoccupied with important business, granting her ample time to escape. After some hurried preparations, Madeleine knew that it was the best option to simply quit her job and set off. One day she wished she could return back to her job with better security and peace of mind, but today was not that day.

Instead, today was a day that Madeleine was waiting for.

Holding a travel brochure to Saffron City, there she had discovered a means on how she could potentially save her sorry hide lest she was in trouble again - Pokémon. If she couldn't really fend for herself against the idea that Team Rocket could still be hunting for her, then it was up to her to gain the proper work experience in order to train some Pokémon allies in order to do so. And while she did know a thing or two when it came to Pokémon thanks to some prior experience training as a nurse... battling was out of her realm of knowledge. Nevertheless, it was worth a shot to learn a thing or two.

The Saffron Pokémon Exhibition and Extravaganza was that remedy to what ailed her. If she could find a way to procure a Pokémon as well as some battle knowledge, she would know for a fact that she could have walked away with a little more piece of mind. Thus, her search began. Walking through the various stalls and past a Trainer or two who very likely didn't even notice her presence at all, she peered upon her brochure again curiously as she looked for the 'The Pokémon Battle Challenge'. While far from a reasonable stepping stone for someone who didn't even have a Pokémon by her side at the time, it was at the least a stepping stone to watch how it would work, even if she couldn't emulate what those who were more experienced could do... yet.

But perhaps Madeline was a little too distracted as she walked and looked at the details of her brochure, as all of a sudden, she found herself crashing into another.


Madeline shrieked, stumbling forward before she regained her balance with a relived huff. Her spirit however, was a little shattered by her apparent clumsiness.

"I... I deeply apologize! I was just looking for the Battle Challenge to get information on how to gain my first Pokémon and perhaps learn a thing or two... and... well... I'm sorry, I wasn't even looking where I was going..."
Charlie awoke to the sounds of his alarm blaring. He slowly opened his eyes and peeked at his surroundings. It looked just the same as every other morning since he arrived in Saffron City. He’d planned to go on some grand adventure after adopting a Turtwig and traveling to Kanto but he could barely manage to get out of bed. Most days were spent sleeping through the day and his alarm but today was different, coming from the open window he heard noises emitting from the plaza at the base of the hotel. Slowly he waded over to see what was going on. Trucks driving around bringing people boxes as they set up tables and decorations, clearly it was some kind of event and whatever it was it was loud. Charlie closed the window in an attempt to block out at least some noise but it didn’t really work and rather trying to go back to bed Charlie decided just to get up for the day.

He made his way into the bathroom of the his hotel room and looked in the mirror. His hair was a mess, bloodshot and tired eyes, scruff on his chin he’d let grow out too long and while you couldn’t see it he knew he smelled. Things hadn’t been great ever since… things hadn’t been great in a while. Charlie assumed that uprooting his life and moving halfway across the planet would fix everything but now all that was different was that he was alone, well almost. He peeked into the only other room of his hotel and saw it laying down near a window. Charlie took care of the Pokémon, walked it, watered it, gave it a bed to sleep in, but they hadn’t really connected since the adoption. Charlie approached quietly but the creature rustled awake anyway.

Glancing out the window, he saw people gathering around the entrance to the event and started getting a bit of FOMO, he contemplated trying to go back to bed but knew he wouldn’t be able to. The Turtwig beneath him propped itself up and looked to Charlie before wandering off without a second thought. Charlie tried not to take offence to the creatures clear apathy towards him and instead decided he would go to whatever event it was, but not in this state. First came the cleaning up process, shave, shower, brush teeth, get dressed, food? He’d get something in one of the various coffee shops down at the ground floor. Approaching his Turtwig he crouched down so they were eye level.

Wanna go downstairs? He asked, not really expecting anything.

It stared back at him blankly. Charlie supposed he’d take his Pokémon just so it could have some time outside, he grabbed the pokéball resting on the counter and tapped the button in the middle, in a flash the Turtwig disappeared into red light.

Charlie stood just outside the hotel waiting as his eyes adjusted to the sun. He noticed a group of people standing by a table situated just outside the event space. Wandering over, he approached the stand and waiting as all of the trainers cleared away.

Hi! How can I help you!? Some cheery desk worker asked, the sign read “Information desk”

Uh… What is this?

This is The Saffron Pokémon Exhibition and Extravaganza! It’s an event dedicated to helping trainers with their journeys and showcasing the talent of Pokémon! We’re still setting up but the event starts soon. Would you like a pamphlet?

Uh, sure.
Charlie replied hesitantly.

The worker moved on to the next person in line and Charlie wandered off, passing by a fountain where a man and froakie sat he noticed a bench with a woman and (assumedly) her Charmander sitting on it, it had enough space for another person but Charlie wasn’t exactly sociable and didn’t feel like sitting next to a living campfire. He sat across from them and opened his pamphlet. None of the activities really caught his eyes and he looked over the pamphlet, well…. He supposed the Information Age looked interesting but didn’t feel confident in his knowledge of Pokémon, sure he studied history but not that kind, if Vera were here she’d want him to at least give it a shot. Charlie stopped himself, he closed his eyes and tries to focus his thoughts on anything but Vera but she’s all he could think about.

He pulled out the pokéball he buried in his back pocket and sent out his Turtwig, it looked around for a second adjusting to the new environment before looking back to Charlie, it was almost instinctual how Charlie sent out his Pokémon, he supposed he just needed a distracted from his thoughts and this provided one. Moving his hand toward the Turtwig he was about to pat it before it hopped off the bench and began wandering elsewhere, it was moving slow so Charlie didn’t feel worried but followed it as it situated itself in a sunny patch under a tree behind the bench of the woman and Charmander. Charlie lay down next to it and stared up at the sun as he waited for the event to start.
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~The evening before the festivities~

Zera huffed, the evening sun was setting calling for a cease of actions from the residents of the world. Displaying the end of another day of challenges, thoroughly conquered in the blue eyes of the finely muscled raven-ette. The most recent challenge Zera had was to prepare for everything that was to be taking place tomorrow. Going through the trouble of making strategies for the catching challenge, was making her head hurt. Her body was a tool that needed refinement and the catching challenge was a definite must if she wished to keep pushing herself and to acquire a new Pokémon with relative safety. Having a new party member even if they aren't trained yet would be a benefit to herself and Lukina her Buneary.

Her dufflebag slung over her shoulder holding her essentials for tomorrow. Clothes, snacks, flint & steel, sleeping bag, and a few other non-descript typical things a trainer needs. A handful of pokeballs (5), a couple of potions (3), a pair antidotes (2), two jars of honey, and a set of padded knuckle gloves that boxers use to train. Said gloves were used to assist Lukina with her aim, as well as her ability to dodge.

She had done a double check of her inventory a few minutes ago. If she was to ensure any level of victory tomorrow, she'd have to be prepared to crush others without mercy. It was not a new idea for her, however for Lukina this would be her first time actually battling in an official standing and not just brawling with the occasional wild Pokémon. It would be another trainer she'd be facing. Shaking her head and clenching her fists she raised the right one in the air and huffed. "I hope tomorrow is ready for the punishment I'm ready to dish out." After said action, Zera proceeded to find a place to rest for the night. After all she was tired from all the target practice she'd been doing.

~~Present day~~

Zera sat stark still, her duffle in her lap as she waited for everything to kick off. Her eyes closed baring the sight of her surroundings from her for the moment. Her partner Lukina is sitting next to her. She could hear the pink Buneary next to her struggling to sit still. Focusing on other things, she went over the rules of the catching challenge she had entered a few minutes ago. Said challenge rules were rather simple, catch as many Pokémon as possible within the time limit, quantity over quality. The victor would be allowed to keep a singular Pokémon they captured. This was undoubtedly her goal for today find another partner although her options would be rather limited. She racked her brain for what she could remember about a Jhoto event which held a parallel she'd never participated in said event, but she'd watched it on the television quite a number of times. She'd have to go with her instincts and adapt quickly if her plan fell apart.

All she had to do now was wait for the whole thing to kick off, or at least that's what she thought. She had stood and shouldered her duffle with a bit of effort and recalled Lukina to her pokeball. She had taken a single step and some well-dressed lady bumped into her. The resulting startled 'eek' was hardly called for although walking into her was akin to walking into a wall of muscle. Honestly, it was hard to look at. The lady was clearly dressed for office work, yet she was holding a copy of the event guide in her hand. Wait, hold on. Did this plain office worker just say she was entering the battle royal? Maybe this lady was worth keeping an eye on. Adjusting herself a bit from the unexpected physical introduction she reached down her hand to her. "Entering the battle royal event? I thought about entering it myself, I had a plan for it but decided that I wanted to participate in something else instead. Considering what you are wearing, it might work a lot better for you. Just stick to the sidelines and blend in. Make it look like your on the phone with your boss. Wait for everyone to be tired out and you will be at a hundred percent against the last person. Pretty simple." After a sigh she pushed her hand into her pocket, (likely) after helping her she turned and headed to the start of the catching challenge.
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Lorraine had closed her eyes to rest and take in the beautiful morning air before hearing the sound of a Poké Ball releasing a Pokémon filled her ears. Her eyes blinked open and scanned the surrounding area until they landed on one of the most adorable sights she'd ever seen! A Turtwig had been released beside its Trainer on a nearby bench, and had hopped down to waddle over to bask in a sunny patch under a tree just behind her.

Seeing it lay down and close its eyes was too much! Her throat tightened as a quiet squeal of excitement rattled her vocal cords before he carefully rose from the bench, so as not to disturb Blaze who was fast asleep, and jogged around the bench.

"Oh my gosh! You're just the cutest thing!!"

She squatted in front of the Turtwig, around wrapped around her knees.

"So adorable! You don't mind if I pet it, do you?" She asked the Trainer who had laid down next to it.

Charlie wasn’t really expecting anyone to approach him and kinda freaked out when the woman from the bench suddenly appeared next to him.

“Uh- s-sure.” Charlie stuttered. “Um… he’s a bit… abrasive so, be careful.”

Charlie wasn’t really good at interacting with people and just kind of watched as the trainer began to pet his Turtwig. Since he got it, Charlie hadn’t even been able to do that and he was kind of jealous. He let his mind wander for a bit and stopped paying attention, not a good idea.

The Turtwig didn’t very much appreciate being approached and handled by some strange person and decided the best course of action would be to chomp down on her fingers.

Lorraine was ecstatic. Turtwig was so cute she could hardly resist petting it. Its head was smooth and surprisingly soft which probably had something to do with its Grass typing.

"You're so cute! Yes you are!"

She opened her eyes just in time to see it opening its maw and chomp at her hand, which thankfully she managed to pull back at the last second.

"Eep! Oh," she chuckled. "That was close. I'm sorry, little one. Did I go too far?"

Turtwig turned his head grumpily and went to find another spot to lay down. There were tons of trainers spreading themselves around in the grass and he decided to hide himself under the bench that Lorraine came from as it was the only quiet spot.

“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry! Is your hand okay? Did he bite you?” Charlie started panicking as he realised what had just happened.

Blaze had opened his eyes just in time to see the chomp, and blinked the sleep away before the tip of his tail started wagging. Was this a game?

"Oh, no. Don't worry. Everything's fine. I should have paid more attention to your Turtwig's reaction. But I was got so excited I didn't see it getting upset."

Lorraine waved her hand in response to the question, which was usually a gesture she used when the two of them were about to play a game. So, it was a game! Time to play!

"Oh, by the way. What's your name? Are you here for the big event?"

While Lorraine tried to make small talk, Blaze hopped off the bench and looked under the bench to see Turtwig. It had chomped at Lorraine's hand. Was that part of the game? A fake biting game? Blaze opened his mouth and chomped the air in front of Turtwig, his tail wagging back and forth in excitement all the while.

“Oh, my names Charlie… Pearce. I’m just here in Saffron by happenstance and saw this was on so I decided to go.” Charlie stopped for a moment before remembering you’re supposed to ask a question back in a conversation.

“Uh, how about you? You here for this event?”

As Charlie struggled to remember what it was like to meet new people, his Turtwig was meeting a character of his own. All he wanted was some peace and quiet but some annoying Charmander decided to try and make his day worse by chomping at him. Turtwig decided he’d wait for the Charmander to make another move and strike when it got close.

"Yep! My name's Lorraine Hart. A pleasure to meet you!"

Blaze's tail wagged back and forth as he waited for Turtwig to respond. But he didn't. Was this also part of the game? Did Blaze have to bite twice? Well, why not?

Blaze bit the air in front of Turtwig again only to get caught but Turtwig as he rammed himself into the Charmander pushing it to the ground, then he pinned the Charmander to the floor as it was still dazed making sure it couldn’t move.

Charlie made a mental note to remember her name, Lorraine Hart, they were both trainers after all and who knows, might run into each other again one day. Actually he didn’t know if she was even a trainer. He was about to ask a follow up question when he noticed from the corner of his eye as squabble happening between his Turtwig and a Charmander.

“Oh my gosh!” Quickly he stood up and rushed over to the two of them and called for his Turtwig to stop fighting.

Blaze yipped as Turtwig suddenly jolted forward and pinned him to the ground. Blaze blinked a few times, confused as to what this had to do with fake biting. Luckily, Turtwig's short legs and flat feet didn't give it much leverage against Blaze's longer and rounder limbs. Blaze rolled to the side and wriggled out from under Turtwig and skittered away a few steps before spinning around, tail still wagging, as he started to side step around Turtwig looking for an opening for his chance to pounce.


Lorraine caught sight of the scuffle a moment after Charlie did, as she'd been facing the wrong way to see before. She jogged around the bench and picked Blaze up, much to his surprise, before hoisting him up and carring him against her chest like a mother does her baby.

"Now now, Blaze. This isn't the time for rough housing. I might need your energy for the Capture Challenge."

She gave him a nuzzle which calmed him down almost immediately, and looked up at Charlie.

"I'm so sorry about that. Blaze here is really playful. I don't think anything bad would have happened. But still. He should know better. Shouldn't you?" She said, giving Blaze a bounce in her arms.

Blaze cocked his head to one side with a "mrm?"

“Oh it’s no problem.” Charlie laughed nervously as he looked down at the Turtwig, Blaze and Lorraine were so close and Charlie felt he should pick Turtwig up but didn’t feel confident. As he thought, Turtwig made the decision for him as he jumped onto the bench and then onto Charlie’s back and slid himself into his backpack.

“You’re Charmander is really cute by the way.” Charlie lied, I mean, it wasn’t a total lie, it was cute, but Charlie was quite terrified of the open flame emitting from its tail and with an energetic personality it could swing every which way including into Charlie.

Lorraine giggled and flashed her lashes at Charlie.

"Thanks Charlie. You're a real sweetheart." She chirped.

She stepped to the side and glanced at Turtwig who was still giving her the stink eye, earning another giggle from her.

"I'm sure Turtwig is a sweetheart, too. He probably just needs some time to relax and unwind.

She trotted back in front of Charlie with a wink.

"I'm gonna take Blaze over to the registration table for the Capture Challenge. But if you'd like to chat again or hang out before the other events I'm happy to join you. We should be easy enough to find, right Blaze?"

Blaze looked at Charlie and tilted his head.

"See you around, Charlie!" She said with a wave.

With that, Lorraine trotted off to the registration table for the Capture Challenge. Once there, however, she had to hop into a rather sizable line of people looking to register as well. For a few minutes as she got closer to the front she began to worry she was too late, and that the cutoff for how many people were allowed entry would close on her. But, she made it to the front.

"Good morning, miss."

"Good morning! Is there till room to sign up for the Capture Challenge?"

"Of course, miss. Please fill out this form for me real quick."

Lorraine sat down in a chair and filled out the form providing her name, PokéDex ID number, phone number, and answering "Yes" or "No" to a few questions relating to her current health and physical fitness when it came to competing in a physical event such as whether or not she had any asthma or other health concerns.

"All done!"

She handed off the form to the servicewoman who reviewed it, stamped it, and placed it in a filing cabinet beside her. She then waved for an assistant to hand Lorraine a box of 25 Sport Balls, and also gave her PokéDex a quick scan to sync it to the Event Timer so Lorraine would be appropriately pinged when it starts, and 5 minutes before its end.

With her Sport Balls in hand, placed quickly into her backpack and throwing the box away since it'd be annoying to hoist it around everywhere, she made her way to the starting area to wait for the event to begin. The time was currently 8:44am, meaning there were 16 minutes left before the event started. So, Lorraine simply placed Blaze in his Poké Ball and began to do small warm ups including up-down hops, left-right hops, and jogging in place for about 30 seconds before going back to the hops.
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Kanto was vastly different from Unova, and this realization brewed endless excitement within Elret's heart: this had been exactly what Elret was hoping for. The culture, the people, the history; not only that, but he was well aware that he'd only scratched the surface thus far. To start entirely anew within a new region was a tasking venture, but it was something that Elret felt he needed to do. Given his character, it wasn't like he went into things unprepared, either. Ample currency and research followed in Elret's wake, ensuring that he wouldn't be caught out in an unfortunate situation. There was no reason to take any chances, and he would rather be more than prepared: secured snugly against his back was a large rucksack, filled with many essentials. A major contributor to this is Elret's insistence on traveling on foot when given the chance. Unless he needed to travel a distance that would take more than several hours on foot, he was always going to choose to forgo other forms of transportation.

After arriving in Kanto, he had made it a point to travel on foot with Hallow at his side, stopping at the many cities that were settled on the way. In taking their time, Elret was allowed to get a better understanding of the people of Kanto, heeding advice or warnings that he would've otherwise missed traveling directly to his location. The people were kind, hospitable, and ever-willing to advise on Elret's journey ahead. In return, Elret would recite his people's history, which, in turn, would only add fuel to his fiery passion. It was a reminder of why he was here— what his ambitions are. His excitement only built greater, and his eagerness to begin his journey held just as steadfast as it was when he first left Unova.

Now sat within a cafe in Saffron, Elret was deliberating which events he would be attending. He had long learned of the event during his travels, and he figured it would be a fantastic experience for him and Hallow. Upon the table, there laid two things: a hot latte, and a little Hisuian Zorua, eyes trained on Elret. He looked comfy and content, eyes half-closed as if he was slowly drifting away into sleep. Elret's hands slowly reached to meet Hallow's ears, petting each ear softly with little rubs from his thumbs. "You're excited, aren't you?"

As if a switch was flipped, Hallow instantly shot up. Sitting as a little snow-white loaf on the table only moments before, he now nearly brought tragedy with his excitement, nudging the latte and nearly tipping it over. As Elret steadied the cup, Hallow looked back at Elret with an apologetic look, though Elret could only laugh. "Your energy is contagious, Hallow. It's worth seeing you like this, even if you almost made me spill my drink!" His words were playful, utilized as a way to console Zorua while simultaneously petting the Pokemon's head. "We will, inevitably, meet some amazing people in these upcoming events. Though, attending all of them means we're going to have our hands full. Besides that..." Elret went to scoop Hallow up, holding him with both hands above his head, staring upwards at the Pokemon. His tone filled with energy, he spoke with unfaltering confidence. "Are you ready to win?" The Zorua's expression turned into one of determination. "Zor, zor!" Hopping out of Elret's hands to rest upon his shoulder, the little fox was raring to go. Elret appreciated Hallow's presence more and more as each day passed. Without a doubt, they were boons for one another, and the two appeared nearly inseparable now. Elret's primary goal regarding Hallow was to help him get more comfortable in the presence of others; he remained disdainful to a majority of humans, only trusting Elret to this extent due to circumstance. Helping the little Pokemon open up his heart to others again would make Elret happy to no end, though it would, surely, take a long time. He couldn't know Hallow's exact experiences, but he understood the extent of the awful abuse inflicted upon him by his previous trainer. He just wanted to see Hallow happy, and Elret cherished moments like this.

Pawing at Elret's cup, Hallow sought the nourishment of a true delicacy: coffee. "Didn't take you for a coffee drinker. Fair warning, you might not like it." Turning his nose upwards and closing both eyes, Hallow let out a cry of confidence. "Zor!" He was ready for Elret's challenge, slowly opening one eye to peek at Elret, hoping he would actually let him have some of the drink. Holding the cup steadily while lifting it, he allowed Hallow to take a tiny sip, eagerly waiting for the Pokemon's reaction. Different, yet not overpowering. Hallow didn't mind the flavor of the milk-based espresso drink at all. He nodded in approval; another sip would be welcomed. "Really? We'll have to watch your caffeine intake, little guy. That might've been your daily allowance." Elret laughed, and the Zorua playfully swatted at his face.

Elret headed towards registration with his partner, eager to begin the first event and see if he could come out on top. Without a doubt, the knowledge test would be his specialty, but he was hoping he could prove his competence in other areas as well. There were real incentives for winning, and he was going to do everything in his power to come out on top. Either way, with Hallow at his side, he was just excited to do it with a friend.
Now that Dusk had seen the sights Saffron city had to offer and documented enough he figured it was about time he should be able to sign up for the capture challenge. Returning his camera and journal to their place in his bag he let Beryl get comfortable sitting on his shoulders before making his way back to the registration booth for the capture challenge. It seemed it was a rather popular event considering how far the line trailed but Dusk was well trained in patience and so he spent his time waiting in the line playing rock paper scissors with his partner Pokémon. Before he knew it they'd reach the front of the line and the attendant greeted them with a warm smile.

"I wasn't keeping count, were you? Aw well we'll call it a draw." He cleared his throat and turned to the attendant. "Sorry about that, I'm here to sign up for the capture challenge." He answered the attendant's various questions, glad the requirements didn't seem to be too harsh. This was meant to be an event for beginners after all wasn't it? He supposed that made sense. Glad once the registration process was over he stored the box full of sport balls in his bag and made his way to the capture area with Beryl.

They didn't have long to prepare before the capture challenge but he needed to do what he could given his lack of experience and so he set his Sableye down and turned to it. "Here's the deal bud, we're gonna do some training before it starts. You're gonna dodge and then throw them back to me, sounds good?" He was unable to receive any verbal affirmation but the Pokémon got into position a ways away from him so it seemed to understand. Retrieving one of the sport balls from his backpack Dusk steadied his breathing and aligned his aim with his partner... Only to miss completely. Ah it wasn't just them dodging he'd have to worry about. Beryl was left out of it's ball most of the time so he hardly even had experience throwing it's pokeball out to battle much less aiming one at a Pokemon. This was probably gonna be tougher than he thought. But as Beryl retrieved the Sport Ball and threw it back to him he awkwardly caught it and prepared himself to try again. "Thanks bud, I think I've got it now."

He'd missed before but that just meant he'd have to adjust his aim. If his previous throw was off by about a foot then he'd just have to angle it a little bit differently. Winding up once more he threw the sport ball at Beryl once more and ended up actually on target this time. With Beryl's speed however and the lack of force behind his throw it simply sidestepped it. It was at least a step forward. If he could improve his aim then he could find another way to make sure it properly connected. And so he dedicated the rest of his time till the event started on target practice. He wasn't expecting to win with such short notice practice but he at least wanted to do his best since he was participating in the event.

"Hello, is this where you sign up for the events?" A girl's small voice asked catching the attention of the attendant who had been filing some papers. Before her is a younger girl that looked to be barely fifteen. If that were indeed the case she didn't have the capability to do so. A white hoodie that was at least 2 sizes too big for her accented her pale silver hair, and even paler skin. In her arms was a female Nidoran who seemed to be napping.

The attendant giggled, "I'm sorry, but in order to attend these events you must have a parents signature if you are under the age of eight-teen." The attendant watched as the girl's face morphed into a slight pout as she adjusted the Nidoran in her arms. This wasclearly in an attempt to not disturb the little one's sleep. Managing to fish something from her hoodie pocket she placed it on the counter. It was a pokedex that was opened up to show her trainer identification. Upon inspection the clerk looked from the device to the girl a few times then sighed. "My apologies Miss Miiya. Which events do you want to sign up for?" The kind lady handed back the Pokedex which was put back into it's pocket before securing her arm back around the Pokémon snoozing away in her arms.

"It's okay," Miiya said a small smile graced her seemingly delicate features. "I want to participate in the battle and information age events."

"I'm sorry, but the registration for those events have yet to be opened. Please come back at around ten thirty for the battle registration and at two thirty for the information age registration." Miiya turned on her heel and gave a nod to the lady behind the counter before making her way outside. A small sigh escaped her as she headed off to find a bench to sit on. There was quite a while before the battle event and even longer until the information event she was confident in her ability to win if not be a top score holder. She'd just have to be patient and wait for the appropriate time.
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Zera walked into the start location for this catching event with confidence. Her eyes scanned the competition and so far she wasn't impressed. A bunch of these people looked uninteresting. Only perhaps a lady holding a Charmander looked relatively interesting at the moment. Although she thought she saw a unique looking Zorua but when she went to look again it was gone. There was someone else who seemed to be practicing his throw with a Sableye.

At least some of these people looked to be taking this seriously. Looking at the box of sport balls she got from registration.
'Twenty-Five... Interesting, I'm fairly certain that the safari zone gives thirty. Perhaps you can catch more than that... However you'd need to pick up a ball that someone either lost, dropped, and or missed after they threw it... Wait, that's it. The rules are so straight forward that anything that isn't in them is fair game!'
She hummed her usually bored look shifted to hold a small smirk as she thought. From what she read of the rules, all she had to do was ensure she had more Pokémon captured and in her possession than everyone else. Meaning if she had more balls than everyone else she'd have an edge over other contestants. This was a catching event, what trainer could resist a Pokémon like her partner Lukina? She could send Lukina to distract and gather dropped balls and either hiding them or breaking them if she can't bring them to her.

A pink Buneary would be a target that quite a lot of trainers would be interested in. When the event starts she'd find a spot to let Lukina out to cause mischief. The more ammo she has over the others the better her chances of her victory. She looks at the loner pokedex in her left hand and sighs makes sure she stores the thing in her pocket. The next step was securing the balls she already had inside her bag. Making sure they are separated from her normal supplies, in a different pocket she nodded to herself upon finishing. She started stretching her arms and legs that way she doesn't pull a muscle when darting about.
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Feeling herself slam straight into the 'wall' of peak physical muscle that Zera had happened to be, it was a miracle and a half that Madeleine somehow managed to recover from rebounding off of her body, finding herself standing tall on her high heels yet again. Perhaps it was a keen sense of balance, or just dumb luck. Maybe even a combination of both. Whatever it was, Madeleine's distressed expression didn't seem to fade away even in spite of her apologies.

And it was only going to get worse from there.

Clearly such a person seemed to misinterpret why Madeleine was looking for the Battle Royale, even if the plain office worker before her did make a decent attempt to explain what she wanted to do. But instead of getting potential advice on how to actually win the tournament, using her appearance as a means to remain away from the center of attention - it only led to Madeleine's face screwing up, half of it of pure confusion and the other of worry.

"Hah...? But, but, but..." She tried to hesitantly explain, realizing something was wrong. She wasn't looking for a fight, that was for sure, and by the distress on her face and the waving of her hands, she was in a bit of a panic! "I'm afraid that's not why I'm here! I'm looking for details on how to become a licensed Trainer and acquire my first Pokémon... and maybe get a pointer or two on how I could train them for battling. That's why I'm looking for the Battle Royale - to study, not to participate."

Her words however, seemed to fall upon deaf ears. With Zera's intentions being turned away from that of Pokémon battling and instead on the capturing aspect of becoming a Pokémon trainer, the plain office woman that Madeleine was found herself left alone once more. As she came to realize that perhaps her words didn't exactly meet the mark she had hoped for - a common occurrence in her past - all that Madeleine felt she could do was to release a sigh as she began to calm down, flicking open her brochure again.

"Me entering that Battle Royale... how preposterous, I'm not even an ounce of a Trainer than any of those people could be... especially with no Pokémon by my side. You're just an office worker... or rather, were an office worker. But that's why you're here, right? To one day learn how to protect yourself so that you can return to your old life." With her reassurance, she felt her shoulders finally relax after the tense situation she found herself in, before she continued to converse with herself, just to reassess the situation at hand. "Next time, Madeleine... by heaven's sake please look where you're going."

Thus Madeleine tried to get back on track to where she wished to go - which was where she discovered the signup section for the Pokémon Battle Challenge event. Her purple eyes lit up with a light enthusiasm, quickly taking a spot in the small line of people looking to apply, before it was finally her own turn to speak to one of the attendants.

"Excuse me, but I'm relatively new to the concept of Pokémon training as a whole and... well, I would like to know where I should go in order to begin if I want to become an official Trainer. I do have registered experience with caring for and handling the Pokémon of others, but training and battling with them is away from my current field of knowledge."

Player(s) Mentioned: Absollover77 Absollover77
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Daniel had a pretty uneventful train ride to Saffron City as most other passengers avoided him and his partner who.was almost always outside of his ball. The little energetic ball of goo was currently running..ozzing?... moving quickly in a circle, every once in a while climbing up onto the free spot next to the window to look at the passing scenery. Daniel smiled as he watched Bob jiggle in excitement as they approached the city. "We'll be there soon and you can go exploring, just don't go to far like last time." He said as he brought a leather clad hand to pat his mons head causing it to squish and jiggle with each pat. The friendly blob leaned into it with half closed eyes as it made a content gurgle. It was at this point that a announcement that they'd be arriving at Saffron City in a few minutes.

Daniel and Bob walked through the city in open amazement as Daniel had never been outside his small town and Bob became, well he was always excited. Bob ozzed from one spot to the next exclaiming in wonder at all the sights, to the disgust of other passerbys. Bob didn't seem to mind meeting every person and Pokemons frown or sneer with a wide smile and an excited "Grime!" It seemed nothing could dampen the sludge balls mood. "Come on Bob, let's go register before you get too carried away sight seeing." Daniel said as he motioned him away from a Purrugly that obviously didn't want to have anything to do with him.

As they approached the registration office Daniel was a bit distracted as he looked at the other trainers and their Pokemon. They passed by a trainer with a clafairy and felt a shudder run down his spine. He was keeping an eye on it when Bob grabbed his leg nearly sending him to the ground. He was about to ask what his goo ball was doing when he saw he'd nearly ran over some poor girl in a oversized white hoodi. "Oh I am so sorry I didn't see you there." He said as hi eyes widened and he rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. " If it wasn't for Bob here I'da probably ran right into you." Bob seemed to puff up with the praise, literally he sucked in air and seemed to inflate himself slightly in pride.

Mentions: Absollover77 Absollover77

Miiya was making her way in peace or at least as peaceful as possible as crowded as this place was. It reminded her of the time she saw a PokéTube video of a Rattata hopped up on coffee. Speaking of Pokémon acting like a mass of excited uncontrollable energy she took note of the blob... moving? Traversing? Navigating? Perhaps slithering? She nodded, deciding on the label to that as slithering, around curiously looking at anything and everything. That was until it grabbed the leg of a tall man who almost ran over her that she somehow didn't seem to notice at all. Even if the clearly older male did tower over her by at least a solid pair of rulers it was a bit startling that he went completely unnoticed by the small girl.

Her head tilted up and to the side curiously, as the man started to speak his apologies for nearly running into, and most likely over her. Her silver eyed gaze drifted back down to the blob of goo seemingly a regional version of Grimer. This seemingly tall and slightly menacing man was calling it Bob. The assumption that this excited goo Pokémon was his was noted. She had been quiet this entire two minutes while she analyzed her situation and tried to figure out what to say, her face scrunched up in thought.

In that time, the Nidoran who had been snoozing in Miiya's arms a moment ago was awake now and looking up at the person who towered over her and her mother. Nina as her mother called her was interested in the person more than the Pokémon Miiya found interesting. Nina however got a familiar feeling from this human. His presence felt, like mother's even if he looked kinda scary. Not like Nina had much of a choice on where she could go at the moment. Given how she was being held firmly to mother's chest, it was clear that mother was trying to keep her safe from the unknown Pokémon and person in front of them. Squirming around right now would cause worry, and divert mother's focus. So for now she would stay put and quiet, allowing mother to take care of this.

"I-It's okay..." The girls small voice came from her as she seemingly shrunk into the baggy kitty cat hoodie she was wearing. "I am rather small... It would be a bit difficult for you to see me." The girl stared off to the right avoiding looking at the man. She unclasped one of her arms from around Nina and down to her hoodie pocket and pulled a pair of brown candies from it and offers them to the person before her. "My name is Miiya and this is Nina..." She looked down at the now identified Pokémon in her arms. "These are for you and Bob... If you want them."

Interaction: ThakDaBonker ThakDaBonker
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Leonard Walker, Researcher, Saffron City, Kanto.

Two weeks ago, in his room at his lab, not Far from Porto Marinada, Leonard had been finishing his packing for Kanto, making sure everything was ready to go. He heard a Ring from his mobile device.

"Hello, Leonard Walker here, did you need something?"

"It's Catalina, Milena wants to meet with you before you leave for Kanto. We'll be at the Docks of Porto Marinada. See you in two hours. Goodbye."

"Goodbye Catalina, see you two soon."

Leonard hung up his device and went to finishing his packing.

"And Done!"

He then got everything together, and walked out of his room. As he walked down the hall, various people gave their goodbyes and he responded accordingly. When he got out of the lab, he started his trek towards Porto Marinada. As he walked, various wild Pokémon were wandering about from Nacli to Starly, to even the occasional Shroodle. These Pokémon were considered interesting, but not as interesting as the Legends of Paldea. When he arrived at Porto Marinada, he walked through the upper part, and was immediately met with two girls, both a good bit shorter than Leonard. One approached Leonard. Leonard blushed, not sure why his two childhood friends were there.

"Catalina? Milena?"

The two young women looked at him, one with an immense blush to her face. Her blue eyes met his brown eyes, shortly before she put a Pokéball in his hand.

"A Pokéball?" Leonard asked, "Who sent this?"

"Your Oldest Brother, who is away, bred his Skeledirge recently. This is the child." Milena explained.

"My brother sent this probably as a way to make up lost time."

"I still have one thing to give you myself," Milena whispered.

Leonard waited for what it was when she kissed his cheek. Catalina snapped a photo, and it printed out of her camera, twice. Leonard's face looked like a tomato. Leonard was handed, along with Milena, their copies of the photo. Leonard opened his wallet and put it in a slot, under his ID. As he stood there, processing what just happened, the two women looked at each other.

"Milena, you just broke Leonard!"

Leonard then bent down to whisper in Milena's ear.

"T-thank y-y-you, M-Milena."

Milena blushed much more than before, as the entire town started looking at them. Leonard checked his mobile device to realize that he had five minutes before arrival for check-in for the ferry.

"Milena, I'll be back, please, make sure my little brothers are okay, both of you." Leonard responded, still blushing, "This is Goodbye, for now."

Milena cried as Catalina tried to comfort her, as Leonard walked towards the Arriving Ferry. He then opened the Pokéball to find a Fuecoco, who looked very Excitable. He then nicknamed the Fuecoco Guardian.

One Week later than the Ferry, but one week before the Current Events.

Leonard Walker had just gotten off the Ferry to Kanto, Arriving at Vermillion City. Leonard walked through the City, looking at a Map from the Letter. As he read the map, he figured out that Saffron was North of where he was at. He then looked around the City, finding the Signs for Route six. As he stepped onto the Route, Guardian's Pokéball opened up. The Fire Type appeared next to Leonard's foot, looking around a little. As he and Guardian Walked down Route six, The little Fire Croc Pokémon garnered some attention, mostly Glances of curiousity from Kanto natives as the two walked down The route. There were Growlithe and Vulpix, amongst other things. It was dusk when he got to Saffron City. He found a Small inn with some money from his work at the lab. He paid for a week, knowing that the Event that brought him here started then. After he paid the attendant, he got his room Key and looked at the tourist attraction before hitting the bed. During the Next Few Days, he took classes for the League, when he did his Exam, he waited for the grade. When it was revealed he passed, he went and got his stuff from the League. After that, he explored Saffron with Guardian, thinking of various subjects. When he got back to the inn that night, Milena called his mobile device, for a video chat.


"Leonard!" Milena called out through the device, hurting Leonard's ears a bit, "I was worried you didn't make it!"

Milena was wearing a set of pajamas that were baby blue. Leonard blushed, trying not to look at her.

"I'm fine Milena, I'm in an Inn in Saffron City." Leonard responded, "Guardian's doing well."

"It's great to hear from you," Milena responded, "Catalina's doing well, she had gotten a Sprigatito shortly after you left and this is Donald."

"Donald?" Leonard asked.

A Quaxly popped up on screen, looking at Leonard and Guardian, as the Duckling Pokémon tilted his head in confusion. Guardian hopped around the bed as Leonard looked at Milena.

"How are you, Leonard?" Milena had a bit of a blush.

"I'm fine, Milena, I've been busy for the event in a few days." Leonard responded, "Guardian's taking to sitting on my head. I hope he doesn't continue this after evolving, a Skeledirge isn't going to fit on my head very well."

Milena giggled at the thought of a Skeledirge sitting on Leonard's head. Leonard's face was still a little red.

"Milena, mom needs you and Donald to go water the Plants! Beware of any Capsakid or Scovillain in the Garden, if you see a Scovillain, get Mabosstiff to scare it away."

Milena turned to see her brother, and then turned back to Leonard.

"That was my brother, Donald and I have to Water the Plants, I've got to go, Bye, Leonard."

"Goodbye, Milena."

Milena hung the phone up as Leonard fell to his bed, with Guardian next to his head. He then fell asleep.

Current Day

Leonard Woke up early, getting ready for this Important day. When he finished his Shower, Guardian popped out of his Pokéball, fetching his Boots. Leonard made sure everything was packed up as he headed to get something to eat. As such, Leonard found somewhere and ate on the go, seeing the sights as he walked towards the Extravaganza. As the young man and his Fuecoco walked towards the event, he saw all sorts of trainers and other people. He then started looking for some sort of event where he'd be able to show his Knowledge, maybe as a bit of an Ice breaker.

"Hello?" Leonard asked no one In particular, "Is there some sort of stand for Information?"

Guardian then climbed on to his head, but not without difficulty. He then looked around, wide eyed like a young child, seeing the hustle and bustle of this Event, and the City Life. Porto Marinada was a busy place, but it wasn't anything compared to this.
Daniel watched as the smaller trainer seemed to shrink into their hoodie as they spoke. 'Oh, great and not only did I almost run her over but now I scaring her.' he thought to himself as he watched the girl stare off to the right. He was about to apologize again and excuse himself when suddenly the little lady offered two pieces of candy to him and Bob.

Bob finally let go of his trainers leg and sniffed at the hand offering the candies but after a bit he scrunched up his face and shook his head. "Yeah sorry but Bob here has some..... unique tastes." Daniel said as he took the candies l. "But I'll gladly take them. I have something of a sweet tooth." He was a bit confused and that showed on his face until he popped one of the candies in his mouth and his face lite up as he enjoyed the sweet. He guessed he was wrong about him scaring her or she was just really nice either way at least she didn't seem too off put by Bob.

Daniel putas the second caramel away for later and offered a hand to the small lady. "Thanks for the sweets and sorry again for nearly ruining you over. I'm Daniel." He said as he reached down and patted the grimer at his side. "And this little blob of energy is Bob. We were gonna enter the battle contest and maybe a few others." As he introduced himself Bob was currently stareing at the Nidoran in the other humans arms. He gave it the largest smile he could his two 'teeth' on proud display.

Interaction: Absollover77 Absollover77
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The silver haired girl nodded at the introduction of Daniel and his partner Pokémon Bob. It was a little disheartening that the sludge Pokémon didn't seem to like the candy she'd offered. Then again, Nina didn't like them either so she decided to shrug it off. Each Pokémon was different, and liked different things.

"It's nice to meet you." Miiya's voice remained small as she spoke, "I'm entering that as well. Nina wants to try it, she's such a smart girl." A adoring smile appeared on her lips as she gently rubbed behind the Pokémon's ears.

Nina had taken notice of the Grimer staring at her. It was seemingly smiling? Nina wasn't sure, but it had a friendly air about it right now. She opened her mouth to make conversation with the gooey Pokémon only to feel her mother start to pet her. Nina closed her mouth immediately and enjoyed the attention for a moment before the feeling stopped and she was set down on the floor. She looked up at her mother. The look Mother was giving her was her favorite, it always made her happy to see it. Nina turned her attention to the odd Grimer again remaining seated where mother had put her down. 'Hello there, I am Nina. You are Bob, yes?'

Miiya watched Nina for a moment before directing her attention or at least most of it on Daniel. She still couldn't look at him properly and she seemed even smaller without the Nidoran in her arms. Her arms hung at her sides her sleeves being far too big for her coving her hands a good bit. Though it wasn't only her hoodie that does this her shirt seemed to be at least a size too big cause the blue cloth poked out from under the hoodie ear her waist. The only things that look to actually fit are her gray shoes and dark colored jeans.

Interaction: ThakDaBonker ThakDaBonker
Thanks Charlie. You’re a real sweetheart. Lorraine Chirped and stepped around to glance at Turtwig once more. Whatever he was doing made her giggle.

I’m sure Turtwig is a sweetheart, too. He probably just needs some time to relax and unwind.

Yeah he’s usually not this grumpy.
Charlie lied, he didn’t want Lorraine to think of him as a bad trainer.

I'm gonna take Blaze over to the registration table for the Capture Challenge. But if you'd like to chat again or hang out before the other events I'm happy to join you. We should be easy enough to find, right Blaze?

That’d be nice.
Charlie smiled, who knew it was this easy to meet new people? Me and Turtwig’ll cheer you on from the sidelines.

See you around, Charlie.
Lorraine said as she walked off. See ya! Charlie called back and returned to sitting on his bench.

He took his bag off and placed it in his lap, Turtwig had dug itself down to the bottom but it’s leaf still stuck out the top and it kind of reminded Charlie of the boot from Wall-E. He let his mind fade away as he thought of what to do next, he watched a few Spearow fly above him, trainers playing with their Pokémon or talking with others. He watched a group of trainers run off into the grassland and forest behind him and assumed it was the capture challenge.

Realising the event had already started, Charlie made is way around to one of the entrances, people lined the streets, there were balloons in clusters tied to weights, bunting hanging from strings stretched across between towering buildings. Workers in blue shirts and their Pokémon in matching hats handed out brochures and maps of Saffron City and the different areas to explore. He took a map from a Munchlax wearing a cute lil bid and a hat and looked at all the different areas to explore. Information Desk, Exhibition Hall and the Community Centre, Food Court, Game Centre.

Charlie decided the best bet was to head to the food court, he skipped breakfast and some food couldn’t hurt. The entire area was outside but covered by a large tarp that blocked out the rain. A few Pidgey flew out of the way as Charlie walked into the area, people littered throughout the tables with food in front of them. Charlie looked to the options available. Fast food vans like Kentucky Fried Torchic, Sawsbucks and McMimes were parked up and severing food or coffee to hungry people but Charlie opted for the more independent stores.

He decided to order a breakfast muffin with bacon and eggs as this was his breakfast and sat down to eat. Turtwig didn’t really eat food and more absorbed sunlight but Charlie asked for a disposable coffee cup from one of the vendors and poured some water he bought into it for Turtwig to drink, as he did this he noticed certain bird Pokémon drawing closer to him and his food. There still weren’t a lot of people gathered in the food court so Charlie moved to another seat further from the Pokémon, but they kept following him. Spearow, Pidove, Starly, Fletchling, Pidgey all inching closer and closer to him. Turtwig had noticed that some kind of ruckus was afoot and peeked his head out of the bag. He wasn’t exactly at the best advantage fighting 8 or so flying types but his trainer was in trouble and by extension, him.

Turtwig jumped out in front of Charlie, trying to look as menacing as possible he growled. It didn’t really work as most of the birds just looked at him confused.

Uhhh Turtwig… I think we should back away… slowly. If Turtwig heard him, he surely ignored him as he let out a razor leaf directed to the closest Pidgey at the head of the pack. The Pidgey wasn’t necessarily expecting to be hit by a sharp leaf and fell over dazed, many of the other birds sensed a fight and scattered but some stayed to avenge their friend turning their attention to the little Turtwig in front of them.
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Bob was excitedly ozzing in a circle around Nina. 'Bob is Bob, yes. New friend is Nina, yes. What is a Nina? Does Nina have goodies?' Bob seemed to be very excited as this was the first other Pokemon to talk to him, most others kept their distance. 'Bob has smelled goodies in all the shiny cans but pop's won't let me check. Says other humans might not want me to dump the shiny cans over.'

Daniel smiled as he watched Bob somehow get even more excited as Nina seemed to not be disturbed by his grimer. He'd never understood the dislike of the grimer line as the feed on toxic waste and garbage basically giving free waste disposal to wear ever they loved.

"So this little cutie wants to enter the battle contest huh?" He said as he looked from their Pokemon back to the small girl. He was a little surprised she was old enough to enter the event but he knew appearances could be deceiving, glancing back towards the trainer with the Clafairy he visible shuddered. "You ever been in a battle? If not I might be able to give you some tips" He wasn't a expert but he battled a few of the wild Pokemon around the village and even trained a bit with Susan so if she hadn't maybe he could give here some advice, it's the least he could do after nearly flattening her.

He was about to continue when there was a loud grumble from his stomach. " Ahhh, sorry didn't have any breakfast cause well after feeding Bob I tend to lose my appetite." You'd think spending two year preparing toxins and literal hot garbage would have toughened his stomach up but it seemed somethings you never got used to.
Interactions: Absollover77 Absollover77
Nina watched Bob with a bit of a puzzled look for a moment as she slowly put together what the excited gooey Pokémon was going on about. 'Mother told Nina that she is a Nidoran. Nina is okay with being Bob's friend.' The pokemon tilted its head about having goodies? She wasn't entirely sure what Bob meant until it explained where the goodies were. 'Mother told Nina that the shiny cans are for throwing things away.' Her head turned to look at an explained shiny bin not too far away. 'Nina isn't sure why Mother says not to play with shiny bin but Nina remembers that the stuff inside is usually not shiny or fun to play with.'

Miiya had simply nodded at Daniel's question of entering Nina into the battle event. She glanced at Nina to make sure she's getting along with Bob before looking back in his general direction. "Yes, she's a curious one. Nina's got so much energy that I thought battle would be good for her. Even if I don't like the idea of it much." The girl sighed not exactly thrilled at the concept of Pokémon getting hurt for sport. It was then that Daniel's stomach spoke, and Miiya had to cover her mouth with one of her much too long sleeves to keep from letting out a giggle. "Maybe we should get something to eat?"

Bob stopped for a moment as Nina said she was ok with being his friend, then immediately started circling her even faster as he excitedly exclaimed. 'Shiny bins are full of tasty's new friend Nina!' Bob the stopped yet again and looked longingly at the bin.

"Ha ha ha.... Yeah, I think that's a good idea." He said as he once again started to rub the back of his neck in embarrassment. He looked from Myiia to Bob and noticed the goo ball inching towards a trash can. "Hey now buddy what did I say, I know the trash smells yummy to you but not everyone enjoys the smell so leave it alone. I'll make you something to eat in a bit."

Despite having fed him only a little while ago Bob seemed to have a bottomless appetite. Bob slumped slightly for a moment before turning back around and circling around now all three of them. "Yeah, I kinda get that but with the type of Pokemon I plan to raise battling can't be avoided. Dark types like Bob can get really grumpy without anything to help with their natural aggression."

Nina wasn't exactly on board with the idea of anything in the trash bin being tasty. Nina had only eaten things mother had made for her or berries when she was particularly good, she got a cookie. Nina loves cookies, especially the PeanutButter ones. 'Nina thinks that cookies are better. Mother's food is better than stuff from the shiny bin.'

Nina's attention turned to the goo Pokémon and then looked to the trashcan. "Ah that's right, Grimer eat garbage and other waste products. That would explain a lot... Maybe try feeding it liver? It's known to have a distinct smell when left out in the sun for long enough. Apple cores and banana peels, and I think perhaps a bit of sour milk... Put all that in a container for maybe an hour. I think he'd like it." Miiya stated her eyes not leaving the Pokémon in question until the subject was changed back to the aggression held by dark type Pokémon. She nodded in agreement. "Yes, though it doesn't always have to be battle either, it could be just playing or even a lot of exercise. I read a lot of books about it." She fiddled with her sleeves, her fingers playing with the movement of them from the inside.

Daniel was surprised when Myiia not only didn't seem disgusted by his mons diet but also suggested a recipe. "Yeah, that sounds absolutely awful, he'll probably love it." He said as he calmed his mons down by stroking his head. He started moving towards the food court motioning for Bob to follow and stay close. "If I add some fly agaric, death cap, and add in a bit of plastic....." Daniel seemed to become lost in thought as he walked taking out a notebook and seemingly writing down the recipe. He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard a commotion and looked up to see a turtwig and its trainer being surrounded by bird Pokémon. "Welp, looks like we're gonna get into a battle sooner rather than later."

Miiya looked a bit confused as Daniel said something about a battle sooner than later before she connected the dots taking note of the bird Pokémon starting to harass a Turtwig. Miiya looked remorseful about the idea of fighting the irate birds, and it carried in the gentle voice she let out. "Nina," The Nidoran's attention was caught by the simple shift in tone. "I guess it's battle time." She pointed at the disturbance occuring just ahead.

Nina gave her mother a cry of affirmation as it charged off to help the grass turtle in battle. Followed by her mother the poison Pokémon leapt at one of the birds tackling it to the ground clearly blindsiding it as it tussled with it rolling on the ground pinning a Spearow to the ground by its wings and growling menacingly or at least as menacingly as a Nidoran can be.

Seeing a fight break out and with a nod from his pop's Bob grin turned savage as he aimed at a Pidgey and unleashed a stream of foul smelling sludge smacking the small bird Pokemon in the face which caused it to start to freak out from the sudden attack and the poison now affecting it. Bob ozzed into the fray as quickly as he could letting a purple mist waft from his mouth as he entered the thick of the fight.

Daniel quickly followed up by making sure the other trainers was ok. "Hey you good?" He asked as kept an eye on the few birds not engaged with their Pokemon ready to dodge or shield the other trainers if need be.

interaction: RulerOfChad RulerOfChad
Posters involved: Absollover77 & ThakDaBonker ThakDaBonker
The Pokémon inched closer and Charlie braced for impact curling his arms up to block his face from any pecks, he heard sounds of fighting but couldn’t bring himself to look up.

Hey you good? Somebody asked and Charlie looked up to find a very tall man dressed in dark clothing, he looked around at the scene, a Nidoran and an Alolan Grimer were helping fight away the birds with Turtwig who was faring much better than Charlie expected, managing to let out bite and tackles on its opponents.

Uh, I guess I am now. Are those your Pokémon? Thank you. Charlie breathed a sigh of relief as he now had help to fight these birds but the surprises weren’t done when he noticed a small girl creep up behind him. Charlie was already on edge and she made him jump but he composed himself.

Meanwhile his Turtwig was getting a lot more action using everything in his power to defend himself, he noticed he was joined by some other Pokémon in fighting away these birds and between the three of them they managed to fight away most of them but a few still remained. 3 Spearow’s loomed over the little Pokémon, they were much larger than any of the other birds and it felt as if they were much more powerful.

Charlie realised he would have to try and command Turtwig, he didn’t have a lot of experience in battling or any at all really but he could try his best.

Turtwig! Use Absorb! There was hesitation for a moment before it obeyed its trainer and draining one of the Spearow’s energy, gaining back a little bit of health, in retaliation the Spearow flew forward knocking Turtwig back as it was too slow to get out of the way.

Turtwig managed to get up quickly but it had clearly taken some damage, the Spearow launched its talon out in an attempt to grab the Turtwig but Charlie was faster calling out for the little turtle to dodge. Turtwig took control, jumping onto the Spearow’s back and chomping down on the base of its neck causing the bird to squark out painfully.

Turtwig barely managed to drop down as the Spearow stumbled away into the sky not wanting to fight at risk of fainting.
Artist: GojiBean GojiBean

Miiya seemed tense and guarded about this whole development. She really didn't want anything to do with these Spearow. Not only that she really didn't like the idea of Nina fighting the wild Pokémon given how vicious they can be. She may be bigger than usual and definitely old enough to battle didn't mean she wanted her to in a unsafe battle environment yet. This sentiment wasn't important to Nina however, as the poison Pokémon growled at the group of Spearow clearly raring to fight even though the one it had pinned got away earlier she wasn't going let this one get away by a little distraction.

Nina stood aggressively and waited for one of the Spearow to charge her. She got her wish as the Pokémon came flying towards her with the intent to peck at her. Nina met it halfway barreling toward the bird before jumping up above the bird catching it off-guard and slamming it's body down on the bird. The Spearow let out a surprised squak as the Pokémon was pinned to the ground by Nina. The bird struggled against Nina's weight only to go stock still as it took note of the Nidoran's mouth drip with poison. It's eyes glared down at the bird with menace.

"Nina, that's enough!" Hearing her mother's call Nina's mouth snapped shut and her head swiveled to look at Miiya who approached making sure not to get close to the other battling Pokémon. "Come here. I think it learned it's lesson." She knelt down and opened her arms and the Nidoran looked down at the Spearow before looking back at her mother and leaving the Pokémon on the ground and moving towards Miiya and jumping into her arms. "You did very good, but when they stop struggling you let them go. There is no need to fight anymore." She gently rubbed the Nidoran behind it's ears and its eyes closed cuddling into it's mother.

Meanwhile the Spearow that was pinned a moment ago looked confused as it pulled itself off the ground it's wing really hurt. It's eyes stared quizzically at the human and the Nidoran that just body slammed it into the ground. It was dead to rights and it accepted that and with it's wing hurt it wasn't going to get very far by itself. Cautiously it approached Miiya and the Pokémon that showed mercy to it. It making sure to be as small as possible as to not appear aggressive. If this human spared him, then perhaps they would be willing to help it. It paused in it's advance when Miiya's eyes landed on it. It made a pained sound and her face got a pained look of her own. She gently set down the Nidoran and grabbed her bag off her shoulders and digging inside it. Spearow couldn't see what the human was doing but it noticed the Nidoran staring at it with a neutral look now as if studying him.

A few moments passed before Miiya pulled a roll bandage from it and a small hand of seeds. It took note of the seeds more than the bandage roll and came forward and nibbled at the seeds it's eyes drifted from the Nidoran watching it to the food before it. It ate slowly clearly very cautious about the situation but when it finished it looked up at the human who kept her hand held out where it was. Spearow didn't understand until the Nidoran said something,'Show mother where it hurts. She wants to make it better.'

Spearow tilted it's head at the mother comment but it hesitantly did as it was told showing Miiya it's wing. The human was very careful as it examined his wing. It didn't feel all that great when she gave it a light poke, and the human's face once again seemed pained. Spearow again couldn't understand but it didn't fuss as the girl got to work applying a stick and wrapping it's wing to it's body so it didn't move. He wasn't happy with this, but his wing didn't hurt so much anymore.

"There, but it will be difficult for you to be on your own for quite some time. So, I'll take care of you until you're all better." Miiya stated lowing her shoulder for the Pokémon. Spearow stared at her for a few moments before climbing up her arm with some assistance from the girl, it rested itself on her shoulder. "I should take you to Nurse Joy to make sure I did everything right but after that I'll make sure to take extra care of you until you are all better and can go off on your own again." She opened her arms again and Nina got into Miiya's arms again. Said Pokémon's eyes remained upon Spearow but it was more out of curiosity now than anything else.​
Daniel nodded as the previously cowering trainer seemed to regain his composer. The man seemed to think both Pokemon were his. "Only Bob." He said quickly as he watched thier Pokemon drive away most of the flock, three particularly stubborn spearrow. Two of the three rushed towards the other Pokemon leaving one that eyed his puddle of poison. The squared off waiting for the other to make a move.

Bob was a little disappointed most of the bird Pokemon ran away. Bob was then happy when three of them stayed. Bob eyed up the other mon, knowing it was faster than him. The only reason he got to get to the thick of things before was by taking them by surprise. He waited to react in case his pop's couldn't call out and ordering time. "Bob, give our friend a Nice Welcoming present." Pop's said in a calm steady voice. Bob's savage grin got wider as his cheeks bulged out as he prepared a massive Sludge attack and then charged.

The spearrow was caught off guard as what had looked like a powerful ranged attack turned into a head first charge. Luckily it knew it was faster and so simple hopped to the side and then with a quick flap turned it's dodge into a counter tackle. But once again it was surprised as the grimer seemed to turn and unleash the held sludge attack at point blank range. The foul smelling toxic muk hit it square in the chest and knocked it back. It felt the poison seep into its body and shivers. It quickly dodged a hasty pound and tried to counter by using it's wings to gust a sand attack into the grimers eyes and get air born.

Daniel watched as Bob was temporarily blinded by a quick sand attack and was slightly impressed by the clever trick of using that move to try and get in the air. "Not so fast. Grimer Spit Take." Daniel said as he watched Bob rub at his eyes. The little goo ball stopped suddenly and rushed towards the bird Pokemon mouth wide open. He swallowed the small bird before it could get away, filled his mouth with more sludge, the spat the small mon hard into the ground. The unmoving form of the spearrow lay in a puddle of sludge for a moment before it shook violently and spat out large amounts of poison and uneasily got to it's feet. "Tough little bastard, huh." The small bird glared at the goo ball who seemed to grin even wider. The little bird charge faster than either trainer or Pokemon thought it could and hit Bob with a savage tack, followed by a peck, a claw, another tackle, a flurry of beak, body, and claw. " Bob Dig In." Daniel said voice still steady and calm. Bob's outer membrane tightened over and over again as he with stood the onslaught. But with each attack the bird got more wore out and Bob got harder to hurt until finally the spearrow halted it's assault. Bob still with an outer layer many times harder that it was before raised up it's pseudopod and slammed down with a hardened enhanced pound. And hit it again, and again, and again, and.."Enough." Bob's voice was stern but not angry as he stopped Bob's viscous beat down.
Artist: GojiBean GojiBean

Miiya stood up to her full height, which wasn't very tall. However, the Spearow now resting on her shoulder did make her look far more noticeable especially with the bird Pokemon's wing in a crude but effective bandage. She debated with herself for a moment on whether to tell Daniel where she was going off to, but his focus was currently on Bob and the Spearow the sludge Pokémon was battling. She'd likely see him later, at the battle event in less than an hour at this point anyway. She got moving away from the violence and battling moving quickly toward the Pokémon Center. Regardless of how good of a job she thought she did she needed to get the Spearow there and checked out by Nurse Joy.

Along the way she passed by a boy looking absolutely lost but she didn't really notice him in her rush. It didn't take long for her to reach the pokemon center where she flagged down the nurse, we all know and love. The woman seemed to be a bit cross about the state of the Spearow but withheld the scolding she was going to give the girl due to the clear care she put into securing the point of the Pokémon's injury. The nurse took the Spearow to the back to look it over with a more thorough examination. The girl was right to secure the wing, there was several fractures in the bones of the wing and if the Pokémon had attempted to fly in this condition the poor thing would likely have made it worse. The results of something like that happening made the nurse shudder at the thought. She didn't really want to picture all of that. Hooking the Pokémon up to a healing machine for rest and recuperation she sighed and headed back out to the lobby where Miiya had been waiting. The girl holding her Nidoran like a teddy bear.

"Well young lady, you did a very responsible thing. You brought it here quickly and it will make a full recovery. It will take a few days, but your Spearow should be all better by then." Nurse Joy said with a soft smile.

"T-The Spearow isn't mine. I just couldn't leave it out there in the street. It's true that the Spearow was being mean and shouldn't have been doing what it was, but that doesn't mean that I shouldn't make it all better after I let Nina beat it up." The Nurse looked appraisingly at the girl but nodded. "I'm glad it will be okay. I'll be back after the events are over to help take care of it until it is back to full health."

"Yes, Spearow will be here with me until you get back." Joy smiled at the Miiya who checked her watch. She had a little time before battle registration. Miiya stood up and bowed to the Nurse making her way out of the Pokémon Center.

Cmeriwether6 Cmeriwether6
((Your assistance Has ARRIVED!!))

An elderly man sighed as he watched the hussle and bustle. People rushing back and forth, it was simply too much. All these people here for some reason or another. Usually, this city while it had a large population many were office workers or were working class people. Very few people other than gym challengers ever had their Pokémon out and about. However right now, there was Pokémon everywhere the man looked, and it was all a bit much for him.

Once more he sighed as he watched from his bench, his cane sat in his lap. A girl with a very baggy hoodie was walking by with a Nidoran and a Spearow which had its wing in what looked like a bandage. His eyes followed her for a moment when they landed on a young man looking absolutely lost. He was trying to talk to people, but it didn't seem to catch anyone's attention. He had quite an odd-looking Pokémon accompanying him, which typically would have been enough for most people to notice him. It was rather easy to tell this boy wasn't from Kanto, perhaps he could help this lad in his time of need.

"Young man, it seems you are a bit overwhelmed." He patted the bench next to himself moving his cane as he welcomed the younger male to sit. "Come take a breath over here for a few minutes and tell this old man how he can help."​
Artist: GojiBean GojiBean

Zera proceeded from the capture challenge, new partner in hand. Lukina excitedly tugging at her jacket, she wanted to play with the new Pokémon. "Not now Lukina, we have battle to prepare for." The pink bunny Pokémon froze a moment, then got even more enthusiastic climbing up Zera's arm to sit on their shoulder. They were practically vibrating with how happy the jittering ball of pink bunny was. A small smile was present for a moment before snuffing itself out into the bored expression once again. At least Zera managed to get Lukina to stop bothering her to let out the troublesome Arbok before it's properly trained.

Obviously the older snake Pokémon will be unable to use Lukina's training method. Meaning two things need to be rectified after signing up for the battle challenge. She'd have to sort out those out later now that she was taking in the sight before her.

Standing before the receptionist in charge of the battle trial was a small girl in a white cat eared hoodie clutching a Nidoran to their chest. She said something about registering in the battle challenge. Zera inwardly scoffed at the shorter girl. She didn't look built for such activities, and if the tone of her voice was anything to go off of she's going to be knocked out rather quickly unless her Pokémon has been well trained.

Zera watched the girl walk off and take a seat before stepping up and filling out the paper for the battle challenge. The receptionist started speaking to Zera about the rules but she pretty much ignored them in favor of putting down the information needed. She paused at the avaliable Pokémon slots after putting in Lukina. Her gaze drifted from the paper to the ball clasped to the inside of her worn jacket. It would be remiss of her not to determine what it's current combat ability is. After all, scaling a Pokémon's full capabilities against herself is hardly accurate or fair. A few moments passed before she entered the Arbok as well, under the name Alice. Looking up from the paper she noted the receptionist was giving her a look Zera was unfamiliar with but slid the paper over and walked away from the desk to find a place to wait for the event to begin.
Miiya had finished signing up for the battle challenge moments ago and was sitting on a bench watching people start to trickle into the location a few at a time. She swore she felt someone was watching her but she shook off the feeling content to watch the gathering of people as she schooled her nerves by petting Nina.

The Nidoran in question while enjoying the pets kept a dark haired girl with a oddly colored Buneary on their shoulder as they made their way to a tree and sat against it's trunk in the shade. The pink bunny jumped to be in the lap of the rather shabbily dressed trainer. The dynamic was vastly different between those two than between her and mother. Now that Nina thought about it, the human from earlier and the Grimer Bob acted differently too. Nina was puzzled by the differences. She pondered on if other people loved Pokémon like mother loved her and other Pokémon. Nina wasn't certain she'd find out any time soon. So for now, she'd just observe and maybe the question will be answered eventually.

Mentions: ThakDaBonker ThakDaBonker

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