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Fandom Pokemon Hybrids: The Orb of Power

I'm guessing that you're still accepting; if not, just let me know. I'll come up with a character for now and will probably wind up posting it sometime soon. c:
Posts won't normally be that long- I just like to type a little bit more than usual for introductions.
Of course! Just copy and paste the character sign up sheet and fill it out. Then I'll approve, and you can jump right in!

@Queen Yukari
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Ok so I went to your chart site and now I'm confused. Do we RP here or there. And if so I'm not like it for it super glitchy
It may take me awhile to make a character perfect for this RP, none of my pre-set ones will work and I don't reall do hybrid RPs as well so I'll may have to brainstorm for a bit
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