
Evalouise Nightshade

Junior Member
Seventeen years ago a secret government funded lab, on a small island off the cost of Hoenn, were given the order to start up the PHHP or the Pokemon-Human-Hybrid-Project in order to create “Super Soldiers” for Japans military. This drastic order was put into effect by the new dictator of Japan; Noburu Yamada who dreams of making Japan the words greatest Super Power threw war, but before he can start the war he has to crush the ever growing rebellion in his own country. The Jiyu are the Japanese rebels who are fighting to take down Noburu before he creates another world war.

Back in the lab, six Hybrids are to be “Purged” after failing a physical exam. Staying alive is not easy in the lab. If you’re too small, week or emotional being “Purged” is the only solution, but the doctor who had cared for these Hybrids since they were embryos breaks every law in the book to help them escape. Now they have to find a way to blend in or be killed in their new life outside of the lab were they learning the truth about their creation.

Hi! If you’re interested just know that this is a Dark Pokémon Rp. It’s not supposed to be childish like the anime/games. Your Characters can fall in love with other characters (Yuri, Yaoi and Hetero relations are fine) but no smut on the main chat please, love. Some of the Hybrids can evolve if you want them to but if that happens there physical appearance and age must change! Anyway please message if you’re interested!

You can be a:

Hybrid (though there are only 5 openings for this since my character is one of them)

The leader of the Jiyu: (Only one person can be this)

A member of the Jiyu: (mostly there Pokémon trainers but you can be anyone really)
That sounds really cool actually!

So say my character was like... a teenager was half umbreon. Would that make her look like a human but also have umbreon ears and tail? And of course, use the moves

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