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Pokemon Heroes!


Ghost Captain
Reserved 1x1 with @GreenSea 
Sierra crawled low near the ground through the dull grass that dotted the cliff, her twin daggers at the ready. A light wind breezed through the area, barely stirring the grasses or the dark clouds looming above the town. When she reached the cliff's edge, she sharply observed the seemingly abandoned town beneath the cliff. Many of the houses have fallen to ruins; only a few structures remained in the town. A small smile creeped on her face. It seemed like a good place to rest for the approaching night.

The Sigilyph gijinka crawled back away from the edge of the cliff, then slowly stood up and joined the side of a human. "There's a ghost town below us," she announced, pointing one dagger towards the cliff. "There doesn't seem to be any sign of life, either. I think it'd be a good place to rest for the night. What do you think, master?" she asked, turning her grayish green eyes up to her trainer.

Naoto sighed and said to Sierra, "but first quit calling me master! and second good job" Naoto and Sierra went slowly downhill, reaching to the ghost towns more like a town full of ruins. Naoto touched as the rash texture of the wall hits his hand, "it's so fascinating.. Sierra , is there any treasure in here?" Naoto asked whether there's a treasure in this old town since he and Sierra are having economic crisis. Naoto then led to a small town which still stood up, it's really seem to be sturdier than other. "Okay let's have our night here" Naoto already prepared a batch of branches and create fire place.

Naoto brought our instant noodles," here have some Sierra," He gave a cup of noodle to Sierra. "rest well since we don't know when those thugs come out," Naoto brought out 2 sleeping bag out and tossed it to Sierra gently.Naoto went to sleep as he want to replenish his energy so that he could escape from the thugs that were chasing them.
Sierra pouted as Naoto told her to stop calling him "master". "Thank you, Naoto. And sorry for just trying to be respectful." As Naoto and her reached the ruinous ghost town, she shook her head as she heard Naoto ask about treasure. "I don't think so... it looks like it's been burned and looted already," she observed, poking her daggers into the dirt.

Sierra happily sipped up every last drop in her cup of instant ramen. Sighing happily, she tossed the cup into the fire before tucking herself into the sleeping bag to get some rest. She was happy to have a partner like Naoto.

The next morning, the gijinka woke up with a silent yawn, her daggers still in hand. The morning was just as cloudy as last evening, only slightly brighter. Weather became much more gloomy ever since the government fell apart... She wormed her body out of the sleeping bag, and then quietly rolled it up, making sure not to disturb Naoto. She hopped onto the roof of a nearby house, keeping an eye out for any rogues until Naoto woke up.
Naoto woke up as soon as the sun rises, he covered his eye with his hand viewing the sun. "is it already that morning?" he yawned. Naoto changed his clothes and went out, "Sierra! let's go after all we already got something valuable from that thugs" Naoto threw a blue crystal ball with the size of his palm up and down. "now what this crystal ball do?" Naoto doesn't understand since it happens so fast. It was like today where the sun shines so bright, a random guy tackled Naoto and gave him this crystal ball and since then thugs were chasing them.

Naoto kept the crystal ball back to his bag and continue his journey before the thugs were behind them, specifically on the hills, "IT'S THEM! SIERRA WE NEED TO GO!" he grabbed her hand and ran with her to the woods, since he thought that high chances that they having hard time finding them. The crystal ball began to shine from the bag but Naoto doesn't noticed it and focusing on running away. "Shtt.... be quiet and let's go" he slowly duck and lost them. They ended up in a river, "phiuw let's stay here for awhile..."

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