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Fandom Pokemon Gijinkas of New York (& Their Owners)

With sketchpad in hand, Jason laid on his bed. Even though he was taking college courses online, he was glad that it was summer vacation. At least now he had more time to draw. As he finished up a sketch of a Pyroar with her Litleo cubs, his Gijinka walked into the room, looking as regal as ever. His artist eyes picked up her fairy-like, graceful movements.

As she made her way over to the bed, Jason glanced at the clock. He had been drawing for a couple hours now. Even though he enjoyed the activity, it wouldn't keep him occupied forever. When he looked back at Artoria, she was sitting beside him and giving him a concerned look. "You've been in your room all morning since breakfast. Is something wrong?" she asked. "Not really. It's summer vacation," he replied. "I just don't have anything to do without a summer job, as if Dad would let me have one." Owner and Gijinka sat in silence for a couple seconds, before Artoria got off of the bed. She opened some of his dresser draws and tossed a pile of clothes at him. "Change out of your bed shorts and shirt," she said, sounding more like a butler than a friend. "I have an idea."


Artoria parked an ordinary looking car near the fishery. Jason got out of the passenger seat and was assaulted by the smell of fish and the ocean air. As Artoria climbed out of the driver's seat, Jason looked at his surroundings. They were standing in a more run down part of New York City. Maybe the paparazzi wouldn't find them, if his father was right about being recognized as the son of the Fowler Tech CEO. The company was a big deal, but his father also did a good job keeping him out of the public eye. Maybe all the paranoia was for nothing.

The duo walked over to a bench overlooking the sea. Jason quickly sat down and stared at the horizon. Artoria stood rigid beside him. She took in a large breath of sea air and her regal frown changed into a smile. She sat down beside Jason and took a more relaxed stance. She looked over at her owner and noticed he looked relaxed as well with an arm resting on his knee. "I thought you'd enjoy this," she told him. "Ya, well...you are psychic after all," he replied with a smile.

@The Servant
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Avery bounced as Walter drove. "Are we there yet?" "No, Avery."

"When are we going to be there?" "Not anytime soon Avery." "Are we going to stay there?" "No Avery, we are going to return home when we are done." "Walter..."

Walter turned his orange-red eyes towards the young woman in the sat next to him. His hands gripped the steering wheel as he counted in his head. "Yes, Avery..." Avery smiled shyly as she looked at Walter. "I..I...don't know how to swim Walter..."

Walter smiles. "Don't worry Mistress, I'm the best there is, so I'll help you swim."

Avery smacked him in the arm. "Don't call me that Walter! Or no candy for a week!!"

Walter laughed as he turned back to the road. "Fine, fine...but no more questions."

"But!" "No.More.Questions....We'll get there when we get there."

Avery hunkered down into her seat and huffed, making Walter laugh at her expression. He opted for the drive instead of flying only because of Avery's swim gear that she bought the other day and the food he needed to cook on this sudden little outing. This was his treat for her dealing with her father's little company as they tried to keep themselves from merging with Fowler Tech. She had been in meetings all week, wearing her serious face like a shield from all their prodding comments, and sly placed demands. It was a rough week for them both, but hopefully the beach would make up for that.

"Hey Walter...."

He sighed and began to count backwards from ten. "Yes Avery..."

"This will be our first trip to the beach, won't it?"

He hummed in agreement, as his hands ran through her long soft hair. "You said you wanted to visit this place Avery..."

"As did you Sunn."

He sighed. "Yes, as did I."

He parked in a private lot, happy that his friend could pull some strings to let him use it for the day. He watched as Avery ran out the car and down the stairs leading onto the sand, staring at the yellow grains like they were diamonds. 'As long as she's happy, I don't really care.'
Deep in the shadows of the big city towers Des hid in the shadows becoming one with them. She moved though them unseen and nearly undetectable. She had been in the city for nearly a week and with her came a plague of nightmares for a vast majority of the population, millions were tormented every time they nodded off simply because she was here lurking unseen in the shadows. Des did not mean to cause these nightmares but she did and she couldn't stop it for long as she was here the nightmares would continue. Why she was here Des didn't even know she didn't like anyone in the city, she didn't like being around people , and they didn't like her so she had no reason to be anywhere that was populated.

Looking out from the ally Des could see people and Gijinkas walking about some alone some together. She hated them, every last one of them. She hated how they could live without the worry of others trying to kill them just for existing, she hated how they weren't called monsters even when they did good, she hated how happy they got to be. Des wanted what the others had, she wanted their lives, their happiness, she wanted everything. Yet she couldn't take any of it she knew she was a monster, and she always would be one.

Des moved swiftly away from the towers of New York always in the shadows to avoid being seen by any bum or stray. She moved away from the dense populated high rises into smaller and smaller buildings which got slowly more and more run down. She moved until she got near the edge of the city, near a fishery where she was sure no one would notice her all too busy with their catches or finding the freshest fish. They would be far too busy to notice a shadow on the wall in the distance. Thought she could not leave the shadows in the end as there were others, specifically two others a person and a Gijinka standing looking over the water. Des hated people like this the most she hated lovers in all their ignorant bliss. Every time she saw a couple she wanted to tear them apart and watch them cry, then she would feel better. That was a lie she knew ,well the feeling better part was a lie she still hated lovers happiness. So she stayed in the shadows watching the two as they watched the sun.
Walter felt something was off, way off. And it wasn't the kid and the other he could spy way down there looking at the ocean. There was something...mean, and it was staring at someone. He looked to see Avery shrug off her dress and begin to undo her bra and she pulled out the swimsuit she bought the other day.

"Walter, what's wrong?"

He looked at her, almost as nude as the day she was born, looking at him with worry filled eyes. The same eyes that earned his loyalty so long ago.

"Nothing Avery. I'm just wondering who those two are over there."

"But...you had the mean look on your face."

Walter smiled. "I was wondering if the girl had on spotted undies."

Avery turned to look at the direction Walter was staring at. "But she looks like she's wearing green...wouldn't her undies be green too?"

Walter snorted, mentally happy to have distracted Avery. "Does your underwear match your outfits everyday?"


"Well, there you have it. And if she's not wearing green I thought it would be spotted...since white is boring."

"White isn't boring! Its a nice color."

"Its the color of wedding dresses and newborn baby outfits."

"Yeah, it is-"

"Thus its boring."

Avery's mouth opened and closed, turning around to then sit down and poke at the sand. "Your a meanie Walter."

Walter sighed and walked over to Avery, sitting down next to her. He picked up a handful of sand and looked at his "owner" as she sniffled. He hated it when she cried. "Avery...Av..."


"...Want me to make you a glass castle?"

Avery looked up at Walter. "You'll get your hands dirty before you cook though..."

"I can wash them. I was planning on playing with you after all."

"But you're a fire type..."

"I go only where you go Avery."

Avery smiled at him then. "And I go only where you go Walter."

Walter nodded then began to quickly scoop up sand, using some wet sand to stick it together as he tried to form a sand castle. Avery helped with great glee, happy that they were playing together. Between the two of them, the shape was something like a castle, making Walter smile as he knew what to do next, and was happy it was so easy. Pulling in a deep breath, he let his internal fire build until it was hot enough. Blowing it out, he began to shape the melting sand into a more...castle like formation, shaping the glass with his bare hands so as to give it more detail. Avery behind him was squealing quietly into her hand, getting just a little bit closer to see what he was making in utter delight.

"Its starting to look like a real castle Walter!"

"And its just for you my Mistress."

Walter felt a sand-dollar hit him in the back, making him laugh out loud. He was still feeling the presence, but hoped that the female with her male partner would do something about it instead.

Lael & Laella

"Brother, it's time for you to wake up already" Laella said as she shook her brother's arm "We must try to cover as much land as possible before nightfall"

"I am up, I am up..." Lael said with a tired tone before he yawned. Helped by his sister's hand the young male Gijinka incorporated himself from the ground.

Because of the current situation on which the two siblings found themselves in it may come to no surprise that they were at the moment homeless. After a long day of walking Lael and Laella would simply lay down on the side of the road and sleep there for the night before they continued on their journey. Sometimes they would get lucky and find an abandoned house to safely rest, but those situations were scarce. During some of the coldest nights Lael and Laella would simply hug each other to share the small heat they had to make it through the night without catching a cold. Most of the times they would try to build a small campfire, but sometimes the weak flames were no match for the harsh winds.

Lael stared at the pile of ashes that used to be their modest campfire before he joined her sister on the road. Throughout their long walks the siblings would hold hands for no apparent reason. The way they held hands so naturally at the start of every walk made it seem like that action was written deeply into their subconscious. After a few minutes of walking Lael sighed and turned towards his sister.

"Please refresh my memory sis': If we are cabaple of flight, why can't we simply fly to our location instead of walking?" Lael asked with an annoyed tone "It's not that I dislike our walks, but maybe if we flew from time to time we would get 'there' faster"

"Well you see brother, there are two issues that are holding us back at the moment that we need to deal with. First of all: The weather. Without any knowledge of it then flight could be a dangerous choice. We could get harmed by the unexpected rough winds, or we could get soaked by the powerful rain. Not to mention, a thunderstorms could result in...Deadly results. Secondly: We don't know where we are going. Our destination is out there for sure, but if we don't know where it is then we.might fly right past it. I advice us to first find out where we are at the moment as well as the surrounding lands before we soar the sky." Laella explained with a monotonous tone.

"Huh...I suppose that makes sense...I really wished we at least knew where we are going..." Lael complained.

Throughout most of the walk something picked Lael's curiosity. While he knew his sister wasn't exactly fast when it came to walks that particular day her pace seemed a bit...off. To put it into words Laella would stumble with nothing, nearly trip over with the smallest obstacles and down right walk slower when compared to the other days. Laella also seemed to be staring down at the ground. It didn't take a scientist to figure out what was wrong with her.

"Sis' is exhausted..." Though Lael "Did she not get enough sleep yesterday? Maybe...I can't just let her walk in that condition."

"You can't fool me sis', I know how tired you are..." Lael said with a calm smile.

Laella immediately looked up at his brother
"What are you talk-"

"Please don't try to lie to me, I know exactly what I am talking about, and so do you. Don't try to hide it, you are exhausted. Now, I may not know why this could be happening nor will I ask, but what I do know is how to fix it." Lael said before he let go of his sister's hand and then proceeded to bend down. "Hop onto my back, I will carry you for what's left of the day"

Laella stared down at her brother in slight surprise. Could he really see through her with such ease? For some strange reason the thought of it being that way was strangely comforting. Without saying a word Laella hopped onto Lael's back, who then stood up and resumed the walk.

"This is highly unnecessary..." Muttered Laella before laying her forehead against the back of her brother's head and closing her eyes.

Lael simply chuckled
"Whatever you say sis'. You can thank me later, but right now you need to get some rest..." He said with a calm smile.

The hours passed fairly quickly for the two siblings and eventually Laella's energy were fully restored and allowed her to walk on her own. Just in time because it would seem that waking up so early finally began to give its fruits. Raising in the distance was a large city, with buildings that reached up to the sky in such a way the siblings had never seen before. It only took them a few minutes to actually reach what looked like the 'start' of the city, but instead of entering it right away Lael and Laella were more interested in a nearby beach. The stench of fish assaulted the nostrils of the pair as they got closer, but immediately faded away once they actually entered the beach.

"This looks like a good place for us to camp for the night. We can try to fish for some food and use some plastic bags to isolate our bodies from the sand. You go look for some fish in the shore, I'll start ripping off some of the bags that I find." Laella said before she began to work.

"You got it sis'!" Lael said with a pretty excited tone before rushing towards the shore, trying to stay away from the other people that were visiting the beach.
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Walter noticed the red and blue Gijinkas as the blue one, probably male, ran towards the beach at high speeds. He was curious as to what they were doing here, wondering if they had jobs here. It didn't really bother him though, finishing the glass castle for Avery before turning to set up for cooking lunch. He pulled his long hair into a high ponytail as he pulled out what he would need to cook.

"Walter! Look at me!"

Walter wanted to face-palm himself at what Avery was doing...

"Avery! You know that wearing seaweed in the water is dangerous for you! Take that stuff off!"

"But I think its prettier than my swimsuit! I look like a water pokemon!!"

Walter noticed that Avery was in fact, only wearing the seaweed with her swimsuit in her other hand. Sighing, he took of his apron and walked over to Avery as she was wrapped in the green stuff. "You look like a sea bound ghost pokemon."

Avery sighed as he began to rip off the seaweed in great speed. "Meanie..."

"Keep talking that way and no stake rolls for you."


"You are to wear your swimsuit when you are swimming...you are not a water pokemon where you can just jump in."


"And when you come in to eat, remember to wear your shorts and shirt. Since I hear its dangerous to jump back in water as soon as you eat..."

"...why do we need to eat then..."

"So I can give my food away to any passer by?"

"...do that and you will have no candy for a week.."

"I thought so. So keep this on, please?"

Avery looked down and nodded her head before running off into the water again. Walter threw the seaweed down before he washed his hands and pulled out the beef. Running oil on the pan and seasoning the beef he smiled as he took a deep breath, reveling in his chosen profession. With a blast of fire he began to do what he did naturally, cook. 'First the steak rolls, then the squid steaks. This is going to be awesome.'

He smelled the food to make sure everything was cooking just right, happy that the scent made his mouth water, before turning around to cut up what he needed for his next plate.
Artoria's facial expression quickly changed from a smile and back into her stoic frown after sensing a strange presence. Jason was too busy staring out at the ocean to notice. The Gardevoir Gijinka mentally opened her mind toward her surroundings and soon located the mind of the being she sensed. Based on the though process she reasoned she was dealing with a Gijinka. She found the Darkrai's mind just in time to catch the thought about Jason and her being lovers. "I guess we do look like lovers, but nothing could be farther from the truth. We're close, but not that close," she replied telepathically. "Who are you and want do you want with my owner?" (@The Servant )
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Des did not like that she was noticed, she did not like that her mind was invaded and her thoughts stolen. Des knew what happened when she was noticed , she was attacked, they always attacked her, they always hated her. Down below Des could see more gathering, more people to attack her, more people to hate her. She would have to strike first before they attacked her, she would put them to sleep then leave. Des could run but now they knew she was here and in a city of millions they could get a very big mob together if they could tell others, they would have to sleep and not wake until she was gone.

Des moved down to the beach or rather as close as she could get while remaining a shadow. She did emerge from the shadows becoming solid , in order to attack she needed to. She looked at one that had broken into her mind the one that had to know she was here and had to be planning the attack. Des stretched out her hand in her Simi hidden position and called forth her power, she hoped that those on the beach where close enough to her to hit them all with one move. In her hand a small black void appeared which grew into a palm sized ball.

" Dark void" she whispered and she closed her hand her main target was the Gijinka that had gotten into her head she would be the first to be put into unending sleep. ( I am goign with the game attack where the void opens below the target and those wound them)
Artoria kept track of Des' movements through her mental link. She knew she was about to use Dark Void when the shadow orb started to form. As the Darkrai Gijinka readied an attack Artoria had one thing on her mind. "Jason!" Instead of trying to fire off an attack first she used telekinesis on Jason to push him away from her and over toward the Latios Gijinka. Hopefully he would try to catch Jason. If not he shouldn't be too banged up after he lands on the sand. Artoria wasted her opportunity to attack to protect her owner and started to fall into the dark void. If no one tried to save her, she'd have to endure it and wait to be recovered if she fainted.
"Hey! That is pretty cool! Can I touch it? What's it do?" Came a very energetic baritone voice spoken very close to Des. Too close. There was tall man standing very close beside her.

Not a man. A gijinka. He was dressed in a long blue coat with white fur trim. Atop his head was a white captains hat and a pair of googles to protect his eyes from sea spray. And he smelled like fish.

His hands were on his hips and he was facing the same direction as her but he wasn't paying attention to the beach. No, he was looking at Does with a big grin on his face, his two canines being a little bit lengthy, stuck out for then world to show.
Des was surprised by a voice asking if it could touch something. She turned to the source and saw a gijinka. Another had noticed her another she would have to send to sleep to make sure she wasn't run out like so many times before. To Des there was no way the smile was real the gijinka had no doubt suffered from her nightmares and if he knew then he wanted to trap her, she had been tricked to many times to trust a smile anymore.

Des summoned forth another bit of power but her hand didn't have an orb instead on of her eyes glowed the one that was seen as she looked the man in the eyes " Sleep" She said using Hypnosis to make him sleep.

Lael & Laella

While Lael began to search for fishes with excitement Laella was busy building up their shelter for the night. The desired result the female Gijinka was trying to achieve was nothing fancy, but still tolerable enough to pass a day or too in it as she didn't want to stay in that beach for too much time. Sooner or later the siblings would have to find a real shelter, but right now they were happy with what they had.

As Lael began fishing for food she noticed the Gijinkas and their owners that were enjoying the beach just like him. Her attention mainly focused in two groups: A female owner with a male Charizard Gijinka and a male owner with a female Gardevoir Gijinka. Lael stared at what the Charizard Gijinka was cooking and felt a small amount of drool forming in his mouth. His nose couldn't ignore the smell of the delicacy, but thanks to the strength of his will he managed to look away from it. He couldn't tempt himself with such cuisine, so he trying focusing on something else. What about the Gardevoir Gijinka and her owner? Upon looking at them Lael noticed how the male owner waved at him. Smiling widely Lael waved back at him before he continued to work in his fishing. As far as he could tell he seemed like a nice guy, though for some reason his Gijinka seemed rather uneasy. Lael turned to give them one last look only to see the male owner stumbling towards him. Thanks to his reflexes Lael could quickly move away from the ocean and grab the owner before he hit the ground.

"Are you okay Sir?" Lael asked with a concerned look before he understood what was going on.

An unknown Pokemon Gijinka had decided to attack the owner and his Gijinka. Upon seeing this the Gardevoir pushed his owner out of the way, putting her own life in danger. Lael stared in shock at the Gardevoir began falling into the Dark Void, unable to do anything about it. Suddenly, at an untraceable speed, something zoomed pass the unknown Pokemon and went straight for the Gardevoir. It was Laella. Without nobody noticing she had been quietly staring at the scene, waiting for a chance to strike. The sudden appearance of another Gijinka who began talking to the aggressor was the perfect opportunity to do so. Ignoring any sort of risk Laella headed straight for Gardevoir and tightly held her hand.

"I got you." Laella said with an emotionless tone before she began using all of her strengths to pull the Gardevoir out of the void.

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As the gijinka stared him in the eyes, he could feel something... he could not help stare back into those eyes of her, his own eyes widening in response as his grin slowly faded. Almost as if being drawn into her trance, he slowly started to lean towards her until his face was barely two inches from hers. His eyes then became half lidded, in bored yet studious expression, and finally... he reached up and flicked her nose. That's right. No hesitation. His hand just rose and flicked the tip of her nose with his index finger.

"No." He said. "You go to sleep. I just had three cups of coffee and a nap. I know I got some sexy eyes, but the least you can do is ask me my name first before we start staring at each other dreamily and all that, you know? Sorry dear. No offense. You got some pretty eyes though, too. If my eyes glowed like that I would turn them on all the time." He said and started laughing, his grin returning in full force as he rambled on. Now wasn't this an amusing girl or what? It isn't everyday you see a... uh.... whatever she was... gijinka. "But if you're so hung up on sleepyness. I am sure I can get you a cup of coffee too. Caffeine makes the world go round, as Boss likes to say." Chuckling to himself he put his hands on his hips. "But suit yourself if you don't, dear. You have fun now. Whatever your doing. I know when I ain't wanted around. See you later." He said, finishing with a wink. Yeah... he should probably get back to work. "Unless you really do want coffee... then... Sweet deal!" He added. He seemed pretty oblivious to what was going on around them. Or whatever she was doing. Or anything for that matter.

Walter felt a chill go down his spine as he watched the two get attacked. He knew that there was at least one dark type on the beach and it was attacking people. Turning to see what was going on, he noticed a water type seemly interact with it.

'If its that person's partner then that's twice the people to hurt!' Walter thought cheerfully.

He flipped the meat that he was preparing and sat it down on a cool spot, placing a lid on it quickly before jumping over the little cooking area he was in and running to Avery...as it seems that she was running towards the crowd already.

"Avery! What the heck!!"

Avery was not listening to Walter, however. She had noticed the nice man waving and she waved back as she was playing in the water. Until something happened to the lady beside him. And the fact that everybody was running towards them both. She didn't like crowds, not really but she would like to help. She hated when people were hurt for no reason.

Feeling the wind increase behind her, she jumped up and let Walter catch her, swinging downward to the spot where the commotion was. She looked in horror as she saw the injured female Gijinka and her possibly hurt male friend. "What happened! Walter!!"

"Does anybody need medical aid?" Walter calmly asked, petting Avery on her head. He then slid his eyes to where the troublemaker was. "Or maybe someone needs a timeout for not playing well with others."
"I'm fine, thanks," Jason said to Lael. He stood up on his own and exited the friendly Latios' grip. He looked over at Artoria as the Latias Gijinka was trying to free her from the void. Jason ran over to the small crowd gathering and made it over as Artoria landed in a heap on the sand. Her dress fluttered in the wind the fall caused and if you were looking at the right angle you'd catch a glimpse of her purple underwear.

After Jason helped her up, Artoria started to dust the sand off of her. "I'm fine, just got some sand in my knickers," she said dryly after Walter asked about medical aid. "Thanks for the save," Artoria said to Laella without looking at her. Her attention was focused on the Darkrai Gijinka and her new "friend." "Normally I'd introduce myself, but we have other things to tend to. Get ready to avert your eyes." She raised up her hand and pointed her palm at Des. A ball of white light started to form in her hand as she prepared Dazzling Gleam. "This is your only warning, leave peacefully, now! Otherwise I will fight back." (@The Servant @Karcen @KisaAmora @KingHink )
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There were more people more who knew she was here more people to form a mob to drive her out. Des saw they would attack her she knew they wanted to , they always planned to attack her no matter what they said they would always attack her. Des knew she had to attack first she had to stop them from attacking her when they knew she was here.

" You will not drive me away again I will not leave" She said raising her hands over her dead where a dark ball formed, she was using a far more taxing form of the dark void " Dark Void" She said and many perhaps hundreds of black balls shot out at random all around Des, these balls did not always hit like the other form of dark void but it could hit more targets.
Now what was this? Some other pretty girl had to come up and interupt them. A green haired lady in a pretty dress. Spouting on about leaving peacefully and shoving energy lights around. If this wasn't so exciting then Wonderwall would really start wondering why there was so many sour people. I mean seriously. This was a beach. Sour people weren't allowed to be on the beach. And this was a fishing zone! Who wants to fight over territory around fish?

But low and behold, the gardevoir threw down the gauntlet and it was on! Well... It was kinda on. "No! I like this place. YOU leave!" He said stubbornly to the green haired girl. Though he said it a few moments too late as emo girl apparently said something pretty similar. His hands were still on his hips but his grin faded once again as he turned to look at their harrassor.

Apparently emo girl had the right idea as she raised her hands up and shot all sorts of black balls everywhere. One went sailing right over his head. Well now. That was an interesting development. "Ya know... you might want to change the name. Because if it was technically a void... when you be launching off a whole bunch of balls of nothingness?" He asked her idly,still seemingly unphased by being threatened, hypnosified, and almost attacked.

Should he be worried? Nah! Battles were always exciting! Getting hit means he gets to join in too! Well, he still might anyway. Nothing like a good fight to stretch the nap out of your muscles before shipping out.


Walter grabbed Avery and dogged as a Dark Void ball almost hit them. Flying to the air Avery held on.

"That chick's nuts!"

"...She looks so scared though Walter..."

Walter turned his head to see Avery looking at the Darkrai Gijinka with something akin to her almost crying. He hated her crying, and he hated that someone was the cause of that.

"She's making a mess for herself."

"She doesn't mean it...Please Walter...don't..."

Walter was about to comment back when suddenly he was hit, sending them both flying backwards. Avery screamed, clinging onto him like she was about to die. This brought back memories of another situation where she had cried like that...and he never had wanted to hear that scream again. Tumbling where Avery was not hit, he rolled her to a spot far away before sleep took him, making Avery scream and shake him.

"Walter! Walter! Wake up!! Please don't die on me Walter!!"
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Lael & Laella

The incoming barrage of Dark Voids were an attack the two siblings were excepting to deal with, but successfully dodging them was a completely different story. The Voids came at them at such speed that they had no time to fly up to the safety of the sky, forcing them to stay on the ground, dodging the attacks. Even if they weren't getting hit by them Lael and Laella could easily tell how powerful the attack was. The mere aura that surrounded the Voids was almost powerful enough for the siblings to stumble when they passed way too close to them. Getting hit by one of those would lead to some nasty results without a doubt.

The more Voids they dodged the easier it was for Lael and Laella to get used to their speed, such was the case that the siblings were even thinking about counterattacking. They just needed the smallest window of opportunity to do so. Suddenly, disaster. Lael saw the Charizard Gijinka getting hit by one of the Voids and then proceeded to doze off and how his female owner tried waking him up. Lael turned his body away from the Voids as he tried to yell something at the female owner. Big mistake. By turning away from the attacks of the Darkrai's attacks his guard was left completely down, turning him into an easy target. Upon realizing this Lael tried facing the Darkrai Gijinka back, but it was too late. From the corner of his eye the male Gijinka saw how one of Dark Voids came towards him at undodgeable speed. Lael's pupil shrunk in horror as he helplessly watched the dark orb approaching him. He tried moving his legs but they wouldn't budge. He tried to say something but he was completely out of air. In the blink of an eye Lael found himself falling as a powerful force forced him against the ground with great strength. Lael lay on the ground, still conscious but unable to move a limb due to the exhaustion that had slowly taken over him. He could barely keep his eyes open as they now began to feel heavy. Lael saw his sister quickly approach him and mutter something about getting up.

"Heh, sorry sis' but I can't do that right now...You take over now and let me know how the battle turned out. I need a nap..." Those were Lael's final words before he fell asleep.

"Of course brother" Laella said coldly before she faced back the Darkrai Gijinka.

Even though her expression remained as emotionless as always Laella shot daggers at the Darkrai with her eyes. Without even muttering a word Laella flew up to the sky, her eyes always staring at the dark Gijinka. Once she reached her desired height Laella stopped.

"I do not know the reasons behind your attack. Whether you did it out of rage, frighten or even revenge is not something I will ask about, because I don't care." Laella's voice was cold but at the same time strangely solemn. "You've caused harm to others and that turns you into a foe. You threw the first pebble Darkrai, now you must pay for that. Embrace your punishment. Mist Ball"

Just as those two last words came out of Laella's mouth a grey orb began forming up in the sky. Its formation only took a couple of seconds, and once it was ready the Mist Ball was shot straight towards the Darkrai Gijinka, leaving a faint white trail on its way down.

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Jason dove into the sand at the dark void orbs started to fly around. "Don't say I didn't warn you," Artoria said sternly. The orb of light in her hand grew into a large beam of fairy light. "Dazzling Gleam!" The fairy light sliced through the dark type void orbs around Artoria and Jason and the beam headed toward Des. After firing her attack she put her hands together as if she was praying. "Misty Terrain." Suddenly mist started to rise on the beach. With this fairy type move in place, those who were awake would be safe from the sleep effect while the mist lasted.
Wally stepped in front of the dazzling gleam. "Protect!" He shouted and extended his arms outwards, creating a shining barrier of ice that took the brunt of the gardevoir's attack. The ice barrier shattered after it's single use, revealing Wally standing behind it, in between the gardevoir and emo girl. Hid grin was prominent and he was popping his knuckles in anticipation. So this was what it came to.

"None of that, now, sweetheart. Two on one isn't a fair fight. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I let such thing like that slide by." He said as he raised his open hand in the air. "Ice beam!" He shouted and his hand glowed white and blue, pointing it at Artoria. A thick column of freezing blue energy erupted from his palm straight towards the gardevoir.
Des let the mist ball hit her, and unsurprisingly it did nothing as the move was a Psychic type move and Des was immune to those, The woman that had been in mind was different story. Des was ready to be hit by the Dazzling gleam though it would hurt as she was weak to fairy type moves. However She didn't feel the impact of the beam and to her surprise the guy that had been bugging her had protected something that really never happened once people realized she was the cause of nightmares. The gardevoir then drought out mist and des realized she could no longer put these people to sleep, she didn't really want to hurt them she just wanted those that knew she was here to sleep so she would not be attacked. She would leave the gardevoir to the guy and she would focus on the airborne Gijinka.

"Ominous wind" She said calling fourth the dark ghostly winds to attack the girl knowing ghost attacks would be very powerful against Psychic types.


Laella frowned down at the dark-type Gijinka. The way in which she managed to take her attack so easily and come out without a single scratch managed to push some of Laella's buttons. Usually the foes that she and her brother fought would easily fall with one or two attacks like that one, but not her. The Darkrai Gijinka so much different than anything Laella had fought before.

Laella was blinded by rage so much so that she didn't notice the Darkrai's next move. The gust produced by Ominous Wind was powerful enough to blast Laella off the air and onto the ground. Throughout all of this process of taking the damage produced by the wind and falling onto the ground Laella looked like she wanted to scream out due to both the pain and the frustration of knowing she had lost a battle due to how much she underestimated the Darkrai Gijinka, but she didn't. Maybe it was her pride, or maybe something forcing her not to show any sort of weakness to her enemy. Sand rose from the ground after Laella landed on the ground. After many years she finally felt sensation of both weakness and helplessness, and it was all because of the dark Gijinka.

Even if she was in no condition to keep fighting Laella still forced herself to stand up. Every muscle in her body hurt, but she still couldn't bring herself to lay on the ground whilst knowing she was still conscious. Laella struggled to stand up straight, but she still manged to do so. Her eyes focused on the Darkrai Gijinka that stood only a few meters away from her.

"...It would seem like I lost this fight, haven't I?..." Laella's tone remained as cold as always, but the words came out as nothing more than a mumble. "I feel the need to apologize to you Darkrai...I've underestimated you...Looked at you as nothing but a ditchable foe...But don't worry, than won't happen again...You've won this fight, and for that I congratulate you, but before you start to rejoice in your triumph let me try one last thing..." Laella placed her open hand below her lips and pointed her fingers at Darkrai (A gesture similar to that of when one blows a kiss to someone else) and muttered the following words: "Dragon Pulse..."

Without any sort of warning a bright purple and red light began to emanate from inside her gaping mouth, which then proceeded to shoot off and head straight for Darkrai. The shock wave traveled at a surprisingly fast speed, leaving a beautiful looking trail behind it as it quickly approached the dark-type Gijinka.

Des couldn't barely brace herself as the dragon pulse hit she full on, and it was a very good thing she was not weak to dragon types as she was sure that might have been the end of her right there. Once the attack stopped Des was left panted and very obviously hurt, another hit or two and Des knew she would be down. That however didn't matter they were attacking her like she knew they would they wanted to drive her out like they always did, no one ever wanted her to stay, but she wouldn't leave not this time , she wouldn't let these Gijinka drive her away like so many times before.

Des clapped her hands together " Dark Pulse" She said was she quickly separated her hands sending them flying to her sides and radiating out a black pulse all around her in a fast moving wave.
Avery was trying to move Walter and the other young male when she heard the young Darkrai say her next move. She ran to their stuff and ran back, biting into a berry before shoving it into the mouths of Walter and the young male Gijinka. "Wake up Walter...its chesto berries..."

Walter eyes opened as soon as the juice dribbled own his throat, him sitting up and spitting the berries right out. "You know I hate those things Avery!" Avery just grabbed him. "Grab us both and fly! Quickly!!" Walter was about to ask why when he saw that there was a dark looking bubble coming for them fast. "Oh man...Fine!" Grabbing Avery and throwing her on his back he swopped down and snatched up the young boy and then his female counterpart before going upwards into the sky to avoid the dark wave. He looked down at the girl and gritted his teeth. He didn't like that fact that Avery could have been hurt in this fight. "What the heck is going on? Well, so much for our day at the beach."

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