Pokemon Gijinkas of New York (& Their Owners) - Neutral Characters

NPCs controlled by me or other players:

Human sheet

Appearance: (Picture or description)




Sexuality: (To help those of you wanting to explore romance)

Personality: (1 simple paragraph minimum)

Bio: (1 simple paragraph minimum)

Gijinka sheet

Appearance: (Picture or description)






Job: (If you have one)

Battle Archetype: (What kind of fighter are you and what Pokemon moves do you tend to use?)

Sexuality: (To help those of you wanting to explore romance)

Personality: (1 paragraph minimum)

Bio: (1 paragraph minimum)
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Name: Alexander Fowler

Age: 41

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Alexander is a charismatic businessman. He's a bit overprotective and a bit paranoid due to his high position. When interacting with people he knows he tends to be on the warmer side, but he always acts professional when dealing with business. Alexander is not always there for his son, Jason Fowler, but he's trying to be the best father he can be.

Bio: Born and raised in New York City, Alexander grew into a technology loving teen. He dabbled with technology for as a hobby and invented a new high tech computer system. He created his own company, Fowler Tech, and became a millionaire. He became a father at age 21 and was happy alongside his wife, Amy Fowler, until she died from what seemed to be an accident. Alexander was convinced that her death was because of his fame and the enemies he made while helping the United States with his technology. Jason was just 5 years old at the time. Alexander did his best to keep his son out of the lime light after that.

Name: Caerleon Lunafilia

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Species: Cresselia

Owner: None

Job: Cleaning up after Desdemona's tantrums and nightmares.

Battle Archetype: Caerleon is more of a defender than a fighter. He is not a fan of violence. But he is not afraid to fight. Mostly he wishes to support people, using Moonlight, Mist, and Safeguard. But a battle cannot be one on those alone. Moonblast, Psycho Cut, and Magic Coat among a few others. He doesn't like fighting and would rather avoid it. He would much prefer a peaceful solution. He has a Calm Mind to make it that much easier.

Sexuality: Open minded.

Personality: He is a very kind and generous and colorful man and he shows a great amount of positivity and optimism about life. And he isn't afraid to let you know what he believes. Yet he is also quite mysterious and doesn't often socialize with people. Well... at least not in uniform. He hides his identity, or tries to anyway. Most people would not recognize him if they saw him in the streets. That suits Carl just fine. At heart he is humble about what he does, however quick he is to express his views and opinions. He worries greatly for his sister. If only she would listen to him...

Bio: Caerleon was spliced together in a lab. He didn't mind it too much, he didn't understand it at the time but he seemed pretty popular among all the scientists and they treated him very well. It wasn't always very nice...his sister always seemed to have problems. It saddened him. Even more so when she started pushing him away. Before he knew it... she was gone... He did not agree that she was justly treated. So when the scientists finally let him leave, he tried to find her. It wasn't hard, she was always causing trouble without him around. Though she always seemed to run away once more. Why did she have to be so difficult? Well it didn't matter! It was his brotherly duty to protect her! Even if it meant fixing nightmares and giving good dreams and cleaning up after her fights. He would do it! And he has done it, all these years. Oddly enough, his popularity sky rocketed. Maybe, just maybe, he could use it to his advantage of making the city a better place. Not just for them, but for Desdemona too. Surely one day she would stop being so emo, and listen to her brother. He just wanted what was best for her.

Name: Alexander "Crow" Dane

Age: 47

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: He is a very 'ends justify the means' kind of guy. He doesn't get along with his child very well, not understanding others emotions very well in certain situations but always tries to do the right thing. He also is a little nuts and has a bad case of wandering when things don't fully go his way...only to come back and beat it his way. He is also a little vain about his looks when its important, usually having a no care policy when he's behind the scenes. In short, he is the flip side foil for his daughter. Which is the only thing that he can honestly claim to love now.

Bio: He always wondered what pokemon would be like as humans, being one of the millions of children that went on their quest to be a pokemon master. What he found instead was science, and one of the few people, no matter how young, to be in the Gijinkas project. After doing horrible things to pokemon that they caught, raised, and breed themselves they had the first generation. But not being on of the main people, he got no fame. Just a messed up head and a will to show them that he was one of the founders. Very soon, he opened up his own company that dealt with the new Gijinkas. With custom items being the thing, he made money and was slowly building his fame away from the epicenter of the new pokemon movement. He married a woman called Amy, and they had a child Avery.

That wasn't the problem. The problem was he was around his experiments too long, it had messed up his DNA and now his child and wife paid the price. To save his child, he locked her away. To save his wife, he buried her. He didn't think he was wrong. Just as he didn't think he was wrong taking a first generation and telling it he was going to open it up after his child would tire of her playmate. So it shocked him when the said Gijinka and his daughter tried to run. He followed them of course, but he was met with his daughter telling him off.

After that, he made a choice to wander. He knew that this would set his daughter on a path to grow up quicker. He didn't think he was wrong on this either. After all, there were people who wanted him to test human/Gijinka mating and he knew that his daughter would see it his way very soon...
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/1365650389565.jpg.c8322b1df50d62b26edca9cdd6d04643.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53478" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/1365650389565.jpg.c8322b1df50d62b26edca9cdd6d04643.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: James Spade

Age: 39

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual, but he doesn't do romance.

Personality: James is very serious and is always focused on the task at hand. His usual facial expression makes him look like an intellectual and he usually has a strong control over his emotions unless Gijinka are involved. He doesn't tolerate failure, but it isn't overly harsh about punishments. He thinks Gijinkas are freaks and want to lock away the ones he can't control. He's not afraid to use force.

Bio: James had a regular child hood and was a Pokemon Trainer since he was 10 years old. He heard about the Gijinka experiments and thought they were abominations after he saw the first batch on TV. He didn't like that the scientists were playing God and decided to do something about it. He started Team Mankind and runs things from the shadows, at least for now.



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Name: Lia Evadelle


Gender: Female

Age: 34

Sexuality: Demisexual

Pokemon: (List name, species, gender, ability and moves. Up to four moves, which can change over time. Add mega info if)


Appearance: Lia has long, straight black hair styled in small waves at the bottom, as well as narrow, intimidating grey eyes with dark circles under them and a deceptively youthful face. She is quite short, but her physique is well-developed in musculature from extensive physical training. She is usually either frowning or expressionless; that, plus her extremely calm demeanor, often makes it difficult to guess what she is thinking. She is most often seen in a rather plain yet semi-formal uniform, with a white button up shirt underneath along with her trademark white cravat. When embarking on expeditions outside the Team Mankind base, she also wears a green hooded cloak. And although Lia stands at a short yet even five feet and only weighs about 124lbs, she is still very intimidating to all of those that she works with.

Personality: Lia is described as a "clean freak" by those who know her personally, as she prefers her environment to be spotlessly clean. She is averse to having either her person or her equipment soiled. Despite her preoccupation with cleanliness, Lia is abrasive and not very approachable. She rarely shows emotion, giving a cold impression to others. Her manner of speaking tends to be blunt and insulting, her comments are frequently coarse or otherwise inappropriate, and she is not above provoking or belittling those who oppose or irritate her. Her sense of humor tends toward the vulgar, insulting, and dark. All of this makes her unsettling to a great many people. However, Lia's obedience is strictly limited to individuals she respects, and she has no problem showing open disdain for authority from anyone outside of this circle. Although she rarely shows it, Lia does have a sense of morality and empathy. One of her most defining characteristics is the great value she places on preserving Pokemon life.

While Lia shows loyalty to and empathy for her Pokemon comrades, she shows no mercy towards the ones who treat them awfully. When dealing with individuals she perceives to be enemies to Pokemonkind, Lia is capable of behaving sadistically, even vindictively. She has also committed torture numerous times in the past to those who abuse the precious creatures. Though Lia is aware that her battle skill is in a different league from that of almost any other Team Mankind operative, she is not particularly arrogant about it, as she knows from experience that no Pokemon is invulnerable. Few will argue with her claims that only she can handle certain difficult tasks, because she has proven her ability to accomplish them. Despite her undying obedience to the Team Mankind leader, Lia operates rather independently. Many of her battles are solo, accomplished with little direct cooperation from other operatives (due to her usually assigning them to hunt others in the vicinity). Although she is looked up to by many, and she does not hesitate to give orders when necessary, she does not see herself as a leader, the way the actual team leader is a leader. She does not seem to have much use for hierarchy in general, and she leaves decisions up to her subordinates as often as she can.

Biography: There is not much recorded history on Lia, as she was recruited by Team Mankind very early on in her life. She had shown incredible potential early on in her training and eventually climbed up the hierarchy of the group. She is now the Second-In-Command.

Battle Theme:


Other Quirks:

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

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Name: Tyson Pango

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Species: Pangoro

Owner: Club Pyroar nightclub chain.

Job: Bouncer

Battle Archetype: Tyson is your typical hot-headed brawler. He likes to fight up close and personal using moves like Karate Chop, Sky Uppercut, Low Sweep, Comet Punch, and Slash. Always eager for a fight, Tyson speeds into battle and strikes first with Me First. He's a brute in battle with moves like Circle Trow and Hammer Arm. No hot-headed brawler would be complete without a Taunt and the ability to bottle up their willpower into a devastating attack via Zen Headbutt.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Boisterous and full of energy, Tyson is a streetwise brawler that looks forward to the next fight he will have. He may fight for thrills, but he has a big heart. He's a big teddy bear when it comes to children, Gijinka or human. He has an easygoing, big bro personality and tries to fire up the people around him. On the more negative side, Tyson is cocky, a bit of a slob, and enjoys intimidating humans and other Gijinka.

Bio: Tyson was breed in a private breeding facility owned by the Club Pyroar chain. He was one of the many Gijinkas breed to have a lot of fighting potential by the nightclub chain. Tyson grew up with his twin sister and they were trained by bouncers how to do the bouncing job. He evolved into his Pangoro form along side his sister and started working as a bouncer for the Club Pyroar in New York City when he was old enough to get a work license (16). The chain treats Tyson and his sister like employees and allow them to live in one of the bouncer apartments on the top floor of the nightclub. To this day Tyson has worked at the same nightclub with his twin and enjoys every minute of it.

*Sister character reserved for @KingHink
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WIP (Will be sorted out to PC and NPC upon completion, just wanted to get it started. Got a lot to go)


Name: Dr. Elli Vance

Age: 35

Gender: Female

Job: Head Scientist, Team Mankind Operative, Advisor

Sexuality: Bicurious (is currently romantically involved with the coffee pot)

Personality: First impressions are must. For the most part, the woman seems to come off as apathetic and uncaring. Her tone is generally flat and tired, likely caused by working merciless hours in the lab for the sake of Team Mankind. Despite her seemingly outward lethargic attitude, she speaks often in dry wit and scathing smart-ass statements. It helps to brighten her day. She is, however, fairly helpful aside from this. As she isn't too fond of people stubbornly sticking to stupid ideas. Brilliant and industrious, she works hard for the betterment of the human race. Loyal to her cause, and loyal to her boss, she will do whatever it takes to further their agenda.

This all aside, this workaholic might also be described as merciless with psychopathic tendencies. If not down right murderous. Not a side of her you will likely see very often. Just know that she has a gun and has no qualms about using it if you get in her way. Her work will determine the fate of mankind, and she will protect it by any possible means. Her lack of general scruples also applies to that of gijinka. She won't think twice about cutting one open for study. She isn't as sadistic as a certain one of her co-workers, but do not mistake this for her being any less gentle. Morals have no place in science. Though... crushing her opposition with surgical precision does bring a great amount of satisfaction. Her cunning and deviousness may not always be appreciated, but she always gets the job done.

She is not evil. Far from it, when it comes to her pokemon, she loves them dearly.. (continued)

Bio: (1 paragraph minimum)


Name: Ma-R1 "Mary"

Age: 28

Gender: Female


Owner: Dr.Elli Vance

Job: Assistant / Combatant / Subject 1, R series.

Battle Archetype: (What kind of fighter are you and what Pokemon moves do you tend to use?)

Sexuality: (To help those of you wanting to explore romance)

Personality: (1 paragraph minimum)

Bio: (1 paragraph minimum)


Name: MI-11 "Millie"

Age: 29

Gender: N/A

Species: Ditto

Owner: Dr. Elli Vance

Job: Daycare "Worker"/ Informant / Infiltration / Subject 11

Battle Archetype: Noncombatant. When push comes to shove she employs tactics to confuse and break the opposing force apart to ease in escape. Transform is the trusty move that he kind is known for. Of which she uses often to trick opponents... or to use their own powers against them.

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: (1 paragraph minimum)

Bio: (1 paragraph minimum)


Name: Tyra Pango

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Species: Pangoro

Owner: Owner of Club Pyroar

Job: Bouncer

Battle Archetype: Despite her busty frame, Tyra is a real brute. Though she is not so forward as her brother is in battle, she is no less effective. Though she does put a lot more fury into it. Work Up and Outrage is not quite a battle move as it is a side effect of her temper. Arm Thrust, Brick Break,Iron Head and Crunch, are among her more common moves as she seeks to dish out a lot of damage. Power-up punch is also among her favorites, and she will often use it with Superpower in mind. Some of her more varied moves include Thunder Punch and Focus Blast. Tyra is also not above Foul Play, because she seems to have a Secret Power for turning her environment into a weapon. And let us not forget, she has a mean Vital Throw. Also, of course, she isn't afraid to use Attract.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: A fiery woman if there ever was one. With a short temper and a grumpy demeanor, it is quite a wonder why Tyra was even allowed to have fists. Most of the time she always seems a little cranky about something. Though she does have violent tendencies, for the most part she just reluctantly goes along with things. Despite all this, she can actually be quite sweet on certain occasions, and like her brother she has a soft spot for young children. Tyra is also easily amused, and unlike her brother she is a neat freak. She complains often about his untidy habits and is always picking up after him. She does get annoyed when people look at him like he is her big brother even though they are the same age. And it really ticks her off when he scares away some boy she is trying to date. It can not possibly be that fun! It might also surprise you, as it isn't immediately apparent and she does try to hide the fact, Tyra does like some cute and girly things.

Bio: Tyra was born alongside Tyson in a private breeding facility owned by the Club Pyroar chain. They were two of the many Gijinkas bred to have a lot of fighting potential by the nightclub chain. Tyra grew up with her twin brother and they were trained by bouncers how to do the bouncing job. She evolved into her Pangoro form along side her brother and started working as a bouncer for the Club Pyroar in New York City when she was old enough to get a work license (16). The chain treats Tyson and his sister like employees and allow them to live in one of the bouncer apartments on the top floor of the nightclub. To this day Tyra has worked at the same nightclub with her twin and enjoys every minute of it, even if her attitude says otherwise.
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