Pokemon: Gijinka Tales

(( Anyone interested in the roleplay may sign up here~ http://rpnation.com/index.php?threads/pokemon-gijinka-tales.17099/)) 
It was early morning in the Johto region. The sun was low but rising in the sky, lighting up a little village that stood in a valley surrounded by forest. There were simple wooden cottages built around the place able to support a small family in each of them though most of them had a single occupant. There were a few smaller buildings that one could make something in and to the north the forest turned into an orchard filled with berry trees. In the center of the village was a well and some benches though most of the rest of place was barren.

Out of one of these houses came Wisp, sharply dressed and perky looking as ever as he stepped out into the sunlight. He wasn't all that big a fan of the outdoors but it was nice and safe for the most part and at least it wasn't loud like the city. With next to no goal in mind he went towards the well in the town center, planning on seeing if anyone was there and maybe sit a spell.

Sterling looked out his window, eyes narrowed at the sky. He could see Flying types flying about up there, and he decided to go join them. He adjusted the steel feathers in his arms and stepped onto his porch, they gleamed in the rising sunlight. He took in the fresh morning air, the smell of dew and flowers in the air. He stood and took this in for a minute, before running and taking off into the sky.


"Ahhh," He sighed, popping berry after berry into his bottomless gob. He could not stop eating- The food. It called to him. He chewed on a Persim berry, smiling at the taste. He was heading to visit his best friend Nikki- Hopefully it wasn't TOO hot in her cabin. He noticed Sterling walk out of his place and fly off- How, Bobby had no idea- and he watched him fly off. Sterling had flown off to fly among other Flying-Types. Somehow. "Honestly, how does he manage that?" He muttered. He wandered past Wisp's house, his neighbor, and waved at him as he passed. "Hi, Wisp!" He greeted cheerfully.
It was strange, this Newberry, it was strange. Sylvia had chosen a house that was a good size for a small family instead of a tiny. little hut. The huts reminded her more like larger tents, and that of course remind her of her family and Gypsy group that she hadn't seen in four years. The larger house though wasn't 'airy' enough, a little more stagnant to what she was used to. However it was roomy enough that she could rehearse in quiet. This including belly dancing, small acrobatic rings for balancing and of course a typical Tambourine, which she was good at playing. Such were skills she did when she was still an Eevee. Since her evolution into an Espeon, she included some mind tricks and psychic tricks as well. One might wonder why a traveller like her would take a break from doing so or wonder if it was even temporarily. Sylvia was tired of searching for her family and her Eeveelution group that she desired a rest now, a nice peaceful rest.

This Newberry little town wasn't noisy like the city, noise that Sylvia missed at night. Nor was it a wonder, like one wondered if the weather would be good, fair, warm or worry some cold. It was peaceful, subtle, and nice. It also wasn't temporary housing like a tent could be, yet it did have a fireplace and a deck. There was a nice backyard deck that led to the Berry Tree fields, while the front had a decent porch. Sylvia, for the first time removed her head wrap since coming here. It was a strange feeling as these people weren't humans but were one of her kind, Gijinka. They may not be all Eeveelution types, but there was comfort hear. Her pink ears twitched up and rotated like all cat species do. She left on her Gypsy jewlry head jewel on herself before she walked to the back door of her small quaint house. It was strange sleeping indoors and on a nice bed, but it was more comfortable than sleeping on straw/moss or rocks. She came out onto her deck looking at those who could fly, as well as those that could run fast.

She noticed many of the Gijinka seemed to like the Berry trees, and Sylvia wondered about browsing some of those berries while picking some of the more sweet ones. She wondered though if the night was quiet or if there was a possibly of some kind of section of town for street-performing entertainment, even a circus. Mostly though she was happy, for now at least she could say she had a home to return to even if she does miss her family. She reached out her hand and used her psyic ability to bring forth some Nanab berries from a tree. She rested on her porch and happily ate one while the other one she would make into a Poffin later or perhaps a Pokeblock. While sitting on the porch she couldn't help but mentally 'hearing' some of the other Pokemon's thoughts on how cool this place was or how happy they were to find it and live in it. She didn't have friends right now but she couldn't help but mentally agree as she ate her berries.
Koori's black and white robes swished around his feet as he reentered Newberry, fresh from a trip around some of Johto's routes. His eyes were centered on a piece of stardust that he found along one of the beaches, and was tossing it up in the air from time to time. He had a whole bag of fun things that he collected from along the way, things that may fetch a pretty Poké. He was keeping the stardust though, it was too good to just sell like some money grubbing loon. No, it's going in his collection.

Passing through the lines of huts, dishing out winks, waves, air-fives, and hellos to whoever would take them, the Glalie gijinka finally reached his house. Pausing in front of it and catching the stardust, Koori sighed and grinned, glad to be back. Dropping the stardust into his bag, he slid open the front door and stepped inside, not bothering to shut the door. It wasn't like there were any robbers around- And it wasn't like he couldn't handle them anyways. Inside was a very spacious main room, only cut up into a bathroom and two bedrooms by two walls, with large sliding doors separating them- Also wide open. The room had little furniture at the moment, only a small table, a few chairs, and a small kitchen; His personal room was a different story. His bedroom was large- He made sure of it- Because it was necessary for all the artifacts, exotic and foreign items he had collected during his travels. Fossils from every region, some of the evolutionary stones sat on small pedestals, glistening in the morning sun through an open window (Yes, everything's open with this guy). He even had a some pokéballs (empty of course) and a few gym badges.

Koori dropped the bag of goodies on his pallet and headed back to the main room to check the kitchen. Yawning, the gijinka opened the fridge, peering inside while he scratched a sudden itch on his back. Hm, didn't leave anything for myself when I got back, He thought as he shut the fridge door with slight annoyance. My past self is a jerk. Who leaves a fridge empty? Oh well, there's plenty of berries at the orchard. ... Or maybe not, He thought as he watched a Luxio gijinka walk across the other side of the street covered in berry juice. "... Eh." With that and a shrug, Koori kicked back on his porch to watch Newberry wake up.
Sylvia noticed another Gijinka, this one a male Glaile whom she saw frequently going in and out of town and had a collection of items. Like him, she travels a lot too, but lately not far from Newberry which means less than 10-20 miles. On her journey and through her family she too collected an assortment of items. This also includes A Star Gem, which she got when battled a wild Staryu over a good spot for fish which she was hungry and wished to eat. It was something so pretty that she actually had painstakingly crafted into her Gypsy headpiece she's constantly seen wearing. She followed his line of sight to the Luxio Gijinka that liked to eat many of the town's berries before she looked back at the Glaile Gijinka. She silently used her psychic abilities to ship some berries over to him so the would land near him on his property.

She then quietly got up and walked off the balcony to the soft green luscious grass, but not before quickly returning into her house to get her head scarf. She looked at the woods and wondered about exploring them or if she should head into the human town for some trading. She never did go to a Gym before and had no badge to speak of, though she could probably start some time, to be honest all she knew was performing and after being alone battling. Along that thought, Sylvia wondered if there was ever a time that Gijinka had their own pokemon like the humans do. But without Pokeballs. It must be scandalous, but also were Gijinka even allowed to have pets or friends that weren't Gijinka? Why was she even thinking of something like this? She sighed before walking off just feet from her house.
Koori was rather busy zoning out, one of his favorite pastimes other than traveling and battling, when the soft plop of berries on grass interrupted his daydreaming. Looking at the source of the noise, he witnessed what appeared to be a small army company of suicidal flying berries float onto his property. Slightly confused, he looked up to see an Espeon gijinka girl walking away from her house, then back, then away again with her head scarf. Smiling Koori waved to her, but was pretty sure she didn't see. It didn't matter, he would thank her in person later. You gotta love psychics; Always know what you're thinking.

Looking over at the berries, however, he noticed a problem. The pile of tantalizing, juicy, delicious berries... Were solidly out of his reach. And he was now too lazy to get up. Frowning at the stubborn berries who didn't feel like moving the extra few feet, Koori tried to think of a way to get the berries within reach without having to move. He tried intimidating the berries closer first, although it looked like they actually moved farther away after he did that. Coaxing and diplomacy didn't seem to work either. These berries are tough cookies. After thinking for a bit, he suddenly snapped his fingers. "Aha!" Leaning slightly forward, tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth, the Glalie gijinka slightly swept his right hand around and towards him. The temperature dropped within ten feet considerably as he used a small Icy Wind. With a little harder pull of the hand, he directed the Icy Wind towards him, pulling the berries in tow, and within reach.

Now grinning widely, Koori picked up one at a time the slightly frozen berries and popped them in his mouth, enjoying the coolness of each. Who needed to go anywhere to get fancy food when you could make icy confections right on your porch? With some help of the neighbors, of course. I should make more of these sometime.

Rai had been awake for hours, his gaze continually shifting from the ceiling to the window, watching the sun rise above the tree tops and shine down through the cracks in the forest's canopy. On Iron Island, his loneliness was often intensified by watching humans and pokemon interacting freely with one another while he had to hide, and it often made him doubt that humans and pokemon could ever accept him for who he was. However, he dared to hope that he was wrong, and although the residents of Iron Island proved his hypothesis right, he still longed that one day there could be some mutual understanding between gijinkas, humans, and pokemon. Despite everything, throughout observing the humans and pokemon, he'd also grown fond of the sun, seeking it's brightness and warmth to restore his hope.

Finally sitting up in his bed, he looked around his plainly done room. There was a nightstand table by the bed and a dresser against the wall to his left, but other then that the room lacked much decoration. He'd been promising himself he'd do something with the room when he found the time, but he kept pushing it aside so he could attempt to befriend some of the other gijinkas in Newberry. Sliding out of the bed, he walked through the doorway of his room to be greeted by his main room, which led to the front door. The man room itself was connected to a small kitchen, and behind him sat another room with the door closed. The room was his bathroom. In between his bathroom and his bedroom was a small hallway that led to his backdoor, which he didn't use often.

Breathing out a thoughtful side he approached his front door and stepped out onto the porch, deciding he wanted to walk around Newberry for a little bit. He thought he might be able to find a spring of some sort near by and go for a swim, or he could visit the berry orchard for a morning snack. For the moment, he wandered around aimlessly, trying to decide which option he liked better.


Currently, Sprectra was carrying a medium sized, makeshift bowl with her containing an assortment of berries she'd picked earlier this morning. Nibbling on an oran berry, she observed her surroundings quietly. Newberry was becoming lively, with its residents emerging from their homes and commencing to do whatever they wanted for the time being. Although she'd left early this morning to go pick berries, she'd took her time, enjoying the nature around her before she returned home to decide what she'd do next.

After she'd passed by a house she looked back and realized its door was agape. She had the right mind to walk over and close the door, or go into investigate, but she figured it couldn't hurt to leave the door open in the first place. There wasn't thievery in Newberry-that she knew of-and the owner of the home might have left the door open to let the breeze waft through the home. It was also a much simpler solution then actually going to look around and having the home owner find her and asking her questions about why she'd came into their house without permission or knowledge.

Finally reaching her home she plopped down on the steps to her front porch, putting the bowl of berries beside her as she picked a berry at random once at a time, eating it slowly as she looked around her new home. It felt strange. For the longest of time her home was always so many different places. Her home was where ever Luke was. And she'd thought it would always be that way. However, that day she'd stumbled upon this civilization she knew she couldn't pass up the chance to be with others like her. She knew that other humans weren't as accepting as Luke had been to her. Luke had been her first real friend, and over time he became her best friend. And although she'd never forget Luke, she knew she could make room for other friends, that she could meet other new people that could become important to her like Luke had.

Now, staring up at the treetops above her, she knew she'd found a new place she could call home. A new place she could meet new friends and belong without having to hide.

((Hey guys. I got my starter posted, but I don't think I'll be able to reply again till Saturday. I've got a thing to do Friday night. I just wanted to inform you guys so you wouldn't think I ditched the role play!))
Wisp looked very confused for a moment as he heard him name but his one visible eye lit up as he saw the source of the voice, Bobby, passing by. He hopped down his porch steps and walked along with him, putting one hand in his pocket while he waved with the other. "Morning, Bobby!" he said, sounding chipper as he spoke. He opened his mouth to ask what he was up to but stopped himself as he could already predict the answer with no problem. Bobby had arrived in Newberry with his friend Nicole a while back and the two had been inseparable since.

A passing breeze ruffling his hair slightly and making his flame tilt to the side, he lifted a hand to straighten it as he asked with a slightly nervous tone, "How is Nicole?" with a slightly nervous tone. Usually he was more or less a social butterfly but he was never good with long pauses, especially when he caused them.
Sylvia had smiled a bit, feeling that this Glaile man was happy. She turned to look at him and watched as he ate the frozen berries. They looked rather tasty that way. 'Glad you like them' She thought, and slightly wondered if he could hear her. Many in this town seemed nice. However the sun was quite gorgeous this day and she wished to wander a bit. With her doors now closed and locked up she had her keys hidden and decided to wander. There were so many new faces to meet, yet Sylvia wasn't friends with any at the moment mostly because a mixture of shyness and wonder.

With some bells to her clothing around her hips, she took to a spot in the berry tree fields and began to dance, like many gypsies love to do. It began as stretching at first before she began to do intricate moves. Very briefly her tail could be seen as she twirled and her fabric flew around like a dance in water. Her moves were like an Ekans, Arbok or Seviper. They were snake-like and fluid. She allowed the bells to make the music to her dance. She continued her performance, for it was who she was and how she grew up, and had gotten used to it while dressed to blend in with the humans.

However she added to it allowing some of her bells to float around her almost as if they were flying on their own, in reality it was her. Her whole body would move with this music, even her stomach muscles. And it was if the Morning Sun gave her her energy to continue to dance this way.

"Oh, Nikki's fine. Spinaraks have been showing up in her house recently, though. You know how she reacts to that." He chuckles at his friends silly fear. "I mean, she is a Fire-Type. She could probably scare them off easily." He looked at the Litwick Gijinka, and smiled in a friendly way. "How've you been lately?" The words were barely out of his mouth when a piercing screech split the air-


"Right on cue."


Everything was black... then suddenly a light. A little boy was looking her in the face, looking concerned, before his big yellow lit up. He had blue ears sticking out of the top of his head, and jet black hair. He smiled at her. "Hi!" He greeted cheerfully," Thank goodness you're okay! I was worried you were dead or something!"

She sat up slowly, looked around. The young boy looked at her, smiled. "
I'm Bobby. Shinx Gijinka." He stuck out his hand, and she stared at it.


She finally woke up. That was an odd one. It was a flashback to when her and Bobby met. She sat up in bed, and stretched her arms. She looked up at her ceiling, and then got up to make some coffee for herself. She went to the kitchen and started some hot water. She reached to grab the sugar jar, but found a yellow and black leg. She followed the leg to the body. And immediately ran to her bed and jumped on it, screaming, "SPIDER! SPIDER SPIDER SPIDER! GET IT OUT! GET IT OUUUUUT!"
Koori felt a slight feeling of contentment and satisfaction emanating from the Espeon girl before she disappeared behind her home into the berry fields. What a nice girl, He thought as he popped another berry into his mouth. He heard the faint sounds of bells jingling every so often; It must of been the gypsy girl. Before he could think any more on her dancing, the sudden shrieking of a damsel in distress pounded its way into his skull.

"What the heck was that?" He said as he got up, his laziness forgotten in the moment. Dashing out in the road, he looked farther down the street to see Wisp and the berry-kid looking towards one of the houses. Seemed that that was the house whose occupant was being assaulted by... A spider? Yes, a spider, unless it was opposite day and nobody told him. Would they tell him if it was opposite day? Could he trust these people? Suddenly troubled by the quite silly notion, he walked up to the two other gijinkas, blowing some hair away from in front of his eye.

"Mornin' neighbors. I'll just have to guess that someone's day hasn't started as well as ours have?" He extended his hand in greeting to the berry-kid. "Hey, names Koori, Glalie, nice to meet you." He already knew Wisp- Who didn't? He founded the town for crying out loud- So no need to introduce himself to him as well.

"Yeah, I've heard about you. Koori, you just moved here, right? Bobby, Luxio." He stuck out a hand for him to shake. "Don't mind Nikki. She's the Vulpix that lives over there. She doesn't like Spinaraks." He could hear Nikki's squeals, and rolled his eyes. "Actually, introductions later. Lemme go fix that before she wakes up Sterling. He's nothing if not a grumpus." He walked off, towards the house. "BOBBY! GET IT OUT OF HERE!"

"Why don't you just... Flamethrower it? It's a bug-type, you'll fry it."


"So? Why not?"


He watched his friend crawl around on her bed, looking scared out of her wits. He sighed,"Fine, I'll come to your rescue this time. This is the last time." He stepped in the house and swiftly shooed the Spinarak out of the house and off into the woods.
Sylvia too heard the scream and had come into the vicinity to hear 'Spider, spider'. The fire fox could easily burn said spider away but would probably burn her house in the process. Still though, while bugs could harm Sylvia she only ever worried about swarms that didn't include the poison type and she worried about if they did how powerful they were. A poison bug could be knocked out very easily with psycic abilities.

The Espeon Gypsy watched the brief exchange between the adventurous Glaile and the 'Town Founder/Mayor" Wisp. Her attention then focussed to Wisp's little flickering hair wick thing. She watched it erect then fall then semi erect and dance on his head as he spoke. It was very interesting to watch to say the least. She then watched as the Luxio Gijinka remove a spinarak from the fire fox's cabin. The female vulpix gijinka's screams reminded Sylvia of a troubled Mankey.

Twas a interesting morning to say the least. Sylvia decided to wander a bit more. She wished to go to town, possibly some street performing or even exploring, maybe a friendly battle or two...

The second the Spinarak was gone, she calmed own and stopped squealing. She couldn't quite explain why she always panicked when there was a spider in the house. Sighing, she went and got out of her pajamas, then walked onto the porch. She suddenly realized everybody had probably heard her squeals, and blushed embarrassedly. She noticed Wisp, the founder of Newberry, talking to someone she didn't really see. Oh, it's the Glalie that lives next door. Wasn't particularly thrilled about having an Ice-Type living next door, but hey, can't judge til you've met 'em, right? She climbed down the stairs and went over to greet them.

"Heh, sorry about that... I don't like spiders..."

Wow. Way to introduce yourself. Why don't you tell him about your hate of the cold next!

"Eh-heh-heh..." She stuck her hand out. "The name's Nicole the Vulpix. You can call me Nikki. And you arrre?"

Koori chuckled as he extended a hand in return and, instead of shaking, he did a little bow like he was in the Renaissance. "Nice to meet you Nikki. Don't worry, fear of spiders is rather common. The name's Koori, Glalie. Meetin' the neighbors is the name of the game today it seems. A pleasure to meet you Nikki." With a grin, he let go of Nikki's hand and ran his other hand through his hair and passed a horn.

"I just have to say, the bug types may be attracted to you if you have such a problem with them. Bug-types are a little bad with getting the hint." An interesting town, this is. Nice and quiet, with plenty to see and do. What a silly town.
Dodge had woken up early and enjoyed watching the citizens wake up from atop a tree. It was very satisfying; he felt as if he was the most powerful being alive. Yawning, he climbed down the tree and stretched out his arms. "Sure is a nice day, huh..." he softly spoke to himself.

As Dodge was enjoying a little stroll around town, when he caught a wiff of sweet berries. Looking around for the source, his head turned back and forth in an attempt to find it by smell. Since an Eevee has a good nose, he has an enhanced sense of smell. Dodge then spotted a basket filled to the brim with berries, and licked his canines. "Well, a little won't hurt, right?" He scurried on all fours and headed near Spectra. Watching her enjoy the berries made Dodge feel even hungrier. Quietly sneaking up to the basket, he silently moved his arm towards an oran berry and...Bam! He had slipped on some berry juice and crashed into the basket. Dodge quickly stood up, his face crimson from embarassment, and nervously let out a chuckle. "So much for being sneaky..." he thought.

(I won't be on 'till tommorow. See ya!)
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Wisp did his best to make his laughing sound light hearted as Bobby mentioned Nikki and the Spiniraks as to not sound mean spirited. "She does get rather... spirited when they're around." As if to emphasis this a scream rang through the air, making him flinch ever so slightly as he knew exactly who it came from. "Oh dear. I hope she's alright... I don't know why she hates them so much. I think those patterns they have are pretty cute," he half mumbled, putting his hands in his pockets as they strolled along.

He offered a smile to Koori, a rather recent resident, though stayed rather quiet as the two perfect strangers chatted it up a bit. It warmed his heart to see everyone getting along despite the differences in species they had going on. Personally he was very open minded but he was always worried that his typing might worry some people. He tried to give Ice and Grass gijinka a wide berth though it could easily have been taken as avoiding them. He was extra cautious with Psychic ones as he never liked the brand of 'Ghost' much to begin with.

He waved at the two as they hurried off to make sure Nikki was okay, staying rather silent as he tilted his head and tried to think of what to do, his flare wilting as he thought. It popped up again as his one visible eye caught sight of a figure a bit away that he remembered by the name of Sylvia. She was a quiet gijinka who was just a smidge older than he was from what he could tell but she'd barely spoken to him since in her brief time here. His head cocked to the side as he could have sworn she'd been watching him for a second but he shrugged it off as he made a brisk pace towards her, smiling and waving his hand as he said, "Morning, Sylvia~!" in a sing songy voice.
Sylvia sensed Wisp running towards her and turned around to meet him. "Mor...ning..." Sylvia responded as she watched the strange strand of 'flame hair' start dancing again, she reached out one of her hands to play with it "Wisp." She tried swatting it before it flopped back down. It was a strange fascinating thing, his hair thing. She sensed he was a ghost type but his hair was fascinating. It could be a thing of common curiosity or more like a cat instinct but she felt the need to swat at it. Her mouth opened slightly revealing her pearly whites before she closed her mouth again, as if she realized what she was doing and retracted her hands. "Your hair moves. Dances." She spoke quietly and then her eyes flashed a bright blue. It was as if she was using her ability to try to read his mind on instinct, but she stopped and her eyes returned to their normal color. "I'm...Sorry." She said.

To be honest Sylvia was a little nervous about close friendships as she didn't know if she was going to leave again. She had yet to make a close friend here but agreed that everyone here was nice for the most part. She missed her family, both her blood and her Gypsy family. She looked up at his eyes and his face, he seemed to change like the seasons and bounce back even quicker. She offered a small smile then.

She shifted, her eyes flickering around the square as she watched the Gijinkas that came and went throughout the day. Newberry, a cluster cottages that were buried deep into the forest, wasn't really much but Eloise was glad she that it was her home. Dragging her drooping sleeve a bit farther up her shoulder she set off through the square, passing the well as she went on her way toward the trees. She was tired due to lack of sleep, it had been hard to sleep with the energy prickling through the air. She suspected that there would be a storm soon, a small one but the tension still set her hair on end.

"I hate this," She grumbled, finding a place under a tree and sagged to the ground. The reason behind her hating this time was pretty well known around the City. That calm before the storm, no one really understood that it actually twitched with uneasy energy. She wrapped her arms around herself and looked up at the sky, watching the flying type circle overhead with a slight laugh. They wouldn't be happy when it started raining.


"Bored, bored, BORED!" She moaned into the air as she drifted down from a particularly large cloud that loomed over Newberry. She had heard the rather pitchy screams that had block the morning but hadn't found much interest in checking it out. However, seeing as she had nothing else to do she found herself floating down to stand on the roof of the overlooking cottage. It seemed the Vuplix had spotted something that had upset her. It was actually quite amusing, which Noy laughed at openly as her jumped from the rooftop to land and the boy she was talking to.

"I could hear you across the forest," She pointed out, "Honestly, what could make someone scream like that?" She lifted an eyebrow and tilted her head to the side.


He yawned as he exited his house and jumped, his ears nearly breaking from the screams that sounded not far away. Blinking in surprise he looked toward the girl screaming, shaking his head before he strolled away without much worry. He felt like getting a drink from the well though he somehow ended up in the orchard outside of the town and figured that he would climb a tree instead. Scrambling up one he perched himself on a branch and plucked berries from a nearby branch.

"Mmmm...." He nearly moaned as he leaned back, tilting to far and plummeting to the ground. With a neat flip the tips of his toes met the dirt but instead of gracefully standing he lost balance, his body flying forward from bad balance.
Wisp had been fully expecting a shy, reserved reaction from Sylvia given how little she seemed to speak anyone so it was quite a shock when she reached out and actually touched him -- sort of. The cold, solid flame on his head got batted around by her fingers, the shock of this strange action being written plainly on his face as a bead of sweat slid down his brow. While he never tried to hide his little flame he didn't like people staring at it and her touching it with that fascinated look on her face was doubly worse. The plume on his head was the one thing that made it obvious that he wasn't human and while it wasn't a problem in a gijinka village, especially one where everyone seemed to like him, it all came back to that little 'ghost' detail.

She mentioned idly about how it moved and while he wanted to speak up he just couldn't quite bring himself too. It was just so weird. He actually leaned back a bit as her eyes went momentarily blue though he finally calmed down as she pulled her hand away and apologized. Wiping the nervous sweat from his brow, he half muttered, "N-No problem," before making sure his flare was pointing up right and checking his close were all straight for good measure. By the time he cleared his throat he seemed all calm again though his voice was a little hesitant as he spoke. "What are you up to?"
Sylvia, as if sensing Wisp's discomfort, removed her head shawl and then placed it on Wisp's head. Her ears were now exposed and she looked slightly discomforted for removing it in front of him. However she had touched his hair flame thing so if he was discomforted by it it only seemed fair to cover his up. She looked a bit sad then, as well as slightly uncomfortable, and her blue eyes looked down at the ground towards her feet.

"I was...going to the human town, city...find any info on my family maybe..." She answered. 'But you seem to need this now more than I do' She spoke mentally. She looked up at him again and smiled a little bit because the head shawl made him look a little like a Gypsy. Her tail twitched slightly under her robes, she felt awkward.

It was odd to say the least looking at the two. She knew he was a ghost type while she a psychic type but she was raised in a very open family and it was hard to be open even though she did like to talk. Though she usually just talked a bit with similar strangers, she did miss her home.
Wisp looked very confused as Sylvia suddenly took off her head shawl and put it on him but as she spoke -- for a moment in his mind -- it seemed that she'd quite easily picked up on how he felt about his flame. Chuckling a bit as he reached up and touched the shawl, he said, "I appreciate the thought Sylvia... but--" He looked at her ears for a moment before taking the shawl off and putting it carefully back on her head. "You and your family are way more important."

She didn't speak of her family but from the sounds of it she'd lost them at some point and seemed eager to find them. He couldn't blame her. There were times he missed his parents and siblings way back home though it was always fleeting. They were one of the reasons he left. Chuckling a bit, he stood a bit taller as he put his hands on his hips and said, "But if you need help getting information, I could always help! Ooooh, I think I have a hat I can grab from my house too! What do you say?"
Sylvia looked at him then, he seemed serious. She smiled at him and then gave him a great big hug. "Ok!" She smiled happily before letting go, a small tear of happiness falling from her right eye. "Id'e like that a lot." She smiled and sounded unusually talkative at that moment. She carefully wrapped her scarf around her head so she now looked more like a Gypsie. "I'll wait then" She said, though finding her family was most likely slim she figured if she stayed in one spot maybe her family would show up at or around the human city to do their street performing as well as carnival Eeveelution act.

She missed her mother's cooking, and her friendly arguing with her Umbreon Gijinka cousin. She also missed the stories of Old Yeppae, a Jolteon Gijinka who was her grandfather and grandmother's childhood friend. Perhaps they could find rumours or such. "I'll go gather some potions in case we need them, never know when we'll run into a battle." And with that Sylvia went to get some potions unsure of the battle-ready-ness of Wisp. She came out a short time later to wait for the unofficial ghost/fire type major/founder.

"Heh, hi Koori. I think you're my neighbor, right?" She looked at him, and watched him bow oddly. Hmm, never seen that before. She let her hand dropped and ran it through her hair. It was an absolute mess right, not that it wasn't normally. She laid her hair down and looked at Koori. She wasn't the best around Ice-Types. She half suspected she would burn the poor guy just shaking hands, she did that with Bobby enough. Lucky he kept Rawst Berries around.


He came back into town to see Nikki introduce herself to Koori. He smiled at this; She was making new friends, that was great. He walked over and pat her shoulder. "See? That wasn't so horrible was i- AH!" He grabbed his wrist- Nikki had accidentally burned him again. "Oh jeez-! Sorry Bobby!" She turned, looking like she felt guilty. "Naah, don't worry about it. I have berries." He pulled a Rawst berry out of his the pouch of berries he had, and chomped on it.

"Oh my- Bobby go shower!"


"You're covered in berry juice!"


"Just- Just go wash off! Please!"

He sighed. "Fine... Only because you said please." He trudged off and into his house, closing the door behind him.
"Heh, please is a powerful word." Koori scratched the back of his head as he watched Nikki and Bobby's antics. They must of been friends for awhile to be so comfortable with each other. "It did look like he just dunked himself in a vat of berry juice, didn't he?" He tried to ignore the fact that the Vulpix gijinka just burned her friend without her noticing at first. The Ice-type breathed a mental sigh of relief that he didn't get scorched when he took her hand. Maybe it was only with people she knows? If that is the case, Koori might of just added himself to that list. Or he was way off again.

A laugh drew his attention to a house across the street, where a Salamence gijinka was jumping off someone's roof. She seemed rather amused at Nikki's plight from a couple of moments ago, and her question confirmed it. "Well, there's all sorts of things that can make someone scream like that. My friend here had an unwelcome visitor that she wasn't overly fond of."

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