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Fandom Pokemon: Elements

With a grunt, Violetta's Machop lifted several boxes of clothing.

"C'mon Matey!" Violetta said happily.

The trio of Vulpix, Machop, and Violetta were currently shopping in Lazania Town. Linux the Vulpix squealed as Violetta picked her up, and cuddled the soft red fur. " You're going to look so pretty in that collar, Linux!" They were headed to find a hotel. "Where to stay?" said Violetta.
At the top of Mt.Chare a wolf like pokemon sleeps in the lava, sleeping peacefully like it wasn't so darn angry all the time. It always had flashbacks whenever it slept and this time was no different. It has slept for many years now, waiting for the time when something shall awaken it. That day might be coming very soon....
Alex sat in bed, looking through his journal with a flashlight while Hender watched him. He rechecked his bag, food, check,9 potions, check, 8 pokeballs, check, he was all ready for tomorrow, the day when he was leaving his home town, Eston, and was heading out into the rest of the region, to study more Pokemon that he ever could at his town. Yup, he was ready. The rest of the night was long, he couldn't sleep.
With a sigh, Violetta returned Matey to his Poke'Ball. They found a nice hotel, and were leaving to the next region. Linux cooed softly as Violetta looked at her navigator confused."Where's the next town?" Violetta asked herself. 'Crap.. what would Mom say?' she thought. The girl seriously considered calling her parents, but she knew they would just try to convince her to come back home.
Alex looked at his clock for the 50th time, finally, morning. He quickly got dressed, and grabbed his bag, he almost forgot his notebook. One day, this will be a famous Pokemon book. he thought to himself, and smiled. He went downstairs and saw his parents, "good morning mom, good morning dad." They said hi back and presented him with a big breakfast of eggs and pancakes, "You have to be strong for your journey" They said. When he was finished, him an his family went outside, he said his goodbye's, his mother gave him a hug, and he was off, Finally, i'm starting my own adventure, who knows, maybe i'll even get to study a legendary or mystical pokemon. He thought to himself. He made it to route 2, and his adventure officially began.
Trey woke up early in a hotel located in Rockoce town. He got up and stretched, going over to the bed where his Lucario slept. "Hey, Auroro, wake up buddy! Today is our first gym battle!" He said excitedly. Auroro woke up to Trey's words and smiled brightly. "Good morning to you too, let's go, shall we?" Auroro replied. "Yeah! Here we come!"He said as he immediately got ready after brushing his teeth and such in the morning, handing Auroro a brush so he can brush out his fur. After doing so, they headed out and began walking to the gym.
Violetta made her way out, but was still very confused. "Can anyone help us?" Violetta said, hoping for help. Linux facepawed. Even the little Vulpix knew where to go. Might as well take a lunch break soon, Violetta thought. After eating, she went further, and finally made it to route 2. "Thank Ho Oh!" she cheered.
"Hey, Hender, i just thought of something, there are probably going to be times where people challenge us to Pokemon battles, so, lets catch some of the most interesting Pokemon we see, and fight the gym leader? and, he has evolved forms of Pokemon that we can write about in our book, while the battles going on." Hender chirped in agreement. "oooh, look a Cherubi, ok Hender, remember what we learned about this Pokemon, they use leech seed a lot. Remember, use hypnosis, and peck 2 times, then we can catch it." Alex told his Hoothoot, which nodded in acknowledgment. They creeped up behind the Cherubi in tall grass, then, "Hender, hypnosis" The Hoothoot easily used the move, having of practiced it thousands of times. The Cherubi stumbled, and fell asleep, and Hender easily used peck twice, the battle ended with a "Click" and Alex had a new addition to the team.
Violetta picked up Vulpix. You wanna battle someone, girl?" She asked. Linux squealed, leading the ginger to belive she wants to battle. "Lets do it then!" Seeing a young boy near the tall grass, she smiled. Approaching the boy she said,"Hey you! Let's battle!"
"Wait, me?" I say to a girl approching. Wow, my first pokemon battle. "Hender, you ready?" I whisper.
(Will post for beldum later)

It standed high and straight ontop of MT-Frost,White mist expeld from its body,its red eyes look over the Ice land.Lighning Crackle around it as its Mane slowli went with the wind,Kirin was calm and in peace,It had a mission to serch for the raging beast but thus was not the day,it shook its head revealing a Pendante around its neck of a V shape ligning bolt and made of ice,It neigh Befor Turning around and seeing down the mountine,its eyes Fix straight and started galloping down the Mountin then Giving a Loud Neigh as it Gallop Quickli down the Mountine of ice as the cold mist slowli coverd Kiring Hidding him from being seen in the snow plains.
"Yup!" Looking at Hender sg

he thought, HootHoot eh?' Violetta let Linux the Vulpix jump out her arms. "No! You'll ruin the collar!" Violetta said, taking Linux's expensive collar off and replacing it with another. "So, are you game?"
"Ok" Said alex, his heart beating fast, So this is what it feels like about to start a pokemon battle. "Hender, Hypnosis!" I yelled.
Darn, seems like i'll be relying on growl this fight Alex thought to himself. Hender got hit by fireball, not hurting it too much but still hurting him. "Hender, growl!"
After getting out of the gym and winning the badge, Trey and Lucario walked out, Lucario stretching with minimal scratches and scrapes. "Wow, we did pretty good for our first time!" Trey says. "I agree, it was pretty fun fighting!" Auroro replies to him. "Next town?" He asked. "Next town!" The Lucario replied excitedly as they began to run. Eventually,they reached route 2, where they saw a pokemon battle going down. "Oh cool, a trainer battle! Come on Auroro, let's go watch!" He said as he grabbed the Lucario's paw and they ran to the battle area, watching the two trainers go back and forth with each other.
"Dang!" said Violetta. Knowing that it lowered Linux's attack stats, she decided to use a non fire-type move."Fire spin, go!" The Vulpix acknowledged and did the move. You can do is Linux! she thought.
Max was in a heavily forested area, with one of his closer friends. The two were on lookout together, as they usually did with the group. As lookouts, they kept watch for trainers, and hostile Pokemon. They had to alert the others if that happened. They had seen a few other pokemon/trainers in their time, however, he had seen one Riolu fall victim to a Pokeball. His name was Tom or something. He couldn't really remember anymore.
Darn, that's going to hurt him over time, thought Alex ok, remember, growl, peck, "Hender, growl!" I yelled, hoping to lower the damage again.
"Linux, use growl back, then use attraction!" Violetta yelled. Violetta could only guess that Hender was a male.
(seeing how attract has no effect xD )Vulpix was hit by peck, and squeaked."Ah! Linux, directly use fireball now that you got him!"
Violetta smiled, knowing Hender was where she wanted. " Since he's closer, let's finish this up! Fire spin!"

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