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Fandom Pokemon: Elements (Open!)

Keith was walking through a forest. Farfetch'd was besides him. Keith was trying to find a caterpie turn into a metapod. He's never seen one do that before, and he thought it would be interesting to see. His Farfetch'd was looking behind trees and bushes for who know's what. In other words it was a normal day. "What you looking for Far?" He asked.

He got a grunt from Far.

"Hm." He said. Then he begain hiking through the forest again. He came to a clearing full of caterpies, and sat down, watching.
Emilie groaned as her Vulpix tried to lead her somewhere. Flare seemed excited, so she just went along. "C'mon! I hate forests!" Emilie complained as the fox Pokemon led her further into the lush green forest. The Raede wasn't a nature person, but she did whatever Flare wanted.

"Let's have a break." She said, settling down on the cool grass and pulling out food. The Vulpix continued to sniff around a nearby bush.
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Pike squealed as he bit into a berry, its juice dribbling out the sides of his mouth. Kochma laughed at the pikachu's excitment, a pure and simple laugh that echoed through the forest. The sat in a meadow, the trees swaying slightly in the gentle breeze.

"Don't eat too much Pike, you know how sick you can get if you eat too much."


"Fine, a few more, then we will go looking for new friends."
Vulpix suddenly stopped and her ears and tails stood on end. "Uh oh.." Emilie groaned. Flare reacted like this when another Pokemon was sensed. The Vulpix bounded over to her and nuzzled her hand, signaling for her to follow. "Fine!" She followed Vulpix till she saw a person in a meadow. Vulpix bounded towards the person.
Vulpix suddenly stopped and her ears and tails stood on end. "Uh oh.." Emilie groaned. Flare reacted like this when another Pokemon was sensed. The Vulpix bounded over to her and nuzzled her hand, signaling for her to follow. "Fine!" She followed Vulpix till she saw a person in a meadow. Vulpix bounded towards the person.

Pike had moved on to a farther bush, too far from Kochma.

"What the?"
Vulpix kept running and hurtled towards a Pikachu. "Flare!" Emilie called. "My shoes are getting dirty and my hair is a mess! Stop running!" Emilie huffed in exhaustion and looked at the other trainer. "Erm... Hi."
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Vulpix kept running and hurtled towards a Pikachu. "Flare!" Emilie called. "My shoes are getting dirty and my hair is a mess! Stop running!" Emilie huffed in exhaustion and looked at the other trainer. "Erm... Hi."
" Pika?!?"

Pike stared at the Vulpix for a few seconds before offering a berry to Flare.


"Oh, Hello there."

Kochma leaned back farther to see Emilie better, his sea green eyes searching her face.
[QUOTE="The Reaper Of Souls]" Pika?!?"
Pike stared at the Vulpix for a few seconds before offering a berry to Flare.


"Oh, Hello there."

Kochma leaned back farther to see Emilie better, his sea green eyes searching her face.

Flare jumped back, then hesitantly sniffed the berry. "Vulpix!" she squealed, devouring the berry whole.

"Sorry about Flare. She's usually aggressive, but today she's in quite a friendly mood." Emilie said.

"I'm Emilie, by the way." the girl finished, holding out a pale hand.
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Flare jumped back, then hesitantly sniffed the berry. "Vulpix!" she squealed, devouring the berry whole.
"Sorry about Flare. She's usually aggressive, but today she's in quite a friendly mood." Emilie said.

"I'm Emilie, by the way." the girl finished, holding out a pale hand.

Pike grabbed another berry for himself, chewing slowly.

"Kochma or K is my name. It is very nice to meet you."

K gently shook Emilie's hand, he was wearing fingerless gloves that were soft to the touch.
Emilie smiled, looking slightly flustered. "Where are you headed next?" she asked, running a hand through her red locks.

The Vulpix curiously looked at Pike. She then attempted to tackle the other Pokemon.

"H-hey! Flare!" Emilie exclaimed, before waiting for an answer from the other trainer.
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Emilie smiled, looking slightly flustered. "Where are you headed next?" she asked, running a hand through her red locks.
The Vulpix curiously looked at Pike. She then attempted to tackle the other Pokemon.

"H-hey! Flare!" Emilie exclaimed, before waiting for an answer from the other trainer.
"Eston Town. And You?"


Pike rolled out of the way and ran a few feet away. His black bandanna waved as he stood, waiting for Flare to come at him again.

"It seems Pike thinks Flare wants to play."
"I really haven't decided" she replied, feeling relieved that Flare wasn't causing trouble. "Maybe I could join you? It would be nice to join someone as I look for battles.

Flare ruffled her fur and jumped at Pike again, obviously enjoying the Pokemon's reaction to her playful attack.
"I really haven't decided" she replied, feeling relieved that Flare wasn't causing trouble. "Maybe I could join you? It would be nice to join someone as I look for battles.
Flare ruffled her fur and jumped at Pike again, obviously enjoying the Pokemon's reaction to her playful attack.
" Why not, the more the merrier. "


Again Like rolled out of the way.
[QUOTE="The Reaper Of Souls]" Why not, the more the merrier. "

Again Like rolled out of the way.

Emilie smiled. "Agreed!"

The Vulpix started to appear frustrated and pounced more aggressively on Pike.


||Eston Town Outskirts - Pheonixia||


A calm, almost sleepy look was spread across Blake's face as his headphones played soothing jazz music for him to jive to as he he looked over the vast route known as Route One, also known as Johl Path, as it lead up to the infamous Johl Cave. Here Blake sat, eyes half-closed, and half-asleep, drifting off to dream-town as he waited for the okay from Eston's Professor. In his lap, Pupil the Nincada- his first Pokemon ever- had long since fallen asleep, a tiny pair of wireless headphones, custom made, sat on his head, the same jazz music Blake listened to playing soothingly in his ear.

Finally he felt a vibration in his pocket, signalling that he was getting a call. A small grin grew on his chill face, as he reached in his pocket, flipped open his flip phone, and held it up to his ear. "Hey Professor, how's it going? Good? Great. So, did I get the all clear? ...Awesome. Good to know I'm a legitimate trainer now, haha!" His grin only grew more as he heard the Professor happily announce that Blake Thrush, son of August Thrush and Belinda Thrush was now a trainer fully recognized by the Pheonixia Pokemon League.

"Good to know my man- I'll get my adventure started right away, 'dat cool?" The professor, of course, agreed that he should start immediately, and perhaps head to one of the many nearby Miltank Farms. It'd be good training, both for him and for Pupil, who at the mention of his name, snapped awake, casting a curious glance at his trainer. "Kay then. Miltank Farm it is. I'll try and fill that 'Dex out for you, but don't be surprised if it's only, like, a quarter filled when I become Champ! Haha! Hehe, yeah, you too Prof. Have a good day." *click!* And with that, Blake was free to once again do as he wished.

"Well... it's good to know our adventure's going to start off so good, huh Pupil?" He grinned at his Nincada, who gave him a confident nod, and leapt to the ground at Blake's feet. Shoving his hands in his pocket, Blake hopped off the ledge he'd been sitting on, and started off down a rough path into Route One, headed for the nearest Miltank Farm.

((If anyone's looking for a rival, Blake'd be happy to apply, hehe.))
Emilie smiled. "Agreed!"
The Vulpix started to appear frustrated and pounced more aggressively on Pike.

K stood up, easily towering over the red-head. He wore stylish clothes that clung loosely around him, while a black scarf sporting the same symbol as Pike's bandanna swayed lightly.


Pike squealed loudly when Flame managed to land on top of him, successfully traping the energetic electric pokemon.

||Route One - Pheonixia||


"...You done, Pupil?" Blake yawned, relaxing on the grass as his Pokemon trained himself. Blake wasn't lazy, or so he thought, he was just confident. Confident Pupil knew what he was doing- at least to the point where he could handle a few wild Pokemon on his own, even if a few of them were flying type. He had two or three Potions in his bag, an Antidote, five Pokeballs, and a Heal Ball he'd spent a grand on, making him unable to buy a Paralyz Heal, unfortunately. Besides that and the essentials, he was barren for items. So, when it came to healing, he couldn't be expected to be able to do much.

Soon enough, Pupil returned, a happy look on its face. His Pokedex pinged to let him know his Pokemon'd gained strength, much to his amusement. Tossing Pupil an Oran berry he'd found lying on the ground, he got to his feet, his headphones hanging around his neck, and playing his favourite song, Virtual Insanity. He loved playing it, and his Pokemon loved it even more. "Well, I guess we've trained well enough, yeah? Let's head to that farm. I heard that the Miltank there give some pretty sweet milk- I'd love to try it!" Grinning, he set off on the path, only to find it obstructed with a young man in a blue cap and yellow shirt. He had a glint in his eye that said he knew he was "all that".

"Hah! Foolish trainer! You've locked eyes with Route One's most powerful trainer- the almighty Youngster Joey himself! Turn back now, or face my Ratatta's wrath! Who, by the way, is in the top percent of all Ratatta in the world!" Blake smirked, cocking an eyebrow at the youngster. Pupil, on the other hand, simply groaned, and tried to walk around the young man, to no avail.

"Hehe. Well, kid, if you want to battle, I'll swing. I could use the free exp." That only served to upset Joey, who angrily sent out his "top percentage" Ratatta. "Pupil, I'll be takin' the reins of this battle, alright?" His Nincada nodded, and faced down the Ratatta. "Now, let's start off strong, Scratch 'em!" He cried, and Pupil obeyed, shooting forward before raking claws bathed in white light across the Ratatta's face, causing it major damage, but not quite defeating him. Instantly, it whipped around and Tackled Pupil, dealing him a decent amount of damage, thanks to its STAB. But even then, it was over. "Finish this! Scratch him again, and end this!" And with one final rake to the face, Youngster Joey was defeated. Grinning, Blake waved goodbye to the young Trainer, headed off again towards Miltank farm.
Sage sighed, looking back at Eston Town. He'd never liked the place much, due to the cramped atmosphere, and the fact that everybody knew your business. Yet he didn't understand why he was so reluctant to leave. He guessed it was because, overall, he was grateful to the town. His upbringing had been better than most, and although it wasn't perfect, he figured nothing really was. He shook his head, clearing those thoughts.

He looked over at his Eevee Sky, taking note of the frustrated look on her face. Although it was tough for him to leave, he understood that it was much harder for his clueless friend. It pained him to see her this way, so different from her usual self. They had been together since he was young, and he felt more comfortable around her than he did actual people. He looked away from his partner. There wasn't much he could do to cheer her up at the moment, he figured.

Sage looked up at the clouds, a determined light filling his eyes. This was finally it, his chance to see the world. Excitement flared in his chest as he took one last glance at Eston Town, before walking down the dusty trail leading to Route 2.

[Didn't know if the OP was active or not due to the date of his most recent post, so I decided to start posting anyways, if that's okay with everyone]
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