Pokemon | δ | Team Delta - Additional IC


Keeper of Silence



Extra Episodes!

Extra Episode 1: Obligatory Beach Episode!

[Pages 1 - Ongoing]

The Episodes in this tab are non-canon extra episodes where characters get to interact in ways they normally wouldn't have a chance to in the canon. These side episodes are meant to be more light-hearted than the canon RP, and there will always be some completely arbitrary and probably compelte BS reason in place why characters can't simply kill each other in the bonus chapters. Just have fun with it.

At the beginning of each of these extra episodes, your character(s) will find themselves in a situation or place, and they will have no memories of how they got there or what they were doing before they got where they are. This is to keep these non-canon events from sitting anywhere specific on the canon timeline.

If you're looking for the actual canon IC thread, see the Main Thread:



Deep within the bowels of Team Delta HQ, a particularly dangerous object was stored away where no one and nothing could reach it. It was a bottle, held suspended in the center of the sealed chamber by chains of energy. A cold blue light from these chains illuminated the otherwise empty chamber.

A girl stood inside the chamber. She looked up at the bottle with curiosity in her eyes. The girl opened her mouth and spoke a single word. The word flashed in the air in front of the girl:


The top of the bottle lifted off, and the light in chamber seemed to darken. The chains of energy holding the bottle in the air faded and fizzled out, dropping it to the floor below. Dark energy surged forth from the now-unsealed bottle. An ominous laugh echoed through the air. The girl reached down and picked up the bottle. The sealed chamber was left completely empty, save for the top of the bottle left lying on the floor.

All around the world, golden rings appeared and spirited away individuals.
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Team | δ | Delta

Extra Episode 1 : Obligatory Beach Episode!

A large island sat alone in the middle of the ocean. As far as the eye could see, there was nothing but blue seas and sky. The island itself appeared to be a tropical paradise. The entire coast of the island all the way around was beach, soft white sand cool to the touch. The sand stretched a hundred feet from where the waves crashed gently against the island to the tree line. There were palm trees filled with coconuts, and the forest appeared to grow more thick further in. Beyond the tropical forest, a small mountain rose in the distance.

A golden ring appeared above the beach. Jay Rayne fell out of the ring and face-first into the sand.

"Owww," he groaned as he sat up and shook sand from his hair. He looked around. "Well then, this is new. Where the hell am I?"
Reikei found her self upside down in one of the palm trees on the beach front,her legs the only thing anchoring her from the ground below.being blown by a wave her jacket nearly fluttering away ,though having no way get free but fall with that a ungraceful topple from the branches to the sandy ground .Taking a few of the tree fruits with her as she landing in a crouch,her eyes twinkle with her landing almost righting her self as the hard fruit came down after her with the onomatopoeia sounds of thunk,crack,bonk ! As she would shed a few silent tear as she crouched holding her head ,as she stumble out on to the beach. "What the hell is this place ?,where those god damn delta swines! it must be there fault !"her temper a oddity coming out from the pain from the blows of the rock hard fruit that had whacked her,glaring around about til seeing Jay a small distance away her face going blank as if questioning if this mand had heard her ?.


Squeezing her eyes shut tightly, Rianne screamed as she fell, letting out an 'oomph!' as she crashed onto the sand. Letting out a low moan as she laid still, it took a moment for the blue-haired woman to push herself up into a sitting position.

Once sitting on her legs, one hand pressed to her knees and the other clutching her head, Rianne slowly blinked the sand away from her eyes before taking a look around. She could tell she was on a beach immediately, mainly because of the sand now covering her face, but as she continued to look at the nature around her, it became highly obvious. Watching the trees sway slightly in the breeze, the woman smiled lightly before spotting the person near her. Eyes wide she realized that she knew who was beside her. Jay Rayne, one of the admins of Delta.

Gulping she could only look away at the sound of faint shouting. Dragging her gaze away from the man near her, she could see a woman she didn't recognize.

Olympia barely managed to close her eyes and hold her breath before she hit the water head first. Fortunately, the water was warm.

What the f***?

Angling her body upright, the dark haired woman kicked her way to her way to the surface and took a large gasp of air as her face emerged from the water. "What kind of trick is this!?"

Looking around her, Olympia was relieved to see a beach with some people ahead. The Magnolia Family Head swam towards the island while trying to remember what had happened. Unfortunately, nothing came to mind. Absolutely nothing. Olympia growled as she climbed onto the shore of the beach, her clothes soaking wet and her mood poor. In order to keep herself distracted from her irritation, Olympia focused her attention on the other occupants of the beach. There was a woman with blue hair, standing a bit further from a couple. The couple comprised of a woman with even brighter blue hair and...


Olympia instinctively reached for her pokeballs...which weren't there.

"Alright, fine." Olympia charged forward, her fist raised, only to be thrown back by an invisible force.

"Arrgh! Damn you, Rayne!" Olympia, growled, her back flat against the warm sand. Moments later, she was back on her feat and glaring at Jay. "Fight like a man for once you Worm!"

@Infinities Lover

@Kinzu Hekmatyar
As other, equally confused about where they were, people emerged from out of the treeline, further down the beach, and then from the shallows, Jay came to the conclusion that all of the others must have also been dropped onto the island by the golden ring he had seen for a split second before his face hit the sand. Hoopa must be involved somehow. That little imp was a serious pain, but usually it was content with smaller pranks than abducting random people from around the world and dumping them on an Arceus forsaken island in the middle of nowhere. As far as he knew, doing such a thing was beyond Hoopa's ability.

Jay looked up at the woman charging towards him. He appeared to be unarmed, and without any of his pokemon. Well then, this was probably going to be uncomfortable.

"Oh, hello once again miss Oly-" As her fist came towards his body, he was thrown back by an invisible force. "-mpia," he choked out, the wind knocked out of him. He pushed himself back to his feet and brushed himself off. "Well, that was fun. Let's not do it again, shall we?"

Was that Hoopa's doing as well? Dammit, what the hell was going on here!? He looked around at his surroundings once more and frowned. "Excuse me," he spoke to the people nearby, "but do any of you remember what it is you were doing before you arrived here on this island?" He'd just tried to piece together what had happened to him in his head by going back over the events leading up to appearing on this island, and he'd hit a wall. Try as he might, he couldn't remember what he'd done today before falling out of the ring. Wait, ring? Why was he thinking about a ring? He felt that there was something important he was forgetting, but even as he tried to remember, the thought disappeared. Now that he thought about it, how had he gotten to this island in the first place?
Rianne winced watching the woman charge the man who was pretty much one of her bosses. "U-um..." she mumbled quietly, knowing that no one would probably hear her. She winced again as Jay was thrown back as well as the woman....Olympia? She could only guess at this point. Glancing around again, she learned that Mizuki and Akemi were no where nearby and her heart tightened with fear in her chest as she became worried, for her best friends, and then for herself.

Hearing Jay ask if they remembered anything, she realized that she couldn't. She couldn't even remember the last time she'd seen Mizuki and Akemi, and that's what really scared her. "U-uh...n-no sir..." she told him, standing a few feet away, fiddling with her thumbs awkwardly. She had no idea what was going on, and talking to one of the Admins of Delta....well, she'd prayed that she'd never have to...Looks like things didn't work out well for her.
“No,” Olympia answered shortly, narrowing her eyes at Jay. At first she had assumed it was one of Jay’s pokemon that sent her flying. However, it wouldn’t make sense for Jay’s pokemon to knock him back as well.

So this isn’t Delta’s doing?

Olympia flicked her eyes towards the bright blue haired girl. From the way, she spoke to Rayne, Olympia guessed she was a Delta Officer too. Olympia scowled, studying the girl who was fiddling her thumbs.

She reminds me of Koert.

“What I want to know is what kind of crazy magic is keeping me from landing my fist in your face?” Olympia sneered at Jay. She glanced around wondering if she could find any pokemon that could have caused the phenomenon. Nothing. She could see nothing but a deserted beach. Olympia sighed.

I randomly get dropped from the sky into a stinking OCEAN and I can’t even get the satisfaction of punching Rayne in the face even if he’s right in FRONT of me?

She kicked ground beneath her irritation, sending bits of sand in the air. Olympia hated being toyed with and it was clear, to her at least, that someone was toying with her.

“Well, there’s no point in sitting around and doing noting,” Olympia said irritably. “The first thing we gotta do is find out if there’s any other people on this island besides us. If we’re lucky, someone will be able to tell us where we are.”

Moving might also help my me dry faster.

She approached the woman who reminded her of Koert and folded her arms across her chest. “Correction, the first thing we’ve got to do is introduce ourselves. I know who HE is,”

Olympia sent Jay a dirty glance before returning her gaze to the bright blue haired woman. “But I don’t know who YOU are.”

“YOU as well,” Olympia spoke in a louder tone, directing her statement to the other woman who stood a little further away. “I’m Olympia Charette.”

@Infinities Lover

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She took in the sight of the sudden woman coming out the water to try an punch that man of the couple,Than both of them being hit by some unseen force which at first she thought it was perhaps a ghost doing. But all that didn't make sense after all this was on a bright an somewhat paradise like island,the cogs in her head turning eyeing her cousin from her safe distance able to chuckle a bit at her state at least mentally portraying a stone expression as she spoke,"I'm Reiki Burida....". she would remark rubbing her head a bit the coconuts "bombardment" stung a fair amount .
Rianne flinched, knowing the girl, Olympia, she reminded herself, was scowling at her. She sighed internally. She probably assumed she worked for Delta which.....unfortunately she did. Oh why could Mizuki and Akemi be here? she lamented.

Having become so lost in her thoughts, she squeaked in response once Olympia was before her. "U-uh y-yes?" she stuttered, not sure what the other female wanted.

Gulping, she winced at the sneer Olympia threw Jay before her gaze came back to her. "M-Marianne Jones..." she trailed off. "O-or Rianne, that's what most people call me..." she told her, pulling on her thumbs.
"Karma, I would like to think," Jay said under his breath, but he made sure it was loud enough for his serial failure-of-an-assassin to hear. He bowed lightly to each of the women as they introduced themselves. "It is a pleasure to meet you Reiki Burida and Marianne Jones," he said. He didn't seem to have noticed that Rianne was in fact a Delta grunt even though she had called him sir. He may have not noticed, or he was simply accustomed to people calling him sir due to being recognized as one of Delta's admins. The tropical temperature of the island was starting to get to him, and Jay pulled off his white admin jacket.

He opened his mouth to agree with Olympia's plan to look around to see if there was anyone else on the island, but something falling out of the sky and landing with a solid thump in a plume of beach sand just dozen feet away stopped him. Rayne's eyes shot up towards where the object had fallen from, but there was nothing there. He walked over to investigate what had dropped.

"It's bathing suits," he said sounding slightly perplexed holding up a stack of folded clothing tied into a square by a violet ribbon. Jay looked up again and then down the beach. "Hmm, you know, I think I'm going to use this rather unusual situation to lay back and relax a little bit. Searching the island isn't really something that needs to be done just this second. It isn't as if it's going anywhere. I can't remember the last time I had a vacation, and there are plenty of worse places to be lost than a tropical paradise."

Whistling merrily, Rayne pulled a pair of dark blue swimming trunks from the stack of swimwear and twirled it around his finger as he walked towards the treeline to change without making things unnecessarily awkward for the other three. "Oh, and I know you have trust issues Olympia, but I'm just going to get changed and I'll be right back. No need to peek." Well, no need to make things unnecessarily awkward for two.
Rianne nodded weakly as her superior greeted her. She wasn't sure whether to feel relief or worry about whether or not he recognized her. Biting her lip and playing with her thumbs is all she can seem to do right now and without something to do she was essentially lost on what to do next. Feeling a bit of sweat slide down the side of her face, she knew Jay had the right idea of removing his jacket. Glancing down she realized she wasn't wearing her Delta uniform and frowned. So she hadn't been at headquarters before being taken here?

Sighing she unzipped her creamy yellow colored jacket, tying it around her waist when the parcel dropped before them. Frowning, Rianne crouched down and slowly sifted through some of the apparel, flushing at Jay's words to Olympia. Coughing she grabbed a yellow, orange, and brown paint splattered style bikini.

Glancing at the two woman, she shrugged weakly. "H-he has a point....if you think about it..." she offered. "I mean...this could be worse, and....well the heat is starting to get annoying..." she finished, looking down at her brown tights and brownish black skirt. "I-I'm going to go change, excuse me." she told them before darting off towards the other end of the trees, away from Jay.
She would blinking at the two going off to change,adjusting her already revealing outfit shaking her head before she shuffling off to the tree line. first to collect a things to make her self a crude umbrella,collecting palm tree leaves with portions of it stick still attached crossing all the stick using tall grasses to make crude binding to lash the palm tree leave shaft together. Driving a slightly longer roughly the length of 4th feet,lashing it together with the palm tree canopy finishing her work. brushing her hands together.

Comming back to the beach front to stab the stick into the sand than sitting under the umbrella to hide away from the sun ,as she had no intentions in going into the water of the beach.She had a dislike to swimming in open water along ,hiding under the umbrella she would clutch her shins as she just looked out at the water splashing onto the sand beach front . "Hey Cousin,it hurtful you don't remember family ",she would remark from her shaded hiding place.

she let go of her own shins before she began mindlessly,shifting the grain around her slowly making a trench around her awaiting for the return of the two beach goers,while also waiting for her kin to reply, a slight yawn escaping her mouth trying to remember if she was just having some weird dream happening to her or had she poisoned her self .

@Infinities Lover
A woman fell through the air and landed with a splash in a small basin filled with freezing cold spring water. Her head reappeared above the waters surface a moment later, gasping from the sudden change in both temperature and locale.

Celena swam to the edge of the pool and pulled herself up onto a large flat rock. For once her hair wasn't some bright neon hue, instead a shiny silvery color, and her eyes a pale pinkish-red. She lay on her back panting and dripping before she began to assess her situation. She was in an unknown location, tropical in nature judging from the temperature and flora visible, with no memories of how she had gotten there. Had she been abducted by some unknown enemy of Delta? It was unlikely that she would have allowed herself to be taken, and she didn't feel as if she was injured anywhere, so it was unlikely she had been compelled through force.

She was puzzled for a moment as to why her butt was starting to feel hot, until she came to the sudden realization that she wasn't wearing anything besides her white admin jacket over her shoulders. As she'd dried off from the cold spring water the heat from the black rock had been trying to cook her.

"What the hell is going on!?" Cel began to panic as she came to realize that she might actually be in danger. She wasn't wearing her tech-suit, meaning she couldn't call her battle suit or weapons. For the first time in years, she didn't have any weapon or gadget on her to use. She held her hand a foot in front of her face and squinted at it. Whatever had stripped her of her suit had been thorough; she didn't even have her contacts. She calmed her breathing and slowed her heart rate to better evaluate the situation with a level head. So she was stuck in an unknown tropical location, with none of her weapons or a means to contact HQ, and on top of that she was almost naked.

She needed to locate other people and a way to contact Maurice first. She looked at the thick forest that lay in every direction. If she wanted to find anything, she'd need to walk through it. The thought of walking lone and unarmed through dense tropical forest didn't sound appealing, but she didn't have much choice. She was vulnerable and in a very dangerous situation, but she needed to get back to Maurice and Keith. If something had gotten her like this, they could be in danger right now too.

Celena grabbed a piece of rock that had a sharp edge and stepped off of the large black rock she'd been huddled on. She crossed her arms protectively in front of her and pushed her way through the trees. To her short metal to-do list she added: find clothing.

That was the first thing that came to Olympia’s mind as she watched Jay whistle merrily while making his his way to the tree lines with a pair of swim trunks. When was Rayne ever happy? He had been nothing but cold and indifferent when Olympia met him. A paranoid coward that refused to fight fair. And now, all of a sudden, he was polite and friendly!?

Well, alcohol tended to do strange things to people.

When Odalis had dragged her and Koert to a pub once, in order to celebrate a successful mission, Olympia had been given a clear view of what his friends were like uninhibited. Odalis laughed…a lot. It was like the red-haired man found everything funny. Koert on the other hand…Olympia smirked.

Whenever I get out of this island, I’ll be sure to take him drinking again.

Unfortunately, that won’t be happening so long as Rayne wanted to happily vacation on a beach. Olympia scowled. She didn’t like to relax. She liked to train. There was nothing more exciting than competition…the thrill of battle. Relaxing did not get her heart racing.

“Delta officers must have a hard life if Rayne considers being stranded on a mysterious island where an unknown force is clearly toying with us vacation,” Olympia said offhandedly. She sighed.

“But I guess he does have a point,” Olympia agreed reluctantly with Rianne. Odalis would have probably told her the same thing. At least, the old Odalis would have. Olympia glanced down at her soaked clothing, which was clinging to her skin. A swim suit would be preferable to what she was currently wearing. When she saw that Jay and Rianne were out of sight, Olympia quickly changed into the black two-piece. She kept her sunglasses.

Olympia glanced up when she heard Reiki speak. Realizing that she was the only one that Reiki could have been speaking to Olympia frowned.

“Family? Have we met before?” The dark haired woman sat beside Reiki Burida. The only non-Delta Officer besides herself. In other words, Olympia’s ally. Olympia narrowed her eyes as she tried to recall Reiki.


Her eyes widened remembered Odalis and Old Man Julian mentioning the name once or twice. It had been when they had been going over the list of Family members.

“So you’re a Magnolia,” Olympia said lazily, staring at the sea. “Sorry, but I don’t really know much about them. Didn’t even know my mother was part of a mafia family until two years ago. It’s nice that you’re here though. I can’t imagine being stuck on an island with just Delta Cops. Rayne especially. Don’t listen to what he says. He may be acting nice for now, but he’s a two-faced liar. I bet he’s just trying to get me to let my guard down so he off me like the Delta Scum he is. He burned down my house trying to kill me after all!”

Olympia grimaced as she recalled the images the two punks Gavin and Greg had sent Odalis of the remains of Charette Manor. They weren’t even remains really. There was nothing left.

Olympia pointed to sky and screamed. “Hey, Karma! If this is really your doing then you should be focusing your rage on Delta Admin Jay Rayne and all his friends! They’re the crazy bastards trying to screw the Pokemon world after all! They deserve to SUFFER just like I’m suffering right now!”

Olympia’s stomach rumbled. She flushed red. “I’d also appreciate a snack, Karma!”

A large picnic basket suddenly dropped from the sky landing in front of her. Opening she could see a wide array food from fruits to sandwiches. There were plates, napkins, and utensils as well.


Just what the hell was going on!?

@Infinities Lover

@Kinzu Hekmatyar
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Jay walked back onto the beach with his clothed tied in a ball around his shoes. The soft sand was cool beneath his bare feet. As he approached the two women who were still on the beach he saw that one of them had constructed a beach umbrella out of just sticks and palm leaves. Just from what he knew about Olympia, he could assume that it was the other woman who had done it.

"Very nice work, miss Reiki," he complimented with a nod of appreciation. "I suppose this hot sun will eventually pose a problem should we prove to be stranded here, but for now I will choose to enjoy it." He had noticed that Olympia had changed into a swimsuit and gave her an amused smirk he knew she wouldn't miss through her black sunglasses. "Oly my dear, it is a true shame your acting skills are so far lacking. I suspect you would have more success with your targets if you approached them dressed as you are."

Spotting his admin jacket still laying on the sand where he'd taken it off, Jay took a step back and tossed his ball of clothes like he was shooting a three pointer. The clothes hit the sand a foot from the edge of the jacket with a soft thump. "Oh well," he said with a shrug as he turned back to Oympia and Reiki. "Oh, were we magicked snacks and refreshments this time? Lovely." Rayne pulled half a sandwich out of the basket without hesitation and ate half of it in one bite. "I think I could get used to this whole being abducted thing," he said.

"Well then, I'm going to go for a swim. Should some danger arise, simply have Olympia yell. She is quite loud."

Rayne walked down to the water, and after walking until it was up to his waist, he waited for a wave to come and dove into it. His head reappeared above the surface after a few seconds a little ways further out.
Hearing her kin explanation made her feel,something of a exile with the would be leader of the mafia family . "Right,what ever then i guess i expected as much from a head member of the family choices". she lost interest like letting go of holding her knees ,she honestly didn't love the outside an would rather be inside some were enjoying somthing cold.Zoning out a bit only for a bit ,that when Jay appear again complimenting her construction on her umbrella.Watching him for a little bit before nodding in a sleepy manner ,letting out a yawn stretching a bit she accept this all must be a dream between random objects just dropping out of the sky .She recline with a sigh ,an await for something to garner her attention the hot sand lulling her into a nap.

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