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Fandom Pokemon: A New Beginning!

[QUOTE="Joey Winchester]Is it too late to be a part of this?

nope go on ahead
Awesome! Ok so what region does this take place? Or is it new? Do we have to pick the normal gen starters? Or can it be any poke? (No legends of course)
[QUOTE="Joey Winchester]Awesome! Ok so what region does this take place? Or is it new? Do we have to pick the normal gen starters? Or can it be any poke? (No legends of course)

Any and a new region :D
[QUOTE="Joey Winchester]So what's the battling system gonna be like?

Well between trainers I will be playing the many people you be facing against, to determine the winner, I shall use a dice system where the highest number wins
GardinOfEden said:
Well between trainers I will be playing the many people you be facing against, to determine the winner, I shall use a dice system where the highest number wins
Cool. Believe it or not, but I used to play a pokemon version of dnd me and my friends put together, so I should be able to understand everything.

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