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One x One Pokehuman roleplay!


I have a Club Penguin Premium Memmbership. BD
Hello! Thank you for taking the time to read this.

I am a Roleplayer looking for somebody to do a Pokehuman Roleplay with!

Well, the plot is set in a Modern era (with a strong Pokemon feel) set in the Kalos Region, where fake Griseous Orbs are being sold on the black market, and seriously hurting people. An unlikely pair of rookie detectives (you and I) are thrown into the case, learning new things and making friends along the way.

Not the best plot, I know, but it's an idea that's been swimming around my head, so I just had  to try it out!

Things you should know:

-I live in England, so if you're a Roleplayer from another country; timezones are going to be a bitch. You've been warned.

-Although not preferred, Romance is allowed. But, as my duty as a Roleplay partner; the choice is entirely up to you.

-On  the subject of Romance, I don't do dirty Roleplays, sorry m8.  :|

-I can Roleplay as mulitple characters, Male and Female.

-Please try and co-operate with the story! I don't want to drag the whole thing on my myself, I am always open to ideas!

-Your level of literacy (e.g free from, semi-literate, adv.literate) isn't very important to me. I can usually write about 1-3 medium paragraphs, but I do not mind how much you write. However, the correct use of spelling, punctuation and grammar is a must, though typo's are fine. I'm sure we've all had a finger slip every once in a while!

If you have any questions, let me know.

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