Poetry Poetry Connect-a-mongous-connectium! (Creative Exercise)


Temporal Aurielian Guard
I have no idea what that name is, but I have an idea for us energetic and bored or even those who are currently witnessing writer's block! Let's play a thread game! We write poems based on the previous person's poem. If you find some sort of loose connection, paint a picture for the next person to grab ahold of that poet's brush so we can continue passing on the brushes!

The rules are simple: pick a part of the previous poem, it could be the theme, a word, a rhythm, a feeling, scenery, etc! Just take that and make your poem from it, and then the next person can take your poem and do the same thing!

Ill write a poem for us to start!

"Gone Boy"

Long-sleeved arm across the short table
To see if I can write a fable
Short or long enough to grab onto

I connect with keys like threaded twine strings
Connecting to little word-puppets
Creating stories that walk across
Off-white pages and scream profanities
At passerby's that look for too long

Eyeing the pages as the finger swipes
Back and forth trying to find a philosophy
Entwined between the edge of a line or
At the back of the book inside the spine

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