• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Pocket-Sized - Rules


1) Have fun :) or whatever

2) Only specified users can accept Character Sign-Ups.

3) No GMing / bunny-modding.

4) Your character must be accepted before you can start RPing, once it has been, feel free to join in whenever.

5) Site rules (duh).

6) No killing of other members without permission of either the killed player or myself.

7) OCC stays in OCC.

8) Write at least 1 sentence per post ( :P ).

9) Don't be OP.

10) Don't always dodge.

11) One character per user (unless requested to me)

- - -

12) There can be swearing as long as it's mild and not abused (otherwise, use a spoiler).

13) There can be gore as long as it's censored by a Spoiler.

14) There can be mild sexual themes (such as: fetish, fixation, ect) in light descriptions and in Spoilers, do not describe in depth; instead Fade To Black if the latter occurs.

15) For any serious sexual themes (sex, reproductive organs, ect), Fade To Black

FYI, Spoiler is for censorship.

If you read the Spoiler and get upset, it's your own fault :I
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