Plenty of Ideas. Fandom and Original!~


Bust :(
I'm new to this site, but certainly not to role playing.

I typically role play ideas/pairings from fandoms, but I'm open to most things.

One thing my role plays always include is romance.

I'm always willing to double and/or play canon characters, so no worries.

However, I have a few requirements I look for in partners:

1- Be "literate". I need someone who can use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

2- Please do not switch from 3rd person to 1st person randomly in your posts.

I prefer 3rd person, and I will most likely not role play with you if you're not consistent.

3- Be active. I really need a partner who can reply more than once a day.

4- Be honest. If you want to quit, I don't mind, but at least have the decency to let me know you're quitting.

Alright, so, that's it!

Onto my pairings/ideas.

Harry Potter ( Looking for Snape, Draco, Luna, Sirius, or Ron.)

Percy Jackson (Looking for Percy or Nico)

LOTR (Looking for Legolas)

The Hobbit (Looking for Thorin)

Supernatural (Looking for Cas or Dean)

Thor/Avengers (Looking for Loki)

Celebrities (Looking for Tom Hiddleston, Brenden Urie, or Leonardo DiCaprio.)

Original plots-

1- Royal Siblings in a relationship together.

The basic plot is simple, a brother and sister are in love with each other, and have been since they were thirteen.

They're royalty, but typically their family does not stay within the family as far as relationships go.

So, they keep their relationship a secret.

Now, at ages 20 and 22, they've been engaged to people from other counties to unite their own.

As they get to know their fiances, the brother finds he actually likes his, and begins to pull away from the sister.

The sister's fiance is a douche who sleeps with any woman willing, and who beats her.

As the brother pulls away, the sister feels betrayed, and begins to plot revenge, or, depending on how it goes, she and the brother run away together.

In the beginning, I'd like them to be close, and very much in love, and despise the idea of marrying someone else.

As the rp goes on, I,d like the brother to begin showing more interest in his fiance, and pull away, bit by bit.

We can decide on the ending together, once we've gotten that far.

Set during medieval times.

Young adult finds herself pregnant, with the boyfriend she's been with since 9th grade, but doesn't know he's been cheating on her with her best friend.

Set during Modern times.

3-Girl starts working for a young man who owns a huge mansion outside of town. Doesn't realize he's a vampire.

Set in Modern times.

I'm also up for horror role plays and end of the word types. I love zombies as well.

I'm open to other ideas, so please just ask.

However, I will
not do the following:

One Direction

Jonas Brothers

Doctor Who


Once Upon a Time

Justin Beiber

Vampire Diaries



No one? Seriously?
Hii!! I like the royal siblings in a realationship ^^

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Um, like? I need a setting.

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I'd reaaaally like to do royal siblings, but we can do more than one role play if you want!

Please PM me, if you have the time.

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